Business people in Limbe, Blantyre have expressed concern over an operation Malawi Police are carrying out in the town.
The law enforcers are ordering people to leave the business area by 5 PM after selling their goods claiming that they want to deal with robbers who rob people in the town as they go back to their homes in the evening.
One businessperson in the business district said if they find them selling goods after 5 PM, the police beat them up and this is not happening to the business people only, but also to anyone who is found in the town around past 5.

”We mostly target those who are coming from work to buy our goods and what the police are doing is hampering our business,” he said.
However, deputy public relations officer for Limbe police, Constable Peter Mchizi, denied that people are being beaten up by the police.
He said: ”We are forcing them to leave in good time and we are trying to bring security to the people as now we are approaching the festive season and most of the time we do this because theft in the cities increase.
“We are not targeting only Limbe, we are targeting the southern region. We also conduct the campaign in various locations.”
Police ,you will see a credit, u are number one enemy
apolisi aku malawi samalani nawo ndi mbava zowopsa tikamadaura mumanyumbamu kuti taberedwa amakhala apolisi omwewa tachangamukani abale azanga
Limbe Tarven.
police nd # one
Work had check even boundarys tikuvuti ndi azanu kuno mv evry where. Do ur job iwl pay cash
Yaa do it in a good manner
Our Costuition:
(39) Everyperson Shall Have The Right Of Freedom Of Movement And Residence Within The Borders Of Malawi.
The Penal Code Is Against The Right Of A Citizen. Once They Spote You Twice At Bus Deport Or Bwalo Lanjobvu: You Are Loitering. Kaya Ukumwa Fanta Pa Khonde La Mwenye, Idle: They Show You A Land Cruizer.
(32)Everyperson Shall Have The Right To Freedom Of Associaciation Which Shall Include The Freedom To Form Associations.
At At Apex Drivers Waiting Employment Were Arrested. At Chakulamba Lilongwe Bridge Vendors Washing Shoes Were Shown Cruiser
Mbava zapa Nyasaland ndiye a police amene
ine. apolice aku malawi. andinyasa. for sure
Bravo Malawi police
Ku Limbe kuli mbava zambiri,apolisi pitilizani kugwila ntchito imeneyi
Akamapita kokagwira okuba kunyamula ndodo koma akangomva kuti ana asukulu apa Polytechnic ali pa strike ndiye kunyamura mfuti,magalimoto mpakana kasinja shame
Akutigwira mmaso
Akonze bas muoneke bwino
let police be police
Its their work, continue
koma kuba maka police traffic makamaka ku zomba komanso palinso pali wina mu zomba depot wa general duties amene akumagwira ntchito ngati wa traffic asamale ndamuchitira report ku headquarters apita ku Chingale
I seconds malawi poliwe now they r workng!
Simamalonda awo ndi akuba .mkufuna chiyani a Malawi maka maka…
Bravo Police do the job.
Amalonda ake odana ndiapolisio ngati amakondwa ndikuba ndye kuti naonso ndiakuba sumadzayamika ngakhale akuyang’anira pakhomo lanu!
Hallo z 2much
Operating beyond measures is unlawful. Be limited.
Let them do their work pliz and moreover kukhara pali pose,every time ,day and night ndiye timati chitetezo ndi chokwana
Amakhala paliponse malo olakwika man, akuba akuvuta mm a township mwathumu.
Anthu alive pabwino
Tsiku lina tizabwezela musazaone ngati chipongwe
Thus gd, Police do your work, akudadaulao ndiye mbavaso zimenezo, makamaka thawi ino yomwe tikukozekera chrismas ad new year.
Let the police do their job….
Two Much Vakabu In L City. Daily About 1,500 Piple Are Brought B4 Lilongwe Court. Among Them Job Seekers. Fine Is K5,500 Per Head. The Operations Starts At Morning Till Evening
Let de police do their work, ubava ukakulaso timadandaula, akakhwimisa chitetezo kumati aiso, tikuwadikila ku chisangalalo cha chrismas and new year
Tiyeni tikondwere ndi zimenezi
ar u thief? ukudandaula chan
Tisaiwale kut vacabu its illegal……….n sinamvepo kut yagwira akuba. What this pple do is; they target drinking joints, easy money, they knw ths pple will cough up anything wen they are drunk……….kuba kwenikweni
Ndaperekapo ine dola(corruption) just for them 2 let us free, unyolo uli mmanja……
Kwanu komweko kupatsa ndalama apolice kkkkk over my dead body ndiye pamzani pa ungalimbe iwe
Piple Are Arrested Not Because Of Being A Thief. At Court They Pay Fine Of K5,500 Per Munthu. Reason Loitering: Once You Are Under The Tree, Shelter Resting, This Time Is Hot. Next Thing Is U’re Under Arrest.
Zitsiru zokuba zmenezo……..kusowa chochta when robbers are terrorising the townships mxiew
Two Much Vakabu In L City. Daily About 150 Piple Are Brought B4 Court. Among Them Job Seekers. Fine Is K5,500 Per Head.