Faith ‘locks’ controversy


Gospel musician Faith Mussa has come under fire for his new hairdo as some quarters believe that it does not befit a musician in that realm.

The singer posted a picture on Facebook, which shows him in dreadlocks. This, has made Mussa a subject of debate with others firing shots at him while others support his style.

Commenting on the post, Julius Gadama said that the singer is losing direction by imitating those who do music for showbiz.

“He is a gospel musician and not a mere entertainer. Having dreadlocks is not a manifestation of Christianity. To cut the long story short, this is ungodly Mr Mussa.”

In response to the criticisms aimed at the desperate hit maker, Spiwe Zulu questions if Christianity has a prescribed hairstyle or dress code.

“Kodi chi Christu chili ndi hairstyle kapena dress code? Uzimu ndi mtima wa munthu (Is there a prescribed hairstyle or dress code for Christianity? It is about the heart.”

Perharps, the negative comments stem from people’s perception to dreadlocks. The hairstyle in question is synonymous with Rastafarians, thus anyone who has them is considered part of that community.