Admarc Junior workers fault authorities over allowances


Close to twenty Unit Market Officers (UMO) for the Agriculture Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) who were deployed to buy cotton under the Ngabu division, have blamed their management for failing to give them their subsistence allowances. 

Some junior workers who opted for anonymity have disclosed to Malawi 24 that they have stayed close to 20 days without being provided with their subsistence allowances. 

“Most of us have been hardly able to feed ourselves and find our accommodation as we are sleeping in cotton storerooms where there are a lot of insect sides,” said the concerned worker. 

According to the concerned employees, each of them was supposed to be given a subsistence allowance of K500 per day and hence they are owed money amounting to K1 million each. 

The concerned workers have disclosed that their efforts to present the grievance to their immediate supervisors have proved futile as they have been turned down. 

On her part,  ADMARC head of human resources and administration, Ethel Zililakhasu, referred this publication to the state grain marketer chief executive officer, Dan Makata who could not be reached via his mobile phone.

The state grain marketer has been undergoing a restructuring exercise following the government’s earlier decision to dissolve it owing to the huge losses it has been encountering.
