Woman dies after being swept away while trying to cross stream


A 68-year old woman at Mponela in Dowa District has died after she was swept away when she tried to cross a flooded stream within the area.

Public Relations Officer for Mponela Police Station Sergeant Macpatson Msadala has confirmed and has identified the  deceased as Namaisa Levius, 68, from Kachulu village in the area of Traditional Authority Mponela in Dowa District.

Msadala said that the woman met her fate on February 12, 2022 at around 07:00 hours at Kanyungu Stream at Chidoola village in the area of Traditional Authority Mponela.

“The woman left home on February 9,2022 in the morning to visit her daughter at Khudze village which is few kilometres away from her village.

“However, she did not arrive at Khudze village and this raised concerns as it had also rained heavily earlier in the day. A search was conducted and the dead body was found in Kanyungu Stream,” said Msadala.

The scene of crime was visited by Detectives from Mponela Police accompanied by Medical officers from Mponela Rural Hospital.

Postmortem conducted revealed that the cause of death was due to suffocation secondary to drowning.

In meantime, Police advises people in the area to be carefully when crossing rivers more especially in this rainy season.