Malawi likely to have good rains-experts

floods Malawi
floods Malawi
Floods were as a result of heavy rains last year.

The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services has said that Malawi will receive good rainfall this year starting next month.

Spokesperson for the department Elina Kululanga, attending a general conference on climate change in Kinshasa in DRC, said most parts of the country will receive very impressive rainfall.

However, Kululanga was quick to mention that any contrary weather indications will be communicated to the public by her office.

“Should any change prevail we will let the public know since we are living in the time of unstable climate” said Kululanga.

Last year Malawi experienced its first heavy rains in January which lasted for over two weeks and led to floods in some parts of the country.



  1. anthuwa amanama kwambiri umva makudzakhala mvula yowaza mmadera ena okwela mchigawo chakumpoto koma lili boza tidzakufunsani october ukamatha kuti mvula ili kuti

  2. mukakhuta mmafuna kumatinamiza simungadzwe za mawa olo

  3. you guys sound like these up to date fake asss prophets on some God told me so so thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!shut up you always lying so yeah please just shut up

  4. We plan ,God plans and He is the best planner….Azanyengo inu musamatinamizepo apa chifukwa za mtsogolo amadziwa yekha olenga mvulayo.

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