Man dies after vehicle hits bicycle

Bicycle accident Malawi

A 50-year-old man identified as Wallace Phiri has died following a road accident involving a Toyota Sienta and a bicycle at Jenda Trading Centre in Mzimba.

According to a Police report, Precious Ziba, was driving a motor vehicle from Embangweni heading the direction of Jenda and upon arrival at Whynot he failed to control the motor vehicle due to over speeding and he hit a pedal cyclist (Wallace Phiri) who was heading the same direction.

Phiri sustained a deep cut on the forehead and a fracture at the left arm. He was taken to Jenda Rural Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

The motor vehicle had its windscreen shattered, bonnet depressed, left headlamp broken and a bicycle was extensively damaged whilst the driver escaped unhurt.

However, Jenda police has advised members of the community to always observe all road safety measures, especially on reducing speed in busy areas.

Wallace Phiri hailed from Kapopo Mhlanga Village in the area of Trading Authority M’mbelwa in Mzimba district.