Minister angry and shocked to find dilapidated machinery at PVHES


Minister of Transport and Public Works, Jacob Hara has described the state of Regional Plant and Vehicle Hiring and Engineering Services (PVHES) offices for the north as pathetic with most of its machineries dilapidated.

Some of the machinery at PVHES

Hara was speaking Friday in Mzuzu after touring Mzuzu Airport, Regional PVHES offices and Regional Road Transport Offices.

He was angry and shocked to see a lot of old and dilapidated machinery at the PVHES premises hence assured employees of the department that government will not sit idle seeing the institution operating in the current situation.

“I am angry and it is this anger which will make my office to turn around the operations of this department by engaging investors who may be interested in running this sector in corroboration with government,” said Hara.

Out of the 47 plants and vehicles, only 17 are operational.

Speaking on behalf of the employees, Gordon Moyo asked the ministry to consider developing tailor made trainings for the employees to be at par with current electronic development in plant machineries.

Speaking at Mzuzu Road Transport Offices, Hara warned that his ministry will not tolerate corrupt practices at the institution.

Senior Road Transport Officer, Charles Maluwa appealed to the ministry to construct a waiting bay for clients at the institution as they (clients) use the carpark as a waiting bay.

Reported by George Bulombola