About being gay in Malawi. John 8:7, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” If we hate one sin we should hate all sin. In God’s eyes sin is sin, whether it’s fornication, stealing, lying, homosexuality, etc etc. God loves sinners, hates sin. Every life matters.
Amazingly we humans tend to chose what sins we think are really bad and which ones are okay and we tend to discriminate against the sinners.

I have friends that are openly gay and lesbians. Do I discriminate or hate them? Nope. Am not perfect myself and am at the mercy and the grace of God. I love them and share God’s love and redemption, knowing God alone is the judge in all things.
Over the years I’ve learned that I cannot hate someone who sins differently than me. After all when God walked on planet earth in flesh He said the biggest commandment was love, and that’s what I do.
I know this is hard in my native country Malawi where gay people are going through hard times every way they turn. I don’t know how they will ever turn to God when everyone is shunning them away.
How are they going to turn to God when God’s people are hating and discriminating against them instead of showing Christs love and compassion.
People will accept a message of love and will not trust messages that stem from hatred and discrimination.
I know not everyone will agree with me, but I will love all humans regardless of their beliefs or lifestyles. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and I believe in him.
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*Views in this article are not necessarily of Malawi24 but those of the author. Email your articles for publication to [email protected]
gay people are just a minority in Malawi, why don’t you condem paedophiles zidya makanda, rapists, married people who cheat on their partners kumanzunza ma banja awo ndi ana. Anthu a gay wa they don’t hurt anyone as much as as straight people do
Verse lanji anati anthu azichita Homosex
Being Gay/lesbians It Doesnt Mean Dos Involved R Unganged In Sexual Activities,ena Amangokondana Without Sex,bt Am Not Backing It.
please dont worry u mast joy about becz jesus is come very this is the sign of the end of the age ,do u like to ster this sniful world lf u dont lika when u see this u mast keep and pray day and night .matthew 24 vs 1 -34 .
please dont worry u mast joy about becz jesus is come very this is the sign of the end of the age ,do u like to ster this sniful world lf u dont lika when u see this u mast keep and pray day and night .matthew 24 vs 1 -34
Ctkupanga Za Bible Koma Culture, Kapena Alomwenu Mumatha Kugonana Ofanana Ziwalo?
It says throw a stone at her not him
It says throw a stone at her not him
I’d compare homosexuality to murder. MALAWIANS, no matter how it would be said or spiced but dog meat will never be goat meat & nothing human will convert will ever come before GOD’s creation.
I’d compare homosexuality to murder. MALAWIANS, no matter how it would be said or spiced but dog meat will never be goat meat & nothing human will convert will ever come before GOD’s creation.
10000 % against gay practices!!
10000 % against gay practices!!
Thats very stupid aaaa
Thats very stupid aaaa
kupusa kusaganiza
kupusa kusaganiza
devil knws the bible better….so oyamba kupanga quote verse siwe oyamba
Yar The devil is working hard.beware;->
If the govt legalizes homo it shud legalize chamba as well tiziganjika publicly… komanso kuma trader freely.
If the govt legalizes homo it shud legalize chamba as well tiziganjika publicly… komanso kuma trader freely.
i am asinner only as long as am religious-since am not,i’l gradly cast all the stones if i av 2,but either way i condemn homosexuallity just as i condemn witchcraft & murder…u hipocrites makin astand on the gospel-which was also brought 2 u by the MUZUNGU…,check ur selfs b4 u reck ur selves…
i am asinner only as long as am religious-since am not,i’l gradly cast all the stones if i av 2,but either way i condemn homosexuallity just as i condemn witchcraft & murder…u hipocrites makin astand on the gospel-which was also brought 2 u by the MUZUNGU…,check ur selfs b4 u reck ur selves…
zikadathanso Mulungu kumwambako kupanga mamuna yekha popanda mkazi kuti azikwatilana koma izi ndi zachilendo pamaso pa Yehova samalani akulu akulu pofuna kuchita zinthu chifukwa satana adanena kuti ndzdzasutsana ndi wammwambamwamba ndipo ndidzayesa kusintha nyengo ndi nthawi nde zinazi ndikuti zinazi akulu akulu kumasamala podzichita mkwiyo ma Mulungu ungakugwereni.
zikadathanso Mulungu kumwambako kupanga mamuna yekha popanda mkazi kuti azikwatilana koma izi ndi zachilendo pamaso pa Yehova samalani akulu akulu pofuna kuchita zinthu chifukwa satana adanena kuti ndzdzasutsana ndi wammwambamwamba ndipo ndidzayesa kusintha nyengo ndi nthawi nde zinazi ndikuti zinazi akulu akulu kumasamala podzichita mkwiyo ma Mulungu ungakugwereni.
machimo ena osamawapanga pofuna kumuyesa Mulungu Wakumwamba ayi mwina zimenezo muziyesa mulungu wa kumwanza, koma ngati ili mphamvu ya kumidima Yehova Mulungu alowelerepo basi.
machimo ena osamawapanga pofuna kumuyesa Mulungu Wakumwamba ayi mwina zimenezo muziyesa mulungu wa kumwanza, koma ngati ili mphamvu ya kumidima Yehova Mulungu alowelerepo basi.
Zitsiru zimenezi ofunika kumangopha bas, mmalo mot tizikamba zina tizilimbana ndi zopusazi
Kaya!! Koma opexekaso kachikena kuwotcha z d best solution
shoot and kill because the r teaching bad manners in malawi! we care abt our children.
fuck you,amene kuti chimondichimo,ukulekelanji kufusila amayi ako olo abambo ako? sukuziwa zinazi ndimalawulo,if you dont know Bible khala pansi seka mulomo,chifukwa tsoka lingakugwele.
Ukufuna kuti tivomeleze mathanyula poti timatukwana! Usandichimwitse galu sudziwanso malembo!! Chipanda amako ndi abambo ako bweziutatuluka ku mnchila ndikumalankhula zopusa! #Malawi24reporter_iwe_let_not_the_anger_of_your_God_wax_hot_on_you!! Kape!
God punish them
Man/woman relationship z the perfect order of God. The devil z trying 2 destroy that order thru ths homosexual thing. Why do u support ths develish thng thru “rights for the minority”. Ths evil thng ought 2 be discouraged in strongest terms 4 it brings curses 2 the land. Woe 2 u leaders who r in support / silent on ths yet u know the naked truth on ths. Goats or dogs know their mates but a human being z failing 2 differentiate the right from the wrong. By the way, why do u turn the other 2 be man/woman & don’t u know the use of the anus? Anthu opusa (vindere vyakufikapo) inu mwatani?
Do as God say! Not as God does it.
Do not put God to test. Even His ways, His words. Do not!
Chosani kaye chisoso mumaso mwanu musanaweluze anthuwa
A normal man admiring an anus of fellow man, gosh. Even a lizard knows its female mate.
THIS IS BULL SHIT,IN MALAWI WE ARE NOT GAY…………… FUCK U GAYZ and those hu support u plus the owner of this shit post,Stop mislead pple with bible verses……….
gays should be hanged using their balls
gays should be hanged using their balls
Should have beat the gayness out of them
Should have beat the gayness out of them
its tru. nw a days i wonder why pipo defend sins lke this..its abomination..dnt eva back up this
its tru. nw a days i wonder why pipo defend sins lke this..its abomination..dnt eva back up this
Amen! Mr Yankho Kawalewale,those pple they receive satanic money then they pretend like there using the word 4rom the Bible.does it mean if someone stil there car and catch him,they ll nt take him to the police cz in the Bible it wz written dont judge? Which means God made a mitake to creat aman and awoman? We mustnt use the words from the Bible to encourage sins, God ll punish Us.
Amen! Mr Yankho Kawalewale,those pple they receive satanic money then they pretend like there using the word 4rom the Bible.does it mean if someone stil there car and catch him,they ll nt take him to the police cz in the Bible it wz written dont judge? Which means God made a mitake to creat aman and awoman? We mustnt use the words from the Bible to encourage sins, God ll punish Us.
Zongomva basi zing’anga ziri thoo malaya nga thumba la chigayo.amnzungu ndikutiputsitsa ena ati a human rights.wa human rights yo amake ndi alongo ake amapanga mathanyula kuti azipenzeka ndi zidzukulu? Zotengerazi amalawi,Ambuye bwerani nsanga human rights yalowa dziko lotsauka.
Zongomva basi zing’anga ziri thoo malaya nga thumba la chigayo.amnzungu ndikutiputsitsa ena ati a human rights.wa human rights yo amake ndi alongo ake amapanga mathanyula kuti azipenzeka ndi zidzukulu? Zotengerazi amalawi,Ambuye bwerani nsanga human rights yalowa dziko lotsauka.
we should murder dem tha world is ending in slowly slowly but is gotta watch wateva you do nobody is invisible remember this al rights has limits en me for this I wish Jah that’s good to destroy this world
No sensible person can support gay marriage
GOD CREATED ADAM AND EVE not adam and steve!!
And you stand up
so you want to say that people should continue living in their sins after realizing that it is a sin and not to walk away from their sin by confessing and asking forgiveness from Yahweh? May he forgive you as well for not recognizing that the devil is using you as a tool
so u want us to entertain ungodly behaviours?
Kodi mowa si tchimo ?Nkhumba,kupha,kuba,chiwerewere,kusetera news kupembedza yesu mmalo mwa mulungu kusadulidwa jando maka amuna?
Totaly against this act.Someone being paid cholinga Malawi asafale.Donors and donation why put homesexuality as acondition for aid?????END TIMEs 666 beware is here
bt diz iz babylon u knw JAH crte a woman n man nt man n ma
Gay Africans have been in Africa long before Asian religions of Christianity and Islam were brought by invaders and colonists. Quoting un-African religions like Christianity and Islam to condemn African gays is absurd. Go back to Asia with those religions. Leave Africans alone.
Palibeso nkhani apa zitsiru zikunamizira ufulu zina zikunamizira kuti tose ochimwa ochita mathanyula ndizanyasi chosangalatsa nchiyani kumalowetsana kotulukira bibi uve okhaokha
your argument is childish somehow, ofcoz we don’t put sins to scale bt does than mean we shud regarise sins then take out all thieves and murders from prison cells as u hv been doing with gays & mind u who Eva backs up a sin is as bad as da sin itself ngat mwalandira ndalama kuti mukope anthu mind u God is watching
read Leviticus 20 /13
people say Malawi should be proud of its culture & i tend to wonder that what culture are they talking of because there is no Malawian culture but tribal cultures which comprises of many ideas…
fact bro.kwachuluka ma hypocrits
ndekuti mukuvomeleza mathanyula??
ayi.kungoti anthu ena akutengangati tchimo ndilokhali
i think akusowa zochita
Mwayamba kugwiritsa ntchito bible kulalika za ma gay
Jst because a whiteman thinks its ok doesnt make it be ok,Agalu amenewa kuwatengela kenako azatiwuza kuti tizikwelana ndi ziweto.
oky u can carry on ur fuckin gay marrgs, but plz not in our land Malawi.do it elsewhere
My friend remember dat every action/explanation hav a reaction/ response. If all are sins and hav 2 b treeted the same, why the pple are busy choosing which sin is good to commit by takin out the sodomy placting pple from prison leaving the thieves to perish?
Admin,,,,, uli ndi Dziwanda iwe ukufunika Deliverance
Let them be
You r all fools by professional, does it mean because we sin we should sin more n more? Did Jesus mean that when u sin once u can sin again mwadara? You must be very stupid agalu inu!!!
What de hell r u tellin us? U fuckn motherfucker,read n understnd de bible.mxieww dont mislead pple ndkavs kanuko
So why do you want us to love homosexuality? Why do you not help us coz of mulder, stealing etc. If it is a way spreading satanic, you have goofed and our God Is Focused God and able to alert us.
Musiyanise being illegal and bring sin…wht is saying is thatm..judgement is fo God…all sins r equal before God..the remedy is death…wht it means here is tht kaya wamaboza olo wa homo…the judgement is one…thanks
Is rubbish!!!!!
The devils advocacy, beware, we r living in the last days.
the writer z so stupid
This is stupid according to the creation in the bible
read Romans 1 vs 18 you will discover that homosexuality is more than sin, its God giving up on people, its rebellion and God loves a sinner but being rebellious means you are withdrawaling yourself from God, no mercy there my brother
yesu anabwerela kudzakhulikila not to punish ok?
I Now Know Why I Hate Malawi 24.They Support The Devil.
Admin, uzafa imfa yowawa kwambiri
Malawi 24, i think you are not knowing what you are talking about so should stop saying those silly words. Firstly you had to understand what the Bible said about same sex marriages before you came with your chapter which you do not know it’s interpretation.
God hates,gaysm.This is a total sin that almighty God hates.Do not mislead my nation.
hi?chris those nigz are not ok in there mind they are sick if-a dog can know things like +&- then something wong with those gayz
Usaese mau a Mulungu mfana, stop using Verses in stories lyk this my friend yoooooh uzaleka!
malawi24 choziyalusila ndi chani. ma verse okawo munakachosapo chonde panyasi mwalembazi. u don’t even know God
Foolish post.
Sin is a Sin, We don’t legalise a Sin and Nobody has got the Right to do a Sin
so u bastards hv u ever read dat dere iz a generation dat waz destructed bcoz ov stealing, & others ? remember de pple ov noah, were demolished bcoz ov homosexual, almighty God z watching u
If homosexual was there in times of Jesus, am very sure Jesus could have been the first to stone these gays. Think of what Jesus did with those business people who were just selling their commodities in church, what did Jesus do to them? So what more gays? I think Jesus could have just turned them into pigs, no doubt about that!
Ma batmen aku MW amewo kakakaka kekekeke kikikikikiki kkkkkkk
I think judgment day is near you
This is Malawi..we can not support that nonsense..I say no to HS.
Makape simunazilawe mmene zimakomera, mukazazilawa mpomwe mudzaone kuti mukuyankhulazi ndi mfundoless
someone sin cant justify the other one’s sin
Pple frm sodom perished coz they were gays. I dont know if people with upright senses can support any sin. So whats unique with this sin of gayism? Why do pple in their normal senses support it?
Malawi wanga uja eish akupita kupopho basi
After Jesus said that he told the woman to sin no more.
What an aweful thing this is,how can one quote the ‘Holy writ’ to justify sin,no wonder Paul,with tears warned Galatians to be on the look out of some people whom he referred to ‘enemies of the cross am afraid to conclude.let me stay here.
Leviticus 20 vs 13 Aroma 1 vs 26,27
Whoever wrote this article is a pure moron
Mulungu anaotcha Sodom ndi Gomola nkhani zake za uchisiruzi pali ntchimo lina Mulungu amapereka chilango pompopompo take care ndi maufulu kwa Mulungu kulibe zamaufulu
There is no human rights in de Bible nor de noble Quran……only thngz we dnt av to do n oders we dnt av to and Homosexuality?dats a negative…………fuck hu ever gave u de big bread M24
Eeeesh Malawi malawi malawi ukupta kodi?
Human Rights my foot
Thieves get arrested cz stealing z a sin……murderers too………homosexuality z a sin too and doz hu practice it nid to b arrested as well…..if nt u as a media,de government n evry1 of authority whose says r heard shud jx go hell
Fuck Malawi 24
Hahaa Human Rights ndi mulungu?aneneri abaala inu.takecare mulungu si jackson
A MALAWI TIYENELA KUCHENJELA chifukwa iwowa adabadwa kuchoka kwa MAMUNA NDI MKAZI.
Kodi Malawi akupita kuti?
I don’t see the reason of blaming Hon: L. Banda.
Utchisi Basis
don’t mislead people with your little Biblical knowledge,consult your bible nicely and madetate,you’ll find out what really God’s wish is on us.
#AuntTiwo. tilinacho kuno ku Capetwn chimaminula heavy weave chasinthachasinthanso ma outing nde eee osanena kuno achipatsa ufulu chaphoda chaphodanso timangochiwona chitsiru chakwathu ichi mastep ndi massive
Chiwanda chimenecho satanic yeniyeni
Nkhani za mathanyulazi zikitisokosa bwanji
Munthawi yakusadziwa mulungu analekelera.kodi aliponso yemwe sadziwa kuti kugonana amuna or akazi okha okha ndi tchimo?Aroma 1verse27.Kodi Bible Limati Wina akamachimwa iwe ulindiufulu ochimwanso.manyazibwanji.
Fuckn ! God Will Judge You N Punish!
Sin is sin. Why is government trying to condone it? Its just the same as condoning stealing. Anyone doing wrong must be punished.
Sin Is Sin. And The Sinners Should Not Inherrit The Kingdom Of God!
Stupid admin go marry your father
The Award for Stagnant mind goes to all those that are saying “Judge not” but they
.reprimand their children /friends
.take their concerns to court, any court
.are within state laws and statues
You could be doing anything or let your pals do anything and wait for God to judge us.
We have to reprimand bad behaviour.prisons were there in biblical times
It is a curse to add or subtract a word from what God commanded us to do.
If the Bible says do not lie with a male vs male, or lie not with an animal. ..now u want to back it in the name of human right?
Yes All r sins in the eyes of GOD ,not if we r to legalise homosexual let legalise stealing adultery,if not what special is this sin which u need t to be legalised? preachers are sins equal? lets tel pple reality here,lets write not on the benefit analysis but also cost to future Africa.
you want to make right what is wrong?? . don’t you remember we also are told to hate sin. so i guess you are a devil yourself you want people do believe whats bad in GOD’s eyes.sunakhutitsidwebe ndizomwe wachita kudzikoli mwana wachionongeko dyabulosi iwe. Ine ndekha ndasankha kumverabe YEHOVA, osati iwe woononga ayi!!!! Ndani wakhala nane mbali imodzi kukana kumvera zomwe satana akufuna tidzichita???
last days
let it grow his majesty wil gage
Mzalawi24, where you sat down tyipng this shit article, You knew and you know deep down your heart that what you are writing is nothing but nosense. Even besides what the holy scriptures(THE BIBLE) says how can you make you fell man a marriage partener, what are you doing to be doing with him, can’t you reason there… No wonder Malawi was said to be a GOD fearing nation but that not the case now.I can see becuase of the same poverty we are in we are going to be fools accepting everything in our own homeland, i can see Malawians are very greedy just becuase you are given money that is why say all these shit,,,Go to hell, SHAME ON YOU!!
Nkhani ndiyoti uchimo umadziwika ndi chilamulo popanda lamulo palibe chimo. Yesu sanati chigololo sichimo but its one among many. Thats why Jesus told her to sin no more.
Don’t copy western Culture
This total Rubbish!
So malawi 24 gt western donnar eish I think I must unlike this page
sopano abale, tikhalebe mu uchimo kuti chisomo chichuluke? akufunsa Paulo ku aroma. Ayi msatelo. Kaya ndinachumwapo, koma zimenezo ndinyasi ndiphophoa mwala. Aikuti ndigende ine.
#malawi24 fear God only and u will know what to encourage n talk ….
So You Are Busy Advocating Nyasi Zanuzi A Malawi24? Are You Gay Also? Shame On You! So You Even Caught Some Verses In The Bible To Try To Beautify Demons? Oh! Which Sin Is Accepted Here In Malawi If I May Ask You Malawi24? And Wina Wake Akuzitcha Ozindikira Ali Busy With His/her Comments Polishing The Sins? You R A Disgrace To Malawian Culture And Its Religion Plus GOD HIMSELF, Shame! Lets Repent B4 Its Too Late, AMEN!
all sins are condemned in the eyes of God and there is no one who advocates for any sin to be a less evil. you can never hear people arguing kuti let’s legalize stealing, prostitution, murder, or lying etc . all these are sins and can not be encouraged what is abominable is some people who advocates for legalization of gay marriages hidindg behind accepting them. We should accept them to repent not to legalize the evils acts
there are other cities in the bible that wronged God in soooo many different ways, even his own people after being saved from Egypt made an idol of another god. out of all these sinful cities and nations why do you think God decided to destroy Sodom and Gomorah with fire….. in the bible we are told about Hell fire wich is a final solution for all sin….. This shows God was disgusted by the two cities so that he had to Burn them down…. we are just Humans made in Gods image i dont think its in our system to see a gay person and smile
ZANU izo ine ndiri naye wanga wamkazi not nonsense that is poor thinking capacity in the room temperature
Lucius was wrong for it is said that judge not!, he was tired
fuck whoever wrote this don’t take us for fools when have u seen a the anus giving birth idiots f
fuck whoever wrote this don’t take us for fools when have u seen a the anus giving birth i
From malawi to sodom and gomorah, the fire is coming.
Thats the real president over there who doesn’t take nonsense’s from white people.he knows our African culture and values.
Sin is sin but homosexual is a sign of pure evil ..
Zopusa za uchitsiaru,ngakhare agaru zimenezo samapanga, ratio 1:6 men:women , chimuthu chamuna chinzako iiiiiiiii zoopsa! kumbuyosoi DANGER!!!!!
fuck gayz
Zopusa za uchitsiaru,ngakhare agaru zimenezo samapanga, ratio 1:6 men:women , chimuthu chamuna chinzako iiiiiiiii zoopsa!
James 2:19 “You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe-and shudder!”
Be careful: First Timothy 4:1 “Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.”
Promoting shit instead we must focus in this big poverty that we got do you think when we will finish this poverty
Yes, sin is sin in the eyes of God; but you don’t make laws to protect and justify sin. Even in the quoted verse, Jesus did not condone sin. He wanted us to understand the situation and show mercy to sinners. But if a sinner chooses to be non-repentant like one of the thieves on the cross, that is self a condemnation. Nanga munthu udzichita kunyadira ntchimo to the extent of showcasing it…
People who studied or study theology would know for a fact that sin does not carry the same weight,it works pretty much like the law;for example:one who has stolen a bycycle would not receive the same punishment as the one who has commited murder,I would believe the same applies to sin,homosexuality in the do’s and don’t’s(leviticus) in particularly in leviticus 20:13,it clearly states that this is a detastable sin,infact the bible goes on to suggest tht they punishment is death,sort of a capital sin,example:nowhere did they say stealing carries the same ammount of weight as murder,homosexuality or all sins under capital sins.
Kuziona mbuzi zikupanga u gayzo zilibe chilichonse
Wat hell r u talking about ? Get rid of dis shit asshole b4 i break your stupid head ( son of devil + son of bitch + kiss my ass=go to hell )
Religion is the root of evil
Samanena kuti poti unachimwa ndiyekuti uli ndi license yoti uzichimwa,kutengeka ndi umbuli wama graduate ndiumene wavuta apa.
Njala yonseyi tizikamba za mathanyula kusowa chochita
Jesus Christ gave blows to pipo who were doing business in church,why not us, lets defend the Christianity. once find burn them, and we will finish with Barack Obama
gaysm everyday gaysm stupid westerners with your wealth
All I see here is you fighting for the right to do what is the wrong.. but tell you what, the church is not going to be quiet when the world is busy matching trying to legalise things that are sinful. Everyone in malawi may not be a christian but fact still remains malawi is a God fearing coutry. There is a reason why these things are still not allowed in this nation until this date.. do not justify sin. And homosexuality is a sin. Shame to all gays. As malawi 24 is quoting scriptures to justify ur unlawful acts, me is home praying for my nation.
Bomboclats…so u r encouraging homo…fuck u malawi24
Akufuna kulemela ndi yakumbuyo .
if a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman.both of them hav done what is detestable .they most be put to death their blood will be on their own heads……..leviticus 20vs13
Even animal knows better to reproduce,why human being like you.Repeat.
I for one dont subscribe to the idea that a sin is sin so we should treat them equally because of the following reasons: each country has her own laws and it has different punishments for breaking any of the laws. So if we have chosen to live by the laws of a country then surely we should be prepared to abide with me.
Frames 24 don’t involve in western devil otherwise you will migrate to USA or EUROPE,# no to homosexual!
Why did GOD create Adam & Eve?
Abomination!!!!its sin against God,don’t try to purify and simplify this sin just becoz u ve bin given cash,If u once tested it and see its anice stuff u better advice ur fellow family members not us but knw that God will deal with u one day,tsoka lili kwa iwe odziwa ma lembawe anzako akutumawo ena mwa iwo zoti kuli mulungu sadziwa adzakukanila samala uzafa imfa yowawa
dont be foolish wen quating the bible. is it ok with u sleeping with ur fellow man?.its stupid being a fool by doing sexual relations with another man,wat are women 4?
Am i the only one who doesn’t have a problem with homosexuality?
ngakhale bible lomwelo limat ngt chinyama chachimuna chikugonana ndichachimuna chizake chiphedwe ndithu nde kulibuanji munthu who is in the image of God aphedwe basi umphawi usati sokonezere dziko
Zachamba Basi! Mxieeww
Yehova achita zomwe anapanga ku Sodom ndi Gomorrah
Homosexality/gayism/lesbiasim is not just a sin its inhuman/insane (not accepted by our society, even dogs cannot do such a thing, so why is it good for man to do things which even Dogs cannot do
Yehova apha aliyense amene ali kumbuyo kwa izi. Anaotcha anthu osapa ku Sodom ndi Gomorrah apangaso zimenezi mu dziko ili.
we have to fight them because it’s satan’s army not sinners!
All atlast we will all face judgement
Mak olo awo akanakhala akupanga zimenezo bwenzi iwoo kulibe ,,( that’s over ganjaring ) chamba basi, kkkkk
Man wachamba sangapange zauchisiru ngat izi
Tikagwira wakuba timamuthibula , munthu ali ndi ufulu okoza komanso ndi chilengedwe koma ukapezeka ukukoza Pali ponse umalandila chilango, …ndithu ndithu mukapeza amathanyula akong’otheni monga momwe mumatimenyere ife amene tikati tivayise mission kwa mwana wathu obala tokha mumatimanga ngati mwanayo ndi wanu
Iwe wafodya kwabasi kkk
According to the 1st chapter u’ve mentioned, after the men left, JESUS told a woman not to committee adultery again. He didn’t allow her to continue committing adultery. Likewise here, the authority was suppose to tell the guys not to GAY again. Apart from the BIBLE belief, it is also a taboo in our culture. STOP gaying.
What are u trying to say Malawi 24
Omagaaaaaad it’s murder!
no its not its called justice.U use a robot of course
Justice for who?
for everyone
Right lol
10 commandment is the main key of the Bible the least are just examples,be careful!
Haaaaaaa read again that verse and other verses. You id…….
Ma gay kaya lesbian ,ndikudwala mutu kokha kokha…despite the Bible being against it bt it doesn’t even make sense..hw cn u hv sex with a fellow man or lady to lady??dats jst stupidness and madness..I don’t kno wht these pipo think really???
Wayambanso kupasidwa ndalama nawe???
Malawi24 don’t misinterprate the Bible.
Zausilu bas gay ndye kut chan?zomabwelesa mavesi awugalu cholinga chofuna anthu kut agonje chimenecho ndye chambacho mxiiii
God will Judge
You who know the truth just stick to it you cant manage to stop this they must happen just raise ur eyes to the king of kings who z coming to overthrough worldly kings n kingdoms to establish His just make sure you stop this from happening in ur life
how do pipo expect “atheists” ,who hv nothng to do wt the bible, to acept that homosexualitx z bad jxt becoz the bible said so? reasoning muxt firxt be used m the bible shuld cum later on to complement the reason!
Its better to legalise chamba or ganja than gayism n lesbianism. U umannered people, hav u lost ur faith n what the holy scriptures r teaching? Mayb u want to mislead mtundu wosankhidwa wa malawi? What i can warn u is that u wil perish while stil alive.
The problem is that if we want to use the Bible as a defense then there is one thing we should do let’s preach the word and let people repent but we should know we are in a secular country not everyone accepts the bible or the qu’ran!!!
Why can’t we just leave this to God for He is the one who judges? Let’s not act holier than thou.
Repentance is not forced on anyone
Zikambani ine nyagondwe uyu Ali apa
Malawi 24 kupusa kwanu mwanva very foolish
Ndiye milandu ya cash gate muthese kamba aliyense ndiochimwa. ndipo anthuwo amkaba msonkho wawo
That’s why there is laws in every country for the citizens to follow and obay so that who ever does oposit way must be puniche. This does not siply means those who will they must be Holly. But it to control and maintain our culture value
where is undule mwakasungula,,,,he can testify God’s glory,,,,,after atadwala osati masewela chifukwa chofuna gay rights
Malawi 24 you’re becoming nothing but CLAP-TRAPERS,. Mwina azungu angakunveni nkuyamba kukupatsana ndalama. Shame!
ndie amuna nokhanokha muyambe kukisana kukandana ndevu.. kenako ‘a braz tapolamani’ hahahahaaaaa zauve bas
Why throw ur morals to the dogs? This z not part of our decorum. Unlike nthawi yomweyo
I’ll Throw! Ndazimenezi Zokha I Wont Dare 2!
Mlungu anakana izii!
mmmmmmmmm koma kodi inu amene mukupanga zopusanu mpaka mwafika pomasewelesa Bible? ngati zili ndalama koma Mulungu akalangadi, iweyo Bambo ako akanakwatila ndamuna azawo iweyo ukanabadwa nalo Bomaso lukungoang’anila livekela tasiya kupanga anthu amene azikwatilana ofanana ziwalo, mukuganiza bwanji kodi inuyo ndipo cholinga chanundichani? Mukufuna kuti Mullungu alange Malawi coz inu anthu opusa? muuzane iweyo amene walemba nkhaniyi boma lakolo kaya ndani sindikusalanso zamunthu panopa ndinu opusa nonse koma ku Bible kokhaku chonde mulisiye ndipo nyasi zanuzo muzipanga ndimaku amene mumawelenga ku satanic kwanuko mwatopa kuwerenga usiku mukufuna muambe kutinyasa zanuzo masana ? ayi ndithu musatiputile nkwiyo wa Mulungu ife ngati zili ndalama musatinyase ife.
I dont trust bible Jesus sadasiye book or church only holy sprint to guide to the truth gay is not part of sin but above sin beyond human beyond repentance is not nature is man made
The fact that there is no perfect human being does, that we all sin in one or the other, does not mean that we should continue to sin. Romans 6 King James Version (KJV) What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? It is wrong to consider homosexuality as the biggest sin, remember, sin is sin. But this does not give homosexuals a guarantee that because others are committing other sins then homosexuals should find that as a justification for their acts. I believe that before God sin will remain sin even if the mightiest rulers of this world can justify it. This issue can’t be solved by mere arguments, it is to do with one’s spiritual stand in Christ.
Which side are you ???? Ant gay or pro gay ???
Side is not an issue because there are ant gays who are taking that stand on grounds of prejudices and there are pro gay who are taking that stand to please someone (westerners for instance). What should bother you brother Jambo is whether you are standing on the truth. TRUTH. If you know the truth the truth will set you free
Which side are you? Goat iwe eti!!!!!!
Nde NdiMmene Amakomera Nkaz..,
Wina Bax Nkumalimbana Ndi Mwamuna Nzake.,
I do work hard to buy a gun so tht l shot all these motherfuckers l mean gYs
So basically u are saying lets sin??
ofcourse evry sin is just the same in God’s eyes but smtymz we shouldnt take it for granted.. if it was the case that homosexuality was there from the beginning, how come God created Adam and Eve?? Think Twice About It..
Please Dont Legalize This Kind Of Marriage
It says throw stones to her not him…and she was sleeping with a man not a fellow lady
iwe MALAW 24 ngat akukutuma ohoo, y these days r u coming wth d same topic, kulibe nkhan ina? We r about to UNLIKE yo page coz we r fed up with dis gay thing.
koma iwe! nde umangopanga dala machimowo, haha!. u thnk its wyz 2 say so.#thnk_angain_ma_frnd!
Zisiyeni Tirigu Ndi Namsongole Zikulire Limodzi Ndipo Zizasiyana Nthawi Yokolora.
walembai ali ndimkazi kunyumba akulemba zambwerera bwanji? kupepera.
The verse referred to a married woman who had sex with another (married/not) man. ….=Adultery. The verses about gay ….read za Sodom n Gommorah. In case you don’t know .God destroyed Sodom n Gommora mpaka panasanduka nyanja ya dead sea. Or nsomba kaya chule mulibe
adada mwayowoya unenesko chomene
Da John 7: 8 is clear. Read da whole text and dont try to intepret it. In simple terms da men brought to Jesus a woman who has been selling her body for money. Da intention of these men was to implicate Jesus in her possible murder. Jesus replied that any man among these idiots who hasnt slept with this woman must throw da first stone. It was found that all men had bought sex from this woman. So they all walked away. Ua next verse about sin n sinners is misplaced. A sinner commits sin and Jehovah punishes any form of sin. Therz no single verse in da Book that says Jehovah hates sin but loves da sinners. Ofcos if u find pleasure as a man on another man’s anus: u r sick. U r a fool.
.Ndilebe umboni ndagonena zomwe ena amanena in malawi it is estimated that over #1.4 people r homosexuals,,we shoud nt be blend,anthuwa alipo ndipo nd ambri,we should heip them gting clozer to God.
Fire upone them God 4give us all
I Hope Karlens James Is 1 Of Them!
I Hope Karlen James Is 1 Of Them! AKUTCHULA Bwino Ndekuti Akudziwana! Koma Ife Tikuti Yayi Nyasi Zimenezi!
Apa pali nkhani,akuba amadziwana okhaokha mboni ndi osuta fodya poti amapanga poyela,man mudziwapo kanthu!!
No i know nothing,y r u pipo r u after evryone who seems to teli the fact,anthuwa alipodi malawi muno,,,oky GO TO THIS POST,then uone anthu omwe apanga like post ya malawi24 iyiyi,those pipo check them u wiil discover that thre r many.
Bter the devil u know than that u dnt know,bter the anemy u know than that u dont know,,when this pipo cme out like this then,as chritians is our duty to preach and heip them bt if we kip on insuiting them,hurting them then azinkhala ma hiding places by doing th same ting,than wat wili we achieve
Bter the devil u know than that u dnt know,bter the anemy u know than that u dont know,,when this pipo cme out like this then,as chritians is our duty to preach and heip them bt if we kip on insuiting them,hurting them then azinkhala ma hiding places by doing th same ting,than wat wili we achieve
Married people or not married having extra marital status committing adultery and fornication are no better than homosexuals. Let’s hate sin and pray for those sinners to repent.
But we cn ony heip them when we allow them to come out,if nt then God wiil account us for this..sodom and Gomorah was nt destroyed just bkoz of homosexual,no thre were other sins,corruption,udetury,so many sins,,go and check again in bible unless we read dfarent ones,Malwi is full of this eviil tings,curruption and so many,so lets heip one another to gt clozer to God than turning them away from Him
But are those sins accepted, celebrated and promoted?
No henry,wht u have to know,kuvomereza or kusavomereza iz,stil anthuwa azipanga bt in closet or hiding way,so what wiil we achieve,let them come out and then we know them we cn heip them
Zomwe walemba ukungowoneselatu kuti ulibe nzelu…be specific as a real citizen of this country i condem azibambo okhaokha azinyengana kumalo otulukila manyi that’d forbidden
No,u gote mw wrong,,why,am nt in saport of the act,bt what am sying is and a fact anthuwa nd amabri the only way to heip them gting closer to God is to allow them to cm out in thre hiding places
Mene, mene, tekel parsin. Daniel 5
Yes Malawi 24 u r right,bt u shud remember that despite all are sins but some sins are abominations which should not be accepted in our society. If Jesus was till with us,how could he handle homosexual issue?could he toralete gaysm and resbianism? To say the fact,homosexuality is a great sin. one of the reason that made God to destroy Sodom and Gomorah is homosexuality.
Could he tolerate you killing thieves? Judging whether they live or die? No. But people still do that and i don’t see anyone complaining
Lonjezo u dont have a point,, have u ever seen pple tolerate killing o robbery?? even government acts against it, therefore we stand against homosexuality. full stop
Its always in the news. People taking the law into there own hands. Killing robbers, the government advised that they stop but its still happening. So why are people making a fuss about homosexuals and nothing is being said about these murderers? Does god tolerate someone who judges over another persons life but cannot tolerate a homosexual person even if they haven’t hurt anyone or affected anyone in any way?
alonjezo bodzatu ili
R u one if them Lonjezo?
? no, I’m not gay Alex Giggs Kalungu
Carlo Kumwenda
of all the sins why should we legalise homosexual? do u think u r now more wise than God who created u?..anyway these things must happen and then the end shall come tsoka kwa iye okwanilitsa
nde argument yanu ili pati? mufuna apange legalize mob justice kapena stealing? koz ndikaona zimenezi zimaletsedwa ndithu
the fact is that
‘the devil wanna get the country Malawi so perveted!
Sin is a Sin we don’t legalise a Sin n there is nobody who has the right to do a Sin
akukulimbikitsaniwo ali ndi azikazi awo mmakomo, its like kukuuza kuti kumwa madzi a zithaphwi kulibe vuto iye akumwa pa tap
NKhani iyi idzathera mchipululu osadandaula. Zikuoneka kuti anthu amene akupanga izi amatumidwa ndi ma NGOs ngakhale boma limadziwapo kanthu komano amafuna kutitenga ife ngati ziboli. Chonde amene akulakalaka kupanga izi apite akapangire ku mangalande or ku America komweko. Wina adzayatsidwa pamaso pa Palmer galu wachabechabe uyu. Koma ife ndiye tiwagenda ndithu
mukazaona ng’ombe yaimuna ikufuna kukwera ng’ombe yaimuna inzake,ng’ombeyo iphedwe pompo pompo ( go & check in chipangano chakale” wat more mu2 okhala ndi mzimu?????? FUCK OFF
Another stupid creature hell is your place.
olemba ma articles knw that you are being used!!! go to hell?!
even nkhuku imadziwa kolowera, musatipuse Malawi amatseguka mmaso
Koma zonsezi ndi Peter bwanji angochoka coz ife atisocheletsa, nthawi imene azamachoka azasiya dziko litaonongeka!!
if u wanna be gay be gay but NOT in malawi
Izindie zopusa bolanso nyama zakutchile zilibwino, kusiyana ndiinu mukuzipasa ufulu wakusa zindikila
So the writer is a gay?
Azanu Kumaprison Anachivomeleza Kale Opanga Apange Sungawaletse Ali Ndi Njira Zawo Ukazitengela Zikupweteka Koma Zili Ndi Ma Side Effect 1.No Control Yachimbuzi Kwa Iwo Amakhala Akazi
Bible ndimdambo momwe nansongole ndi tiligu zimamela ndipo umasankha zofunika zokhazo chifukwa aliyense kaya ndiwakupha ves yomuteteza ilimo kuba matsenga,using’anga, kumwa mowa ndikusuta fodya,chigololo ndizina zambiri ndiye musayelekeze kupanga chitsanzo pamfundo imeneyi kuno kwathu kumalawi!!!
what kind of stupid logic is that..?, you deduce that God is a promoter of gaysm? you must very stupid the author of this article.
Mwe talemanavyo fakanipo nkhani ina makamaka ikhale yamlomwe uyu amene akuzunzisa amalawi
The writter of this artical is a twister of the scripture(2peter 3:16 says “in them however are some things hard to understand,which the untaught and unsteady are twisting as they do also the rest of the Scriptures to their own destruction)
the only sin dat made God to punish sodom and Gommora was de issue of
Wapanga post iwe uganizire bambo ako akanapanga ubwez ndi bambo ena iweo uli pat? Rubbish
God have mercy on malawi
What the fucker are you talking about almity God is not stupid to creat Adam and hava and now you the creater you want to make it opposite who can smile with that Rubbish go to hell
Everyday we will read articles about homosexuality and cash gate,is that the only stories you can posts,shame on you
Pitala amapanganso zomwezo mukuona ngati angatani ku mtundu wa Malawi ngakhale anakwatira koma mayi sakupeza mita!
Why quorting Scriptures in vain?
It is difficult to tell what you want and who you are I feel you are a gay. If not then you have been sent by the western evil world. Jah will never cease the fire burn all like you. Shame on you.
kkkkkkk eeee koma guys moti tidxinena kuti darling yili mphongo yixako yandemvu kkkkk ayi apa mwawonjexa ngati ndikukani kuwayankhula akaxiwa pexani njila xina nyasixi tasiyani
rubbish!!!! z dat wah dem ave orderd unuh to lie to us? bomboklaat unuh,,,,nah chance fi dis inah our community wi goa chant unuh down nah matta wot…
I guess Peter Mutharika is the one who wrote this article. Let me warn tell you this, if you want to be a gay then go to USA. That’s why I prefer muslims to Christians. Christians do think that following Jesus is a way to heaven. Just imagine, catholic leader pope, once said he doesn’t see a problem attending a church with a gay or lesbian. But shuld I say pope did miss the chapter that explained why sodom n Gommorah were destroyed. On the other hand, most christians contradict each other. You will never see contradictin each other. SDA members says that drinking bear its a sin, but catholics will say Jesus came n changed everything. But the same Jesus said that he did not cme to change the law nor take away what the prophets said but to fulfill what was written by the prophets. So if you say Jesus changed everythng or simplified the laws of the bible that means he accepted homosexuality, coz in the past God punished sodom for the same thing. I guess we should leave this to God. But I dnt see a true Christian except me.
nde Chan hahahaha
That Words Does Not Mean Sin Has Been Legalised. What It Mean Is no One On This Land Has Power To Punish Others
You filthy Benjamin Ngoma, don’t propagate your wicked gayism in the name of Holly Scriptures. you are the most foolish person as well as your donors who are imposing the gay sin on Malawi.
i dnt think the author is human
Aleken Anthu Okonda ndalama awa? Kod ma Gay sakubwera poyera mkunena kt akuphera Ufulu bwanj? Do they speak? Agalu…
It Seems U Are Also Involved In Implementation Of Satan Kingdom! Mwalandir Ndalama Et? Zkmo Nzeru Akukupatsan Satanaz Kt Mubwere Maganizo Mwalembawo. Takuthokozan Powombera Mmanja Nyasiz Kma Tsoka Kwaiye Okwanitsa Malemba . Dziwan Kaya Muyankhula Kut Chan! Kaya Kufananitsa Machimo ! Kaya Chani Kma Dzidabweni Muwuzimu Ngat Zimenez Mukuchita Ndi Mphamvu Yamulungu? Timachmwa Ndithu Kma Tisafike Popanga Dala Zithu Zoipa Mkumat Ngat Pali Wina Asanachimwe Agende Anthu Akuwatirana Amunawa Ai! Nthandizan Kukhazikits Ufumu Wasatanawo Ndikumapepusa Machimo Mkumat Ufulu. NDALAMA IKAYANKHULA CHILUNGAMO CHIMAKHA CHETE! AMEN!!!! mukawerenga atumuzireni ena. PAGE CALLED MALAWI24 SEEMS TO BE SATAN WINDOW.
the author of this article, he is so stupid and he is unbible believer
U need deliverance.fuck u
pissed off ….. Bastard`s malawi24 iz so #bulshit………….. Belive me your days are now numbered,,,,,. You will not make into 2016. God is always watching
Yes There Are Many Sins And Sinners But They Dont Ask For Regalising Laws.Why Forcing Us To Regalise It? What About Corruption And Murdery! Will You Also Regalise?
Chenjera ungazalangidwe ndikusaziwa
Buku lopatulira siloseweretsa.
Chinamkomera Mungulu kulenga Adam nd Hava
Osati Adam nd Yohane.
No debate here gays are rubbish!
Out of mind
They deserve to die
In democracy majority rules therefore za umathanyula takana basi! Mutha kusamukira kumene kumaloledwa umve wanuwo.
Lev 20:13, its clear then what next?
Mukangokhala mgulu lovomereza maukwat amuna kapena akaz okhaokha,mudzafa infa yowawa.
nde yoning’inadi man,kkk
Thats it bro!
Kkkk Zoona Bro Auzeni
kkkkkk Boladi kumudziwa Mulungu.
kkkkkkk ndiye mau
kkkkkkk ndiye mau
Akulimba mtima ndindalama zauchimo zochoka maiko akutali amene amkanisitsa namalenga!!
Kink Koma apa Malawi yafikapo
Though God love sinners ,He hates sin too.Ifu
Zonsezi zikubwela mumalawi chifukwa cha 1,njala. 2, maletnda. 3, umbuli. Zinthu zitatuzi zikutipanga tisakhale ndi mau. Very very very shame malawi.
Osanamizira baibulo pa zinthu zopusa, mxiii! Stop it.
Its is funny hiw people think they can manipulate the bible to justify their devious acts
Author of the article ndi ndani? tikulimbana ndi a cashgate y
Galu iwe wasowa cholemba eti? Nkhani izikhalila zimenezo basi palibe zina zoti ndikulemba ngati za njala komanso kuti DPP siizawinanso? mmmxzxiii
Kungoposta post imeneyi, wamkanda pa mutu Jehova. No wonder ukamaona matsoka osadziwa komwe akuchokera.
u so stupid…
The bible how ever also says no man should sleep with another man is this not the same reason soddom and gomorrah was destroyed? Its one thing to relise what you have done is and its is another to justify sin remeber those who stand and defend sin are just as bad as the sinners
Who wrote the bible then ????? @ yankho focus men kkkkkkkkkkk though lm Nt a gay brah
thats true!!!
But Malawi is a secular country we can’t force the bible on people. If we are Christians, let’s preach the word for those doing evil to repent and know the love of God but we can not just condemn and judge them. Am not any homosexual tho
But you can see that even in sodom and Gomorrah those cities of Ash not everyone perished but only those that did evil. Read also Ezekiel 14:14,20!!!
God’s people will always prevail in whatever world they exist
where there is no vision people perish indeed
Thats is true yankho
As much as Malawi is a secular nation, we should be proud of our culture. Its a taboo for a man to sleep with another man. Lets not westernise everything in the name of civilisation. certain things are just uncalled for. Its foolishness.
the problem is we search for verses in the bible that justify our sins bottom line is homosexuality is a sin and it is unatural
being modern does not mean conforming to other peoples funny ideas just because a white person thinks its right does not make it right
Rights or no Rights,homosexiality is a sin and a taboo in as far as Malawi culture is concerned.go to America if our culture seem to erk you in one way or the other.
Tell them,foolish pipo together @ your president
Tell them,foolish pipo together @ your president
Hosea 4 vs 6 Anthu anga akuonongeka chifukwa chakusadziwa.
Ilike MUGABE speach that always trigger in my head whenever heard about homosexuall ”let BARACK OBAMA leave his wife & come here in zimbabwe so that i marry him”
Mike Nzima Aub Ndunya
Alembai iziziwanso ndi a gay ndaona
By promoting it instead of stopping it
ofcourse sin is sin but when it comes to gaysim Mulungu mmakanda pamutu mixiiii mutiyankhulitsa pambali
Zachamba basi mumapangilanji kd zimenezi zopusa eeeeeeshiiii
If you want to copy this garbage by a certain fool from news24 press 4.
Ndizoona mphulupulu palibe yaing’ono, zonse ndi mphulupulu kwayehova, koma kwa ife olengedwa ndi yehova, mphulupulu ilipo yaikulu ndi yaing’ono ukapanga poela aliense akuona. Munganene kuti opha munthu ndi mpeni ndi amene wapha njoka zimafanana? Poti ngankhale njoka ili ndi ufulu okhala. Musamatelo abale, azungu atilowesa kunjila yosaenela ya mdima. Ine ndine mchristu koma ndikuti dziko lino kukanakhala asilamu okhaokha kukanakhala kulibe mphulupulu, azungu aipisa ziko lapansi.
kufuna kutukwanidwa apa
Zopusa basi