Malawi ex ruling People’s Party (PP) says anyone in the party is allowed to leave as the party is now facing demise after some politicians quit amid mounting tensions over who will succeed its leader, Joyce Banda.
PP’s political landscape took yet another turn on Sunday after Director of Social Welfare Tony Ngalande resigned from his post.
Ngalande joined former minister Moses Kunkuyu who also quit the party last week.
However, speaking to Malawi24, PP publicity secretary Ken Msonda said that the party still gives room to those willing to join or quit the party. He said the party doesn’t regret their going as it is expecting other people to join.

Said Msonda: “PP is passing through “pruning season”; some leaves are falling off to give room for new, fresh and strong leaves to grow. PP will be stronger than we are when all is said and done.
“We regret but not worried that some members are leaving; death of any family member, be it that of a saint or a sinner is regrettable. We would have loved if those leaving had stayed but since they have decided to go, we wish them well; it is their Constitutional Right ‘freedom of association.”
Members who have quit the party described that it is difficult to withhold the on-going wave of change and because people are fed- up of empty promises of Banda’s homecoming and all they need is change.
Recently, Banda appointed Kamlepo Kalua and Uladi Mussa as party third vice president and party president respectively. However, other members of the party obtained an injunction at Mzuzu High Court restraining Musa and Kalua from take their position.
Exodus time. Kutha ngati makatani
kkkkkkkk asonda
Pp ilibe problame alinachilonda atulukemo
who celebrates being associated with thievery
Right to quit indeed!U don’t enforce any person to be party of an organisation.
If u r true leader,don’t quit but fight for a change be an example, quitting is being coward
Ndine wa peoples forever
Chipani chinatha kale ichi, kwatsala ndi kupanga masanje
Wandya balalikani.
Dziko muno too much zipani, is better zipani zinazi ngati PP zithe, tisale ndi DPP, MCP and UDF only. But don’t forget DPP ndi deal, DPP oyeeeeee!!!
What is good with dpp and udf brother? Speak as a human being, don’t allow hatred rule you
Zazii dpp ndichan
Boma iloooo
dpp woyeeee!!
Woyeee Ambwiyeeee
kkkkkiiii anthu inu mukufuna mutukanidwe,,,,iiiiiii hahahahaa akumezanitu owoooo
Ndinu aNdale kodi eeeeti nwati DD……..chain? Deal ok deal bola ife titha kuzabweretsa madambwe ponseponse mulowe Gule mosavuta,gule saponda povina kkkkkkkkkkk
Kuti tinenepo simungamvele.
Kkkk makatan bolanikon!!
Kusowa zochita pamalawi eti pitani bwino chikawina muzabweraso ndkhalidwe lanu anyani
Do we still have PP in Malawi>?
Mapeto ake chitsala Msonda,Uladi ndi kamlepo basi!
Pamene Dpp ili ndi achina Bwampini(Peter),airtel money(chilima),nkhandwe(Goodall) and so,so, so……..
bwampini ndi munthu wamba ngati iwe president ndi last udindo pansi pano find out otherwise nkhandwe nkukhala iwe bcz u expect smething frm them kma fb ???
kma uli ndi umunthu?
Kkkkk but uuu
Zimene alemba a Omega Jofilisi pa mwambapa zoti DPP boma 2019 ndikukaika kwambiri ngati adzapange boma poona mmene zinthu zikuonekera panopa. Kusowa zakudya mzipatala, kukwera mtengo ndi kusapezeka kwa feteleza wotsika mtengo
Amalawi amavotela chipani choziwika nbwino osati zomwe ukuganizazo
kkkkkkkkk I will join u 2018 contest for #Chikwawa west #MP
Ife a UDF tiri pheeeeee kumangosangalala our party is still strong
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk zanuzo ine ayi ndanenelatu. musandichimwise mwamva ndinewachipositole chalichi chinandipweteka kwambili.
Kodi bungwe limeneli likadalipobb? Kkkkk
Chipani timayendesa ndife anthu akumuzi olo tisamadwelela ayende bwino
Boma mpanyumba pako ndakazako ndikukhala mchakudya chokwanira zandale ndilibe nazo ntchito,mmene mumadyera mkumva kukoma ndi ndalama zachipani ife sitikhalako
mwaganiza bwanji a pp nthawi yomweyi wadya balalika? mwaoneka kuti mumkangofuna kuba kkkkkkkkkk
Kkkkkkkk bwanji ndibwere ndidzachiyendetse ndine chipanichi koma a uladi aaaaaaa ndiye ndakaika muzingokhalira kuluzabe dpp woooooyeeeeeee 2019 bomaaaaaaaaaaaa
Nonse amene mukutuluka mchipani chathuchi …tikakazawina 2019 …musabwerekeso..zithawani…
A msonda kulira ndi mtima kumeneko politics is a game of numbers ndiye inu mukamati ndi ufulu wa mmmmmmm pakunika chipanichi muchichekere konda ine kuti anthu azichikonda asamathawe
Chipani kutha ngati makatanitu ooh zamanyazi,anayamba kutuluka ndi mwini wake ndiye enawo mumati atani?
Vubwa la chipani ndi pp chifukwa anachotsako D kenako atsala P(party basi,chipani cha partykkkkk)
Pp Tangothetsani Kabungweko Kulibe Kulamulanso Malawi Mmm!So Sorry!
Bola a Mama osat zinazi
PP is a weak party that does not stand to win elections and the internal fightings are adding salt to the wound. The only way to heal the wound and stand a chance to win elections is to have a convention which will elect leaders that will satisfy both sides that are tussling now. Otherwise the party will disappear and reduced to the state like that of Aford which has only one seat in the parliament and one place of influence.
kkkkkkkk koma lock osasekedwayu anthu satawamo onse koma
Hahaha, do Worry Mama i will Join U in 2018, i want to Contest on Mp for Balaka North. There wil be Comption bwtn Me, Tony Ngalande and Mwana wa Mmudz.
This party will vanish like snow if these internal fightings will not be resolved forthwith. And in the long end it will prove the fact that it was meant to steel government confers.
2019 Achakwera kulowa bwalo basi,,mwina tiyeseko amene anawerengapo mau aYehova enawa mmmm,,ayi anali mayooo kunjako,,koma mbiri yatipweteka heavy,chipanda mbale wake bwezi ali ndani lero ameneyi
Adzaphenso anthu. ..??
mayaz ase,,,,this is democratic nation,,zija zinali zina
Wamisala yekhayekha atha kuvotera mcp koma munthu yemwe amalingalire mokwanira sangapange zopepera mwadala kuvotera mcp!!!
tsono wat you see the future of Malawi will be like,,,koma just liv dis amene wasankhidwa ndi Yehova tilibe mphavu yosithisa
If Jb will contest in election 2019 still she has my vote
These r rolling stones that gather no moss
Ana achepa awaaaa
Besta Amasula !!!!!!!
Thuts hw it is don’t doubt
that’s politics
Ooohh! !! Yes I quit
Chpan Cha Cashgate Ndthu Chtha Ngat #makatani.Com