…accused of wrecking a marriage of 30 years
Former Miss Malawi who is also an employee of National Bank Ella Kabambe has been forced to deactivate her Facebook account after an irate woman had threatened to publish her indecent photos.
According to a letter circulating on social media which Malawi24 has seen, the unidentified woman is challenging Kabambe over what she says is the former beauty queen’s behaviour of sleeping with married men.

The woman in question alleges that Kabambe is at the centre of wrecking her 30 year old marriage.
“As I am writing to you, my husband and I maybe going through a divorce soon. I do not fault you entirely for the divorce, although you are a big part of it,” reads part of the letter which has been addressed to Kabambe.
The woman in question claims that the Chancellor College graduate has been milking off her husband such that the man failed to pay school fees for his children in overseas schools.
“My husband has totally changed, my kids missed their semester exams ‘cause of you,” claims the woman who says that Kabambe has been demanding that the man takes her to China and Dubai for shopping.
The woman has also promised to invade the home of Ella’s parents in Zomba where she will not only report her to parents but also splash to them Ella’s nude photos which she has been sending to the married man.
Apart from accusing her of going out with her husband, the anonymous woman alleges that Kabambe has also been seducing other men and has been sleeping with other older men including a 70 year old.
Malawi24 investigations have revealed that the former beauty queen is in a serious relationship with a Blantyre based guy of her own age.
Let’s see the pussy
Kodi Ma Miss Munatani? Kodi Akakusankhani Mumaona Ngati Mwafikapo Pa Uhule Wapoyera Atsikana Mumatichititsa Manyazi Kodi tiKati Maroll Model Timatanthauza Uhule Wapoyera? Chonde Inu Osakha Ma Miss Chonde Muzaphuzitsa Bwino Tathauzo La Miss Malawi Pliz
Ndalama ikulamula
Nde nude imakhala choncho sikupusa kumeneku……
Ndipange bwanji nane ndione nawo ma picturez wo?
Kubweteko nde ndikwake enanu nsanje bwanji ngati abambowo anali ndi chokodzera chosakhutitsidwa ndi mkazi wake olakwa si Ella koma inuyo mayi ndi amunanu
ha ha malawi is really #poor.even da missin malawi #ndosauka mmaonekedwe.
Mmmm koma mudzinama bwino apa inu ma addimn
Mmmm koma mudzinama bwino apa inu ma addimn
My people are dying for lack of wisdom
Hahahahaha illuminati doesn’t work like that…..
Nde mwati inu ndiokongola zedi??????? Mtiiiiiiiiii vuuuuuuuuumu!!! Yapita!!!
odi ndizimanga freezes ine,tyme z money
Ineyo personally kukhala mkazi guys sindingamubakile ella a married mkazi fo that matta a mdalao akanakhala amunanu inu akazi obakilanu mukanatani?kapena ur lyk her i mean nkazi ozikaikila kuti sangapeze wakewake koma abambo a eni ake?ine am too smart chonde osabakila zopusa abambowo amafuna kumuvula basi chifukwa kuti tionetsetse nkhope yakeyo nde ndi zero pa ten bola ine.inu obakila ella shud go with ur men tione kuti mungatani malawi 24 bravo asakufuna kumva nkhani zanu atuluke gululi sizokakamiza ma celeb muyaluka ndithu mxiii
kumeneku ndie kuyankhula good
Inde Anthu Amango bakira Zirizonse Ndinyasi Zimenezi
Life is too short. . She’s free to do wat ever she can and wth all she have. . .even if u judge her. . .u wont change the person she is ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha kaweluzeni #cashgate . . . . She:-)’s nt amess but you are. . .
Mwamunayo ndi chidzete mot angachite kukanika kulipira fees coz of de woman kkkkk angoluzapo mkazi oti wakhala naye zaka zambiri apa…..
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Kodi ndi chifukwa chani anthu onyasa inu mumalimbana ndi okongolafe, shupiti zanu
Elizabeth Sapanga Machila Pena pake atiuze chilungamo chifukwa munthuukamva nkhani pamafunika kuiunukira bwino aaaah
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This is real,he cured me and can still cure you.
Miss Malawi? amasankha akugona ? nanga kutalika mphuno kwake kumeneku?kkkkkkk Mwikho
(1) Aaaaaaah walemba kalatayu Si mwini mamuna chifukwa akanakhala mwini mamuna sangapange izi (2) kodi mmalawi muno wazaka 70 akugwirabe nchito mma office??? Pena pake anthu tiziyamba taphika mabodzawa bwino bwino,ngati Ella anakukanani pezani njira Ina yomunamizira….. (3) kodi pamenepa oyenera kudandaula ndindani iweyo addimn kapena nzimayiyu chifukwa nkhani ikakhala yoona pamayenera kuti chilungamo chiyende ngati madzi.zikumveka kuti mwini mamuna sakudziwa kanthu mpaka nkhanizi wadwala nazo nde zomangosindikiza nkhani zopanda umboni mkulakwa kwakukulu….(4) ngati mukuti abambowa alindizaka 70 kusonyeza kuti akulipirabe fees Ana azaka 40,30 kkkkkkkkkkk abale bodza silabwino ……..komanso tanva kuti wakupatsani nkhaniyi nditsikana oti naye akupanga nsanje chifukwa naye amkayenda ndi bamboyo ndizoona addimn? Tiuzeni zoona apa!!!!!!!!
Kkkk inu ndi a unduna wozofufuza fufuza kkkkkkkk
just try your lucky. man
Life sucks
ndinanena ine anthuwa ndimahule
ngati sumattha chigololo nde umati mmamuna wakoyo atani uyu akuti amaatha
za fees ndi zabodza
ndipo ena mwayika tima flag ta france tachani apa ?
My fellow younth moyo unavuta uwu put God first in everything u do and u will never be last.
Ngat alipo mwa inu amene sanachimweko ayambe kugenda muthuyi.tiyime mpingo tiyimbe nyimbo 93.
Ngat alipo mwa inu amene sanachimweko ayambe kugenda muthuyi.tiyime mpingo tiyimbe nyimbo 93.
Mmmm kaya …coz she z using wat she hav to get wat she want :!
Mmmm kaya …coz she z using wat she hav to get wat she want :!
Boa vida
Akunnamizira nanga bwanji sanabwele poyela ndikudziwa akupanga izi ndi adani ake.
Adm,,whats Ur Bussnes On Her,? Ur Out Of Truck And Ths Dosnt Concern The Audience,,mind Ur Bussnes Pliz!
Ndewalakwa cha? Kkkk smile imenei iwe ungalimbe?
kukhala m’malawi ndikulimba mtima
Amene angamveko za nyumba yogulisa andiuzeko, Area 10 elz or sunsyd btz,last 2.5 million or 3 ,coz abambowa he promise kut andigulira ,mot pano nduyyendera jagwaaa yogula big man ameneyu,,,,,so woman pakila ndithu uyende, ellah bg up iwe ndiine tidye makobiliwa .Willow pali u end m basi
Hahahahahaha waziziwa kkk uliboo ase
I’m also concerned that she is the only one mentioned. It takes two to tangle but as always society puts the entire blame on the woman. Even the man should have been named and shamed. Nway young ladies please stay away from people’s husbands.
ndikhale mbuli pa nkhani imeneyi…
ndakunvesetani mastern koma musathese banja lanu azibamboowa akamakula nzeru zimapelewera vuto ndi msikanayo nde alibe choice osangopeza wasaizi yake
komatu she was dating ka mnyamata kena kake.Anyway,anayamba kalekale,ku school analinso ndi khalidwe lonyansa uyu,,
iiiiiii koma iyeyo anasankha moyo olakwika bola kuba
magule inu wakumoto basi zapadziko sungazi?malize utha ndiwe. shame on
Uyuyuyu former miss Chani?kkkkkk mbewa zidaatha that year ankanona ndi aswiswili-tione kumeneko mahule mbava tidaziona mu Jerusalem
Mkazi ndi wa munthu ali yese. Sikuti anabadwira munthu m’modzi iai. Ena amaba ndithu. It is normal. Chili chose anthu amaba. Ndalama, akazi, galimoto, zovala, zikwama…. ndiye kukhala kwa pa dZiko. Just pretend you do not know. That is life. Mwamuna munthu adabadwa naye ngati tsitsi? Mmesa amangopezana. Kapena mkazi amalembedwa ku msana kuti mrs so, so… ???? No!!!! Mwamuna or mkazi ali ndi ufulu wotero. Akagwidwa chili kwa iwe kuti no, izi ai. Ndakusiya. Utenga wina. Koma sikuti wamuyamba ndiwe ai enaso alipo! Zosiirana izi. Ukachite udwala nazo BP? Kapena upita naye ku manda ukafa? Udzamusiya ena adzapitiliza. Choncho zinthu zasintha. Akazi akuyenda maliseche ena asiyeni. Dziko lasintha! Uyo safuna uwona zake akakhale kwina kwa yekha. Kapena azitandala mnyumba mwake ndi akazi ake.
M24 ndi yausilu heavy kumusaka munthu kalata yoti walembera wina
Why does National Bank like employing former miss malawis? Eee kaya mwina mabwana akumeneko amakonda kwambiri kudya zimenezi.
Business marketing!
yah i think
70 years old cant do fokolo unless he was JZU lol..
ISSAIH 4 vs 1~5
ISSAIH 4 vs 1~5
Ali ndi mphaka kapena kuti pusi ogulitsa,,,,,,,,,
The problem is with your husband.. I think he don’t have a spiritual faith. can’t he think where you are coming from??? now your problems are letting your children to suffer. I’m shocked with your your children’s who are now on tortured
choyamba putting your marriage matters on media is a big probem. Your marriage looks older aj@nd stronger than i thoght. Churches courts marriage concellor are there to help us issues likes yours so dont you ask any help from these orgs insted of making a fool of yo self. There is apersonnal vandetta why do u take this issue to her parents in zomba. If this is tru then Bella you are areal whore. And the man is a nicompoop who doesnt carefor other pipos life.If this is really true the man deserve to be cut his balls because he cant keep messing with other peoples emotion and get away with it. Remember love is all about compromise please find a common decision otherwise both of you are a mess.
Inu simudziwa kut miss amasowa amuna asaiz yake amathawa mapeto ake chidye chimakanda basi
Ine siukundi waza uyambileso.
hahahahah! Miss malawi? bolaso akazi anga. She is only looking good, not beautfull.
Nawenso kasamale nyini yako mamunako amafuna zokoka lephethe lephethe
ngati ndi hule ndi hule basi
amene ali wolungama ayambe kugenda miss Nyasalandyu
sh wz fit for eatin
Mdala wachita bwino kumawa chinda kumene ngati mpata utape zeka asamadelere ndakufiira mdala ngati pali video tatumizani mukuchindana
aasssssah timamissiti tambiri nditimahule Am not suprised at all ndipo salary yawo yambiri yagona muntchito yovula vulayi Pakanengo avula,Pa area30 Avila,pa18_avula,pa10 nanji avula ..iiiii mu43 nde eish samavala komwe .ena amvekele blakmarket-luv ili nkhenge
Anthu amene mumalimbana ndikuyalusa amuna anu mumankhala kut ximenexo xomwe mumazikonda,kunkhala celeb sichifukwa townmu muli akaz ophunxira ambir ntchito yao kusaka amuna aini ndemupite mukakokole anthu onseo mutipangire post coz siku linaso muxatipangira post xina ndeife ximatikwana muchosa bwanj chisoso chanxanu chanu chili mmaso????
ukauze amenewo akhalenxo ma celeb then alemba u public figure ndumeneutu de meaning of celeb aliyense aziwe so xanalakwise apa
Anthu amene mumalimbana ndikuyalusa amuna anu mumankhala kut ximenexo xomwe mumazikonda,kunkhala celeb sichifukwa townmu muli akaz ophunxira ambir ntchito yao kusaka amuna aini ndemupite mukakokole anthu onseo mutipangire post coz siku linaso muxatipangira post xina ndeife ximatikwana muchosa bwanj chisoso chanxanu chanu chili mmaso????
ukauze amenewo akhalenxo ma celeb then alemba u public figure ndumeneutu de meaning of celeb aliyense aziwe so xanalakwise apa
Ndipod ndudabwa nao anthuwa amanao amalephera kuwachengetera kuchipindako ndeazitinyasa ife apa
kkkkk amalephela ngati kkk ayi amunawo amafuna kuona zina
monalisa yankhula bwino . ndizopweteka ngati sizinakuchitikirepo khala chabe chete. tangoganiza alimayi ako akuchitidwa zimenezo. zaka 30 pabanja moyo ungosintha all oversudden.
Monalisa ngati uli pa banja tseka pakamwa and dont evn comment amuna olo utawapatsa zakuchipindazo mmene akufunila sayamika ndipo iweyo being nkazi ukubakila munthu oyipa ngati ameneyu bwanji tidabwa nawe mayb ur one ov them eti
Koma @ Malawi penapake! Iyeyi anachita kufunsilidwa ndi Bambo’wo! Kodi chimakhala chili chani kuti mkazi akapanga chibwenzi kumamulonda? Aliyense ali ndi ufulu opanga chibwenzi ndi munthu amene akumufuna sindikuonapo nkhani apa!
Koma @ Malawi penapake! Iyeyi anachita kufunsilidwa ndi Bambo’wo! Kodi chimakhala chili chani kuti mkazi akapanga chibwenzi kumamulonda? Aliyense ali ndi ufulu opanga chibwenzi ndi munthu amene akumufuna sindikuonapo nkhani apa!
Koma @ Malawi penapake! Iyeyi anachita kufunsilidwa ndi Bambo’wo! Kodi chimakhala chili chani kuti mkazi akapanga chibwenzi kumamulonda? Aliyense ali ndi ufulu opanga chibwenzi ndi munthu amene akumufuna sindikuonapo nkhani apa!
Palibepo cha nzeru apa.
Palibepo cha nzeru apa.
Palibepo cha nzeru apa.
samamukwelanso inu iya
samamukwelanso inu iya
samamukwelanso inu iya
samamukwelanso inu iya
ineyo sindikudya zausilu
ineyo sindikudya zausilu
ineyo sindikudya zausilu
ineyo sindikudya zausilu
Mayinee wandikumbusa faith chibale.,
Mayinee wandikumbusa faith chibale.,
Mayinee wandikumbusa faith chibale.,
Mayinee wandikumbusa faith chibale.,
Is she beautiful to deck someones marriage?
Is she beautiful to deck someones marriage?
Is she beautiful to deck someones marriage?
Is she beautiful to deck someones marriage?
Damn , akusowa mabanja awa.
Damn , akusowa mabanja awa.
Damn , akusowa mabanja awa.
Damn , akusowa mabanja awa.
Lyf is what u mek ,sangalalan ndi umoyo wanu mayi Malawi akale o z best thetsan ndthu mabanjao kumapeto mupezako phndu ,ife takunyadan
Lyf is what u mek ,sangalalan ndi umoyo wanu mayi Malawi akale o z best thetsan ndthu mabanjao kumapeto mupezako phndu ,ife takunyadan
Lyf is what u mek ,sangalalan ndi umoyo wanu mayi Malawi akale o z best thetsan ndthu mabanjao kumapeto mupezako phndu ,ife takunyadan
Lyf is what u mek ,sangalalan ndi umoyo wanu mayi Malawi akale o z best thetsan ndthu mabanjao kumapeto mupezako phndu ,ife takunyadan
Lyf is what u mek ,sangalalan ndi umoyo wanu mayi Malawi akale o z best thetsan ndthu mabanjao kumapeto mupezako phndu ,ife takunyadan
malungo ziiii anaimba kale ma blacs
Ngat anakukana zako zimenezo
Ngat anakukana zako zimenezo
Ngat anakukana zako zimenezo
Ngat anakukana zako zimenezo
Ngat anakukana zako zimenezo
No idear by this!
hahahaha kushabonera at its best……….musiyeni adyese ndiufulu wake……next will be ine ndikamushabonereso…….mwai ukapezeka kuziphwekesa basi
Poor investigations Mw24! why mentioning the name of Ella only and not the other woman and her husband.Fake, aiming to turnish one’s image.
Tsiku lachisanu lakwana, ukamapita kusogolo uzionaso kumbuyo, Aunt zikusonyeza mudayambapo ndikale satana adakusikirani mayi, ife nkumayamika komaso kuomba manja kwa mwini wationesayo!
mhuuu nkhaniyi komaso penapake, abambowa kulephera kulipira fees ya ana ndekuti anayamba kubereka atakalaba kaletu ndimayembekezera kuti ma children awo are 40years above, kutuluka mnyumba sivuto la nkazi koma ndiuhule chabe wa mamunayo
iwe akuti anthu akhala pa banja zaka 30 nde ana a40 yrs achoka kuti? kodi anthu mmasuporter zoipa zikamachitikira anzanu bwanji?
simunandivese asisi ine am not supporting anyone, my problem is with olemba nkhani, ndimangoona ngati nkhaniyi is not making sense kuti nkhani za sukulu ndi age ya abambo, mwina sinnavesedi za zaka zabanjazo ndipo your first statement zikuyenerana koma kwinako nde sizugwirizana, tawerenganiso my comment muvese ngati ndasapota winawake, anthu oti they’r supporting ella apapa mukuwaoneratu dzudzulani amaneo ine zomandipanga attack zinthu zoti simunavese ndinu zimandibowa, read my last statement if in anyway it shows kuti am doing so, where hav i supported anyone apapa?
as along as shez a celeb tikuyenera kuziwa ku news timati ma prominent figure olo akanagwa mu limbe ikanakhala news
iwe ndi dolo ase,, umatsata zingini not makape enawa angotsutsa anything,,, if one z a celeb, what they do z published in the social media
eti eti za mwana wa piksy bwa kulengezedwa paliponse namga was he the first person kukhala ndi mwana? ?? ukwati wa dictator bwa??? as along as one is a celeb his or her bad/ good dids have to be knwn by public
Ya apa nde wanena chilungamo
Zisiyeni mbuli enao naonso ndi ma hule anzake a ella pali zobakila apa azaziona azimuna awowo akazapanga zomwezo ma celeb anyanya they shud respect themselves asakufuna kumva nkhani achoke mu gululi asatinyase mxiii
wina ndiuja anafa ndimatenda koz of kusazigwira kwasala awano ndie! Khalidwe limaposa kukongola. Amunawo akakuyuza nkususukira ndalama kwakoko uzizavutika wekha iwo atakusasa uwone!
Akunama miss malawi wanuyo sangaime ma dinkam yaineyi
shupiti ife timafuna zithunzizo kkk
#kkkkkkk zinazi ukamamva eshi nkhani ndinjala yomwe ili muno #mamuna_ndie_onyengao
uhule nd mtma being miss malawi kusamusokonezere zomwe amakonda
Mmmmmh l cant believe this Ella can not do that
mind your own business mayi,or just do the same,nanunso muyambe
Nkhani ndi pothera myendo kkkkkmiss nude photos
Iiii koma anthu ena uhule unawakhodzokera ndithu… at 70 munthu nkumapangabe zibwenzi? Mmmm its much ndipo azibambo ena samazimvela chisoni
Mwamuna sakalamba 70 is just a Number kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
chemwali inu munamva kuti mphaka akakalamba sagwira makoswe?
munthu akamakura nzeru zimachepa vuto ndi nsikana wamphuno yayitaliyo olo nseru alibe anangonva kuti ngokongola ndekuti basi aliyense amusangalase
Mic Malawi, my wife z beta than she.
suukunama ndithu
Akupanga uhule ndi ambiri koma kusagwidwa ndiye tisadane ndi mmodzi,yesu anati chani anthu atagwira mai akupanga chigololo?Kwa amene sanapange atole mwala agende ndipo onse anathawa choncho sindikuona zachilendo apa.
kodi alipo yemwe sanachimwepo apa? #singinggreatangelssong
Love has got no age it’s her choice
Chitsilu Kuimba Ng’oma,anzeru Mkumavina???
Ma photos’wo alikut nafenso twaone! Tpanga comment tkawaona kaye!
Zilibe size
Tiwone zimenezi
Whre is the nude pics? Tione ka,kapena mukuinamizira nyenyeziyi chifukwa inakukananitu mwina
Money talks ……at 70 that old dude on top of that hot property….. Wtf……..
If You Cant Read Between The Lines…Read Between Legs
Ayi chuka iwe….?
kkkk thts zuma
Noooooo, its not him, its just some selfish maggot, running after young gals
Muzisankha nkhani zaphindu mukafuna kulemba nkhani zanuzo. Zinazi nzopanda ntchito, palibe phunziro lililonse limene tingaphunzirepo!
Chikondi sichimaona kukula kapena kuchepa kwa munthu…
Mkaz anaguga kalekale uyu
Ayayaaaaaaa!!! Lekani nkhaniwo kkkk zinadibwa kale izo….anaiwalanso anthuwo…
Vuto ndi amuna akowo nt Ella,, iwe umati ngati sukuwakwanitsa nyumbamo atani?umafuna azipanga masterbation,, ma pic amenewo ungoziyalutsa wekha aise coz akazi samasiyana ndipo ungotaya nthawi yako,, ndibwino nthawi ukutayayi ukukonza banja lako n udziwe kuti vuto lalikulu linali chani kuti mpaka mamuna akafike potuluka mnyumba kupita kunja,,, munthu amene ukulimbana nayeyo ndi wotchuka ndi kale n zake zinayera ali pa tchito yabwino mavuto kwa iye ndi ochepa,,n ukamakhala uziziwa kuti MAMUNA ALIYENSE NDI ONYENGA
Kuyakhula kopanda chigamba mkamwa
Kuyakhula kopanda chigamba mkamwa
Kuyakhula kopanda chigamba mkamwa
Kuyakhula kopanda chigamba mkamwa
Kuyakhula kopanda chigamba mkamwa
eeeeee kodi pali anthu ena ku suporter such people mmmm dziko laipadi ili
Nt ku surpoter koma kunena chilungamo
Oky mamuna ndiye onyenga kkkkk
Eya palibe mamuna osanyenga amwene tisamanamizanepo pano
Ican just c good looking lady not beautiful. Anyway chakudya mkamwa mwa a Malawi chimanveka mosiyana ndi mmene chimayenekera kunvekela #lol
Nowonder,Galu sadyela manyi kufuna
Shame on you kabambe if this is true.
Inunso pangani zomwezo hiyaaaa
Aziona cuoz wakula watha
kukhala celeb chikhale chiphinjo? if she was jx an ordinary woman nkhan ikanafika apa?? ndpo mukut mukupanga divorce nde y bother kumuyalusa munthu . osangomusiira…. ndpo ndalamazo abambo nawo amangopereka haha kupusa….
iwe usathe zamkamwa aise! …what do we mean when we say NEWS? yankhatu!! hehehe Malawi24 ONLINE newspaper of the year of 2015
If you have not read it here then kayikani ndithu!
iwe usathe zamkamwa aise! …what do we mean when we say NEWS? yankhatu!! hehehe Malawi24 ONLINE newspaper of the year of 2015
If you have not read it here then kayikani ndithu!
Kumabakira anthu a choncho zimakhala zinthu zodabwisa kwabasi, kukhala celeb chikhale chifukwa choti akapanga zake zake asabweresedwe poyera? Such people should always be exposed to “DETER WOULD BE OFFENDERS” #TeaMalawi24!!!
@ Malawi kukokomola nkhani. if she chose kukhala nude its ha life. nanu machimo anu ali munkhwapa. let her be.
Mercy Mkolongo anali celeb???? Koma nkhani zake sizinatchuke mpaka pa radio? Okay dikira mamuna wako azagwidwe nd ma pics akudya mfana wa 14 yrs tizaone ngati suzaitura wekha pa media….
Iwe Rose tatsekura linkyo uwerenge not zopanda mchere ukukambazo
Ine ZagwaZatha sindikuonapo NEWS iliyonse apa. Kodi Mkazi kuchita chibwenzi ndi Munthu wa Mamuna pali nkhani iliyonse apa. Mmesa zimakhala choncho… Inunso a #Malawi24 kusowa nkhani eti #idiots
Am also married.. a good percentage of married women are cheated. most husbands are cheaters big time! This is indeed bad. But for the woman to blame it all on this lady nde akulakwitsa. Vuto ndamunawowo she should find a way to rectify their domestic problem than what she is opting to do panozi.
hehe amalawi…..
Angella, she is a former miss malawi.
asanapange divorce ampange kaye sort out ndi uhule wakewo fotseki
asanapange divorce ampange kaye sort out ndi uhule wakewo fotseki
ofunika kupangidwa sort out ndamunawowo…
Dont Cheat yurslf,No Celebs In Mw
ayi koma nkaziyo abambowo akula nzeru zabwelera kuumwana. nkaziyo nde angoyalukapo ndi nthawi yoti akhazikike
Kkkkkkkkk mpaka zithuzi??? vuto si mwaliyo ayi koma amuna anuwo. Khalani nawoni pasi akuuzeni chomwe sakupeza mwainu. Ndi chomwe akufuna kuzunzira ana okhala awo.
I dont see any nude photo here
I dont see any nude photo here
MG2 @ Pick u devil agents stop ua stupid acts .tsoka ilo ukuliyambalo.kamuzu adaionera patali thats y adaletsa izi za u MISS MALAWI
MG2 @ Pick u devil agents stop ua stupid acts .tsoka ilo ukuliyambalo.kamuzu adaionera patali thats y adaletsa izi za u MISS MALAWI
vuto adamunamiza kuti ndi owoneka bwino yet sh z nt
Ameneyu anawiniratu uhule omweo mwina kusowa anthu okamba za nzeru ngati inu achuluka ndi mahule anzake kubakila zopusa
uchitsiru mmene moyo umawawira kungomva kti kachbwenzi kako kakuyenda ndi uje kma palibe bond ili yonse atsikana mmakwiya wat more banja ana mbwee n 30yrs marriage amene akumuikira kumbuyo #ella naye ndi hule mzimu wa umunthu udachokamo
I love ur figure Ella…
I love ur figure Ella…
Former miss Malawi? Fuck that shit she bitch sex machine
Former miss Malawi? Fuck that shit she bitch sex machine
mmh kungoti zodyela kumusizi sizimaona size ,kuli wuchiiii kkkkk
mmh kungoti zodyela kumusizi sizimaona size ,kuli wuchiiii kkkkk
Thoko Namitowa
Thoko Namitowa
No sense.
No sense.
Za ziii
Za ziii
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk babes ntiiiii wakeyo
Mwina akuyendera mwambi oti Khala lalikulu ndilomwe limasunga Moto,
Kkkkkkkk mwambi wabwino ndaukonda
Mwina akuyendera mwambi oti Khala lalikulu ndilomwe limasunga Moto,
Kkkkkkkk mwambi wabwino ndaukonda
Ellah nthawi imeneyo.
kodi ndizothekanso pa Malawi pano nkazi kufika zaka sate osakwatiwa, ambiri mwayiwo akumavekanso ndi mbiri yokonda ku chindana ndi ana.
Ellah nthawi imeneyo.
kodi ndizothekanso pa Malawi pano nkazi kufika zaka sate osakwatiwa, ambiri mwayiwo akumavekanso ndi mbiri yokonda ku chindana ndi ana.
aa that’s her business …..not urs so fuck off admin
aa that’s her business …..not urs so fuck off admin
At 70 , The Genuine Man And The Former Miss Malawi. Very Good
At 70 , The Genuine Man And The Former Miss Malawi. Very Good
At 70 , The Genuine Man And The Former Miss Malawi. Very Good
At 70 , The Genuine Man And The Former Miss Malawi. Very Good
Once Being Miss Malawi She advertise her self to get fucked with older men and she started this long time back with #cover #bima
osatiso ndiyemweyo mxii
Once Being Miss Malawi She advertise her self to get fucked with older men and she started this long time back with #cover #bima
osatiso ndiyemweyo mxii
yap ur sayn the true
This is aformer miss malawi?who choose and dernation her is better my wife Patuma
This is aformer miss malawi?who choose and dernation her is better my wife Patuma
Ma nude photos wo alikuti?? Attention seekers stupid
Ma nude photos wo alikuti?? Attention seekers stupid
Ubwino wake wavula yekha tizione basi kkk
Ubwino wake wavula yekha tizione basi kkk
Tione basi..!kale timati bwete..tione bwetelo basi
Tione basi..!kale timati bwete..tione bwetelo basi
sounds good, I love nude shit.
sounds good, I love nude shit.
Ikani comment kkkkkkk
Hahaha owk?
Hahaha owk?
Julius Mithi
Julius Mithi