‘GOD will never never perform a miracle just to meet some ego’ – Hastings Salanje

Pastor Hasting Salanje

Good evening friends, God will never never perform any miracle that will not meet any need. Is the need that will push God to perform a miracle.

Pastor Hasting Salanje
‘GOD will never never perform a miracle just to meet some ego’

GOD will never never perform a miracle just to meet some ego, when you see people claiming to have performed a miracle from God, then first check what is the need for that miracle.

GOD opened the red Sea because the Israelites were many hence there could be no boat to help them cross the sea.

Jesus walked on water because the disciples were under heavy storm and there could be no other way for Jesus to go there and help rather than walk on water.

I can go on but time, so becareful with God, you must not put God in the things that he is not, God is not respecter of persons, what ever you sow today you will surely reap.

I have seen people loosing their calling because of mixing the cross with other things.

Salvation was bought with the high price, the blood of Jesus, and for that, God will never compromise it.

Do not put God in the things that he is not, do not lie in the name of God, do not misuse the name of God as he will not take it lightly.

So if you are hungry for miracles, then check what is the need for that miracle , God will never do things just to make you feel good, or to prove a point .

MEN OF GOD are grounded today because of trying God, so becareful, the journey is too long and time will judge.
May God give you a spirit to see what is from him and what is not. Amen

*Views in this article are those of the author and not Malawi24. Follow Pastor Hastings Salanje on Facebook