Muslims to celebrate the birth of Muhammad


Muslims in Malawi will on Thursday join others across the world in Ziyara Parade as a way of celebrating the birth of Prophet Muhammad.

One of the officials from At-Tariqatu Qadria Sunnia Association (AQSA), Sheikh Adam Amani Kang’ombe, told Malawi24 that the event will be a way of conveying gratitude to God for giving them Muhammad as their prophet.

Muslims with President Peter Mutharika in a similar parade. (File)

Kang’ombe added that the event is of vast significant since apart from the celebration, people will learn more about Muhammad.

“We will be celebrating the birth of our Prophet Muhammad and during the event we will be giving thanks to our God for giving us Prophet Muhammad,” said Kang’ombe.

The event will start with a parade from Kanjedza Mosque to Mpingwe Sports Club where the main celebrations will be held.

Men and women going to the event are advised to be in white and black attire respectively. Muslims’ Ziyara Parade will be held just a day before Christians over the world celebrate Christmas on December 25, a day which Christians observes as the day their saviour Jesus Christ was born.