Bishop urges Catholic women to contest for political positions

Bishop of Zomba Diocese, Alfred Mateyu Chaima, has called on women in the diocese to assume decision making positions in the church and aspire for political positions ahead of the 2025 local government, parliamentary and presidential elections.

Bishop of Zomba Diocese, Alfred Mateyu Chaima, has called on women in the diocese to assume decision-making positions in the church and aspire for political positions ahead of the 2025 local government, parliamentary and presidential elections.

Bishop Chaima made the remarks at Zomba Cathedral Hall as Catholic Women Organisation (CWO) of the Zomba Diocese held a tea evening and Christmas and new year best wishes in his honour.

He said the CWO is an important organisation in the diocese such that the church acknowledges CWO’s crucial role.

The Bishop also appealed to CWO to be focused on their vision of buying a bus in the 2024 and other fulfillments for the good of the church.

He added that the catholic church will hold elections for various positions  and he urged the women to aspire and contest as this will be one of ways and means of fulfilling the church’s ministry.

Bishop Chaima also called on the women to contest for various political positions come 2025 when the country will hold elections for local government, parliamentary and presidential positions saying women who are eligible can compete with men in such positions .

He also called on the women to encourage their children to be dedicated in their studies to ensure successful future generation in the church and society.

“I’m grateful that Catholic Women Organisation in the Zomba Diocese have come to wish me best wishes for christmas and new year. They have given me gifts and had tea together,” the Bishop said while returning best wishes for the 2024 to the women for the success of their group

Zomba Diocese CWO Chairperson, Christina Lakiyoni said the organisation fulfilled a number of  planed activities in 2023 such as procurement of a maize mill and providing accommodation for students at Malawi Catholic University.

She disclosed that the CWO intends to buy a Marcopolo bus to ease their mobility and to hire it out as part of income generation.

Lakiyoni therefore called on the women to unite and be focused to attain their 2024 aspirations
