Global Health Corps recruiting young Malawians for a US exchange programme

Peter Pindani

Global Health Corps (GHC) plans to recruit youthful Malawians to work with different local and international health oriented organisations in a bid to promote good health.   

GHC, a unity of leaders guided by the belief that health is right, plans to hire services of Malawian citizens with leadership skills under the GHC fellowship program.

Malawians who are not above 30 years of age  and have a deep commitment to social justice, diverse skillsets and backgrounds, creativity to collaborate and solve problems, excellence to deliver results and power to use the voice as a tool for shaping the future of global health  make eligible candidates.

Peter Pindani
Peter Pindani is part of Global Health Corps

Aspiring fellows must also have a university degree or must have acquired it by 26 June 2016. Interest in health issues is also required since the fellows will work in organisations that deliver health interventions.

The advertised posts are tenable in Malawi and United States of America (USA) and are yearlong work placements. According to GHC, successful applicants will enjoy benefits in form of payment in terms of stipend allowance, monthly pay, and award money.

Some of the organisations in the fellowship are: Save the Children, Mothers2Mother and African Institute of Development policy. The ministry of Health also falls into the long chain of partners in the programme.

GHC works with organisations in different African countries. The other African countries whose youths benefit from GHC’s fellowship programs include Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia. In all countries they pursue the same purpose of promoting good health.