Reports that Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe suffered a massive heart attack that left him in a comma unlikely to survive are a “grim lie”, officials from the government of Zimbabwe have said.

Some newspapers said the 91 year old veteran leader had died having collapsed while on a holiday with his family in Singapore.
“You cannot doubt that there will be a story on the President’s alleged death every January,” presidential spokesman George Charamba told state-run Herald newspaper.
While blaming the paper that first reported about Mugabe’s alleged illness, Charamba said stories about Mugabe’s health have emerged each year the Zimbabwe president has taken an annual leave.
“There is a financial incentive to the grim lie,” said Mugabe’s spokesperson.
Speculation over Mugabe’s ill health mounted last year when the world’s oldest national leader who has ruled Zimbabwe since independence in 1980 tripped and fell down some steps at a televised ceremony last year.
He braved the prophecy by Malawi Prophet Austin Liabunya who reportedly said the pan-African hero would not make it to 2016.
Currently heading the African Union, Robert Mugabe has been accused of systematic human rights abuses and overseeing Zimbabwe’s dire economic decline. He has been kicked with various sanctions from the West.
Everyone knows That Zimbabwe Govt is good in lying and election cheating,its clear that this old fool is gone already this is the way of delaying and planing who will take over simple they didn’t even plan for this they thought he will live forever 4getting that only God knows what will happen 2morw.
Everyone knows That Zimbabwe Govt is good in lying and election cheating,its clear that this old fool is gone already this is the way of delaying and planing who will take over simple
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Onily God knows
Onily God knows
There is this stupid malawian prophet being on top spreading this ill news MUGABE!…god blessed Zimbabwe with HIM…if he die there gonna be no other like him….good example is malawi first god first blessed malawi with KAMUZU we never realise his vision until he died. and god gave malawi another chance BINGU and still not satisfied,we malawian we lost two opportunities so there will be try and error forever!……LET MUGABE LIVI LONGER FOR THE SAKE OF OUR relatives in ZIMBABWE
Your relatives are suffering in Zimbabwe as are the rest of us. Only God knows where the country and its leadership is going. If you think he’s so great why don’t you come live here and see how long you last.
There is this stupid malawian prophet being on top spreading this ill news MUGABE!…god blessed Zimbabwe with HIM…if he die there gonna be no other like him….good example is malawi first god first blessed malawi with KAMUZU we never realise his vision until he died. and god gave malawi another chance BINGU and still not satisfied,we malawian we lost two opportunities so there will be try and error forever!……LET MUGABE LIVI LONGER FOR THE SAKE OF OUR relatives in ZIMBABWE
There is this stupid malawian prophet being on top spreading this ill news MUGABE!…god blessed Zimbabwe with HIM…if he die there gonna be no other like him….good example is malawi first god first blessed malawi with KAMUZU we never realise his vision until he died. and god gave malawi another chance BINGU and still not satisfied,we malawian we lost two opportunities so there will be try and error forever!……LET MUGABE LIVI LONGER FOR THE SAKE OF OUR relatives in ZIMBABWE
There is a rumour about Mugabe ‘s death every January when he goes on leave. Please a get a life.Yes he is old and he will die one day but that’s for God to know not some figment of our imaginations and wishes.
Long live comrade the true son of Africa…you have no size…
110 years for comrade
These prophets of today are nt God’s prophet’s .so we must watch out we christian. They come through God’s name.
We don’t expect them to agree.its the same with Malawi government when Bingu suffered a major stroke that left him dead the officials denied
The fact is God loves comrade Robert Mugabe the true son of Africa who calls a spade a spade
True bro god loves our hero RGmugabe and our zimbabwe
Long live C!omrade Mugabe
Malawi24 you are not trustworth. You can`t verify your news source. You r the ones who spread the rumour about Mgabe & you tell us this now. Why did you recruit unprofessional journalists? You are nothing but a disgrace!
That’s yr lombacious failier, why do u post lumor status?
I hopes u said the same durin Bingus death, he is dead Mugabe! May God leads his soul..Zimbabwe alemerepo mwina angadoneteko malawi
no coment
Southern Africa and Africa as a whole is not ready to lose another President. Lord God Almighty do us mercy regardless of our inequities.
This black monkey is very Old. ..
To those calling mugabe a black monkey they’re also white monkeys without education
Be Well Informed,before Posting The Matter To General Public,my Querry To You,where Is Your Professionalism?,bullshit!.
Bt sometimes i don’t trust government report,
Get Well soon TATA Mugabe. God bless you
All fellow we must pray for president mugabe &wish him a quick recovery to continue leading zim since waz appointed by God.
He was elected by people not God.Was Muthalika appointed by God?.In a democratic country a President is not appointed but elected.
musaiwale kuti amafa nkudzuka. nde akuopa kuti akati wamwalira, adzukaso. mapeto ake amangidwa oulusayo.
just heard he passed
Baba Mugabe rambai makashinga Zimbabwe ndeyebu . Veduwe nyaya dzenyu dzimakuhwa Mugabe siyanai naye
Anthu amene mumapha mugabe kodi mukufuna akafa mukakhale president ku zimbabwe?
One of the greatest son Afrika has produced ever . Wishing u good luck comrade . Afrika loves u more but the west hates u .
God is greatest.Munthuyu wapanga mbiri.
Cle-dgette Onesphorus Kaphuka check
Long live President Robert Gabriel Mugabe
Mugabe Has Died President Akamwalira Samaneneratu Know That!
Fuck u all reporters from News 24 .
Anthu ambili amatelo kuti wamwalila zowona zake ndibodza moti?
Nonses ve sense of human
Don’t worry guy ,he is in engarrytime
For those who are saying that he is still alive well and good but for how long?
Why can not people get a life?
U polofeti wanji wongolotsera tsoka ndi imfa za ma pulezidenti???? Poti ndiwo mapulani anu oti mutilikhulire nsanamila zomwe za tchinga #AFRICA wathu mkutisiira ana anjokawa kuti zolinga zanu zitheke.Bwanji sudalosere za tsogo lidakugwera tchalitchi chako pogumuka mkupha miyandamiyanda?? Unalikuti;unatani kulosera pomuchenjeza africa za #EBOLA?? #KWATSALA KANTHAWI PANG’ONO ZONSE ZIDZAVUMBULUKA
U polofeti wanji wongolotsera tsoka ndi imfa za ma pulezidenti???? Poti ndiwo mapulani anu oti mutilikhulire nsanamila zomwe za tchinga #AFRICA wathu mkutisiira ana anjokawa kuti zolinga zanu zitheke.Bwanji sudalosere za tsogo lidakugwera tchalitchi chako pogumuka mkupha miyandamiyanda?? Unalikuti;unatani kulosera pomuchenjeza africa za #EBOLA?? #KWATSALA KANTHAWI PANG’ONO ZONSE ZIDZAVUMBULUKA
Tanenani zoona nkhaniyi tatopa nayo wamwalirad or ai
Tanenani zoona nkhaniyi tatopa nayo wamwalirad or ai
This Big man will b in one of greatest history in africa .
This Big man will b in one of greatest history in africa .
The government of Zimbabwe just wants to keep control of the people,they are afraid because a certain group of “elites” don’t want to lose the power they had over the people…to the people of Zimbabwe freedom is at hand….I think Ave seen this happend before….oh that’s right when my government dismissed that bingu did not pass away
The government of Zimbabwe just wants to keep control of the people,they are afraid because a certain group of “elites” don’t want to lose the power they had over the people…to the people of Zimbabwe freedom is at hand….I think Ave seen this happend before….oh that’s right when my government dismissed that bingu did not pass away
Why pipo r gd writing bad things about azas?
Why pipo r gd writing bad things about azas?
. Ugh!
. Ugh!
He is alive next week he will be back from leave this rubbish they published every year why we dont learn
He is alive next week he will be back from leave this rubbish they published every year why we dont learn
Uneducated pipo hate Mugabe
Uneducated pipo hate Mugabe
Mupatsini Mwayi ayankhuleko pamaso pa mtundu wa anthu titsimikize..Chifukwa tikudziwa bwino lomwe palibe president yemwe angangomwalira at the same time Ndikuuza mtundu wa anthu kuti Wamwalira pamatenga masiku kuti alongosole zina ndi zina kuopetsa kubweretsa chisokonezo Mdziko…
Tiwuzeni zoona
Tiwuzeni zoona
Tiwuzeni zoona
ma rumours akayamba zili pafupi
Mugabe is dead mani ah hey,who is he Nkomo dies,Mandela dies,Muzenda dies so who is he.
I said It from day one that you Malawi 24 boys are a bunch of wannabe journalists, n I still stand where my feet were yestrday. you guys need to learn to investigate issues rather than rely on gossip to make your headlines. such risk taking tends to take away all the credibility you may have aquired in the space of your existance. now look @ how red cheeked you r now after realising you posted lies and fabrications, heresays. a whole newspaper page turned in2 a gossip blog just in one click. wake up man. who was that one that said “KEEP IT LLIVE” eish!
Mugabe musiyeni a24 inu pangani zanu ndi mtchona wanu osamvayu God dnt abondone ana ake kulila kwa amalawi one day asangalala
Anthu omwe amagwirizana ndi mchitidwe wa mathanyula kuteroko amasangalara ali basi mdani wao Mugabe wa duwa! Bwanji manyazi?? Mugabe ndi tate wathu amene akukanisisa mathanyula motemesa nkhwangwa pa mwala! Mwauponda! Mufuna Mugabe aduwe cholinga anthu osusa mchitidwe wanu wa uvewo tizichepa eti?????? Long live Baba Mugabe
Rumour for queen, rumor fo obama
Kkkkkk khoma amalawi mumandisangalatsa yeti.
The reports r not lie bt the government officials r liers cz even the face of there president is looking so deseasy. They will tell nation trueth when life refused to be to his part
Shame on you davil
Don’t wast time, search on ggle
I love dis prsdnt its my prayer dat he gets well soon amndiwaza ada amenewa munthu sangasangalatse onse haters go to hell
Long life papa Mugabe Lion of Africa.
Guys,Show 2 us your proffessionalism&search full information b4 posting important issues, otherwise dont take us 4granted&We are much tired with this lies.God bless Mugabe&Mutharika respectively&Malawi as nation
Ntondo,Tchekwele,Mikhatheya baba Mugabe,All the best
papa all africans are proud of you,bravo comrade!!
News Sports Brandview TV Radio Live Weather Classifieds Cars Homes Jobs Local Deals NEWS / WORLD Advertise with us Report this ad 0 Pending Spokesman says Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe is well By Christopher Torchia, Associated Press | Posted Jan 14th, 2016 @ 1:50am JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe is well and an online rumor that the 91-year-old leader is seriously ill is false, a state-run newspaper in Zimbabwe reported Thursday, citing a government official. The Herald quoted presidential spokesman George Charamba as saying the allegation in the ZimEye website was designed to make money by attracting more readers to the site. The allegation was made in a letter to the editor that the website later attributed to a former army captain in Zimbabwe. False rumors that Mugabe is dead usually circulate every January when the leader is on annual leave, the Herald quoted Charamba as saying. “You can doubt that there can be a New Year, but you cannot doubt that there will be a story on the president’s alleged death every January,” Charamba said. Zimbabwe’s ruling party announced this week that it has begun organizing a birthday bash for Mugabe, who turns 92 next month. Such celebrations are usually held under the banner of the 21st February Movement, a youth branch of the ZANU-PF party named after the date of Mugabe’s birthday. The president’s office has said Mugabe is on a holiday in the Far East, without specifying which country the president is visiting with his family. Mugabe, one of Africa’s longest serving rulers, has been in power since 1980, when white-minority rule ended in Zimbabwe. ___ Follow Christopher Torchia on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/ torchiachris Copyright © The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Nanusotu a malawi24 mukuonjeza bodza what’s wrong with u ?
i love this guy, he has all the characteristics of a natural born leader. Unlike MW and other African countries, he never allowed this UN things to also rule in ZIM. He knows that the world is about to have one government that will rule all the countries in the world and it’ll only benefit those BIG nations, Africa will only suffer. Illumiinat isnt just a condpiracy theory. LONG LIVE MY ICON!
This is Hitler of African ,coz even he look like him
Instead of spreading the Word of God,we are busy wishing Mugabe dead as if we are not going to die Death has no age nor spares “prophets”. It is just a matter of time
Only God knows his day. Shame to false prophets and those wishing him dead! Mugabe have good health in the Name of Jesus.
honor the Prophet of Most High God en u will b honored. Where u want or not, President Mugabe is no more… lead zimbabwian news
Very sad if that is the case now RIP
Who is tht Prophet who said tht R.G is alive.
Guys don’t just pontificate about nonsense that you have no information about .Dead where and when?
Government has a protocol of denying when high profile figure gets ill, limadziwa kungolengeza kuti wadwala kapena wamwalira anthu aphana,fraud,stealing gvt money so to avoid ziwawa they buy time to ease people. Bingu atamwalira boma linakana instead they sent his body to RSA kumanama ali kuchipatala
Ena amafuna atchukilepo pa imfa yake kuti ma predictions awo # not prophecies akwanilitsidwa agwa nayo
MUGABE vs OBAMA Mugabe and Obama entered a chocolate shop in New York City. As they were busy looking around, Obama stole 3 chocolate bars. As they left the store, Obama said to Mugabe: “Man, I’m the best thief – I stole 3 chocolate bars and noone saw me. You can’t beat that!” Mugabe replied: “You want to see something better? Let’s go back to the shop and I’ll show you some real ‘intelligent’ stealing.” So they went up to the counter and Mugabe said to the shopkeeper: “Do you want to see some real magic, man? “The shopkeeper replied: “Yes…!” Mugabe said: “Give me one chocolate bar.” The shopkeeper gave him one, and Mugbe ate it. He asked for a second bar, and he ate that as well. He asked for the third, and as he finished it, the shopkeeper asked: “But where’s the magic?” Mugabe replied: “Check in my friend’s pocket, and you’ll find all the three bars of chocolate that I’ve just eaten…!” = The Most Educated & Intelligent President – ROBERT MUGABE MUGABE THE PILLAR OF AFRICA
Long live african hero.
So you the reporters from Malawi News 24. Where did you get your information cause yesterday you Sayed Mugabe is in a critical conditions , from today I will not follow your news reports. You News is boring and biased.
Nthawi yakwana he is going to meet kamuzu soon,old rotten donkey.
Mugabe god loves u
Mugabe god loves u
Zim gvt cn nt cum 2 the public n sae wat u think thts hw the gvt wex n ev1 noz dat gabe z old n criticaly ill thats 2 in 1 man
Mugabe inu 1 african yose mumakwana president olimba tima get well soon papa
He is already gon to heaven big u suppose to say RIP mugabe
Samvatu Chichewa Mugabe… Lembani Shona Or English Kuti Amve….Kkkk
lhead that he is pass away.
May his soul rest in peace
komadi ngati ali moyo wy those two vice presidents akufuna kuphana for presidency
So stop telling us things which is not true pls
Malawi did the same
totaly lie,Mugabe is jst oryt
Before raining we normally see clouds that shows anytime soon is going to rain, so these rumors they have something behind. No smoke without fire, there is there is!!!!!
there is always a piece of truth in every rumour.
ee koma gabe mukutsogozeranji? mulungu sanathane ndimoyo wake nanga akapita akapukuwa abwera ndi ma ukwati achilendowa satasa!
there is always a piece of truth in every rumour.
He is waiting for God to call him for Rest not false prophecies from humans
So news 24 is now more reliable than CNN and BBC itself … if he has not hadna heart attack , why is there an acting president now in zim ?
u cn say dt again, l wonda ngati anachilowadi cha 2015, coz just yestaday those vice presidents want to kill each other
Get well soon!! papa!!!
You are supposed to make a research Malawi24. You are the ones who told us, it just shows us that you publish rumors. I will never believe you.
ma PROPHET anakondwa avekele ulosi wao wakwalitsidwa,we are not #GAYS in africa,MUGABE in 2015 UNGA
ngati alidi moyo wy ppl akufuna kuphana chifukwa cha upresident
Ena amafuna atchukilepo pa imfa yake kuti ndiye oonadi agwa nayo
iwe mugabe sanamwalire lero,l doubt ngati analowa 2015
pansi panyanja anafa kalekale koma kunja kuno sanafe? @felix chagwa
Oxangunena Ngamo Kt Waxiya Ufa Bwanji
ngat adamwalira yesu waku nazarene nde mugabe mkachani?
Yesu m’maso mwanu komanso mnzeru zanu anafa yah koma munzake za Mulungu anali wophila ankangodikira amaemba akwanile
Long life true son of Africaaaaaaa!
Ooh my President wish u along life. Where are those fake and false Prophets who were saying that Mugabe my Dear President will not pass 2015?
Thanks my dear.
Which prophet spoke those world?
Ask these 24people they says that some two prophet frm Malawi prophecy that Mugabe wil nt pass 2015.
Eish! People are so wicked
To hell Mugabe,please die soon
Mmmhm zikuvutatu kukuuzan chilungamo apah
Long live mugabe
Mugabe is bidding farewell to the world