The Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM) has threatened to take government to task over the failure to promote the welfare and needs of teachers in the country.
For a long time special needs teachers have been asking government to promote them but it has always given a deaf ear to the plea.
TUM general secretary Dennis Kalekeni said there is a need for government to promote the teachers who for so long have been asking for promotion.

“The special needs teachers made strives to upgrade their qualifications and had hopes that their competence will land them on a higher position but government has not done anything to look into their request,” said Kalekeni.
He further said that they are in discussions with government and if it does not promote them, they will take an unspecified action.
Kalekeni added that as TUM they are disappointed with the way government is handling the issue and they have followed all procedures to make sure that government does what they want but it is doing nothing.
Tum? Nchifukwa ninji mukufuna kupusitsa anthu?ife tnakuiwalan jst imagine,we hv IPTE 8,ODL 3,IPTE 9,ODL 4 they r nt employed kma inu kumangokhala chete anzanu a health amamenyera ufulu anthu awo.musatpusitse
go a head
Zinazi ndizosekesa kikikik ife tili pwee kumayiko ayeni kuthawa zimenezo…zanu izo
Zosakhala boo! Zosakhala boo!,aziphuzits pepani.
Thanks Audry Juma Banda for your support on my comment.
Kod TUM ndka chan inu? Angatutumuke ka TUM ku malawi kuno ndan? Iwalan za TUM inu tnakakwilira
Inu a TUM musatinyase palibe chomwe mukuchitapo kulibwino ngat mwatopa nawo ntchito kungosiya rather than kuswa mphika chifukwa mano ako atha
Wakuwa tichara pa Malawi,ntchito half thangata.Tinakuuza kaphunziseni kumidzi, ambiri mukuliranu mkukakamira mtauni,Rent:mk25.000,bag of charcoal:mk15,000,a bag of maize:10pin jst mention these three but ur package a month is mk50,000.Ulimba mtanimo?.zakuno kumudzi ticharawe, malo olima tizakupa,nyumba njawaka,nkhuni zawaka. Usuzgikilachi mtaunimo yakusefa yekha tauni.Walira tachara abale inu TUM.
Mwasowa chochita inu aTUM eti sindi naoneko chomwe mwanena chikuchitika
a TUM!! mmmxieeew!!! Demet!!!
Do we still have TUM in this country that can assist teachers to overcome numerous challenges they are facing or we only have people who just want enjoy part of teachers salary in the name of TuM ?If trs have aunion why they r suffering in this way?Kafuseni azanu manurse ndiwo ali ndi union.
Thats why i decided to join malawi police mobile force than to be a teacher.
To hell with de nosense Tum
Mchisiru cheni cheni!!!
Zoonad znthu mu Malawi akuyener achitep kanth
You’re toothless. Just stop that topic and smile with what you always get from teachers. You will never ever win this war!
Zopusa basi.TUM ndiyekuti chani,anthu adyera inu,
Denis Kalekeni Is A Poison He Is Full Of TWaddles. Dunderhead!
Which action iz tum talking about? Early this yr u promised that by july if govt does not hike trs’ peanuts u will take action, did u? Kungonena kuti “ife akuluakulu a tum tapsa ndipo tikufuna govt itipatse ndalama” trs akupanga strike yachinsisi.
Kalekeni machende ako galu iwe. Ma nurse onse ali ndi owaimilira amphamvu moti pano ali ku khoti kuwamenyera nkhondo kuti alembedwe ntchito. Iwe katangale basi ndi zisilu zinzako mmabomamu agalu inu. Ndalama zomwe mumadula zija muzazisanza tikuzifuna. Pano aliyense aziziimira yekha panyopanu nonse zitsiru inu.
A TUM amavuta akakhala mmaluzi boma likawapatsa chitseka pakamwa amakhala duu! bungweli ndi lopondereza aphunzitsi osati kuimira aphumzitsi nchifukwa chake atum ndi boma alowetsa paphumziro pamsi ndipo chitukuko ndi chuma cha malawi chizingotsikabe coz maphunziro ndi gwero lachitukuko,byby
Atum Mu Lipo,ndinu Oputsa Kwambiri Muzane,osamangokhala Bwanji.
ndiye mwati malawi24?
Ipsani mtima kwambiri
Zakunkhongo kwa manu atum fostek zamkabudula mwanu osangotisiya bwanji ndi umphawi wathuwu
Inu A Tum Phunziran Kunena Zinthu Nd Kuzichita. Mphunzits Waku Nyasaland Kwakwe Mkulira Inu Muliphwi Mmaofesimo. Nde Choncho Boma La Malawi Liyembekezere Maphunziro Kupta Patsogolo? Tum’s Body Needs To B Dissolved!!!! Fed Up With U!!!
tulo tili khodo a TUM
Kalekeni uwauze anzako onse a TUM kuti ndinu zitsiru zokhazokha. Pali nkhani zambiri zofunika zomwe zikukhuza majority, promotion yachani? Uli ndi nzeru Koma? Anthu zikwizikwi akudikilira posting for 2 yrs Iwe ndi anzako mwangoti machende phwiiii kumangoyang’ana. Mukulimbana ndi za ziiii za anthu 70 okha basi.
TUm komanso boma zitsiru
Kodi which civil service in malawi ikunjoyetsa as expected of “everybody” such tha teachers can admire? When we say teachers in malawi are not dignified whats the inference? Mind inu a TUM if u r bankrupt now and u want to be given sth, then u must be ashamed coz ur barks has never produced desirable results
hahahaha ooooohoo!!!!
the gvt of malawi doesnt dignify teachers and its true mphunzitsi kumalawi ndi kapolo
Am sory wth Gvt’s interest on edu,bt i knw its bcoz the stakhodas kids r in UK 4 ed,lowerclas pple r realy stranded.y mistrtng teachers yet they hv baked us all fully to work in difernt sector?zimandikhudza mbambadii!
Anthu oipa inu. Tinamaliza sukulu kalekale boma silikutilemba ntchito inu mu ndwiii. Aku Health akuwathandiza inu duuuu.
A TUM musatelo ayi. Pajatu munkati mukufuna pitala. Adzakuwonjezelani dollar. Apa nde mufuna kupota kuti.Mwazumgulira mitu eti.
a tum muzikhala serious gati other organizations
Kalekeni,usandinyase umadandaula za ziii,ma nurse osalembedwa ntchito akumenyeredwa nkhondo iwe wangoti nduuu! Ukudandaula zopanda mchere pomwe maphunzitsi ma thousand sakulembedwa ntchito.ukufuna akupase chitseka pa kamwa eti?
munasankha nokha aziphunzitsi bwampiniyu
Mantha Amachuluka Palibe Chomwe Mungachite Koma Kupereka Malamulo Kwa Aphunzitsi Ndi Zomwe Mumatha
Mutu wanu bwana umagwira ntchito bwinobwino?
Mukuopseza boma kamba ka promotion ya aphunzitsi osaposa 150, koma mukulephera kuchitapo kanthu pa zomwe boma lapanga polephera kulemba ntchito 10,000 – 12,000 a Odl 3 ndi Ipte 8.
Ganizani mofatsa akulu inu chifukwa anzanufe tikuvutika ndi ulova for 2 years now!
Ndikadzangoyamba ntchito, sindidzaln
Guy Kodi mphunzisi amalandila zingati pamwezi . Waku primary . Secondary
pitala ameneyo?
A tum simuthandiza anthu anu inu.mbuzi za anthu
Kwiyani zeni zeni nanga up to now sanalandiree ma LG
Za ziii!
Action yo upanga wekha uona!
Mesa mu July unangokhala duu pomwe boma linapereka increment ya 7% ndi 10% ku PT4, PT3 teachers and yet unangokhala phwiii osanena kanthu.
Last year boma linaonjeza 80% ku ma Senior Civil Servants ndipo linalonjeza kuti this year adzatipatsa Percentage yochuluka ife ma Juniors, koma kungotipatsa 7%.
Wapangapo chiyani pa ma salary athu?
Ukudziwa kuti katundu monga sugar, chimanga ndi malata zadula kwambiri?
Ukufuna chaka cha mawa ife ma Juniors tidzakuthandizeni kupeza another 80% or so?
Upanga wekha unspecified action yakoyo!
where r our arrears? am working in a remote area where everything is a threat to my wellbeing.dey say am entiltled to an rural allowance but i dt knw how it looks like.shame
#Tibula welcome
Hehedeee Atum mwati chiyani? mwasauka eti? mumayamba nkhani mukakhala mmaluzi ndi cholinga choti mulandire mabanzi eti?
Which task? We deserv 2 knw hw dangerus it is azwel!
TUM has ever and ever threatened government but doesnt bite. A barking dog…. Teaching has become a sacrifice. A teacher feels shy to disclose to collegemates during get-togethers that he is teaching, but just says they are working with ministry of education as if they are at capital hill. Malawi!
its so miserable to be a teacher in malawi more especialy govt schools,when society is ridiculate a teacher cant be spared,aaaa where is TUM?
Mudikire a MEC azakupatseniso cha 2019 umu,osadanda.panopa dola tirebe kaye ngati mukufuna pitani ku ma private sector.kkkkkkk!ATUM ndinu ogona kwambiri!
inu akaphale mavuto siokhawa.tauzani anthu momwe ziliri 1.kungolandira ma notifications no promotion letters.2.ma arrears a ipte odl!
Always complaining lack of teachers and nurses but unable to provide their basic needs
More fire guys. kkkk….
Ipte8,Odl3,Ipte9,Odl4 munawasiya kuti,anzanu ku health akuwamenyera nkhondotu anzao koma inu muli duuu!Muyisova,Pitala wake wuti.
Point of correction. Its IPTE8 and ODL3 who are supposing to be employed. Ipte9 TP results are not yet out.So they can’t be employed.
Hea hehede kalekeni amatero chbanzi chikatha mkamwa. Ine ndnkaona ngat tum yinatha kod ilipo? kkkk.ulendo uno chbanz suchiona pitala alimmaluz
even failing to recrute ODL3 AND IPTEA 8 .nzoona zimenezi ?shame on you.
mukhauladi simunati…
Tak them t TASK.
hahahahahahaha lero limenero mesa muja mumanjanja ndi tindalama ta MEC after kutiponda ife , simunati zangoyamba mtunda ukanali ,
Tiyeni nazo zimenezo. ASALA akwiya .
munkaona ngati ma k100,000 munalandila nthawi ya chisankho ija mudya masiku angati?am talking with u ma presiding officers a pa dzana inu.lero2 living stds have dwindled.timasalary tanu sitingalimbe inflation ili pa 24%
TUM is just one sleeping giant