…Mutharika wants her for the jet she stole
The office of former President Joyce Banda has disclosed that the former Malawi President will be returning home at the end of this month.

In an interview with the local media which was monitored by Malawi24, Banda’s spokesperson Andekuche Chanthunya said that the former President is currently busy with some other things and will not be returning to Malawi until she finishes.
“The President will be returning this month end as it has been said, this time she is coming back for real,” said Chanthunya.
However Chanthuny acould not disclose the actual date that Banda who has been implicated in the stealing of government funds will be returning claiming that for the sake of security of the former head of state he could not disclose.
The office of the former President has been frequently changing their statements on the return of Banda. Once they claimed that Banda had to shift her days of return as she had been informed that she would be killed by the current regime.
Meanwhile Malawi President Peter Mutharika in his emotional presser has urged the Malawian media to quiz Banda on what she did with the jet that the country bought for its leader.
Mutharikja who addressed the nation on the background of an extravagant UN trip said that instead of Malawians focusing on his wastefulness for hiring a private jet, they should be inquiring where Banda went with the jet.
He said that he could not tell if the jet was sold as there was no money or records for the sale.
Mai a dagula chimanga ndalama zandege inu za msb mwatani nazo lfe tidadya tidachiona komanso bambowa zawavuta ndithu
Let joice be joice n remain JOICE BANDA
Tandiuzeni bwino za MSB ndi muli zili pati
Dpp ndiyomwe inaba ndalama zambiri muulamuliro wake and panopa akupitiriza kuba komwe anayamba kale mbuyomu mbava zangodzadzana komweko achina henry mussa, joliji chaponda lero akukanika kutulutsa report la 92billion ndikuti milandu iyambe akuopa chani mbavanso yayikulu nde Pitalayo ndemukungoti amai amai chani apa zachamba basi fotseki zanu…..
Lyk a chief. Chief for wht? Zamkutu eet
Peter Mmene Amalowa M’boma Amadziwa Zoti Ndalama Zinaonongeka Nde Sindkuonanso Chfukwa Chomangotibe Jb,jb Yet Jb Sakulamuliranso Pano,mmesa Mumkat Dpp 2014 Boma,ndilimeneli Boma Lijaka
mzimayi wopanda bele
United nations trip gate.
Tatileken mai wa2 ngati amaba ndepalivuto? mesa ndalama amakasaka yekha kunja kwa madonaz ndeinu mmafuna azingosaka mwaulele,inu a2 oganiza pang’ono mnathamangisa madonaz akubweleselanison mmalomoti mzingoyamikaapa. Ndingot welcme mai wa2 JB
aa madala pangan za inu osat za jb inu ndiye muziononga ndalama za boma pa chabe anthu akufa ndi njla
kkkkkkkkk athief!eeesh aziona adadyerera Kudatha ndipo pano zamdera.
kkkkkkkkk athief!eeesh aziona adadyerera ndipo pano zamdera.
Mbole yake mexa jet inagulisa ndi nkhwangwa ija anthu oipa inu
Pizy yu gyz kukubwelaku azathesa xool ndamuona
paja mu Msb muli ma share a Dpp. Malawi 24 tell us de true coz u seem to knw better.
non of my concern palbe chngasithe moyo wanga kaya abwera kaya sabwera zake zmenezo
Mungoti ndenge ife zisatikhunze zimenezo,peter wagulitsa bank.
mwatero Kodi
kkkkkkkkkk titani poti tatani kale
How can a whole president,with all government machinery in his hands,not know what happened to a whole jet!!we must ask Joyce Banda?!!…seriously!..cry our beloved country!
kkkkkkkk. like a what? dead.
U can’t call someone a theif without evidence,, welkom back mama proud o u
Mai bwelani muzabwe ndalama zathu lutepo wanena kuti munamugwisa malawians we dont know how to use him koma amalawi ufulu wachulu zomatukana prisident wina avala unyolo mumfumu situkanidwa
Amayi omwewo kuti wawawa
Uuuuuuhm koma iwe Mw 24 waonjeza….. Penapake umalemba zinthu zabodza kwabax… Kodi vuto lako ndi chani???? Chepetsa, coz one day ndituma ana akuimbe nyimbo ya “Galuyu ngwa ndani, wadya Matemba”……
Adha awa AKufuna zambiri buanj
i read somewhere that records are being destroyed and memos are writtten back-dating implicating her to have known of cashgate. Since she has been wanted for a very long time,we might find ourselves being fed another cctv info. We should be careful how we head our news item. If APM said there are no records,its possible these have disappeared. Nankhumwa told the nation that investigations into jet issue was almost over and results would be out. Is the the report of the outcome? Anyway,branding someone as a thief without proof might attract defamation summons. Suppose she has all good explanations,what will your position be. Chose your wording.
guyz lets b xriox she a thf n’ 2 say the truth peter found the country in a bad o stck situation arleady,men letx gv hm hes time,nanuxo a malawi 24 smtimex ngat amakuikani ka bread mu mkamwa tel us instead of bullshiting us wit ur crazy stories that he a bad man.mukadakhala inu koma?
mukunjenjemera naye dikirani muone molalo yomwe tizampase akazamafikayo ndiyomwe sinachitikepo chilengedwereni Malawi.
Let the thief pay back our jet
zoti mayi anaba ndalama yekha ndakaika bwezi atamanga kale kuipa kuli ndi muthalika azikangoyang,’ana mayiu aaa ndakaika,chimene madziwa ine ndalama zinapezeka kuchipinda kwa malemu muthalika Jb anangawana ndi peter muthalika ndepomvuta mayi kumangidwa
Good day friends am coach adeyemi frank dare am from south africa my club are looking for young talented footballers who can play football very well if you are interested to join the academy please add us on facebook on adeyemi frank dare or EMAIL us on frankanton0000@ gmail.com
Guys uyu mmai wa pipiiiiiiiiiiiii adaononga ndalama zambiri mdziko muno, zomanyoza president sizabwino musiyeni peter alamulire dzikoli mwaufulu, kodi inu mukunyoza president nu inuyo,iweyo awo, peter akadakhala kuti ndamalume anu kapena mchimwene wanu mukadamunyoza ngati umu muchutiramu? Khalani ndi ulemu mpaseni ulemu wake president
Ngati iwe umalephera kumudzuzula nchimwene,amalume,abambo ako akamachita zovunda ndiwe chitsiru,munthu umadzuzula akamalakwisa,tiyenera tizuzule basi coz zanyanya
Ngati iwe umalephera kumudzuzula nchimwene,amalume,abambo ako akamachita zovunda ndiwe chitsiru,munthu umadzuzula akamalakwisa,tiyenera tizuzule basi coz zanyanya
Ngati iwe umalephera kumudzuzula nchimwene,amalume,abambo ako akamachita zovunda chifukwa chake ali ndi dollar ndiwe chitsiru,munthu umadzuzula akamalakwisa,amve or asamve azakumbukira tsikulina zitamuvuta,tiyenera tizuzule basi coz zanyanya
Ngati iwe umalephera kumudzuzula nchimwene,amalume,abambo ako akamachita zovunda chifukwa chake ali ndi dollar ndiwe chitsiru,munthu umadzuzula akamalakwisa,amve or asamve azakumbukira tsikulina zitamuvuta,tiyenera tizuzule basi coz zanyanya
20 billion ndi chani pamaso pa 540 billion nanu musa magokamba za mkutu apa
Munthu akalakwitsa amafuna kudzudzulidwa kaya amai ako kaya amalume whosoeva
umuuzexo pitala yo zammbuyo zache
Tachisiyeni ichi chimbuli sichikuziwa kuti chikulankhula fallacy..unalekeza sitandade chani iweyo…kuti uzipanga analyse ma issues chonchi shupit zako ndi bwampini wakoyo
Mesa jet anagulitsa ndi bingu??mboly zawo akaidi
Malawi24 my foot, tanenani za ulendo wa ku UN apa
Sono ngati jB sali okuba kuchokera tsiku lomwe analuza chisankho samakhala kwawo kuno bwanji? pitala wangokhala kuti ndi Odekha akanakhala ena bwenzi atamangana kalekale…..jet yokha abweze!
Petulo ibu malupelele anali kuti zaka zonse wakula zo?
kusukulu JB Nanga mene wakalambila angaphunzilenxo
so wat
ndine nzimayi yes bt i can’t back ha up, musamunyoze APM pa khani ngati izi jb anaononga zambiri ku malawi kuno, and u r now bleming peter for wat, china chili chonse amangoti azungu akuti nde ndiximenezo, mukada nyoza anthu osalakwa, komatso inu amalawi 24 muzilemba zinthu zoona wanena litilo zimenezo peter, guys lets be serious, balibe msogoleri amene azatiyikire food pa table
Anaononga ndi bingu jb anapeza zoola kale nde m’mafuna atan???
Stupd Pitala ur also a thf.jB iz a Mawian& u ur nt 4rgner wachabechabe mxiiiiii magwelu
Mukatelo akadzakhala nd mway otengaso boma masten muzawanena omwe akutuman pano..abwela ngat mbala bwanj pot akamadzabwelapo aliyese adzadziwa?mbala imakuuzan ikafuna kukubelan?mukusiya kukamba za nzelu ndi njala ili mmakomomu inu busy kumanena izi.apa mwapala bola mukanayamba ulimi kusiyana ndizankutuzi
Who has declared her a thief?She is owed an apology and this nosense must stop ok!!
Amalawi ndi atola nkhani athu jet imene yina gulisidwa ndikusaziwa komwe ndaramazo ana chita nazo JB sikusonyeza kuti tonse tinabeledwa, osati kumati prof APM ndiyo akumufuna koma tonse amalawi tikufuna chilungamo pa ndegeyo more over w r told that it was bought solely with our own taxemoney, so far w r all complainants from chitipa to nsanje
Auze Mkandawire, the late Bingu anagula dassault falcon replacing the bombadier bought by late late Kamuzu. Nanga iye Joyceyo wagulisa dassault, ndiye wagula chani for replacement???
Msb gate
Who cares …………………………..anyway let the law do it’s job
Anthuwa ndiamodz inu asamangotipweteketsa mitu.
she nat a thief at all but she is a citizen of malawi and she is coming here as her mother land nyooo
apitala mwasowa nkhani zakuvutani kale palibe chanzeru chomwe mkutipangila mdziko muno…mai uyu anakuposana kani mkuopa msiyeni akhale mwakwao anthu obwela ndinu zipitani kwanu akeee!
malawi24 ndnu ziphwisi kwambr! hw can u say shz cming as a thief!!! mwatumidwa nd DPP et..?? iwl introduce malawi25 very soon coz malawi24 ndyauchkape kwambr….mxxxxie
She’s nt a thief,u r de 1, show us wat u hv bin improved in 1&1/2 yr dat u hv bn in de ofes
eishhhh inutu a Malawi 24 muli ndi mabodza
Akumana okhaokha adyera kkkk,mapeto ake ovutika ndife
Abwere Kuno Ndikwawo
Don’t shaut her what about malawi savings bank mwagulisa nanuso ndinu akuba eshhhh
Dont cheat us.Let her to her own country .Osamangonamiza anthu.Pomwe mbala mkuzisiya ndi 25billion kwacha mmatumba mwawo.
And you also Malawi 24 reporting this as Thugs of DPP government. JB is a Malawi citizen then how can you say that she is coming home like a thief ? Mxiii cheap jounalisim
Inu leave masten aine plz jet yapita yapita bax..
If she will come like a thief why are they telling the nation? Malawi is a small country where one cannot hide. Do not give force stories.