Muslims clear controversy over Ziyara Parade

Muslims Malawi

There were many happy faces on Thursday in Malawi when Muslims were celebrating the birth of Prophet Muhammad in an annual event called Ziyara Parade.

However, this year’s celebrations came just a day before December 25 when Christians around the globe celebrate the birth of their saviour, Jesus Christ, a development which led to debates among Muslims and Christians.

But speaking to Malawi24 in an interview, Ziyara Parade 2015 media communications officer, Ridwan Omar cleared the confusion among the people on changes of dates when Muslims celebrate the birth of their Prophet.

Muslims Malawi
Have cleared the controversy over the matter.

Omar said they celebrate the birth of Muhammad in accordance with an Islamic calendar and this year the day came on 24 December on secular calendar.

“The days always remain the same in our calendar, but dates in our calendar move 9 to 10 days every year against English calendar that is why last year it was on 4th January and next year it will be on 14th December,” he said.

This year’s Ziyara Parade ceremonies were conducted in Blantyre and Lilongwe with spiritually enlightening lectures from renowned sheikhs and guests speakers.

In Blantyre, the eventful occasion was kicked off by a parade from Kanjedza Mosque to Mpingwe Sports Club in Limbe where the main celebration was held and over 75,000 people attended.

The event was organized with aim of conveying gratitude to God for giving them Muhammad as their Prophet.