The Malawi government though Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has officially announced final decision that it will, from 2016/2017 academic year phase out the Junior Certificate of Education (JCE) examination.
Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Emmanuel Fabiano said this during the press briefing conducted to express government stand on the development.
Fabiano said the last JCE examination to be administered will be in 2016 for the current Form 2 students.

He backed up the decision by saying that Ministry has a desire for all secondary school students to remain in school until they complete Form 4 when they will sit for the Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) examinations.
Due to this, successful candidates shall be awarded an MSCE Certificate as is the case now while the unsuccessful candidates shall be awarded a Certificate of Completion which will recognize the fact that the owner of the certificate went through and completed secondary education.
“The emphasis here is on knowledge, skills and values acquired by secondary school students and not the number of public examinations passed.
“It should be understood that the only reason we send children to school is for them to learn and acquire the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes as set out in the curriculum. Examinations are part of the learning process but are not the main objective of education”, he explained.
He further added that Ministry would like to promote the practice of continuous assessment from Form 1 through to Form 4 in order for schools to thoroughly cover the Curriculum as opposed to the current practice which is, to a greater extent, examination oriented as both students and teachers focus much on JCE examination results rather than acquisition of knowledge, skills, values and positive attitudes. In fact, most of Term 3 of Form 2 is spent on preparing for JCE examinations and not learning for understanding.
Government complains that it spends a lot of money to administer the examination and instead wants to redirect the financial resources to other productive areas.
The abolishment of JCE examinations is part of the ongoing Public Service Reforms in the country.
Kuyambira std one mpaka form three opanda certificate izt thrue! Ur playing wth malawians! 2019 iz not far uzabona makaka.
Ngati ma labourer akufuna wa msce m’ma company athuwa jce ndi ka chani masiku ano. Ngati mulibe msce go back to to xool.
Tizingosaukake.#China zaka zomphuzisa mwana mabuku zochepa ,kwinako amamphuzisa tchito akadali wangono.zaka za sukulu zichulukilenji kumaliza kumangokanda poor MW
zithed zimenezo,,,,,kale inkakhala nd ntchito koma panopa I don see any use fod d@ certifcate,,,’ungot amalawi mmangokonda kutsutsa zlizonse,,,,my mama tod me kale ankalemba jiya mu std 3 komanxo 5 nd 8 then anachotsa mayeso a5 nd 3 chifukwa analibe ntchito,,,,,nde chimodzmodz JCE ilibe ntchito bx izngotitaitsa nthawi aichotse bx,,,,,,okanikawo azikanikabe oyenela kukhoinza jiyawo azkhonza bx koma JCE nakumalawi kwanga kuno ilibe ntchito
phasing out JC is awelcome move.this has reduced the worklord people had of keeping and protecting anonsanse and a useless tissue in their bags (i have already thrown away mine out of my bag)
Kwakonzekeretsa anthu kulephera msce heee mavuto athu awa
That means the JC has no power just like K5 note
ignorants is wht we will be called now
Zaa ziiiii anthu osaphinzila ndomwe apanga zimenezi.
mchokocho nawo ukubwela ife ndiokonzeka.
mchokocho nawo ukubwela ife ndiokonzeka.
Apa nde tonse tukhala ngati oledzera2 chanzeru palibe
anthu awa akalamba chifukwa maiko otizungulira JC ilipobe ndiye mukufuna kuti mmalawi azioneka ndichithunzithunzi cha mtundu?
Kodi anthuwa amenewa apenga? JCE is the international paper mbuli inu mwatani kodi, ndalama zathu zamisonkho ntchito kutengela ma Hands clappers kupitanawo ku USA
Kodi msce imadziwika Maiko Ena? Kuchotsa jce zisonyeza kuti maphunziro akulowa pansi.
Mmene akonzere ndi momo. Tinenayeeeee! Mpaka tifika potopa.
Kufuna kwao kuchitidwe.
Maganizo anga jce, sidakayenera kuchotsedwa.
JC was gud coz It was preparing students for msce,govt mustn’t think is improving but is destroying education
Mmmmmmmmmmmh ndichimozmoz munth Kuyamba Std 1 mpakana secondary level asanalembe mayeso ena alionse shaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A jester chawamba palibe nkhan yotukwanila apa,,,,,zungisonyezeratu kut inu ndinu mmodz mwa amalawi osaganiza pofuna kuyankhula ,,,,,nkhan mukunenayo zikanakhala bwino mukanafufuza kaye musanalembe commnt yanuyo
Amalawi ,,,,,,kod ndi angt akuyamba ntchito nd jc nowadays???nchifukwa chan kuvomereza kumativuta???
Its true no beneft on jce
anthu aku malawi ndi mbuli, jcd had no benifit to the one writting it,it was just a waste of resources coz it the same as end of term exam where u pass and get to another class unlike standard 8 and msce where u have to pass to get to the next level..Like from primary to secondary…The question is..What will change in secondary now that jce is phased out?? nothing!!!
Good day friends am coach adeyemi frank dare am from south africa my club are looking for young talented footballers who can play football very well if you are interested to join the academy please add us on facebook on adeyemi frank dare or EMAIL us on frankanton0000@ gmail.com
Tsano Mwayamba Kutionjeza, Chosadziwa Ukakwera Mumtengo Usamatukwane Pansi Muzatifuna 2019!!
Mbuli zina zimasiya skul chifukwa cha JC now go konko form 4 mukadzadze
Mr Dicktator……sammamva za ena….
Gud why having a certificate which worth nothing,
I wonder why Malawians want to develop on a silver platter. how on earth can that happen. this is the same thing we said to Bingu when doing his reforms. poor us.
Langa ndi funso loti “Bwanji anthu akasiya kugwilitsa ntchito K1 Reserve Bank simasiya kupanga ndalamayi?” Athetselanji Certificate?
good palibe ingalembe munthu with jce certficate
Nkhani yothetsa mayeso a form 2(jce) sinayambe ndi peter mukunyozanu mufufuze ngati mumazitsata mumudziwa koma poti zichitika munthawi yake muipiseni basi anaziyambitsa aliphee.
mu parliament enanu mulibe MSCE mumadalira ka JCE mwachosaka asogoleri amawa adalira chani…? muzindiyankha agalu inu…zitsilu zosaopa okulemban ntchito…mxiuew..damn u….
Ndalama Imayamba Ndi 1tambala, Simayamba Ndi 2kwacha.Oloiyeyu Akuti Ndipolofesayi Alinayo J.C.E, Kumangoti Ndalama Zilizonse.Kodi Ndalamazo Nzanyumba Mwanu?.Mmesa Mumatidula Misonkho Kodi?,aaa Mutiyankhulitsa Pambali Mwamva
Kodi Tinene Kuti Kumeneku kutukula maphunziro kapena kulowetsa pansi? ndithandizeni akuluakulu mutu wanga wazunguzika ngat ndadya chankhotakota
jce imatukula maphunziro how?? as a matter of fact this shows kuti malawi we is improvin educational wise this shows that anthu ambiri are earning higher education to the point that jce has to be phased out.to date the lowest level of education is msce as long as job application is concerned,jce lost its value long time ago
Inetu Ndimangofuna Ndidziwe Ngati Kuthetsa Jce Kutathandize,ndie Ndathokoza Kuti Mwatiunikirako Malume!
Kodi anavotera uyu ndani???
Amalawi tili pamavuto opsa kwambiri.chifukwa akupangazi ndizabwerela
Akupangazi siza bho!!!
Kkkkkkkkk bola ku jon olo kul XENO
Kodi simukudziwa kuti kumalawi kuno anthu ambiri amapezako mwayi wa ntchito chifukwa cha jce?
this z nt gd at all
Inu mwaphunzila xo hw come kupangazmenez???? May Education Back In #Jesus Name….!!!!!!!
Akulu timkakukhulupilirani poyamba koma ndi izi aaaaaa! mwatichititsa manyazi. inuyo mulibe jce? afabiano nanuso mulibe jce? nanga bwanji mupanga zimenezi? pangani manyazi. ngati maiko ena amalemekeza dziko lamalawi pamaphuziro nkhani ndi jce. nde dziko lipepuke chifukwa cha zitsiru ngati inu? ayi musatero. tionana mu 2019!!!!
Zauku2 mukupangazi mwamva
Peter government chiskuli
Machende ako fabiano pamozi ndi pita wakoyo,mayeso akutha ndalama nanga anthu 115 anapita ku UN anawononga zingati mwatinga ngati makape sii muzafa ifa yowawa
Apa2 zacionekere kuti xool ikhala ya anthu okhaokha opeza bwino basi!!
Machende ake pitala
A bunch of BRAINLESS ppl,their cerebrum is on HOLIDAY!
Bola mzipanga zomwe mdalonjeza,kwinaku mziyipisilako tsogolo la chipani chanu.
nde za chambatu tinkakana zija zimenezo and very soon the Malawi police service is gonna be phased out too.
jc certificate lost its value long time ago…this is a good and welcoming development
Ati mayeso a JCE amaononga money ya boma shupit koma kutenga anthu 100 kupita ku UN nde sikuononga ndalama?
Apa nde kachasu azmwedwa txetxe wakula uwu kkkk
Ziko ndinduna Zake muli busy kusitha ziko lanu laMalawi Lankaka Ndi uchi Now njuchi zaona tilumeni munveke ndi inu
3 + 9 = 72. solved.
Kodi sakudziwa kuti JCE, ndi yomwe ili yovomelezeka Ku Maiko Ena kusiyana ndi MSCE?
hehehehehehe man MSCE ndiyakumalawi kuno kunja klibe MSCE nd JCE yanuyo,,,,,heheheheheheh,,,,nde ngat maiko enawo amavomereza wat daz malawi haz to do with it,,?
Ali bho cnanga anathana naxo moti sakuona vuto lililose ayi ango zli bwino
Zauchikape!Mbuli zophunzira.
apapa palibe za maphunziro, 1-4 koma ndye pasese mpaka kumpopho ndithu
Deal ndi chimanga nga kusukulu amafuna chimanga,lero nd iz amayi achoke tinkangokumvan mutiwuza zosatila
Mpala wake umenewo zuwa ili
Tangoisiyan anyapala inu michila yanu, m’malo mothesa national team ikutha ndalama kumangoluza
Form 1 straight to form 4
mmalo mothetsa ESCOM ndi WATETBORD koma anthu inu noseee mituyanu dimaganiza
Iam sure the people in the ministry have got their education in Malawi and they know the advantages of JCE,how will the country develop without quality education?
what are advantagrs of jce todate??
hahahhahahahha……………… Lets organise strike ma die hard malawi citizenz……,,,,,
apa ndye zili boo
mwana akabandwa amayamba mkaka kenako phala kumalizila nsima inu ndiye mukuti chani timayamba std8 kenako jc kumalizila msce inuyo anzeru zedi inuyo jc mulibe afisi inu opandapake ana amalimbikila jc form 3 amapuma kunganiza amat pasese ehede inu ndiye kaya apaseni azanu ayendese bomali muone kt maphuzilo ayenda bwanji!!chimene mumatha ndi chani?kukwatila mukwatile mutalowa boma hahaha kukanika kuima panukha kuopa budget forsek
Musova nokha
Nde ndilembeletu asanachotse ka
Ndiye zidzikhala bwanji mwati?
Apa basi ndi via Zalewa man.Kulibe kusefa,ufa ndi gaga remix kkk
tasankha mavuto koma eish palibe chanzeru apa
Kwatsala kupanga abolish MSCE kenaka muzathetsa ma university kumalizira kuthetsa maphunziro kuti basi pasapezeke wopita ku school, tizingoledzera ndikumangosuta vwamba mmakwalalamu
Wat a fakn malawian leaders, kumangosintha zilizonse mopusa,nanga afta 5yrz usintha zingat? Utiuze tchutchu”
They sat 4de same exams and ‘ve certificates wth them abolishing it now?
They sat 4de same exams and ‘ve certificates wth them abolishing it now?
They sat 4de same exams and ‘ve certificates wth them abolishing it now?
izi ndi zimene tinavotera winanso asmadandaule
I can see form 6 coming very soon
zopusa zokhazokha basi.
The madness of those who think they are Superior.