Auponda! Amafuna 50+1 cholinga andichotse – Mutharika


Mtsogoleri wa dziko lino a Peter Mutharika ati anthu azipani zotsutsa ndi amabungwe amafuna kusintha malamulo ochitila chisankho cholinga choti amuchotse pa udindo.

A Mutharika adanena izi lachiwiri pamene amayika mwala wa maziko pamalo amene akufuna pamangidwe hotela ya pamwamba mu mzinda wa Blantyre.

Mutharika: Cholinga chenicheni cha 50+1 chinali choti apeze njira yondichotsela pa udindo.

“Dikilani ndikuuzeni, otsutsa boma ndi a mabungwe anagundika kumanena kuti akufuna 50+1 ati cholinga ndondomeko yochitila voti mu dziko lino isinthe, ili linali bodza la nkhukuniza,” anatelo a Mutharika.

“Cholinga chenicheni cha 50+1 chinali choti apeze njira yondichotsela pa udindo. Iwo anapanga upo kuti pofika pa 31 December chaka chino, ine akhala atathana nane. Auponda,” anatelo a Mutharika.

Pa mwambowo a Mutharika adaonjezelapo kuti a mipingo ndi otsutsa boma akuyenela kukhala chete ndi kuwasiya iwo kuti agwile ntchito mpaka mu chaka cha 2019 pamene pazachitike masankho.

“Kuno tinasankha demokalase, ndi zisankho zokha zimene zili njira yovomelezeka yochotsela mtsogoleri pa mpando, osati kudzela mu upandu ndi ma upo. Kulibe madulira iyayi,” anaonjezelapo a Mutharika.

Chipani cha a Mutharika mogwilizana ndi aphungu ena otsutsa boma anakana kusintha ndondomeko zopangila zisankho mu dziko muno.

Nkhani yaikulu imene yamanga nthenje ndiyo yoti mtsogpleri wa dziko azisankhidwa ndi mavoti okwana theka la mavoti onse amene aponyedwa. Malamulo atsopanowo akuti ngati sapezeka opeza mavoti okwana theka, chisankho chachibweleza chizichitika pakati pa otsogola ndi wachiwiri wake.




  1. Let me thank all people of Malomo for the continued blackout for a period of 28 hours this is development at its best minus 50+ 1

  2. A DPP sakhani wina president. A prof anuwa mutu ukuthwa. Zowona president& prof angayankhule ngati wamisala? Ngati a DPP sakuona kuti bwana wao akuthawa mutu……..mavuto muMalawi. Asanduka asing’ang’a wopenga.

  3. Honorable president do not be proud and mock the opposition for the failing of the bill, but thank God Almighty because behind the whole process planned for demos and anything around it, there were men and women who fastest and prayed for you and entire Malawi. So next time think before you speak because you may provoke God to His wrath and demote you.

  4. He must learn from Mugabe and Zuma they were so rude than himself so rudeness can bring someone down its not people. we don’t hate him personaly but he just improve himself in certain conditions everyone now needs to stay happy life every where in the the world

  5. Apetala phuma nje tazaweruza tokha 2019,akulepherani kuperiament koma Ife tiona mmene tizachitile ngat muja mwa 5-1 muja

  6. Alinse mukuti tindikile 2019 ,kodi munamva kuti olamulira amalunza mavoti boma ndi boma basi atha kubera mabvoti inu mulipopo chanzazo wiki yatha Ku parliament kunali mavoti wina ndani masiku ano mavoti ndikugula basi ma MP analandila 150 thousands ndiluvota

  7. Buluzi ameneyu ine sndimamukonda. Azakuvotela athu akwanu ine. Ndikufuna iwe uthothoke pampando umandibowa havy sunakhwime mmaganizo nanzikambe bilimakhwe vumbwe iwe. Iyaaaa

    1. shame for Malawi’s democrancy oprators-greed @ its height .the book said( u shall hv brain but you shall fail to reaso, eyes but fail to see the common persons future,ears but will fail to catc the voice of the clergy etc) cry for our dutiful leaders

  8. Zisilu ndi zimene zinapanga propose bill iyi ya 50+1, zisilu ndi cabinet yomwe inawunika proposal ndi kupanga draft bill kuti akakambirane. Zoona amafuna akutchoseni koma anthuwa ngoseketsa. Kkkk…

  9. kkkkk if he call himself abig tree let me tell him that we r the small axe sharp ready to cut you down time will tell

  10. Let mi congratulate the Ministers responsible for Energy and Water Under the dynamic and visionary leadership of His Excellency; Magetsi kuno kuyaka from 1pm dzulo mpaka pano akuyakabe, komanso mvula kugwa usiku onse

  11. Peter Muthalika Maliseche Litchalitcha Kumalakhula Zozerezekazo Aaaa! Galu Iwe Kazikula,,, Imvi Zonse Zija Pachinenapo Kulakhula Za Mtudzu Chitani Manyazi Odala

  12. its funny koma inu coz an educated man like him to say these words.anyway u know wat guys munthu akukalamba so let him be talking off point comments .Malawian are watching peter

  13. Don’t say the war is over antil all soldiers are at home.Peter Mutharika please do shout have you forgotten what happened to Robert Gabriel Mugabe? Those whom you call your advisers , body gourds,cabinet ministers etc are those that are cleaning their Arsenals ready to aust you.

    Lastly let me warn you,there will be no leader or government even a political grouping or party that will be greater than Republic of Malawi.Soon you you will be traveling to the USA because Malawi will be back to its original owners

    Destruction is near so let those who have eyes see.

  14. Kodi 50+1 Imakhuza Apresident Okha? Mesa Izi Ndizokhuza Aliyese Waiwo? Mantha Bwanji! Ine President Amene Sankatekeseka Anali Bakili Mluzi Yekha Mndivomeleza. Kulimbana Ndiasogoleli Amipingo Pena Ndisoka, Kumbukilani Mmene Amanyozera Amipingo Bingu Uja.

  15. This is the joke Mr president ask the people of republic of South Sudan will tell you what it means to take out or to rebel the government.

  16. This is a joke of the century,ask the people of South Sudan will tell you what it means to rebel or take out the government Mr President kkkkkkk

  17. A Malawi24 mupitilize kulemba nkhani mchichewa uku nde kubwele bwino, zimamvetsa chisoni kuona munthu kuika pulofailo pikitchala ya munthuwina iye yake kumaziona kunyasa,,

  18. one thng i kno for sure.we shall nevr hav leader.who ll impress evryone.n.malawians r ful of insults nowadys in d name of 3dom.d future generations is in danger of losing its culture

    1. Its not about leader chicken brain its about changing the outdated electro law cos as of now in sadc region is only malawi who are using this an outdated electro law

  19. 50 plus 1 ndkuwona ngat sikupanga target peter yekhayi. komanso peter akhoza kudzakhala ndimwayi owina bcoz kumwera ndikomwe kulianthu ambiri komanso omukonda. pomwe chakwera ndipacentral pokhabasi komanso peter amajapo kuthamangira theka yachakwera. kukakhala kumpoto ndie amangokwela chipan chomwe chilim’bomakale. so if we add those outcomes definately peter will have the upper hand than chakwera. peter wangotanthauzira molakwika biluyo komanso ngakhale chakwelayo akumathakudziwa kuti bill imeneyi kwa iyenso izamukhuza pomulepheletsa kuwina. chonde adpp musakhale ndimantha ndi lamulo limeneli, tkudziwa inde kuti mabanzi akuzuna komabe kumalimbamtima bcoz iyi sindondomeko ya impeachment ai chonde dekhani next parliament meetings tadzakambilanani zimenezi. #I’M ACONCEARNED MALAWIAN.

  20. nkhan yomwei mpaka maphuzo.??

    lets fear matr hw much names u can giv hm.he wont go today.

  21. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mkuzapumilah mkuyamvanso kusekelela kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk oh yes, ndiye malawi ameneyo ndiye mwati atani?, auponda kkkkkkkkkk eeeeeee

  22. Iiiiiiii koma guyz mwakula ndikhalidwe lanji? Mpaka kutukwana zomwezi ndiye mpindule chani iye alipheee kuofesi kulandira mphweya ozizira inu kukamwa yasa kumatukwana mmmmmm zamkutu.

    1. Zimatengeraso mmene waleredwera kapena wakulira mkutheka akula mosalangizidwa kungokula ngati njoka kkkkkkk.

    2. Mmmmmm ife zandale sitipangayi koma kumakhala ndiumunthu pagulu ngati apa sungamang’ambe kukamwa kutukwana zipindulanji izi koposa kulemba zoti munthu zimuthandize.

    3. TSONO INU A PAULO TAULO MUKUPINDULANJI POMALEMBA MA COMMENTS APA? Kapena inu ndiachilungamo kwambiri, kapena zoti Pitalayu ndi Mbalame ya ma President padziko lonse lapansi and dziko likusauka chifukwa cha agalu amenewa? Since Mtundu uwu kungotenga dziko,, linaonongeka….
      Ndi Boma landani lomwe anthu adakhalapo 25hrs without power(magetsi)????
      Nanga Ndipo Boma landani lomwe anthu adapanga Zionetsero mpaka anthu nkufapo over 10???
      Nanga kusowa kwa Fuel mdziko…..dzonsedzi ndi akamng’azi ake amenewa Ndiye inu mukuti simchita politics koma mukuwaweruza anzanu pano y????
      Zanu nzimodzi mungofuna kusadzionetsela……Anthu oyipa inu.
      Zuma out dzulo lero ndalama kukhazikika in Mzansi (RSA)
      APA zaonekelatu kuti kuipa kwa azitsogoleri nkomwe kukugwetsa ndalama Pitala out kwacha nkudzakwela……….

  23. Paja akuti anadwala mphenga yaikulu alimwana ndiye kumva kumavutirapo.Komaso mumuuzeko poti samvetsa kuti wagula aphungu okha ovotafe sanatigule ndiye analemba mmadzi poti pano Mulungu anatitsegula maso tikuzindikira

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