The Malawi government has heavily criticized a medical report by Raphael ‘Ralph’ Kasambara’s personal doctor that the ex-Justice Minister is not fit to stand trial and requires one week close medical supervision, Malawi24 has learnt.
But what has raised the eyebrows of the public prosecutors is the medical report compiled by Kasambara’s personal doctor that the ex-justice minister is not fit to stand trial and needs to be under close medical supervision for over weeks.
However, the report compiled and signed by heart specialist from Holland, Doctor David Saunders of Blantyre Adventist Hospital revealed that the accused was fit for the trial after two or three days .
The development comes in after Lilongwe High Court Judge Michael Mtambo ordered the state council to have an independent doctor to assess Kasambara.

This follows satisfaction by Mtambo with the report from Blantyre Adventist Hospital brought into the court on Wednesday the 14th October which stated that the former Attorney General was not fit for trial within eight to ten days contradictory to the previous two reports brought into the court on Tuesday October 13.
Regarding to these three contradicting medical reports on the same patient- Kasambara , Judge Mtambo suspected foul play on the matter on whether Kasambara was really sick or he was just faking the illness to delay the court proceedings .
This has forced Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Mary Kachale to conclude that the defendant aim is to delay the trial with the motion Kasambara earlier made to have the judge presiding over the case recuse himself.
Kasambara, one of the accused suspects to have conspired to nip the life of the then Malawi National Budget Director, Paul Mphwiyo, forced an adjournment as he developed a problem while in custody following the revocation of his bail.
As we went to press, it was expected that the report of Kasambara’s fitness to stand trial would be revealed today. This could be the second high profile case trial could proceed with the suspect using a wheelchair.
Lutepo’s attended his last sessions of his trial using a wheelchair.
Kasambara was evacuated to Mwaiwathu Hospital from Zomba Prison on 24th September before being referred to Adventist Hospital under guidance of the police
Meanwhile, Judge Mtambo has been adjourned the case to October 26 , 2015 , the date which the court will determine on the future of Kasambara ’s fitness for the trial based on an independent medical report to be identified by the state .
Pls take back this cruck to jail uyu simunthu akuyenera azuzike
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Deleying tactic man,ameneyo ndiye lawyer Man.
Musiyeni munthu anthuni
Kasambara ndi deal and he is part of our constitution
Ofcourse you can run but unfortunately you can’t hide. You are facing a heavy jail term, Sir. Good luck
Koma atcheya anaphunzitsa an2 zachabe,,hahaha,tizibgonamizila kudwala tikapezeka olakwa
Please back kasambala 2 jail coz he is amarder there no reason 4 keeping him out or hospa. If he is sick let him die & wait his judgement day 4rom God.
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the great minds, kuishosha bola uli mpothawira.
Its not the Govt suspicious but concerned individuals in Govt who hav grudges with Kasambala that’s why Kasambalas issue is being pushed by so much than cashgate cases. Politics of retribution why is Govt so concerned . It will make sure that Kasambala must bvy anymeans get arrested no matter what. my God ada bwana a Kasambala a Raphael lol!
God come fast and rescue us
That is when the untouchable becomes touchable
I love Kasambara more than mlakho
He z cheating, bwanji amadwala milandu ikayandikira koma poimilira milandu ya anthu ndiye sadwala
Zimandimvesa chisoni kuona anthu amene anangochita moganizilidwa kuti alakwa nkumakawolela ku ndende, pamene zina zochita kuoneka ndimaso nkumangoziang’ana, zikumandidabwisa kumva kuti aya ajawa akudwala, mudwale lelo? Osadwala pokuba ndalamapo bwanji? Inu ndamene mukufuna moyo? Mwaiwala kuti ndalama mudaba zija tikunena pano ena analowa mmanda atasowa thandizo lamankhwala coz ndalama zogulila mamkhwalazo inu mudaba? Ndipo ngakhale akhotiwo amaganiza bwanji kumangodwala inu nokha nokha? Zikufunika osamawakhululukila mfiti zimenezi
Now not a name but achimwene. Achimwene, zoona zokhazokha. kodi Malawi wathuyu akupita kuti? otsogolerawa zikuyenda?Tiyeni tibathandizana kuyika Malawi kukhala dziko losauka kwambiri pa dziko lapansi!
ndiye dzilo limenelo
Kod tikaumwa lit ndinenatu mowa wa ku mulhakhol wa alomwe
Kayadi tikaubandula liti .? kkkkkk
Uyu kodi mumamuopa eti.
Ndede zakumalawi anamangira okuba nkhuku… Okuba nkhuku akufera kundende kasambara akafera ku mwaiwathu
Stupid kasambara, nanga bwanji ena akudwala kundeko simukuupanga bail out?
he is cheating
Mumuyamba2 kasambara
this guy is very sick cant you see?
Oyenda ndilupanga. ndilomwelo lizamukhape
EE Kasambara sizimthera bingu anamukwidzinga amayinso lero pitala.walupanga amafa ndi lupanga
ng’oma yolila kwambiri sichedwa kung’ambika
Amaintha ameney
kk dziko limasekerera zopusa makamaka anthu andalamawa eish…..kumachita kudziwa kt ili ndibodza anthu kumakondwa eeee last dayz
Malawi… God only knows why i os born here.. hate this country
Thats Kasambala We All Knw
hehehe dziko la ma ufulu omathakunama
Mbava imeneyi imangidwe basi, atumbuka zigawenga inu, mbava inu, okuba inu, mapazi anu…mxiiiiiiew