Balaka District Council urges residents to observe sanitation practices


Balaka District Council has implored residents to embrace a sense of ownership in ensuring that they observe sanitation and hygiene practices in a bid to prevent communicable diseases.

The Council’s chairperson, Councilor Pharaoh Kambiri said it is the role of everyone to make sure that they practice necessary sanitation and hygiene measures.

Kambiri made the remarks on Friday during the launch of ‘Tithetse Cholera campaign’ initiative held at Ulongwe trading centre in the district as spearheaded by President Lazarus Chakwera.

He underscored that a healthy nation is a catalyst for development.

”We cannot develop as a district as well as a nation if we have a sick population. It is therefore a must that everyone should be responsible in promoting sanitation and hygiene in public places such as markets, schools, churches and other places and even in their respective homes,” said Kambiri.

Meanwhile, Balaka District Health Office Chief preventive Health Officer, Blessings Chitsime, disclosed that the district has so far registered remarkable success in the battle against Cholera outbreak as evidenced by the continuous drop of cases registered on a daily basis.

”Balaka District was among the districts heavily burdened with the cholera outbreak.For instance, just a couple of months ago, we were registering as far as 60 cases per day, but, the situation has drastically changed as two or three days may pass without registering even a single case,” said Chitsime, adding that this is a remarkable improvement.

Through the Tithetse Cholera campaign, Balaka District Council will work with various local leaders in scaling up sensitization meetings with the masses in a quest to make them aware of the importance of practicing sanitation practices.

The campaign was carried out with financial support from the Malawi Resilience and Disaster Risk Management Program (MRDRMP)

The event was graced by different stakeholders including the Balaka District Commissioner, Darwin Mngoli, council officials, traditional and religious leaders as well as the business community.

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