BLM says its new condoms give sensitivity


Banja La Mtsogolo (BLM) says its new condoms are of high quality and provides sensitivity.

Speaking to Malawi24, Banja La Mtsogolo Spokesperson Simeon Thodi said the Manyuchi Premium condoms are very good condoms and people will enjoy using them.

“So these are very good condoms whereby in one packet you find 3 different condoms. They give you the sensitivity as if you are not wearing a condom, the sex feels natural but you are being protected from sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and from pregnancies that you don’t intend to have.

“At this particular time people are celebrating you already know it is summer season so they need to be protected from STIs and unwanted pregnancies and in the long run because people continue having sex. So, we would like the nation to be protected especially from STIs and unwanted pregnancies and we really want people to know about Manyuchi premium condoms and start using them because they are really very good condoms,” said Thodi.

He added that the condoms are going to be available at Banja La Mtsogolo clinics as well as in leading supermarkets and pharmacies.