Victims of the floods that occurred in Karonga district on Monday have asked the Malawi government and other stakeholders to give them condoms.

The victims want condoms in order to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS since they expect a lot of sexual activity in the camps in which they are staying.
Apart from the condoms, the victims also need relief items like food, Chlorine, water guard and other related items.
The floods in Karonga occurred after the North Rukuru River burst its banks due to persistent rains that had fallen in the area of Paramount Chief Kyungu.
Authorities say to avoid the swelling of the North Rukuru River due to heavy rains in coming years, there is need to rehabilitate dykes and to conserve catchment areas of the river by planting trees along the river banks.
According to district officials, 4500 people from 900 households have been affected by the floods. The floods have also enormously affected crops along Rukuru River and authorities say 48 hectares of maize, banana, rice and cassava have been established to have been affected.
Kkkkkkkkkk Damascuss Dj-Lobodo Phiri ndakuvano
Why plp of kg? Insaid of asking chipulumutso from God,ur asking zithu zosangalasa thupi.
Why plp of kg? Insaid of asking chipulumutso from God,ur asking zithu zosangalasa thupi.
Mind you Clement Wa Kalemba there must be a point of collection, these people are not floods victims but sex feelings victims
Mind you Clement Wa Kalemba there must be a point of collection, these people are not floods victims but sex feelings victims
I feel sorry for Malawi! Why is it the governement’s responsibility too give you condoms dunderheads? You are in charge of your sexual ilfe and do not bother the government about that! if you want to get infected go ahead its you that is going to die not the government!
Kkkkkkkkkkkkklk Damascuss Dj-Lobodo Phiri ali momo Jele Jele Jele nde wachita kusamuka ku lilongwe nkupitano kukakhala kukaronga konko akut basi akalandire nawo kkkkkkk koma twin wako
M’malomopempha chakudya akupempha Condom, koma mtundu uwu
Condoms number one….. Food number two….. Tht’s wat the Northerners r gud at, kkkkkk
Ooooooookkkkkk atolankhani dziko lathunso mukulitola uchitsilu eti?mundinva kuwawa
hahahaha sanalakwitse ku camp kumakhala zambiri and aliyetse apatse ma condom ambiri malingana ma rounds amakonda zikomo
Behold My Donation 2 Those Sexual Lustful People….!!
Nanga pali chomwe alakwa ngati.
Nanga pali chomwe alakwa ngati.
Paja kupoto njala kulimbe ife chomene timachisowa ndi macondom basi coz ife mimba zathu sizisowa chakudya
Kikikikiki! Condoms and floods…
Anthu akuMalawi .. God help you guys
Mmalo mwa food?
Thi government’s plan only want malawi population kill them thi calling criminal gvm i say you no ability to commandment leave gvm with another one to be commanded its fine import maize flour from zambia to save ur life’s show advantege to allow import them……..
Fuck, I think its better to unlike think page, am tired of ur silly posts
Nanga si atumbuka mwawatenga ngati zibolibolo, zongosweretsa mukakhuta deya amene mukamapemphetsa ku chigayo? Kumazifunsa chomwe muli. Mwayiwala kuti kwanu ku mwera nkumene kumatchu pa nkhani za maboma pa nkhani yachisembwere, mpaka kudulana maliseche ndi mikono chifukwa chokanana kugonana.
atumbuka nonse Mbolo n Nyini zanu kukonda kuchinda
Yaah,ayiwala za njala?kkkkkk
malawi 24 yabodza iyi.. ine ndili konkuno kukaronga bwanji mumangoonjezera nkhani
Kod mukufuna kut afune chimanga ngat akuuzani kut akusowa chimanga bwanji? Iwowo chimene moyo wao ukusowekera pakali pano ndi Macondom thts their major problem guys kkkkkk let them hav condoms….akafunaso chimanga akuuzani kut akufuna mmera as of condoms condoms condoms….apaseni
Kkkkk iwe chamba sudzaleka ndithu… I hope twin langa silili mgulu la ofuna makomdomuwotu… #LobodoLobodo
anaziwa amalawi 24 kuti apa tipeze macoment ambili condom ikhalepo pazofunika ndi izi zimakoment phwiiiiii
anaziwa amalawi 24 kuti apa tipeze macoment ambili condom ikhalepo pazofunika ndi izi zimakoment phwiiiiii
thy aredey know abut de food crisis thts y thy ar asking 4 condoms 2 forget abut hunger & practicing chigororo
thy aredey know abut de food crisis thts y thy ar asking 4 condoms 2 forget abut hunger & practicing chigororo
Othawa ali ndi ufulu wa protection
Othawa ali ndi ufulu wa protection
Oooh dear,donors will be busy kkkkk
Oooh dear,donors will be busy kkkkk
Esh amalawi kkkkkk choncho mkumati peter agwa pansi mupepha kondom kkkkkk yah
Esh amalawi kkkkkk choncho mkumati peter agwa pansi mupepha kondom kkkkkk yah
kkkkkk koma yah
hihihihihi koma anthu akukaronga. kutiziwisa kut mmaziwa zogonana heavy?
Haahhahaha what?
kugundana in the process
point of correction:con-doms not condoms
Koma yaa! zodabwisatu izi
This is total nonsence why not ask for gud shelter,food,clothes eish umunthu umunthu nje will never change condoms for wat!!ask for long term family planning!!eish our cpuntry yooo!!
YouthToEarn.com/?ref=237394 click the link n see the magic
YouthToEarn.com/?ref=237394 click the link n see the magic
Kkkkkk mtundu umenewu Eish!
not food nor shelter
#malawi24 are jst gd in gossiping not news. Stupid jornalists!
Let’s love each other and pray for others, no nation is higher than other
Atumbuka kukonda zigololo too much
I read each and every comment on article, all u saying is Tumbuka this Tumbuka that, kodi mwayiwala kuti ndife amodzi? Come on guys mwina munthu wapempha makondomu ndimumodzi koma poti ndiwakumpoto doesn’t mean onse ananena zimenezo. Pliz let’s respect each other.
eti guyz kungolemba za ma condom bas osalembapo za zina zofunikira,sibwino kuipisa mbiri ya anthu omwe akuvutika ndi madzi osefukira.
kkkkkk but its good point mainly for family planning though they move in hard time
Kkkkk, akufuna azipopa kapena kuveka zida?
Ukakhuta Umafuna Kuti Uphwetsere Mkhuto,adyere Konsekonse Anthuwa.
mmmmmmm mwaabanthu muzamufwa na ugundizgi,,,,,,,mungapemphako haaa ma baibolo panyake chakulya…..mmmmmmmm nilije chkuyowoya ine
Hahahahaha water is killing you but you more intrested in …..
mwina amafuna ma kondomu ndi munthu mmozi nayeso wakachasu, inu basi mukuaveka anthu onse uchisilu, nanga zikanakhala kuti makolo anu ali mgulu lothawa madzilo mukanalengezaso chimozimozi? osamanyozesa anthu osalakwa pilizi!
Tikumva mumanyuzi kuti kuti kumwera mukumadulana maliseche mpaka kudulana mikono chifukwa chokana kugonana komweko. Lero zikomere galu kugunda mbuzi? Ulemu udziweni. Zilizonse, atumbuka. Zilizonse atumbuka. Atani atumbuka mukulimbana nawowo? Ikhale nyimbo poti apempha makondomu? Inuyo mwalakwitsa zinthu zingati?
Auzeni bro akuwonjeza kwambiri nkhanga izo
Auzeni bro akuwonjeza kwambiri nkhanga izo
Ladies and gentlemen, you are now misled. What M24 has disclosed, it’s just a mere talk. It can’t happen guys. Above all, don’t take advantage of the situation to insult the Tumbukas. If you have a hatred with the Tumbukas, why can’t you just pose rather than talking like that. If it were you, what would have been your reactions. A tumbuka mulimbana nawowo, ali phee, inu mungotaya nthawi yanu kuchita comment zinthu zosadziwika ndi mutu wake.
aaaaaa kkkkk pamalawi koma eish
Muzidya kuchindana komweko agalu kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Kkkk apa nde Atumbuka mwaswa record tu
Nanga anthu apulumuka ku madzi nde akafe ndi edzi achita boo kupempha
Kikikiki. …they are so stupid, hw can they ask 4 condoms instead of food & clothes! It shows that we are feeling sorry for nothing!
A Malawi 24 pa fb pa ayesa posewelela sopano, awatu ndi masewelotu awa akuakulu, i ca’nt understand munthu akusowa chakudya ndiye azipempha makondom, azikhuta chigololo chomwecho. Plz tazikhalani serious akuluakulu.
Kkkkkk mmalo mopempha pogona ndi chakudya akufuna kondom koma yaaa madzi padimba.
Zoputsa m’malo mopempha chakudya
Kkkkkkkkkkkk osapempa ilala bwanji
Let’s burry up all these hatchets. Time Out for the issue of condoms.
kkkkk anthuwa akukhuta mokwanila kumeneku eti mpaka kumaganizaso zachigololo eshi.munthu wanjala sangaganize znthu ngat zmenezo
Ok, we have learned a lot from you. Some people take advantage of this to insult the Tumbukas. This is no good.
that total baseless issue. nobody in karonga has asked for condoms. we have two radio stations that reports issues of the victims and their needs. we have kachira, blm, macro, kdh, and many more organisations that i believe they are ready in stalk of condoms, and that the victims cant plead assist from the govt. am saying this becoz the places affected by the floods are not far from the main market, and also use the same market dairly. plz dont cheat people.
Instead of food?
Kkkkk koma nkhani zinazi nzofunika utadya mokwanira nkuyamba kuseka
Thanks Dominic Lapuken Banda for your likeness on my comment.
Lemekeza condom, ndiye Mulungu wako wachinayi…Ku Karonga lemekezani macondom kuti masiku a miyoyo yanu achuluke..wina asakunyaseni apa….kunyoza wopempha condom ndi umbuli wa gee
Mtumbuka sazatheka i think chapangitsa kupempha condom ndi kukula kwa maliseke timakuuzani machekera chekerawa ndi izo
Kkkkk you pple are funny, asking for condoms what are you preparing for? Njala yoseyi osapempha chimanga bwa!! Chiwewe chavuta kkk. Bola tisaveso kuti kuliso ma homosexuals kumeneko.
Kkkkkkj Agailidwe ma condoms kt aziziteteza bax
Typical tumbuka’s libido too much always thinking of sex
To me it sounds the same like they need mosquito nets.. Protection is important.. They wise not just flood victims!
kikik malawi sazatheka
Kkkkkkk Ankhonde kukonda kukwatana
No wonder God put punishment in Karonga hence of your stupid thing how could you ask condoms instead of food and other things that can help you
Koma kukhala mtumbuka ndi mavutodi eti?
What are for the condoms instead of considering the situation u have?
m’malo mopempha water guard ,Food ndi zofunda
m’malo mopempha water guard ,Food ndi zofunda
Anthuwo azikumbuka za chisebwere m’malo molira katundu mukupempha makondomuwo? Kusowa podyera basi, akapezeka mankhwala matendawa mulira agalu inu
kkkkkk odiii ukoo
kkkkkk odiii ukoo
Don’t blame them that way. Maybe it was a mistake from Malawi24 news to understand what these people needed.
Don’t blame them that way. Maybe it was a mistake from Malawi24 news to understand what these people needed.
Bt admin mmmmm umawonjeza kwambili
Bt admin mmmmm umawonjeza kwambili
Priority should be food,shelter and clothes then condoms should come fourth. You mean you can need a condom while spending days on empty stomarch,these people seem to go heywire.
Priority should be food,shelter and clothes then condoms should come fourth. You mean you can need a condom while spending days on empty stomarch,these people seem to go heywire.
Kkkkkkk what for
Kkkkkkk what for
Aliyese amapempha chomwe chikusowa
Aliyese amapempha chomwe chikusowa
Kkkkkkk kuseka ngati zabwino koma bwanji malawi 24 umakonda kufikira ma negative point
Kkkkkkk kuseka ngati zabwino koma bwanji malawi 24 umakonda kufikira ma negative point
Mufatu mukachita masewera. Pa nthawi yake,
Mufatu mukachita masewera. Pa nthawi yake,
Nowadays condoms are part of basic necessities.kkkkkk
Nowadays condoms are part of basic necessities.kkkkkk
Ask the one who post it.
Ask the one who post it.
Ndiye chavuta ndi chiyani pamenepo ?
Ndiye chavuta ndi chiyani pamenepo ?
People criticise with facts,where people converge because of war,floods or any cramity they are some who may engage in prostition,and this is a fact with any tribe.For one to mention of protection (condoms) from Aids is being very wise.He is fearing of the unknown in such a stuation.Bravo to who so ever mentioned of condoms.
whats that
whats that
Koma abale
Koma abale
Mfwetu is a South African language, simply meaning mnzathu. Am here in South Africa, Capetown.
Mfwetu is a South African language, simply meaning mnzathu. Am here in South Africa, Capetown.
Wakifusa ndi ndani osamangosambisa nkhalambazo bwanji
Pepani makosana ndingowerenga ma comment basi
Pepani makosana ndingowerenga ma comment basi
Is there any connection between floods and condoms?.
Is there any connection between floods and condoms?.
Mtumbuka si malawian uyeza amasimba mfwetu kapena unavulalira nkat
Mtumbuka si malawian uyeza amasimba mfwetu kapena unavulalira nkat
But y condoms? Kkkk
Thupa Ray, anthu ena Malaw yemweyo, sakumudziwa kuti muli mitundu ingati ya wanthu? Nanga ziyankhulo zake, zili motani? Zonsezi, sakudziwa. Ndi magulu aja, a bola kwacha. Ndatsutsa uja amayankhula zoti aku Mzimba si atumbuka. Mzuzu, Mzimba and Rumphi, ndikumene kumapezeka angoni. Nkhatabay, Likoma, Chizumulo, nkwa atonga.
too demanding
Makosi ghinu
akuwanamizila sanapemphe makondom
Shaa!!!!!! Unbelievable !!!!!!is it lyk seriously? Unbelievable
Kkkkkkkkkk koma ndiekutiso kuli chisembwere kumeneko?
Aa, iwe wabodza. Ukuti ku Mzimba ndi kwa angoni? What type of language do the ngoni from Mzimba and Mzuzu speak? And what type of language do the people of Karonga speak and what about Rumphi?
What tribe therefore comes from Mzimba?
karonga they speak chinkhonde
Arsenal vs Leichester City
It’s it true……….?
It is sad that the poor cannot prioritise their basic needs. Ofcourse sex is a need but to prefer condoms over food is worst folly. However i believe they requested food and condoms because with a full stomach sex can be enjoyable
use condoms to avoid unwanted floods!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe they want the condoms so they can fill them up with air and float away. ??
Maybe they want the condoms so they can fill them up with air and float away. ??
koma iwowo ndizitsilu mmalo moti aitanitse chakudya akuitanitsa makondomu !!!!!! ndawamvera chisoni
koma iwowo ndizitsilu mmalo moti aitanitse chakudya akuitanitsa makondomu !!!!!! ndawamvera chisoni
apaseni ma condom ma gyz wo aaaaaaaaaa
apaseni ma condom ma gyz wo aaaaaaaaaa
Fuck u Malawi24
Fuck u Malawi24
Condoms for what, is the flooding nothing to do with condoms, what will condoms help in flooding?
Condoms for what, is the flooding nothing to do with condoms, what will condoms help in flooding?
winawe fwefwe atumbuka zaziiiii
winawe fwefwe atumbuka zaziiiii
koma inu atumbuka simudzamva ai azanu akudandaula njala mankhwala mzipatala ndizina zotele koma inu m,malo mopempha zinthu ngati zomwe ndatchulazo inu mukudandaula kufuna macondom zowona.
koma inu atumbuka simudzamva ai azanu akudandaula njala mankhwala mzipatala ndizina zotele koma inu m,malo mopempha zinthu ngati zomwe ndatchulazo inu mukudandaula kufuna macondom zowona.
Does it make sense to the reporter? I think the reporter asked for them as he will be there for some time monitoring the situation.
Does it make sense to the reporter? I think the reporter asked for them as he will be there for some time monitoring the situation.
Kkkkkkkkkk I always follow Malawi24.com cos its most craziest news online. people are running away from flood and they are facing hunger.how can they ask condom instead of food and shelter? Foolsake !!!!!
Kkkkkkkkkk I always follow Malawi24.com cos its most craziest news online. people are running away from flood and they are facing hunger.how can they ask condom instead of food and shelter? Foolsake !!!!!
nothing wrong
The Malawi 24 is just creating stories in order to please the multitudes.
Very unusual. Strange.
Koma awawa ali ndi mavuto aakulu, ndipo akuganiza za makondon?…………………
Masiku omaliza Anthu adzakhala ogontha mmakutu zosadabwitsa izi ndi nyengo yake Nthawi ya Zivumbulutso
Sangadye condom isted of geving them maize
Pamenepa zikugwilizana bwanji?floods victim ask for condom wat for?nthawi yathadi zoona,
kkk Makondomu achani njala iyi? nde kut chakudya mulinacho kale? Zimakoma ndi ka Energy giving Food otherwise ………….
Thiaman Njati Symon
hahaha….. go buy urselves condoms, govt will buy u food n give u shelter
Hw cn u Fuck while u’re Hungery?,Y dnt u ask 4 food and other staff,YRRRRRRREEE!,
a malawi24 ndimbuzi…karonga yake iti?
Mwina afuna azivala ngati ma life jacket kuti aziyandama mazi akafika povuta.
Kkkkk this is funny kma anthu mwatsogoza zadama nsima kuisiya pambali eti kkk size yabho
Guys don’t play holy. They must have asked for so many things but these medias often write things they know will attract people’s attention. Especially malawi24 is good at that and if you don’t know them better don’t comment. This might as well just have come from one source but they have generally reported as if it is from all tumbukas in question. Learn how these guys make their reports and you will never be surprised what they are made of
Kkkkkk kaya
Mavuto magwere gadaff, Ndiwe mwana wahule osaziwa mtundu wa abambo ako anagona ndi amuna ambiri mbiri tsiku limodzi ndipomwe anayima mimba yaiwe ndiye ndipovuta kuti uziwe mtundu wako.
Some reporters though…
To be honest, the Malawi 24,has misinterpreted the headline. I feel those people were not asking for condoms.
I hav no doubt that #Admin of this page is a muppet!
kkkkkkkk nkhoma kungochindana?
Mmmm boza lankunkhuniza vipuwa
wanthu wa mahala kwithu ku north,osati aja aku lowershire aja amangochindana,,,,,,,
In fact, the people of Karonga district aren’t the Tumbukas. The Tumbukas are hailing from Rumphi, Mzimba, Mzuzu. But due to great misconceptions we have towards tribes, we mix the Tumbukas and the nkhonde people from Karonga, as one thing so called the Tumbukas. If you want to know more about the Tumbukas, go to Mzuzu, Mzimba and Rumphi.
Tumbukas thy are from Rumphi not mzimba, mzimba are the ngoni ‘s including mzuzu, coz mzuzu ali m mzimba
I support this Mr mathews phronosis even other words they speak in mzimba differs from us in Rumphi I have guys working together here in capetown
These people are not serious at all
This caunter are opposet jahena
Kkkkkk koma atumbuka mmalo mopepha zofunda kkkk
Atumbukafe musamadabwe nafe chifukwa the only enjoyment we have know for a long time ndiye ndikuchindana. Palibepo nkhani apa tapepha macondom kuwopa kutenga mimba komanso matenda. Munthu ukaliralira umafuna kusangalala tisiyeni tizichindana
Aids is real…..it kills!! Ndikuwamvetsa anthuwa
Kwamwne timamuziwa mbwenumbwenu sizachilendo iziiii chogololo 4 much atumbuka……mbuli za xul hahahahhaahahahha mtumbuka sazathekaaaaa
Hahaha iwe ntumbuka ndinchewa mbuli ndani bwele uzaone achewa anzako akulima fodya
in short pathako pako
Ndiye kuti zakudyazo awapasa zambiri akadya nkukhuta ma condom azivulana mmatenti mwawomo.
Mr Mayesero little Kachule, anthu simukuwamvetsetsa bwinobwino. Apatu, nkhani ndiyoti, bwanji sakanangopempha chimanga ndi zina zotero zoti ziwathandize, nanga si ndi ma flood victims? Ndiyeno, kulakwitsa kwa pempho lawo, ndi ma kondom? Funso ndiloti, inuyo Mr Mayesero, nyumba yapsa ndi moto. Mmalo moti mupemphe zofunikira, inu mukukapempha condom, anthu pokukuwonani, kodi aziganiza kuti mutu wanu uli bwino?
Dziko lafika popwetekesa mutu
Good comment mr
ine i dony believe kuti of all the things ma flood victims angaitase ma condom okha, the way these pple report things zimasinthiratu tanthauzo, nkutheka anapempha zovunikira zose koma pamene yafika h.i.v masiku ano i wldnt be surprised kupempha ma condom. m24 kusinjilira
melai…anthuwa anapempha zinthu zambiri including ma condoms…and ndozindikira kupempha zimenezo cos ziwateteza…a 24 alemba heading ndi cholinga chot apange attract anthu kut awerenge..wrong journalism
Kkkkkk koma guys mukukanika kukhaka 10 days osadya goods kodi makondomuwo achani mmesa anthuwo alindimabanja? Kenako azapempha nkhondo kubedi nthubulo gondolosi ayi boma likaoda kulidzulu libweretsa muzigagadana bwino
anthuwo sanalakwe coz anena kut and other items koma olembayu chomwe waganiza ndi macondom
pure think
#Avance go back to school ,u don’t kno which part TUMBUKA’s. belong ,
They feel like all north is 4 Tumbuka.
They feel like all north is 4 Tumbuka.
ngat sakuziwa malawi yemwe nanga Africa
F*** k pple
Amakonda chidyerano that is why akufuna ujeni popeza adzikhala church komanso classrooms
Houses are sinking there is likely to be malaria typhoid diahrrea and all diseases the fools are thinking of sex and more babies in that misery
Eti malo moyitanisa mankhwala n net ali bzy kuganiza za sex.kkkkk malawi sazathekaso basi
misinformed pipo ,someone passed by and gave awareness messages assuring residents dat condoms will protect u against unwanted troubles ,he or she never emphasized dat condoms will only protect them from unwanted preg as well as hiv virus ,so the dummies jus thought otherwise ,and so insist the government intervenes by showering every household with condoms as protection against floods lol
Mw24 Did It Deliberately To Attract Readers & Comments (Viewership). It’s Wrong Reporting Though
Not food or any relief item
Kumangodziwa kulalatatu ngati inu abwino..chosecho atangoti ma condom asoweletu malawi muno nomwemu mukunyozanu mutha kukhala # kufuna kuyambitsa mademo….dnt try to look holy when u r not
Ndigwireni pamkono wawa!…ndipo demo yake ya nyoo, apa akukamba ngati munthu, fokolo zake uyu
My fellow Tumbukas why calling 4 condoms instead of food & good shelter? Thats y we are funy 4 pple in Malawi.
have u read the articile well yourself? It’s people from Karonga, not tumbukas. tumbuka is spoken in Rumphi and part of Mzimba. go to Karonga yourself and witness the language that karonga citizens speak. Kyungu is a Ngonde chief while Tumbukas are under Chikulamayembe.
Teach him
Teach him
So wat is your urgement dear bro.
iwe siumaziwa kuti paliponse mziko lapansi pamapezeka anthu ofoila mutu?
shaba he even doesn’t know of the language he speaks so how can he know of someones language? ask him and him will tell u that he speaks japanese
iwe pa mididipako,,,,,simtumbuka. but mnkhonde,,,,,,,,hz nt. tumbuka stupid….vyazgowela kukugundana nakubana nga njuchi
Its better to keep ur mouth shut if u can not make a head or a tail of wat am saying.lets start thinkng as malawians not as northerners,southerners or wat ever.
Kulibe kuganizira mwina. Anthuwo ndiye kuti anapemphadi makondomuwo.
You cant float on a condom. Something nsomby. Lmfao.
Ndeno iweyo ukuti Atumbuka Kukonda Chigololo Zugwirizana pati??? Zafodya eti?
nde mtumbuka ameneyo, achina Mkandawire and friends
Koma abale izi ndinkhumbadi et?akufutsa ma condom wa ndi gulu liti la anthu kodi?munthu wa 80yrs kufutsa ma condom? kkkkkkk misaka,kanundu ndi azibale awotu.
Mmmmiiii, Malawi #24, nkhani isakule, ingonenani kuti: Anthu Omwe anakhunzidwa ndi ma #Floods Akufuna ma Condom”!! Basi, kma mukufna nkhani ikule za zhiiiii!!
Aaa, zinazi abale, zongopweteketsana mutu. Ndibasawundika kumangomvera tinyimbo pa screen, DJ Benitto, disaster.
Ine ayi ndimakomoka malawi usandisekese kkkkkkkkk
Or mkaziyo, ali ndi njala angalore kuchindidwa, asanadye?
Osangokhala bwanji…..nchifukwa azungu amati ma africans kukonda ujeni………before ma floods simunkapempha zimenezi pano mwapempha coz of floods……mufe kwambiri tichepe
Atopetsana ndi ndege
hahahahah koma kumpoto muzingokwerana instead of ask 4 food bax kuthamangila kuchindana kkkkkkkk no benft
Zikugwilizana pati za zií
These people asking for condoms are all crazy. How can someone ask for condoms whilst the country is experiencing shortage of food? Ndiye kuti pali nzeru pamenepo? Kumangoganiza zomangogonana basi, osaganiza zaku tsogolo ayi?
eyakaya mmenekugonana kumakomera muja. heheheeee
reporting at it’s best
Ww.Mtumbuka sazagonjera chigololo .com.mtumbuka simunthu serious.Mtumbuka Sazatheka guys.kkkkk
Mavuzi yanyoko yimbwa
Iweyo &everyone in yo family.
Koma a Tumbuka kukonda chigololo!!!!!
Hehe Guyz Kumalawi! Munthu Uli Pa Vuto Ukafunenso Condom Yachan? Zangosonyeza Kut Akukhuta Coz Kunena Zoona Chigololo Supanga Uli Ndi Njala Plus Mavuto Izi Zokha Ndie Zodabwisa! Ali Pa Mtendere Awa Njala Ndi Sex Ndi Pallarell !
Condoms? 4 what
they know what they wanted
Hahahahahahahahahaha um dead.
They ar no Tumbuka tribe in Karonga but Nkhonde tribe.
They ar no Tumbuka tribe in Karonga but Nkhonde tribe.
I know that being of Tumbuka descent and having stayed in Karonga.
I am laughing at the journalism here
Nanga kuchindanako kungakome bwanji Anthu muli ndi njala?
Kkkkk not food
za Ziili floods yake iti yomwe akufunila ma condom yo Ife zot kunali floods tinaiwala koma anthu ena
thats a briliant idea because they dont want to b victims of Aids again
That is real drama instead of asking things suit to their problems as we know Flood victims can not asking condoms how can they take advantage of their problems ? Condoms to flood victims out of priority
Kkkkkk kumeneko nde kupusa malomoti mupemphe zinthu zofunikila kuti ma condom muzagwilise bwino ntchito?
kkkkkkkk koma zina inu macondom achani??
Ndakomoka ine kkkkkkk
kkk nde muzipangira sex mmasakasa anu
Imeneyo ndiye Malawi 24.Imasankha part yokhayo ikukamba za negative.It has never reported anything positive Broz Joseph Window
Kufuna kuyalutsanatu tsopano anthu ena akamva adziti chigololo chamanga mizu .
asking for condoms is not anegative idea,what more can u ask apart from life?
But it doesn’t make sense that you are in lack of food and shelter , instead you are making condoms a first priority.
Zili ngati munthu wa maliseche kumufunsa kuti ndigulire chiani kuti uvale ndiye akuuze kuti ungondigulira chibangili kapena sokosi .
Kkkkkkk Koma
Mwayankhula zomvekatu a Wills Window
Mwayankhula zomvekatu a Wills Window
kkkkkk odiii ukoo
kkkkkk odiii ukoo
Condom is part of basic needs in 2016.. Protection is vital n unwanted kids are not good when u in struggles like these
Sanalakwise iwo awona mavuto omwe akula kumeneko nzomwe apempha kt msangamsanga apasidwe zimenezo
Sanalakwise iwo awona mavuto omwe akula kumeneko nzomwe apempha kt msangamsanga apasidwe zimenezo
admin. this is sarcastic n stupid! if u don’t hav news just backdown!
These people are not really asking for the condoms…..Coz they knw if they ask for the food…the government will delay….but coz it is the condoms you will see how quick they will supply☆
Apart from the food, chlorine, water guard and other items, the water victims also need condoms.
Osangofikila kuti anthu othawa madzi apempha ma condoms.
you can make a good Chief Editor my bro….so brainy
Eti amwene amapanga choncho, cholinga ife tiziti chomwe akuchifuna anthuwa kwambiri ndi ma condom
Ma Condom Akufunidwawo ndi zipangizo zikufunikira populumusa Anthuwa Zikugwirizana chani?.
Ma Condom Akufunidwawo ndi zipangizo zikufunikira populumusa Anthuwa Zikugwirizana chani?.
But is it true gyz?
Kkkkk asiyeni achindane
This is so ridiculous…these victims they are not in real trouble…becoz if they are truly in trouble they would have not hav sex feelings at all…ithink they are joke crackers
Mmalo mopephera kuti mwapulumuka§!
kkkk cant wet 2raf kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk north on fleek
Me too,they think we all got nice phones so that we can access the page easily@Damiano
Kkkkkkk…. shaaa
Kkkkkk koma ndaseka… aaaa zikumathekanso mma tent mommo?
kkkkkkkk zokumva kupweteketsa mutu
Koma a malawi24 ndi alesi kulemba nkhani.Amangolemba mutu wankhani kenaka akuti FULL STORY,ulesi basi
they are after maney.ihate this news too
mi 2
Devil is doing much with u people! Please change ur behaviour and follow Jesus christ intruth.
Ur Stupid…! Are Going 2it Condomz…?
Anthu akukaronganu msatisekesepo apa
Kikikikikikiki dzina ukmva kupweteketsa mutu!!!
This is GOOD thinking. kuziteteza mokwanila ndikofunika.
Kkkkkkkkkk apatseni
these people to me they make sense.it means the other side the government and some other organisaions has assisted them fully but now the condoms are missing.That is why they are asking for condoms so that they can be protected also and enjoy life like any other dudez
man you is oky and what these people are saying as well but the question is what image is portrayed there??sex is not need they can live without it. can’t they ask for iron shit or money to rehouse there dagger?? this is some how pointless and shameless
don’t pretend to be a child bra!we are all adults let us not lie,if someone will have sex unprotected ,he can build a house but he is HIV positive whose gonna sleep and use that house?so to me these people have got a point to share,but our problem is that we are thinking shallowly we need to change our mindset and start thinking deeply
Bad reporting!
Nzeru palibepo apa, mutafuna macondom anu omweo agalu
osat, chmanga?,ok any way, pot ndchlengedwe,,koma2 kukwatana kumakoma ukakhuta,,,
Mmmm man mwaonjeza2
azi chindana pasi pantengo????mesa manyumba akokoloka….uku ukuchinda uku udzuudzu waluma pa nchila kuti utupe ukule aziti ali ndi wawukulu
Man mwayankhulatu kk
aaaa nanga akupanga zopusa anthuwa hahaha
Koma zinazi mzosekesa ndithu anthu mulipacamp mungamasogoze za chiwerewere mmalo moti muzipemphera ambuye kumwamba kuti zikutherani bwanji? Mmmmh yaweh angoyang’ana ndipo apa palibe mzeru
kugundana dats all the blackest people from north pole know
kkkkkkkk dats lyf,chishango ndimoyo wanu…..
Inu atumbuka muli ndinzerudi inu?
Kkkkkkkkkk Apatsen
Kkkkkkkk aah
all floods victims are fools insted of askng 4 food assistance they are askng condoms 4wat 4? nde kut azidya kuchindanako? kuchindana kumakom nd kudyerat..
Mmmmmhh man mwaonjeza
koma link munasegula
Vuto ndi Malawi 24 vuto si ma floods victims
Kodi akuwuzani kuti chakudya sanawapatse?
Guys,awansotu ndi anthu ngati ife tomwe komanso ali ndi zilakolako.
Guys,awansotu ndi anthu ngati ife tomwe komanso ali ndi zilakolako.
Food, shelter, clothes etc… Are obvious needs for flood victims.. This is a special need that need special request.. I see nothing wrong.. Don’t make unnecessary kids when u already homeless with no food n shelter..
Ur a big fool in this conversation
kape wamkulu ndiwe #benson nde kt naweso umakapemph nao ma condom et?
mw 24 nd wabodza
Musadabwe Ku Karonga Ndikuchmake Kwa Chiwelewele Chfukwa Akufuna Ma Condom
aliyese amasankha chimene akuchisaukira!!!
Thats the north i know… Anwy tzakwatrabe konko popeza nkazi akamwalira u are allowed to wed ur wife’s sister
You target on tumbuka now.but you must know that in kalonga there is no tumbukas.
Ndekuti ndizowona ngati mkaziwamwalira umaloledwa kukwatira sister wake?
I heard so
Zakwatireni ngati mukuwona ngati kuli yabowoka kuno umaa
Melinda ndikupezaaa tkambirane mofatsa bwino
Koma ndiye
Mmmm God have mercy
To them condoms are better than maize kkkkk
So the priority #1 are condoms
F***K! Is this all you can ask for?
asaaaaaa chimangq ayi koma MA condoms???iyayi apaseni
Coz akapepha maize sawapatsa NDE bola macodom basi kkkkk
kkkkkkk chaka chino timva ndikuona zoopsa asaaaaaa
Kkkkkkk Koma Kumpoto Anthu Sadzakozeka
ayayaya ndagoma nawo….#speechless
Stupit People how can u think of sex”while u crop and you belongs has gone ? Think about plan B than thinking of condom and sex in a classroom kkkkk
Very Interesting! Mtundu Wanji WA Anthu Umenewu? Mmalo Modandaula ndi kupempha Chakudya ndi zinthu zofunika kwa akulu ndi ana, Basi Kupempha Condom? Kuganiza Zochindana Basi. Ayi, Apaseni Matani Matani Achindane mpaka Nselu mbuzi Za Wanthu! Shame.
Instead of begging food and shelters,then you are busy asking for minor needs. Kkkkkkkk. Thats Malawi I know.