Michael Usi Takes on Vice Presidency: Filling Big Shoes


As Michael Usi steps into his new role as Vice President of Malawi, he faces the daunting task of following in the footsteps of his predecessor, Saulos Chilima. Widely regarded for his dynamism and impact, Chilima’s shoes are undoubtedly large to fill.

Usi, a respected figure in his own right, brings a wealth of experience and dedication to the position. Known for his commitment to public service and community development, he has vowed to earnestly undertake the responsibilities entrusted to him.

In his inaugural address, Usi acknowledged the challenges ahead, emphasizing his determination to serve the nation with diligence and integrity. “I understand the enormity of the role and the expectations of the Malawian people,” he stated, expressing humility in the face of the task at hand.

Micheal Usi
I will serve with determination – Usi.

However, comparisons to Chilima have inevitably arisen, with many questioning whether Usi can match the charisma and transformative leadership of his predecessor. 

Chilima, a prominent advocate for economic reform and transparency, left an indelible mark during his tenure.

Despite the inevitable comparisons, supporters of Usi have expressed confidence in his ability to bring fresh perspectives and solutions to the forefront. His background in advocacy and grassroots mobilization has positioned him as a champion for social justice and equality.

As Malawi navigates through its next chapter, all eyes will be on Usi as he embarks on this new journey. The challenges may be formidable, but with determination and dedication, he aims to carve out his legacy while honouring the achievements of those who came before him.


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