President Peter Mutharika has asked people in the country to pray for good rains.
In a State House statement released on Thursday, the president says Malawians should use today, Saturday and Sunday to pray for good rains, a productive rainy season and an end to dry spells in some areas of the country.

On natural disasters happening during the current rainy season, Mutharika says Malawians should support victims of the disasters and pray for them.
The Malawi leader has since called upon the faith community and all Malawians to take part in the prayers.
According to the statement, the president has also directed all cabinet ministers and senior government officials to attend the prayers in their respective places of worship in order to lead by example.
Meanwhile, the Muslim Association of Malawi (MAM) has urged Muslims to heed the president’s call.
MAM Publicity Sheikh Dinala Chabulika said the call has come at a right time when Muslims already had plans to pray for rains.
“This has come at a right time. I am saying this because MAM had a meeting yesterday regarding the same issue to see the way forward especially in the areas where they are not receiving rains like some parts of Blantyre,” he explained.
Commenting on the same, Reverend George Bvumbwe of Lutheran Church of Malawi said they have full faith that God will answer the prayers.
Bvumbwe therefore asked people of different denominations to take part in prayers so that God should intervene.
That’s the way to go Mr
President, Divine intervention is the only solution
Good gesture
Kodi Dedza dam sinayabe kugwira ntchito ? paja bwana president anane ku KAYA MVULA SIYIZABWERA TILIBE NAZO NTCHITO AZAGWILITSA NTICHITO MADZI A MUDAMULO . We will pray and our president he should seek forgiveness from God for such words and pray for good rains.
Vuto simukudziwa kuti Mulungu wakwiya ndiinuyo…… Zimbabwe nayo inkatelo after Mtsogoleri akuchita zosakhala bwino…. First musinthe Kaye atsogolerinu.
Komanso timakumbuka kupempherela mvula Pamene sikubwera while ikamabwera simufuna kuuza ntundu wa amalawi kuti tiyeni tipemphere chifukwa cha madalitso aMvala ikugwayi……
Lapani Azitsogoleri umbava obela amphawiwu siyani…. Mvula atigwetsela……Mulungu….
Kani mumadziwaso kuti anthu akapemphera Mulungu amamva , nanga akamapemphelera ulamuliro wabwino bwanji sizimakukhudzani ???
opanda munda alibe mlandu
Kape iwe
Mbudzi yamundu imeneyi
This is exactly what the Holy Bible instructs us: we should all seek Yahweh always even in times of trouble. As a matter of fact, we should listen to the president and pray for rain. Let’s not forget that being the head of state is a very challenging job. And we should also commend the president for realizing that it’s only Yahweh who can give us rain. APM has humbled himself by asking malawians to pray for rain. Let’s avoid politicizing every issue regardless of our political affiliation. After all, there will always be our president at a time.
Am proud of u and this is a real truth continue think deeply not what other ghost r doing.
Mulungu akufuna kuti kusogoloku azabweza chimanga chija anatibera chija kaya azabweza bwanji? koma ine ndikuona atabweza mu njira iliyoseyo
Kumeneko ndiye kuganiza kwabwino kumamupempha mulungu kuti atithandize moti keep it up
Ngati m’tsogoleri wa dziko izi akanaganiza poyamba penipeni osati zinthu zamvuta mkuti tichite izi, sorry Mr president think be 4 komano lero lino mukuwapempha a mipingo kuti apempherere m’vula kuti ibwere. Tsono choncho udzani Mr chakwera kuti atsogolere mwambowo chifukwa ndi m’busa wa mkulu ndipo siyani za ndale zanu ndi amr chakwerawo audzeni ngati munthu wamba kuti atsogolere mapempherowo.
We are already praying for both good rains and a good leader, mwinanso bola mvulayo ikugwako bwino madera ena.
Ukatifune ife pa mvura ndalama umatigayila ife? Ka pemphele ndi azibale ako.
nt blackouts
One sindimavota kulemelesa anthu ndinasiya
God save Malawi
Apemphelere yekha kaye
Kodi yekha Samantha kupephera ?
Amalawi munakhala bwanji? Siyani kugwiritsidwa ntchito ndi satan
Good Request.
God is with us already but we are late.
Why always he say so but when rain season is he never tell us to thank Gid for good rains like of last year?
Kkkkk sadzathekaso
Good rains + Army worms = Njala bwana.
Thanks Mapwiya it’s good msg to all Malawians Amen God bless U
Pray for your fake God urself
He already knows about the problems but he wants to punish ur government for its theft
Zosezi NDI iyeyu mulungu akulanga kuba too much..
Padzenje one ndikumba ndekha kma pakalowa njoka azanga mthandizeni. Andale amafuna amipingo kuti apempherere mavuto adziko koma zikakhala kuti zikuwayenderA ndiye makosi mmwamba ngati njoka. Wins mbusa akawadzudzula zakuba ziphuphu kukondera akwAwo ndi kuyankhula mokhuta ngati mawa safuna anthu, Iwo amati amipingo akulowerera ndale ayambe chipani. Muona nthawi ya campaign ayamba zunguli znguli matchalitchi koma nthawi yoseyi samaoneka
wch rains?
More rains and more disasters in turn… Komabe, more rains are needed… Mmmmmh.
Do we pray to thank Him when we get good rainfall? Let’s reflect on how we use prayer!!!
Oh that’s strange,but he doesn’t blv in God. Chifukwa mkulu ameneyu anakakhala kuti amadziwa zaMulungu anakhala chitsanzo kwa a Malawi. Dzana lapitali iye ndi maiko wena sanavomereze nawo kuti Jerusalemu ndi capital ya Israel.
Israeliyo ndi mulungu kapena kuti chani kambani nkhani ina Man osati mbwelelazo
Inu Nde opemphera??
Charlote ,kwabasi
Villan mbwerera ndizakozo, sindinati Israel ndi Mulungu koma poti chatuluka mkamwa mwako,udziwe kuti Israel ndi dziko limene Mulungu analikonda koposa.
Zoona kawerengeni chivumbulutso wasopano
Kkkkkk…..Mulungu pamabvuto pomwe machimo ali tho! Tiyambe talapa kaye then Mulungu azamva pemphero lathu
Eeeee kumamkonda mulungu pamavuto last yr munakolola zambili ndichani chomwe munapanga kwamulungu ?
we can just spending our time for nothing if we pray 4 the rain there iz another disaster mboz zowoneka ngat ntchembele zandonda should wi se dat after this prayer pple ll also conduct another prayer for ntchembele zandonda
Kodi mukamadzuza dziko muwona ngati #Mulungu sakuwona.kudandawura kwaanthu wumeneko.
My foot…..I can’t do that unless chaponda atamangidwa
Yakwiya ndi midzimu kundata!
Yea true
Too late
Yes Mr president we need rain.
Mwanyanya kutukwana, ndiye kuli mbozi ndi kusowa mvula ndiye kuli chilala choopsya maka mu lakeshore ndiye zabvuta basi.
Iweyo ndiye Yoswa umuunze Josepy Mkasa zoti iweyo ndi Yoswa basi ubwelese mvila chifukwa mulungu si bambo wako umazithamila ikangwa bwini mvula yoswa bwelesa mvula mutu kukula papaya
Mboreache muthalika mvura singabwere or mutapemphera aonjeza kuba muzuza anthu osalakwa
Ise tilimumapiri vula yatiyana kwali awo wakukhala mchigwa
instead of praying to end up corruption kkkkkkk lol!! this guy is killing US
Since God knows everything then he surely knows the need for rain. Is it not insulting to God to pray for something he already knows?
no use praying for rains.Waste of time ,resources.
DJ dzizizi Mvula amapemphelera kuma lecheleche?
Yakwiya ndi mizimu babaa!
Mwati kodi wati apempherere mvuala basi, utsogoleri wabwino bwa? sadayankhulepo?
Mulungu wamudziwa relo? mwana wasatana
The prayers would’ve been held before the rains started regardless of the positive prospects that were there!
Pray for yoself first not to steel from the poor people#Sorry
Kodi akuti,,ndizakugwilira ndizakupanga rape wamangidwa?.
Ine mmene wandikwanila mvulamo,1wk yokhayokha.
Tipempherere Chaponda kuti asatibele chimanga mma mindamu
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Where was he all this time, we were suppose to pray for good rains just as the rain season was approaching. Chifukwa zabvuta we should seek God’s intervention!
where were you yourself
UMBULI ndmatenda ndithu
#Alex ukunena zoona. as a leader amayenela kunena zimenez kale lomwe bt nt coz zavuta. kumeneku ndiye timati kumuyesa mulungu.
true Alex.. we don’t have to remember God pamabvuto always
kumufuna mulungu pamavuto? chosecho mmadxiwa kut nyengo ya mvula ifika paul and andy yu yur humanity
Ndimatchula dzina lanu pamene ndili mavuto, ndikakhala pabwino ndimakuiwalani
Time 4prayer indeed! We need 2pray always…
Don’t politicise ths thing,zkufunika YEHOVA,coz amayambira pamene pathera zeru zathu
Mapempheronso politics why amalawi kkkk we shud be serious..its not too late mapemphero sachedwa safulumira.politics aside mapemphero zina izi
INU A MCP mumangotsutsa basi timakudziwani kuti mitu yanu sivomeleza koma kuletsa basi
Inu ndiye munali kuti,kodi amazunzika ndani mdziko mukagwa njala?
Use your common sense ambuye
We r having good rains already just tell those pple lving in dambo areas to move out
Tizayambe talapa kaye,chifukwa ziko lathuli ziwanda zachuluka.
Yamba ndiwe
WHAT GOOD WILL PRAYING FOR RAINS DO US WHE THE MAIZE IS BEING DAMAGED BY ZIMBOZI MMINDAMU?as for magetsi nde mmmh tachedwa nawo mapepherowo..apa it will be putting God to the test…GOD HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES..ife basi chilichonse atipangile chauta basi
Iyeyo amapemphera??
we just have to,