July of thousand knives: Makhadzi, Monada, Charisma, Mpinganjira fight


Malawi and South Africa entertainment industries are hosting a wave of fights involving top artists.

In Malawi, rapper Charisma risks being dragged to court for using Chris Obed Mpinganjira`s voice in his song without acknowledging him.

The Kubanda hit-maker used Mpinganjira`s voice in the introduction part of Mabodza remix which came out earlier in the week.

In reaction to the issue, Chris vowed to seek a legal action if the hip-hop artist will not pay him money to the tune of K150, 000 before the week ends.

Makhadzi and King Monada

In South Africa, musicians Makhadzi and Limpopo based musician King Monada are fighting over song ownership.

Makhadzi said the Malwedhe star is claiming total ownership of a song they did together, contrary to the agreement.

“On Tuesday, Monada change our agreement and demand 100 percent copyrights of the song because we recorded on his studio. My question to him was about the 5 previous songs which I did with him long time ago and never revived any royalties of my concepts.”

“All those songs were King Monada ft Makhadzi I never complained. That’s where everything changed. All I was trying to fight for my rights cz tomorrow I’m the one who`ll suffer,” said Makhadzi

The songstress also revealed that she re-recorded the controversial song which was due to be released on 2nd July because Monada seemed to be unwilling to free it.