Zomba Press Club donates food and non-food items to the elderly

Zomba Press Club

Zomba Press Club has donated food and non-food items to the elderly at Katete Village, Senior Chief Malemia’s area in the district.

The press club donated soya pieces, soap, plastic pails, cups, and plates among other items.

Vice President of Zomba Press Club, Ronnex Chiwanda, said the club decided to reach out to the elderly after observing that the group is mostly sidelined in most social protection issues.

“Zomba Press Club believes in sharing with the underprivileged as such we felt obliged to reach out to the elderly with the items. We know they have other basic needs to keep them going,”  he added.

Chiwanda said there was a need to reach out to the elderly with various humanitarian assistance in time of need, adding that it was unfortunate that the elderly are also victims of rejection and are sometimes accused of witchcraft.

He further condemned the ill-treatment and witchcraft accusations and called on local leaders to provide adequate protection to the elderly against all forms of violence.

He commended network provider, TNM for donating cash to the club which was used to procure the items.

Chiwanda therefore called on other companies to emulate TNM’s corporate social responsibility.

Ellen Tenisi who spoke on behalf of fellow elders hailed the Zomba Press Club for the donation saying this was a human gesture worthy of acknowledging.

She also condemned people who accuse the elderly of witchcraft, saying this in human considering that every person is subjected to aging. 

An official from the Malawi Network of Older Persons (MANEPO) Nitike Ngwira also hailed Zomba Press Club for donating the items to the elderly saying this is what MANEPO advocates. 

She called on other organizations to emulate what the Zomba Press Club did by reaching out to the elderly rather than sidelining them.

Village headman Katete thanked Zomba Press Club for reaching out to the elderly in his village saying there was a need to reach out to the elderly considering that they can not provide for themselves.

This was the second time for the club to reach out to the elderly this year.

The club reached out to ex-servicemen at Cobbe Barracks in Zomba with assorted food and nonfood items after TNM donated cash to the Zomba Press Club.
