Find Your Feet attributes gender disparities, social norms to low household development

Find Your Feet (FYF)

Experts have lamented that gender disparities and some social norms are some of the serious threats which retards various development interventions at the community level.

To inculcate a culture of coordination and togetherness at the household level, Find Your Feet (FYF) is implementing a life-threatening initiative in the area of Sub-Traditional Authority Mbera in Balaka District.

Through the World Food Program (WFP) funded Integrated Resilience Project, the Organization has equipped households with gender transformative approaches in a quest to promote and improve meaningful participation in livelihood and agricultural production among the communities by addressing the inequalities that affect food and nutrition security among men, women and the youth.

For instance, the Organization uses a household approach model of delivering agricultural extension services where every member at the household level is capacitated to understand various agricultural extension messages.

One of the beneficiaries in the project, Maria Thole says the intervention by Find Your Feet has significantly improved her household status.

“I am coming from a background of a hunger-stricken household. Poverty was the order of the day. But now, I can proudly stand at the top of the mountain and boast that I am no longer impoverished,” she said.

She further attributed coordination among her family members as a catalyst for their success.

“Because of the unity which exists in our family, we have been able to develop plans and every member takes a leading role in monitoring the plans. So far, we have managed to purchase a bed, a bicycle and a piece of land for farming activities.

Find Your Feet District coordinator for Balaka, Mwaiwawo Nthala underscored the need for households to collaboratively work together in breaking gender disparities and social norms if they are to achieve meaningful development.

“It is paramount that development should start at the household level. However, for us to achieve our goals, we need unity of purpose right from the household level,” said Nathalie.


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