…Malawi Embassy questions Mutharika conduct

Opposition political parties in the country have described Malawi President Peter Mutharika’s decision to blow more than 500 million Kwacha on a trip to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in New York as “irresponsible” and “selfish”.
Mutharika who has been accompanied by 111 people including chiefs, friends and party fanatics has already spent K115 million on a one-way transport fare for the bloated entourage.
In an interview with Malawi24, Malawi Congress Party (MCP) spokesperson Jessie Kabwila said Mutharika’s act is “unprecedented and irrational for a country going through economic challenges.”
Kabwila said it is unfortunate that the president has demonstrated his “irresponsible behaviour and selfishness in a way that hurts Malawians.”
She said amidst Malawians’ struggle to earn a living, the president has demonstrated Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) “love of luxury”.

Kabwila said: “This illustrates his irresponsibility and cruelty to suffering of Malawians in time when life is very difficult. The kwacha is taking a huge hit, hospitals are not functional and there is looming hunger. This cements that it is not a caring government.
“It is not surprising that the majority of people who have gone to New York are not even going for work there but are party members who are appeased for whatever is going on.”
Kabwila questioned DPP administration’s transparency and called for submission of names of people who have gone to New York and their role at the UN meeting.
“I am coming from America where I also visited Malawi embassy. Everybody is astounded with the number that government has sent. The Embassy is questioning DPP government’s behaviour to fund for party loyalist and appease them in this way,” said Kabwila
The People’s Party (PP) has also expressed worry with the DPP administration’s way of running the country.
PP publicity secretary Ken Msonda said that DPP is undemocratic and its leaders doesn’t have the welfare of poor citizens at heart but only aims at enriching themselves.
“The leadership is clueless on how to run this country. It is talking about other government institutions tightening economic belts on expenditure as the country is experiencing economic meltdown whilst the Executive is doing the opposite,” said Msonda.

An economist has since advised Mutharika to stop having too many international trips saying that government must consider the economic status of the country.
“There are a lot of challenges that have rocked different government sectors that need much attention. In my own observation not all the meetings need him to participate,” said the economist Nelson Mkandawire.
Mutharika has always said his foreign trips are crucial to the development of the country since he engages international communities to help government activities.
“Have we seen that development? We will agree with the president when we see the so called development,” said Mkandawire.
Meanwhile, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, George Chaponda has downplayed the reports saying that the Malawi leader has only taken aboard 20 officials, a figure which experts still believe remains high.
*Additional reporting by Luke Bisani.
don’t forget this,hes got 10) years so its not long to complain let him do what he can wait ok
don’t forget this,he got 10) years so its not long to complain let him do what he can wait ok
Koma uyu nde wanyanya shame
Zosezi ni Bakiri kukatiyorera mayorayora uko lero angoononga Malawi shame
Paja zomwe mukanyadila2 nde ndizimenezi pitilizani kunyadila president wanuyu munavotera nokha
and jessie kabwila tonse tumudziwa…she has a loud mouth and criticizes zilizonse….one time mpakana kunyoza people living with hiv and aids just because they received some funding….muwine 2019 tione zomwe muzachite
People this woman is mad can’t u see amati akamutenga kunja sayankhula hahaha nthawi yawo
opposition siingakambe zabwino za APM.come rain or sunshine.muzingomutsutsabe…olo atapanga zabwino zotani stil u criticize
Koma abale mukuwona ndithu kuti Dziko likuonongeka chifukwa cha utsogoleri wopanda pake ngati umenewu mukumalowetsa ndale za ziiii
Koma abale mukuwona ndithu kuti likuonongeka chifukwa cha utsogoleri wopanda pake ngati umenewu mukumalowetsa ndale za ziiii
inenso mukazandisankha ndizayamba kuzithandiza ndekha ndizamangira nyumba kuyambira agogo mpaka makanda ndi ena woti sanabadwe Malawi lasanduka dziko loomwe andale akulemeleramo muzandisankhe dala muzalira sure
Bola Yesu azibwera tikaone zina kumwamba!!!!!!!
Munatinyoza ife anthu akumpoto ndikutiseka kuti tinavotera Dr L. Chakwera.Tinawoneka mbuzi on that day.Lero ndinu nomwe achewa alomwe,ayawo kumalira ndi Pitala Wanuyo……Muyisova ndi Pitala wanuyo.Ndizimene munkafuna kumuvotera Satana Pitala……
Akanatenga iwe bwenzi utakana kuti iiii bwana muwonga ndalama?????
GOLOGOLO pangani manyazi chonde
Pamalawi zimayenda chonchi basi,zitayeni si size yanu.Anthu apita kukadya MONEY.
somebody tell Peter I love you not to live. utiphunzitsira Ana khalidwe loyipa
Apa umunthu palibiletu bola kupita ku south africa kaya akatiotcha
Vuto lovotela azigogo ndi limenelo
Which opposition party.mulira mtooo,simunati
Mr Prensident I,was always at your Back …But This Nonsese .Now Of Taking .on Board .Such .Bunch .of .People …What Are They For there …And .U .Was .In .Chaina .Few .Weeks ago ..Cheeting .There .That .I .ll Change .Malawi .With Such Poor Cariber …..Oh!! Mother Malawi Is Dimminished …and Its Becoming A Selfish Manueverd State …….
Paja amati vote wisely.
zopusa. mmene mumamusankha mmaona ngati chani?
mumaiko anzathu president sangapange zopusazi,amamuchosa koma ife amalawi mmm tikadalilabe
Regionrism voti yikumachitisa kusakha munthu woipa ndipo palibe chomwe tipedza
my prezdent
thts y i love my preznt…
ine ndatopa nayo mdalayu bwanj
mabungwewo, azipani zina, mafumu, mavenda , mapolitical analysits, etc onse apita nawo nde who is to match now?
LL CITY water n electricity kulibe busy spending 500M MK eishhh very soon he ll see wat happen to othr stubborn presdnt
Peter is not leader he is selfish indeed,during ulamurilo wa pp magesi samazimazima, kwacha was some how stable ,pp govt timaona ngati things has gone bad apapa nde ndi worst. Kodi mfana uyu saulosi sakumamuyankhulako mdalayu bwanji,ife timaona ngati kuti akamapanga mbola iwe saulosi uzimuyankhula .
i disagree wth ua points sta…
Iwe ngwa dpp.
Bola Ali president.keep on being in denial.apm beyond ur imagination.
Mmmmmh! which imagination,what development can you point that APM has done since being elected as a president?,his brother the late was abrilliant man,first term he priotised development but with him the APM its (undiscribable) and he is just remaining with 2 year .
even if he can do something good u cant appreciate with ur name silumbu i guess ur from the north who alwez hate dpp for nothing. about kwachas instabality u r talking something which u dont know go south africa and check their rand against dollar u will see that its not malawi only that suffers. so lets try ur father to be the president if he will fix everything in 2yrs. magetsi even in south africa people are crying everyday about load shedding by escom
Kod TB Joshua alikut atiuze zamoyo wamunthu ameneyu?
Abwana ndalamazo akanagwirisira tchito polipira anthu womwe akudikila ma postings
yawe akungoyang’ana
May God judge them accordingly for this injustice.
Mxiii chimunthu choipa ngat ichi sidachionepo padziko lansi lonse
You are stupid Bright Chisale 500M is it justified Mxiiiii .
Let us just kill this goat once and for all
why mutharika dat, mutharika dis mostly on dis page eeh??? doz it means h z da only 1 making mistakes??? or h z da cause of evr problem evr malawian z facn???
A ukuyankhla ngat mbuli sukuona kt sizili bwno monga
mbuli ndiwe ndi ulesi wakowo. kukula konseko ukufuna mutharikayo azitenga money kumakuyikani m’matumba moti mukasake nokha eeh? hw many pages do w hv hr on social media?? cnt u c its only dis page amangokamba za mutharika evr hr cn w say ma page enawo alibe nkhani ya mutharika?? u hate him js hate him bt not kumangomuyipitsa munthu zinthu ziyende ndiwe mphawi zixayende stl mphawi cnt u c da problem z in u? y cnt u hv da goalz urself 2 b somebody “ULESI NDI UMPHAWI NDIWOMWE UKUYANKHULITSANI “
Munthu akazolowela akazolowela kupasidwa za ulele kumasungidwa ndimakolo ake paka zaka 40 dats amangoti peter peter; tiziyamba kaye tazifusa kuti ndapangapo chani chothandiza boma chifukwa boma ndife tomwe vuto tinasauka mmutu musiyeni pita
anthu enawa ndiwomvexa chixoni, nthawi imene akuyakhula ee mutharika ee peter anzawo dat moment amakhala apanga 2tambala zoti dziko likutan alibe nazo nthito amangomva kwa zi ma lazy pple ngati izi kwen kwen president wabwino amafunayo axabwela liti? kamuzu woipa,bakili woipa,bingu woipa,joyc woipa though z sh, peter woipa nde angokhala iwowo president mayb abwino ndiwo
Empty tin! you are talking as if you’ve lost some senses. Mutu kungadzadza ndimamina basis? Shame!
Ndizithandiza ma guy kuti azikapanga celebrate, how fool… We never know mwina nanunso muli pa 111 pompo coz FB ikanasonyeza tikanadziwa kuti simuli pa Meeting ya UN koma kuusumana ndi misonkho ya anthufe
Pretty Emmie….mwatani kod kod???dnt u knw d@ wi work vry tiredlesly jst to make lyf simpo,bt c w@ our kwacha(thukuta lathu) is trited….devaluation z der,high tax,n c nw ndalama zovutikira ine okadyelera ndiwina,pali nzeru apa?
don’t be ignorant guys,,let’s be realistic peter zamvuta&saying gud of him won’t chang ur status.
w r nt sayn kut peter z ryt or wrng, bt da thng z abt dis page. peter,peter,mutharika,mutharika evr hour n den. evr1 z facn da hardshp bt w r pushn 2 earn easy life by hardworkn n w r dea…point of collection 2 u hu said dea z ignorancy in ma writnz coz ur da 1 blind n ignorant tel m wen dd o dis started?? wen dd pple spok abt o dis n wat dd dey gt?? kamuzu,bakili,bingu,joyc onse zinachitika zonsezi n anthu tinayakhula bt notn w get n nw zikuchitika ndi peter 4 dat y kutaya nthawi ndikulongolola ylo notn w wl gain at da end??….. sis #Gloria i gat u n w r o gt hurt 4 dat bt wen wl our pain last ylo our words cnt b heard??
metsa mmati mkufuna machende ndi amenewotu!! msadabwe pitilizani madala kulowesa
President uyu akulamula anthu akufa
Aise Arthur Peter Arthur Mutharika! Mongokukonda, ukuyenera kusintha before the end of this year, apo bii! You are dead before the next two years,, God chose you to rule us according to His will,, ukuyenera kukumbukira zimene Saul adapanga,, God was not happy with Saul,,,Aise Peter,, undivesese; God is not happy with you,,& if you will not change, zako izo,,, It may sound stupid and uneducated, but you will see
My Fellow Malawians! Let me tell you,, You were wrong! You were wrong not because you voted for Peter, No! You were wrong because you did something which God hates so much. This something is found in the Bible,,Let’s see,, Isaiah 2:22 NIV,,, this something is ‘Trust’ Stop putting trust in a man whose breath is in his nostrils. That was Prophet Isaiah,, Let’s see what King David has to warn us, beloved Malawians,,,Psalms 146: 3-4 NIV, In Short,, God was not happy with you,, fellow Malawians,,, why? Because you trusted in a man.Had it been that you trusted in God these things could not happen
Let’s see the consequences of trusting in a man, its found on Jeremiah 17: 5-6 ( KJV),, You are cursed my fellow Malawians,,,, PUT YOUR TRUST IN THE LORD,, This is Why American Motto is ‘ IN GOD WE TRUST’ You see that,,, God bless you as you stop trusting in Peter Arthur and start trusting in God. God bless Malawi
tingopemphera ngati muja tinapempherera wina uja kuti afe basi,,,
This president is an elien to African politics he has spent all his life in USA & has no iota on how it feels to be a tax pair; His brother Bingu at least spent years in Zambia & other african states, thats why he was development concious: The best Malawi can do to survive the in the Next three years from poverty & medioc leadership is to impeach the President other wise we are in for more lankadaiscal judgements by this Muchona pretending to be a mister know it all; Dont worry this is how a cookie crumbles- no advisers? Only hand clappers:
VINDICATED!Whn i say empty heads tht is 1 characteristic of such pple:MAKNG ILLOGICAL DECISIONS.Thes idiots voted fr themselves.
I guess MEC and its chair are Enjoying this movie.
Wat benefit are we goin to get frm that luxurious and xpnsv trip ??
Ngati Mkulu Wake Sanali Kumva Za Munthu,Timayembekezela Kuti Uyu Angapange Bwa?(He Just Adopted That Style Of Leadership)Ngati Amakwera Helicopter Nkumazungulira Nayo Mdziko Muno Ali Nduna Mmene Ali President Timati Angataninso Kuposa Kudyelera Ngati Kumeneku?
Ndalama apanga sponser ndi a UN, ngati mulibe nkhani kayaambeni ulimi wothilila kusiyani ndi kuuma mutu mwaonetsaa apawu osafusa kaye bwanji hahahahahah!
Achewa inu mukulilanji apa, mulekeni mlomwe alamulile, inu zanu ndi nkhaza timadziwa kale, mulibeso chance pano!!!!!!!!
Muthalika iz brushy & always iz babish no wonder the nyasaland is underearning local kwacha
Muthalika iz brushy & always iz babish no wonder the nyasaland is underearning local kwacha
Ngati Mkulu Wake Sanali Kumva Za Munthu Ndiye Uyu Angapange Bwa?(He Has Just Adopted That Style Of Leadership) Ngati Amakwera Helcopter Nkumazungulira Nayo Mdziko Muno Ali Nduna,Mumayembekezela Kuti Mmene Akhala President Angataninso Kuposa Kudyelera Uku?
Its not good at all, For such a poor country economically
region politics.. i voted for him nde mutiso chani
region politics.. i voted for him nde mutiso chani
Tinasakha tinamaliza palibe nyonyonyo pano. Government style munazolowera kumasidwa money misewu munya gede simunati ine phee ndi shade wanga nkumachita chitukuko cha ana anthu
That is mr mthalika,mnavotanokha tiyeninazo zaka zitatu zasalazi kuzalowa chaka chomaliza pachitika zowopya,vuto ndife anthu munthuyi ankati azapitiliza pomwe anasiyila achimwene ake lero mkudabwa,zayamba nazoni
Leave politics aside and read what Gerald Viola said. Stop making unfounded allegations. Many of those that have travelled with him have been invited by the UN Agencies in and the bills will footed by such bodies.
Please leave APM alone.
It’s good to be ruled with an educated president than this cow called pitala ,being a professor most Malawians thought this dude will change things in our country for the benefit of many poor Malawians but he is a crap , be wise for the next election and maxox mbendera the main cause of this
How on earth should we expect such a wicked bunch of leaders to improve lives of malawians? These people don’t have the spirit of God in them. The devil is in charge of the affairs of this nation.
Akapito,a Mayaya, a Mutambo, a khondowe ndi anzao ali kuti kuli zii ngati sanamve za khaniyi.
chomwe amalawi mwamva ndi figure ya 111 ppo basi? kapena simunamalize kuwelenga mpakana munsimo?
We gonna see 2019 these foolish presednt must go to heil, why he is not recognese the poor? where unemployment pipo can get k35 000 to pays school fees? especialy villagers esh! now work up malawi stop sleeping lets fight for change again. k115 milion only a single trip while other are on the bed biternes with pain without medicine! u will answer all murder cas during judgment in heaven 4 sure!
why wait for 2019 nanga akazabelaso?or if amene asankhidwe 2019 azakhaleso opoila?
U know what this is too much and we can’t do anything as of now olo titat marching sigwirabe let him finish his term bro
Iwe za 2019 pitala alibe nazo ntchito, whether u’ll vote or not adzaberanso.
Fans yakuba imaneyi wakumoto bas aaaaaah mizimu ya osauka yakwiya man
apa kungokhesa mwazi basi
zitsilu mnkamsakha nokha this is buisht
Kodi apita pa bus?
Osafaniza ndi maiko ngati zambia,Nigeria ndi malawi kuno uphawi ndiwosayamba njala mkati ndiye mungafanane ndizambia chimanga akungawilani komweko tangosiyani zidyani misokho yanthuyo basi mtima watilimba.
Ndalamazi bola anakalowesa ku escom. Machende ake ameneyu
otsutsa akakhala kunja kwa boma amati am’boma akuononga ndalama poyenda maulando akunja koma iwo akatenga boma amachita zomwezo; this proverb is what we cee here with this boma
chala changa
kkk mu Sova ife kwanthu kulibe presdent!
kukumbika kumuleska vingoma vakukazina uyu kkkk
Ohh my money Mr APM
That’s what you voted for and its time to pay back.don’t cry but rather clap hands.mxiew!!!!!!;;
mmachalichimu kutangotsala wani wiki chitsankho ndinangomva chimanga! chimanga! chimanga , ndi chimenechi tiyeni tizidya, mumatipusisa asogoleli, i think next time muzakhale peee mmipingomu tizasankhe tokha mwina tizasankha molondola
Amabungwe tithandizeni,enafe patokha sitingakwanitse ma demo! Mr Kapito,where are in all this or shud we say mukusinza?
Thank God am not educated, because nkanakhala ophunzila nkanakhala chitsilu, Bob Marley!
the sad sad life of malawi.
he is just throwing his own benefit en for the party.he just painting the entire DPP a bad paint that no1 should never have the wish to vote it in office. HE has failed this nation,why placing heaviest financial burden on us while u r in front line of those depleting our very own taxes we pay hardly.this government is not supporting&caring 4its citizens. WE will spik thru de ballot boxes in 2019!kkkkk
iam supporting you Mr President. why some stupid pple blame you while themselves voted for you
Cant wait 4 the day of viewing his body @ state house..cardiac is waiting 4 him…
akut obama wakumalawi or obama angapange zimenezi?,.,,,, mxwie!!. musalolere Mulungu ,,,,,,kut adye anawa ine akudalira ine in God we trust ,,zinazi ndzopusa mayooo, awa mavuto sawaziwa,
Chala changa!
we malawians jst never learn.
Yes thats being irresponsible…. 4 wat now??
this cannot be true!!…this should not be allowed!!…shame shame…what about hospitals and the poor in Malawi??
ine mnabetsa vote koma ena munasakha ameneyu nde wayambatu kukutumikilan
malawi for sale
Dat man z a sucker bliv me u h wu nt cheng dc country anyhw….dc country z dead wt its chieftacy- danasty- donkey brainy -cow manure leadershp…
adwala cadiac arrest coz akuzuza anthu osalakwa
Dats y all the xools r paying fees in order to pay his expenditures? Poor leadership, vuto lovotela alendo ndilimeneli saziwa zamavuto athu…
Guyz pepani madzi akatayika saoleka tingopempha Mulungu kuti tizafikeko 2019 kuti mwina nkuzasinthako zinthu. Osadanda guyz zosezo Mulungu akuona ndipo Mulungu sataya wake.
nde zokanikazo 2019 silero . .tikhoza kupangapo kanthu mu umodzi nanga amene azavoteledwe 2019 akazakhalaso opoila?muzadikilaso the next election ?
nde zokanikazo 2019 silero . .tikhoza kupangapo kanthu mu umodzi nanga amene azavoteledwe 2019 akazakhalaso opoila?muzadikilaso the next election ?
Pelekani maganizo anu amwene tingathe kuchita chani? Popeza mkuluyi satsutsika.
kuonetsa kusakondwa kwathu po signer chikalata gulu or peacefully demonstrating
Vuto mmalo mokapanga mademo anthu amakaba ndiye mmalomwake timangotaya miyoyo yanthu ena osalakwa bola ya chikalatayo koma.
Tikadikira 2019 musayiwale kuti salabada kaya mumuvotere or not adzaberanso. Nkhani ndiyoti ACHOKE!!! muona cardiac arrest will be back kudzatiombola
Tikadikira 2019 musayiwale kuti salabada kaya mumuvotere or not adzaberanso. Nkhani ndiyoti ACHOKE!!! muona cardiac arrest will be back kudzatiombola
Konma anwene apa ndiye zivute zitani 2019 sangazabele olopang’ono.
Kodi inuo muli ku treasury kuti mudzidziwa kufotokoza bwino izi kapena is your stupid propaganda against apm at its best??
Kodi inu wakulu, mumatamba eti? Nokha simungaone kuti kumene wapangako ndi kudzikonda? Koma inuyo simudziwa kuti dziko la malawi ndi losauka kwambiri? Kodi inuyo umphawi simuudziwa? Why are you clapping hands for nosense?
uyu amatambadi
I think Mr. Luwi must go for brain surgery!!!!!!!!!!
mr luwi @ wat best r u trying 2 say?
You are idiot.
u die hard umenewo jkkkkkk
u die hard umenewo jkkkkkk
Chokani amazoba u r worried coz inuo olo anthu akwanu sali mgulu…akanakhalamo mukanaimbira mmanja…losers!!!
Ndwe mbuli
Luwi ndiwa ku Malawi ameneyu????? Ndi foreigner ngati mbuyache apm!
President wanu…..coz ameneyo si wathu,ma vote was dube so he has jst begun what all proffesors can do,when they are in his shoes. If in the nxt one year he is stll presdent expect to be sold bck to the british………….all of you. That Man..!!!! Can never be president.
Pali chani pamenepa
nd chtsiru, mbunzi kwambili
Firstly Malawians shud not get worried about wat Pitala is doing cz this is wat we voted for and we gonna reap wat we voted for ,,,, Secondly, almost evry highly educated pipo do not bother about poor pipo, they rather thnk of filling up their pockets inorder to enrich themslves,,, and these pipo are always dangereous cz they cn withdraw up to 800 million at once jst fr their allowances and up kips , so those Proffesors are vry vry dangerous wen it cms to financll issues, but pipo will kip on applauding dem by regarding them as innocent ones cz of their qualificatns,,, So the more they get educated, the more they becm liquidators ,,,,, Mxiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ….
Well spocken!
Pitala watiwonjeza
Pita ndimbuzi yamano m’mwamba,,coz this z bull-shit sangatenge Dola yonseyo kupangila zaCuck(matuvi)pamene akuziwa kuti muzikomi muli zovuta zambili;,,,::'(:'(:'(zopusa
Mabunge aja omenyera ufulu wa anthu alikuti? Akudikila zifike pa #worst ndiye ayambe kuchita organise ma demo? We must b patriotic enough not jx to chat on this topic as we r doing.We r already suffering in so many ways.
kkk!amalankhula aunt tiwo akanyozedwa basi…adya zimabanzi..sangalankhule.
Et mpaka ndi amzake amene amamwa nawo mowa et!
This is just the beggining_alot of problems/caramity are coming just soon,,dont cry ma dear friend,dis is wat u voted4,,sindikudziwa Alomwe mukuva bwanj kumeneko..simene mumavutira muli Pitala ,pitala,pitala zanu izo musova…Ife tikut chakwera 2019 boma!!osat manyaka ngat awa autsogoleri”nyapapi”
Tinveko zina pulizi,,,aaaaah tatopa nazo izi,,this man is a lover of himself,concieted,a slanderer,he doesnt even hav natural affection,he z jus so puffed up wit pride he will not go unpunished..
Ndinakuwuzani musamvotele ameneyo ok ndizotu
No nid 2 blame him kz evry gvmnt daz ds!BOMA XUENDEXA ND ADAN AKO XMPLE JB!
so yu are saying they shud use the money to buy drugs,maize whatsoever…then wat wil be the tràñsport for thoz ppo going to UN meeting.?…wiĺ u gv them?
u r an imbecile i hv ever seen
Even a chicken can think better than you.
when u hear ppo saying educated savages!!…they ar x100 beta thàn 2 of u..who z suffering tody en ž not receiving medication…who z starving today..if so,can u share àll of them MK500Million?…who ar u to thnķ wise more than the clergy?…which university dd both of u go?. where u were told dat implementation starts b4 planning…en go baķ to ur foxes ask if one can solve de nxt problem b4 de current…do u thnk the policy makèrs are nt aware of whiçheva so calĺed čhalĺeges u âr sayinģ??…Barbarians!!!
#Limi..if the owner of ds açcount z an imbecile.good that coz u ar just UNÇIVIĹIZED!!!…en u ar very far to where i am…it wl take almost 400ýears fo u to be here…so sorry fo dat truth!
Mmmmmm, bt u may think 4 others. Pple suffer evin die at de hospa coz of lack of medicin, kumakanjir ndie nanj.kkkkkkk.
State House is further informing the public that UN Women has sponsored women from all over the World to attend the UNGA in order for these women to understand the concept of He4She Campaign, the UNFPA has also sponsored some youths to the General Assembly to mediate and share common knowledge on the youth empowerment in the Strategic Development Goals.
Othervarious NGOs in the promotion of Human Rights, Gender and protection of women and children against all violence towards the vulnerable groups have also sponsored attendance of women,youth and other human rights defenders across the global and Malawi is not spared.
– State House.
Mashona Sangaziwe Mavuto Akumudzi Ataa!
State House has responded to this issue.
Koma yah ndizomwe munavotera lero ndi zimenezitu
State House is further informing the public that UN Women has sponsored women from all over the World to attend the UNGA in order for these women to understand the concept of He4She Campaign, the UNFPA has also sponsored some youths to the General Assembly to mediate and share common knowledge on the youth empowerment in the Strategic Development Goals.
Other various NGOs in the promotion of Human Rights, Gender and protection of women and children against all violence towards the vulnerable groups have also sponsored attendance of women,youth and other human rights defenders across the global and Malawi is not spared.
– State House Facebook Page.
ukuppusisa ana?
Funsani Pamenepo.
There is more in the text than is in the title.
I do understand Chaponda is UDF(Opposition) and he is foreign affairs minister. He has four people coming from his office. And in his capacity as foreign minister, his cost is being met by the United Nations.
Ministry of Trade and Industry has two people. Office of the President and Cabinate has two people.
#LOL amalawi ndi mbuzi za anthu hahaha musiyiretu musayankhulenso ngati zakunyasani akamazabwera mukazazane ku airport nkuyika miyala pa chibanja mwamvaaaa,am tired of u talking talking talking,though ndidziwa posachedwa mukambanso za jet yamutenga iye
Paja timkati munthuyu mngwanzeru nde musiyeni alamulire mmene akufunira
Mbendela masiku amoyo wako atsala ochepa pazomwe udatipangira aise wava
somde are saying that he has gone with 20 pples some 115 which is which
tikukuwonanitu ngakhale kuno kumidzi u will regret soon
Cardiac arrest is waiting 4 him.
Lets put politics aside and be realistic,our president has just shown than he doesn’t care about his poor citizens….uku timati nkhosa kudyetsa m’busa m’malo moti m’busa azidyetsa nkhosa,,,Peters IQ is -0.guys anthuwo kuchuluka mpaka kudzadza ma min bus 8,akakachita phwando kuti wakwanitsa kupusitsa a Malawi.
This country is going down the drain, i can promise you that!! These pipo are using the money like crazy person
Dzuka Malawi iwe dzuka!
It might be good to find out how many delegates other countries are getting to the UN General Assembly. For it might be a surprise the number is a good average.
Ndipo ziko la Malawi lapitisa anthu ochepa ku UN,other country like Nigeria up to 800 deligates,Zambia 250 pple fufuzani azanga olemba ndi Ntchito ya boma akukagwira , thanks the Press secretary. for clear information keep it up – Patrick Kabambe comment on State House Facebook Post.
Confirms my assumptions.
paja anavomelezedwa utsiku.
most malawians will die.
He can not be a professor as u claim and at the same time a good ruler God gives 1 to 1
Tiye naxoni munavota nokha.
shame on you mr president 2019 ikuchedwa & i never seen professor akupanganga zolondola everywhere professor amakhala owononga zinthu
thus why akungokwezakweza zi fees, mbuzi! bwantasa!
Ndikupempha Allah kut Muthalika president wakumalawi amuononge pasanathe 10 day chilango chowawa kwachaka mukunyoza komwe adamunyoza mulungu pa malawi news 24h kunena kuti mulungu sangapange ma miracles for this Oh Allah treat peter muthalika garanteed chilango chopweteka kuti amukumbukire mulungu koomanso azafe infa yopweteka ngati yankulu wake Bingu wamuthalika azanyozeke chimozimozi
shaa koma ndalamazo zachuluka kwambiri bwanji osagula chimanga kapena mankhwala kuti zipatala zathu zikhale zikuthandiza ma patient mokwanila , pali zambiri zofunika ndalama
Usamwe mowa kumeneko Peter paja mutundu wakwanu nonse ndinu zidakwa. …
Mudziko muno tili ndi anthu anzeru ochuluka kwambiri kod y zinthu zikamalakwika mumakhala chete ,,,tiziti ndi umuphu olo kupusa ,,,,,,,,just imagine khobid losero likaonongeka pa one month pomwe zinthu zikukwera tsiku ndi tsiku bwanji osatenga ndalama ngati zimenezo kupeleka kumakapan ena kuti zinthu zinthe kutsika tengo sometyms dot b selfish but think abt ur people zotibera mavoti tatopa nazo ndipo 2019 tikufuna chilungamo chizayende ngati madzi
Mmmmm mpakana ma Frendz,km nde zapweka2
Did u know why he do so?everyone didn’t come up with an answer abt lake it’s only U.N. can end this; how much money u spend to negotiate with Tanzania? Don’t u know that we’re under siege by Tanzania?
he can’t see
bola nsonkhanowo utibweresere za phindu kuno ku Malawi
president wanthu amaganiza ngati mbuzi
Mbuzi bolani koma chiwala
Chiwala ndi mbuzi bola koma………………
feel ya man
Don’t Worry Ndiwalodza Anthu Onse Omwe Akutivutitsa
Where r his advisors?,,what r their responsibilities
I like this boy
Msiyeni akudya zotsilika, akamagwa asadabwe, disc reapt!
He Is Iresponsble & Selfish He Cant Use Such Money On His Journey!!
Mmmm Zaziii, Pot Inenso Ndmafuna Ndpte Nawo, Who Is Jessie Kabwira, Bakir Muluz Ananena Kale Kut Chipani Cha Mcp Chinapita Ndi Mwini Wake Kamuzu
Nanu pena tamamvetsani nkhani, izi sizachipani ndi zadziko……zimenezo nzonyadira,kupepela eti?
Jessie Kabwra Sakukamba Ngat Za Mdzko, I Knw Kt Ndndale Zomwe Akupangazo, 2019 Ndkuvoteranso Peter Wa Muntharika
Are u a malawian or???
Am From Japan Keng Chej Kau Tia
Peter Munthalika, Kasupe Wachitukuko
i hate ambuli ngat uyu obackila chifukwa ndi wambali zakwao chonsencho akunva kuwawa mxilll
Alomwe Stmanyozana
Ndaoneladi pa iwe ukuonekad kut samakunyoza putayo uli ndi chilichonse
Peter Kwa2 Anatpasa Mbuz 4 Nd Abakha 24 Ndy Chomunyozera Nd Chan?
he is a professor but in him there is no leadership skills he is there terrorising the country
Ths man wl kill us
Ths man wl kill us
mmmmxxxxx idiot uyu watisuzgenge mwe, chigulen chiprezdent chthu ichi mwawachelsea mkapangirenge sapot
Trip gate!
kkk nazoni mukamaliza mundiuza
Don’t be surprised this what Malawian voted for
Mr Ibu On The Building
Anthu amene akupweteketsa kwambiri dziko la Malawi ndi anthu akumwera.Chifukwa cha umbuli wawo,kuchuluka kwawo komanso kungovotera kuti bola wakwathu ndiye chifukwa chake tikupedzana ndi atsogoleri ankhanza, okuba ndi osaganizira za ena.