Chinese,Malawians in over ivory worthy millions


As government is trying all possible ways to make ivory away from smugglers , two Malawians and two chinese nationals are in police custody in Lilongwe over the protected species worthy Millions.

Malawi24 caught up with Lilongwe Police Spokesperson Kingsley Dandauala who has confirmed the arrest of the four

MachingaDandaula has identified the Chinese nationals as Li Hao Yuan 28, Zyang Huang 42 and Malawians as Paul Mangwe 32 and Tsogolani Samson 27.

According to Dandaula the law violators were nabbed after police tipped by well wishers .

“A well wisher alerted officials from National Police Headquarters about Paul Mangwe and Tsogolani Samson’s plans to sell the protected items to their two Chinese buyers ,” He said.

According to Dandaula, the arrest of the four was done through smooth collaboration between officials from Department of National Parks and Wildlife and Lilongwe police .

“Wildlife Crime Investigation Unit made a follow up on the matter and found the suspects with stolen ivory at their location in area 3,Lilongwe. ”

“The officers managed to arrest the suspects and re over ten pieces of ivory weighing about 21.54 Kilograms valuing MK31,878,200,” Dandauala told Malawi24.

The suspects will appear in court to answer charges of being found with protected species contrary to section 81(1) and 90 of the Malawi National Parks and Wildlife Act (NPWA).

Police are still investigating the matter .

Yuan and Huang are from China while Paul Mangwe comes from Ngolowindo village, Traditional Authority Ngolowindo in Salima district while Tsogolani Samson comes from Gumulira village, Traditional Authority Chimutu in Lilongwe.



  1. What else DO you expect? All this time you never know that the Chinese are opportunists? thieves? conmen? You think they are here to construct all these unsustainable structures for free? Am not surprised! more bad things are happening than this….in fact the leadership knows all this try to follow this case and see its ending you will be disappointed! Even the Chinese are even given piece of land close to state house why shld they be afraid doing what ever they want

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