Business people express worry over police operation

Malawi police

Business people in Limbe, Blantyre have expressed concern over an operation Malawi Police are carrying out in the town.

The law enforcers are ordering people to leave the business area by 5 PM after selling their goods claiming that they want to deal with robbers who rob people in the town as they go back to their homes in the evening.

One businessperson in the business district said if they find them selling goods after 5 PM, the police beat them up and this is not happening to the business people only, but also to anyone who is found in the town around past 5.

police malawi
Police in action (File Photo)

”We mostly target those who are coming from work to buy our goods and what the police are doing is hampering our business,” he said.

However, deputy public relations officer for Limbe police, Constable Peter Mchizi, denied that people are being beaten up by the police.

He said: ”We are forcing them to leave in good time and we are trying to bring security to the people as now we are approaching the festive season and most of the time we do this because theft in the cities increase.

“We are not targeting only Limbe, we are targeting the southern region. We also conduct the campaign in various locations.”