PP says members have the right to quit

Ken Msonda People's Party Joyce Banda

Malawi ex ruling People’s Party (PP) says anyone in the party is allowed to leave as the party is now facing demise after some politicians quit amid mounting tensions over who will succeed its leader, Joyce Banda.

PP’s political landscape took yet another turn on Sunday after Director of Social Welfare Tony Ngalande resigned from his post.

Ngalande joined former minister Moses Kunkuyu who also quit the party last week.

However, speaking to Malawi24, PP publicity secretary Ken Msonda said that the party still gives room to those willing to join or quit the party.  He said the party doesn’t regret their going as it is expecting other people to join.

Ken Msonda
Msonda: Everyone has rights.

Said Msonda: “PP is passing through “pruning season”; some leaves are falling off to give room for new, fresh and strong leaves to grow. PP will be stronger than we are when all is said and done.

“We regret but not worried that some members are leaving; death of any family member, be it that of a saint or a sinner is regrettable. We would have loved if those leaving had stayed but since they have decided to go, we wish them well; it is their Constitutional Right ‘freedom of association.”

Members who have quit the party described that it is difficult to withhold the on-going wave of change and because people are fed- up of empty promises of Banda’s homecoming and all they need is change.

Recently, Banda appointed Kamlepo Kalua and Uladi Mussa as party third vice president and party president respectively. However, other members of the party obtained an injunction at Mzuzu High Court restraining  Musa and Kalua from take their position.