At the end of 2015, after serving almost one and half years, Malawi President Peter Mutharika has been labeled a complete failure as president, as reflected in his own words.
Many times Mutharika has been saying he is “fighting for change for poor Malawians” but in real sense grassroots income has been in a continuous downward spiral since he became president.
Happy Kayuni, associate professor and head of political and administrative studies at Chancellor College, said Mutharika’s failure is due to his “half-hearted reform” toward ensuring that problems of transparency and accountability in the financial system are addressed.
Kayuni described Mutharika as a disgrace with his record of high levels of unemployment, rising taxes and fall of the kwacha.
“Obviously we have seen many shortfalls in his leadership. For example, we are talking about the economy, how it has performed, as we are speaking now kwacha is stumbling , there is no serious improvement and also we have noted that the president has not provided the leadership to show direction where the country is going and what can be done,” said Kayuni in an interview with Malawi24.

Kayuni further warned the Mutharika administration over the failure to stabilize the local currency which has depreciated to K800 against the dollar and K1000 against the British pound.
The depreciation of the local currency may lead to the skyrocketing of prices of goods and services.
According to Kayuni, nothing positive materialized in 2015 except the infrastructure development that the Chinese government is providing which he said is not part of budgetary support.
He stated: “the president has failed to coax the donors. We are all aware that donors left after mainly the cashgate saga and they no longer provide the budgetary support that was required. In his campaign period he highlighted that he will make sure that donors should continue to support Malawi.
“Basically through his leadership there is no proper direction for the country. What is it that we want to achieve? We only see a lot of talks and castigation of those who oppose him which is not good for the country.”
Despite many options given to him on revamping the country’s economy, Mutharika has been reluctant to test and analyse them. Kayuni advised Mutharika to prepare for more troubles in 2016 if he does not provide solutions to cashgate saga.
“Donors have been saying this again and again. I think government has not necessarily taken that seriously,” Kayuni said. “If they were able to look at it seriously, the country’s image could have changed and donors could have resumed [aid].”
lazy people! work hard to uplift your lives instead of blaming others for your laziness. uzadya thukuta lako osati la boma
eh koma pali zizungu….osangolemba chichewa bwa???
that’s true my bra
The president, Prof APM did very well under the given circumstances. This is not a campaign period amangwetu. Haters go hang.
Alomwe tachulukisa..tizisankha mwamzeru chonde
Leave him!!! and lets do our part this is our Nation Malawi May God bless our beloved country Malawi!!!
Professor PM should stepdown b4 things getoffhand. He is Mhesha in the system. Hopefuly, MCP with Lazarus, wld have better.
bwampini is a great failure
bwampini is a great failure
He is the best presdent amongst them all u wl blv me come 2019 h z going 2 win again.
If lif never goes ur way dont think dat others r going de same way.u expect too much for de short period wow even ur father cant do dat.
Bola Joyce Banda.
Bola Joyce Banda.
I wonder what more do you expect frm him yet we know he was a Teacher(lecture to President.
Bola @Tcheya anali mwini filimu zinazi ayi.
Thats true gift utsogoleri sikuphuzira kma mzeru zochokera kwa mulungu
last days
Worth things r owez recognised too late…….. When all has been said and done
Have you considered that the problem is not always the leaders but malawi as a nation.
Mbava inu mukumva kuwawa simunati mpaka 2019 woyeeeeeee
Izi Zili ngati Kutenga Trust Condom Yogwiritsira Kale Ntchito Mkuitenganso Ka Chikena Mapeto Ake Ndi Amenewa Tikhala Ndipo Tidzikhala Tikulira Mpakana Condom Imeneyi Itataidwa Mkungula Lovers Cöndom. Uyu Wamkamwa Mothinayu Watikwana Ndipo Ngati Sititha Kugwirizana Mkupanga Chinthu Chimodzi Malawi Atulukadi Malawi Amoto Mwadzina Lake Ndinthu. Unite We Can Change The Nation To Become A Good Malawi.
APM is the only president to manage the affairs of government without any budgetary support… I support and really like him… Even kamuzu could not do without donors but this APM is really trying… He is not even shaken by some people who are so desperate to rule this country using other means other than the ballot… Let me assure you my fellow Malawians that God will give us a very good leader at a very good time…. He will be giving us a leader at a time with s specific duty… Do u know why God chose APM out of the twelve?? God saw that he was the only one kuti ampane namaloko mpaka alire keee!!!!!
Peter mutharika is the worst president Malawi has ever had. Komanso we hav a problem chifukwa presidentyu maganizo ake ndi akuti zinthu zikuyenda pamene anthufe tikuona kuti zinthu sizikuyenda. Now with our president’s mindset shud we hope that things will workout one day? He already sees to it that things are working therefore we shud not expect change. The change malawians want will not come with peter mutharika becoz him also doesnt know where it will come from. He totally has no clue on how to bring about change.
true this
Mwe tavuka na dada uyu mmexa munkati jb ayi kma ophunzila nde watipha kd amakhala kt uyu
He has really failed
In malawi even if we can change 50OO presidents malawi willbe the same
Hahaha khwakhwakhwa D P P
Ndikuonangati munthuyu amaona ngati utsogoleri ndi ophweka.pano zankanika,ma DONORS sangathandize pamene iyeyo ndi nkulu wake adaba 577bn kwacha .kodi mukuona ngati azungu ndiopusa ngati ife amalawi?chikufunika ujeniyo atule pansi mpando basi.ngati satula malawi azingovutika
I concur with Manganya ,that he should fire his entire cabinet. otherwise Malawi is doomed
In science we say a wrong specimen is in the laboratory.
A mayi!!!! Malawi wanga
A total FAILURE, a HOPELESS case
Kambanizithe ma taxpayer
Lie Munthalika is the best than others,even we casting votes today he can win easly.its Adeplomatic and accountability Leader.
Osamangowerenga ndikukhulupilira mwawerengazo. Pali atolakhani, civil n human rights groups achifilika amene alembedwa ntchito ndi azungu kuti apititse patsogolo Regime Change Programme. Akapolo azungu adzifalitsa za ufulu wauchitsiru ndi usatana komanso kupanga zionetsero zopanda pake (reference zeitgest).
Kusamva a Malawife.Kufera kuphunzira.
Kkk auze bg anafela kuphuzila
But He Remains Our Beloved Leader. MY BELOVED PETER
Collect e head line he is not lablelld as if h has done anything gud
Leading the people is a gift from GOD.
Not to b professor.
Never wake up Malawians let them dream more
What have you done in 2015 worthy appraisal yourself? I have failed lots in 2015 as head of my family and have no time to evaluate my friend leaders. My own headache bothers me lots than death of my friend.
Is not khudzing me!!
Where on earth one becomes a president thru dubious means eg using courts, has ever performed wonders than distruction!
this guy is just seat like a doll he is ruling the country in his own way how could he do that….I mean the reader who don’t even consider his country…may God should put a hand on this mess.
how can some one run minibus business yet he/she dnt knw how to drive,even the one who bought dat car?
He should just step down,we dont need greedy leaders like him,where have he been all these years?
Osango m’bandula bwa
When his late br failed we pushed his departure why not this one how special is this cocoroach?
When his late br failed we pushed his departure why not this one how special is this cocoroach?
Call amai adzaponye mankhwala….. Zafoila baxi
Mr president show us that you are aman worthy to be aleader of Malawi! Do some improvements to the country so that opposition will be ashamed. Just like your beloved brother,he tried his best even though he could not achieve everything but the job of his hands is the witness. During Bingu’s reign some donors stopped to fund the country but he did not care until he did something vigular to the country and the donors commerced to fund the country. Therefore mr president note that you are under tests and the donors they are testfying your power as apresident. My advice is that use your knowledge to succed and develop the country.Dont give up because of the pressure from overseas countries,donors or opposition but put much effort and you will succed!
A Malawi tinafera kuti adali mphumzitsi wa Obama
tinafera professor
tinafera amakhala ku America
mayo mtundu wanga! …..
The worst government ever malawi had. This country do not need educated politicians but leaders who are wise. Malawi wake up !
But Deplomatic and Accoutability Leader.
Dat was accent tym to hav un educatd leader.
Kumangoti ophudzira ayendetsa bwino dziko likunkanikatu you masaputsi !
mukanakhala inu president mukanatani? ever thought about this? whatever you could have done by 31 Dec 2015 ndizomwe munayenera kubweresa pano. constructive criticism is the only solution kuti munthuyo adziwe zolakwa zake.
mukatha kulumana mundiuza.
Munthu wa chipongwe uyu
Ndikuta kuona akuwusiya mpandowu term yake isanathe
Prof. APM
The failed state officer
he duped us. shameful prof.
Not only the failure but the worst presdent Malawi has ever had.
Komatu kumangoti anzanu tumwa tea ku sanjika ndizomwe komwe alikunalibe ndi tea uzelezeka nsimdaveposo kuti komwe amaphunzitsako adakhala Headmaster kaya mmatero kkkkkkkk masaya aphurika
A readership is not education, a readership is Gift from God and well being your people
voice Of Bakili muluzi
Bakili mbuzi ya munthu
its true not just a total failer but a total brutal presidential fool failler
Osalila munavota nokha
mr kayuni mupikisane nawo 2019,you sound very political
Totaly failure thats no sense but, some areas
Uhuru Kenyatta ndimboranso naye ,pitara nayenso mbulitesi
eeish koma petulo kkk cindele
Chindele cha kuzezya ichi kkkkk ,nandika
Koma nde muli pa chintchitotu! Tiwerenge kaye mwaposta zija kaya.nyansi!
kumene kape ameneyu mmxt
He can’t be a total failure that’s ridiculous.
Ok tamva
This is not political but a fact. For the situation of Malawi to improve needs to fight tooth and nail inorder to win donor confidence by investigating all sorts of cashgates and bringing all culprits to book without selective justice whether Dpp is involved or not. To run on zero aid is just a matter of frustration becoz Malawi is still very poor at 51 and needs to graduate from donor aid slowly and can take yrs to fully graduate. Remember, even well to do countries rely on donors, what about poor Malawi? Remember also that donors have a right to look into how their money is being used or even impose conditions, so the leadership is just increasing turbulents on already poor pple by showing insubordination to donors for we ar not yet fit to stand alone without them.