Seventy-year-old woman gives birth to twins in Uganda

A woman aged 70 has given birth to twins – a girl and a boy – at a fertility centre in Uganda’s capital, Kampala.

A woman aged 70 has given birth to twins – a girl and a boy – at  a fertility centre in Uganda’s capital, Kampala.

Safina Namukwaya delivered the babies yesterday via caesarean after getting pregnant through In-vitro fertilization (IVF) an egg is removed from a woman’s ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory IVF treatment.

The Women’s Hospital International and Fertility Centre (WHI&FC), where Namukwaya delivered the babies, said feat is not only about medical success but also the strength and resilience of the human spirit”.

“We’ve achieved the extraordinary – delivering twins to Africa’s oldest mother aged 70! This historic event, a baby boy and girl, not only marks our two decades of leadership in IVF, but also sets us apart as the premier fertility centre in Africa.

Namukwaya used to be childless but has now had her second delivery in three years as she also gave birth to a baby girl in 2020.

She said she had wanted to have children after she was mocked for being childless.

“I looked after people’s children and saw them grow up and leave me alone. I wondered who would take care of me when I grow old,” she is quoted as saying.
