Malawians in the capital city, Lilongwe will hold peaceful demonstrations against prolonged blackouts that have rocked the country.
According to a statement signed by organiser and human rights defender Billy Mayaya, the demonstrations will take place on Wednesday, 8th November.

The letter that has been copied to Officer in Charge of Lilongwe Police and ESCOM Regional Office says demonstrators will gather at Area 18 round about from 7am.
“Thereafter we shall proceed to City Centre roundabout, make a u turn up to the traffic lights and turn left to ESCOM Offices.
“A petition will be read and handed over to ESCOM representatives. Thereafter, demonstrators will disperse peacefully,” reads the letter.
Meanwhile, ESCOM has introduced a new program to ensure equitable distribution of electricity.
According to a press statement from ESCOM, in the new Electricity Management Programme (EMP), a day, which comprises 24 hours, has been divided into three equal segments of 8 hours each and therefore its domestic customers have been divided into three equal groups.
According to the new model, a day will be starting from 4am the first day and ending at 4am the next day.
It is said that on the first day of the week, the first group will be on electricity supply from 4 am to 12 noon and the second group will have electricity from 12 noon to 8pm while the last group will have power supply from midnight to 4am.
Ngati pali politician yemwe anga chalenje kuti tikamuvotela magesi sazathima tisainilane mboni akhala amabungwe kapena athese vutoli panopa tivotere mwaunyinji ndani? Wonse andale amangoti mukazandivotela ndizathesa mavuto koma akalowa mboma njee!!!!!!
That’s beautiful. Enough is enough. Tatopa Nazi tichitepo kanthu ndithu
Demonstrations that are an end in themselves will not bring any change. Demonstrations need to be followed up with other action. Of course the actions have to be within the law but need to put more pressure on the charged with responsibility to manage this company called Malawi.
try better than kumangoyanila
pitan akakuombeleniko , mwayiwala kale 2011? bola osakabwela mukulilla coz zinaz mumaziyamba dala
Amalawi tiyeni tizakungane lachitatuli munthuyu angochoka walephera
A Malawi tili ndi vuto kwambiri sitichedwa kuiwala,tangoganizani m’mene anatizudzira bingu wa muthalika patangopita zaka ziwiri zokha ndikuiwala ndikusakha mng’ono wake kodi mumaganiza kuti peter angasiyane zochitika ndi mkulu wake?anthuwa mavuto a amalawi sakuwadziwa chifukwa sanakulire Ku Malawi,anthuwa akutizuza ife amalawi ngati sakudziwa tsopano kuti adziwe kuti zatikwana kungofunika achoke osati zionetsero chabe chifukwa akuzolowera,tazudzika mokwana ndi banja la muthalika.magetsi sanavutepo ngati m’mene akuvutira pano akutisewelesa amalawi akumatitengera kun’toso ngati nyama ya galu achoke basi pitala sitimufuna walephera,amayi anali dolo chifukwa mavuto ngati awa kunalibe
Zikayambika za ma demozi i can c Malawi on fire
Mamvuto Amagets Atha Kuchepa Koma Mvuto Kwanthukuno Timatsogoza Ndale Ndikunena Pano Tili Mudima Momwe Azimira Eee!
Let’s do something about this…..i’ve got gud ideas to make the big shots understand kuti zatikwana
Ndipo tingopangira limodzi ndi Blantyre ino.tatopa nawo amenewa
Good move but i wonder what effect will it bring to this blackout disease
Good one ofunika tiyende bas mpaka Ku state House
It’s now worse
I support this will help
Ineso nd cadet komano pankhani zamagesi ayi ayi zafika povuta aku escomdi akuyenela kwa matcha. ,kuno ku rastainburg ndiye olo kungovuta 2days yokha athu amamatcha
Peter a sanapite ku likulu la Escom magesi inde amavuta koma timadziwa kuti mmene azimamu ayaka nthawi ya kuti but after his surprise visit to EGENCO things are worse now kuchita ngati wangowaponda pa chilonda every day tikugona mu mdima, mmmmm i Don’t think we have president in this country, president wanji osamveredwa
Sindimaonela kukondwa awa agalu aesikomowa
Just Tell Me When Your Are Back And Make Sure Not To Waste Some Hours Of Your Life.Warrior.Com
Thumbs up
Ngakhale peter atakhala wadyera koma sangaphangire magesi mnyumba mwake and he is not escom comissioner. If u think mature u cant hate president. Good idea is to pressure him for solution imediately, we still using capacity while the demand of electricity is growing rapidly.
Shaaa!So the president is responsible for all these problems?If water taps dry lets blame waterboards,for blackouts blame Escom,Insecurity blame police,drug theft blame gvt pharmacy,potholes blame Roads authority.Dont politicise everthing.
Inutu nde zioneserozo chitani ndipo mutopa nazo mmalo mokakonza magesi mukulimbana ndi zionesero kaya akukunamizan ndi lazaro chakwerayo ngat anathawa anthu amulungu nde inu ndi ndan muzwe kt akakumangan ku ma demoko akuthawaninsoni galu wanuyo
Ndimayesa mukususa zoti kuti asagule ma generator ndye mukufuna a gule dzuwa kumwambaku? Vuto otsutsa akungotsutsa ndizopepela zomwe madzi ndi aja mwaimitsa contractor uja chonsecho madzi mukudandaula kuti mukumamwa osakanidza ndi tudzi , lero muku chita matcha za magesi muuzeni lazalo akubweletseleni ndi anzakewo abweletse magetsi ndi madziwo
ndani yemwe angakole ng’ona ndi mbedza kuyitulusa mmadzi m’bale usasiye achibale akurila chifukwa cha uchisiru ndimademo angati akhala akupindurila amalawi? maso kwa jah nde mwini zose.
joice anali power koma peter bwa ?
Nde ayaka magetsi?
Dpp mbola!!!!!!!!
Hahaha Mkuru Ophunzra Kwambr Akulephela Kupeza Mzer Zothetsera Mavtowa, Presdent Anar Mkuru Wake Uja
Stupid president
Tili pambuyo panu
Chamba, so if you demonstrate then you will at last have electricity?
Aaab!! Akumangen Coz Kumeneku Sikukonza Koma Kupitiliza Kuwononga, Chilichonse Aplesdent..Bas Limodzlimodz Tikaguletu Machine Ena Simple,, Mukhalira Kunyoza Mpaka Liti.. Olo Mutukwane Chipani Sizphula Kanthu
We must just accepted that even though people can match, it’ll never change anything, because as far as I can see Malawi now, there is nothing, to compare with other nebaring countries Malawi now, is just standing that “Ukangosankidwa kukhala Nduna or President” ndintawi yako yoti ulemere, osaganizira dziko macompany businesses dziko litukuka bwanji ngati magetsi aziyaka 8 hours yokha, sorry zativuta kwambiri Amalawi
inu musavutike apa ndizamagesi ..tangopitani pamene pali switshpo nyani wagonela switsh mukamthamangisepo muwona magesi aziyaka
Who z solely to blame? Escom or the president himself? Lets calm down malawians w r the “WARM HEART OF AFRICA” those demonstrations can cause some other implications, I know tonse tikumva kupweteka,rememmber” sunshine gonna be after the rains”. Last days.
Malawi palipose ndale basi koma umphwawi wathu uwo ukutipwetekesa zedi
We want such development like it
Kodi game ya noma yatha bwaji?
I Love Peter So Much More Than The Way I Love Demon And Its My Greatest Desire Kut Akhare Life President Here In Malawi
If it is true pls pls lets join hands 2 show de leadership of dis country we r nt happy. Nonse amene mwakhala mukulemba ma status a blackout its your time 2 show our anger.
Vuto KU Escom kuli Anthu otsutsa boma a Joyce Banda munthu woipa
If Iam to vote 2day,, still more i will vote for Peter…olo atakanika to worse palibe yemwe tingsvotere except iyeo..on the issue of electricity tiyeni tipangedi demonstrate coz its becoming worse….mwina Escomsikudziwa mene timavera kuwawa…lets express our thoughts
i support that point
Two years black out these demonstration was suppose to be done long time ago.otsagula magetsi ku Mozambique bwanji
Give them money
Whats the use of having electricity from mid night to 4am? That schedule should be revisited
zopusa inu nomwe mukufuna magetsi thawi yomweyoso mukufuna bridge (liwonde barage) inu mukufuna boma litani ,i can challage the leadership ya mcp kuti angakhale a mcp ali permanent solution to these blackout zongofunika kukhala pansi ndikukambira andale ama NGO amaoffice musamakonde ma engineers mukakhala mavuto let you files generate power labala wakunkula anyethime !!!
Had it been that electricity is produced by nature I think we could have conducted national prayes but since it is produced by a human being no wonder, human being allways is a failure thats all
These demos really need to be done and attended to. Its worse
Iiiiii. Pena akulu akulu muziganizako ngati anthu oti amalawi std 1 B yokha tinalowamo.
Peter ndiye amapanga magetsi? I don’t like Peter koma u munthu amalawi tikhale nawo.
Mupite Kaye Ku nkhula falls mukaone chonchiti cha maintenance chikuchitika kumeneko. Problame muma lowesa politics palipose. Olotu mvula itati isabwere munenaso kuti Peter.
Go Ku Nkhula first , mukaone. And Sizoti wina akazalowa azozanana kuti iyeyo NDE magetsi wayamba kupanga coz maintenance work tikhala itatha amd mablackouts azakhala kulibeko
Paja escome ndi waterboard are like political tools in Malawi.
Tiyeni .next blantyre
Aaaaa ndiye ayamba kuyaka? Hmmm zinazi!!
This government is too dull. You politican i dont understand you for sure when compain comes you always spend alot of money koma pano kukanika kuononga ndalama kupanga zolozeka tisazakuoneni mukuononga ndalama pa campeni yanu
Kuli ma politicians ku escom nkona akumangotero nthw ya JB amasangalalanaye ndyekt
Koma ma blackouts amenewa apangitsa kuti human population ichuluke by next year chifukwa anthu akumasowa chochita magetsi akazima.
Akatha amenewo tonse tomwe tadulidwa malipiro tikubwera nawo ma demo athu
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk ife zamagesi ni 24 hrs kuno nangasi Tina Aneba kustate
nd zithandizapo chan izi ? kma mkuluy ndadabw naye satanic yachuluka
Oooooh kkkkķ manyi mwekha!
Aaaa inu mulinawo mages
peope ,why are you targeting Mr President?? and then you say thats not politics???demonstrate if you want to but go ku escom,osat capital hill or state house..u think a president akusunga ma volts enawo mwadara?? people ndie akutani nawo….since kamuzu up to now the same volts have been produced but is the number of consumers stil the same?? the president is trying his best but that cant happen in a day ,it wil take time ,n gvn em pressure wont make things good but worse..put yourselfs in their shoes,,,mukanapanga chani???n tel them that
Best comment
Kodi wa khungu angatsogolere wakhungu nzake? Kodi JB Adawatinga kuti magetsi? I remember late bingu,amatchidwa nkhani yake yomwe tiyeni tiyime pa chilunamo pitala wazungululidwa ndi anthu osakonda dziko lawo(akuba) Dzuka malawi..
kkkkk koma a #cul u need to wake up ok you telling me time ya amayi this problem ya madzi kunalibe? inaliko but amayi took a step kana mages sakazima nde madalawa akungogona bas nt helping a escom to end the problem
Ndipamene uzaziwire kuti u president si nthano he z the one correcti g huge cash from escom
Tiyende basi watizunza pakwana
Kukhala professor sikuzindikira kapena kukhala ndi nzeru zolamulira dziko
It does not make anysence its just adding another problem into the problem that we have.
At last…mosemuja a malawi tinakhala bwanji timangiloti zikhalile momwemo…..ofunika zibonga not peacefuleso apa
Tili Momo
Am not Malawian but I love Malawi. This time my friends please vote widely. It’s not about being tribalist. 2019 vote for someone who will take Malawi and its people forward. I feel the pain too. Give L C a chance.
Country without electricity is dead. What surprise me is that, our President doesn’t care about electricity. I think the solution will be at 2019 because He will not cheat us anymore, he has failed to run the Country
Go ahead you have time
Kodi akuzima ku Lilongwe kokha bwanji mwasiya MUST ndi Blantyre. Ati eti akutsatira zanena mtsogoleri wao yemwe akungofuna kusocheretsa anthu. Naye mavuto ake ali thoo kuti athane ndi ma camp atatu kuti azayimilire chipani chake tiye nazoni.mukadagwirizana mmen mwachitiramu kukagula genset ya ku lilongwe bola
So bad with ma country malawi
Electricity is a difficult subject not so many can anderstand it, but it’s such an important thing that the public can not anderstand it, as a result it’s causing havov..
Mmmmmm akulephera awaaa iyaaaa dpp my foot ndithu
go to poly and ask about Electrical engineering
Atiudza kale akuti bomaa ilii larephera for good
Magetsi komaso madzi iiii koma yaaa
Ku ESCOM kuli anthu amene amazimitsa magetsi mwadala,cholinga chawo ndi choti anthu aziti boma lalephera.Anthu amenewa afufuzidwe ndithi.
Nice move
ndipo kuno azima dzulo 2:pm till now
To be honest enough jb ndi akatundu olemesa than mphongo ikulamulilayi. Mesa munkati munamwa ink mukawina dziko libwelera chikale
Long overdue
MENEMENE TEKELO ofunikadi kuyesa njila imeneyi mwina ikhoza ku pusha zimenezi mwachangu osaonetsa kutopa zamisonkhozi agulile ma ginset wo mwachangu ndizathuzomwe zimenezi
A lazy farmer blames his good tools,thus this government now
finally tiyende mwina aziwe kt ndizoona magex anasiya kuyaka …..BT wil be nxt
Your robbing huge cash,driving new VX’s i know some might be annoyed with this but it u can take a minute to think for yourself how life was 10-15 yrs back n how much u’ve now in yo A/c is it not enough? Ordinally pple are grieving out here simply bcos his Barbershop,Butchery etc cant normally operate#Its50yrsAlreadyWeCantBeCryinOverElectricity there’s “Oligopoly” try to define that into practice MALAWI ‘ll develop somehow#concernedCitizen
Not Stupid Malawians But Stupid ,people And Brutal People From South Including People From Tyolo
Chakweratu akupwetekesani guyz
I don’t have records on how demonstrations have ever produced anything positive especially in malawi.
Demonstrations brought multiparty in Malawi..demonstrations killed Bingu Wa Munthalika with heart attack….what records do u need…just wait and keep recording kkkkkk
Multiparty is one reason this country is worse. Look around. Dictatorship wasn’t good either though. But we are now worse as a nation than we were in 1994 going down
Ngakhere tikayende pa msewu kma paribe chingasinthe mwina zinthu zidzasintha mu 2019 tikadzasintha atsogoleri
Malawi Be In God He Will Solve As He Solved During His Bloody Brothers Reign Where Is He Now?
Go go go go go go go go until apm apye mtima
I quess malawians are tired now coz nobody wants to help them even thier president or ministers,so its better to march maybe these so called ministers or president can hear them
aaaaaaaa timenyaso ma foreigners kkkkkkkkk
Why why these so called malawi presidents during 8akili kukawa njala people were surving with stater pack , Bingu wa Mtalika fuel became a burden to the nation now no magesi why why our country
Titerotu basi. Zili bwino.
Pena lake ndale ndi zautsiru nkhani yaikulu si madzi koma kuti we are using old machines, there is need to replace them with modern machines. But the problem is, ‘ we are taking ESCOM money to fund the affairs of a ruling party, surprisingly kumamva kuti ESCOM yapereka K10,000000 Ku blue night party, yapereka K10,000000 Ku BEAM. U see instead of using this money to maximize power generation.
Ndiye azingoti madzi, Joyce Banda anali ndi madzi akeake. Timatcha.
by the end of those demostations u gonna find that some have lost their lives….
Zikoli ndilokondera athu oremera amayambisa koma kuma demo sapitako nde tiyen tizipanga zithu mosamara cous tili ndi udindo pa tokha oziyang’anira komaso ena tiyen tiwone pa tali ziko ndi rathu
Tiri konko this time around…
kukhala ngati tili kale kumanda
The president is sleeping nothing in the ground
zangosonyezelatu kuti bwana zithu zakuvutani kkkkk sitikufilaniso bwana inu ndi ___________
As we prepare for that lets not forget the day of the coming of the son of man
That’s good move, we should not be taken for granted.nanga bwanji kwama big magetsiwo sathima.
Tipange zimenez!!, apa ndiye tathyolanso mashop aja mpata wapezeka apa ndiltilo kod?
Bola pamenepo tisamangodandaula pa facebook
Yes that’s what u voted for (black out) when u vote, vote for someone who is gonna wipe tears of citizens not someone who is gonna need to intertain his/her pocket . try demo but……
Analumbila usiku vuto lake nde darkness amayikonda
stupid are we malawians . why this now? we could have done this kale kale. kumangoti a Malawi akonda mtendele under my foot this is kupusa at its best. Kamuzu analiika dzikoli mdima for so long till now anthu ogona can’t fight for our rights. zitsiru zina kumatsutsa apa as if mumadya ndale .This demo is for malawians okhuzidwa not achipani . uko ndizipani zanuzo ife we want lights every day all the day osati 8hrs.
nanga kumanyadira kuti magetsi aziyaka 8 hrs / day. kkkkkkkkkk, kutipezerera a Malawi
just imagine boss nde wina azakati demo siikufunika yet iyeyo banja lake amadalira Barber shop .pali nzeru?
kodi demo ithandiza chani.kodi ikhala ndi immediate solution.koma mnene kuti usamanga mvula
Boma silingamve madando anu panokha mr Gerald. Even if sangapeze solution mwansanga demo is the only way our government could hear our concerns over black outs.
Zopusa ndizomwe zikusutsa Chifukwa izi sizandale koma magetsi awale basi
freedom fytaz never gain
tikapange vigil ku state house n escom..
Mmawadziwa Magetsi Inu?
Kodi mukufuna ayankhure ali maliseche kapena ? Mmadzi awuma ndiye awatenga kuti ?
Iwe Joyce Banda amatenga mchitsime? Komanso boma lanji logona osapeza njira zina mose anayambira.
Ndalama za ESCOM kupangira blue night party, zona kusupa Beautify Malawi choncho magetsi angakhalepo.
Magetsi sachokela ku madzi kokha
Esh Nyasaland my country
Tinene mopanda mantha,joyce banda ntchito yau president amaidziwa,mayi ndi mayi mavuto apanyumba amakonzedwa ndi mayi,VIVA forever MAMA,kodi paja mukati ndinu ophunzira mukangokhala president malawi will turn to be the land of milk and honey,Where are you driving us to?/
Amayi aja amaikwanisa osati zilopozi,zikungo yasa majesi akwao Ku state house ko zachamba basi
Mayi ndamene amamva kuwawa kwambiri akamva mwana wake akulira!!!
Kkkkk kukhala maiko ena zibwezi atalengesaso ayi kkk people they organize themselves pakakhala zopusa ngati izi,,mwaziona zina zitsiru zikuikapo ndale as if Iwo kwao akuyaka kkkk ,,let me tell u guys ,ma demo amapindula coz boma limadziwa kuti people are tired with whatever nonsensical thing residents are facing,, peaceful but not zogenda ,if mwapanga katatu sizikusinthabe then miyala must do the job
Kkkkkkkk mpakano miyala igwire ntchito bro
kkkkkkkkkk aa
Pamenepo ndipomwe amalawi aganiza bho sopan! Wake up malawi
As That Is In Progress Civil Servant Must Be Ready To Demonstrate Following Their Abnormal Salary Circumsicion
Pulesidenti amapanga magesi??,Joyce ndiye ndani??.Tapitani pamsewupo.
Mene mene tekele= Ufumu wanu waikidwa pamuyezo( pasikero) wapezeka kuti ndioperewera,bwezerani kwa mayi wodzichepetsa DR JOYCE BANDA
Nothing will change even titamudula mutu Yohane Mbadiziyo the tune will remain the same.
Nice one!
Ma demonstrations anatha fashion. Nothing will change and those people will just waste time and other resources.
cadet wa dpp
Which resources will be wasted which is not wasted by lack of electricity
Kkkkkkk bwana Banda mwayankha bwino
At the End omwe akutumani amapulumuka ndipo amamwalira ndi akapunthabwi as 4 me I don’t believe in demonstration only people who don’t understand that to rule Country it’s a big business can do such…….
It is peacefull demonstration
kodi dpp mukanaphabe anthu akupanga demonstrations? nanga akufa bwanji anthu??
Iweyo usadzapiteko ku mademoko, koma usadzafe wava?
Peaceful means no violence…..
these r the kind of pple omangopanga complain pa facebook aja, kuwauza panganipo kanthu, uva ayi nduopa kufa, malawi ndi mantha amwene eeish
kma lfe ndi go konko sitiku opaso munthu ayi
Cadet wachabechabe mimba yako
ali liti guys mademowo
aziwapha ndani and why?
Tikafa chifukwa ? Ndiwe satana umangoganiza za kufa basi
musiyen ali nd genset uyu….sakuziwa kt magex amathima
Usless kagwele uko cadet iwe
Ti marcha be
ndakonzeka,ndiuzeni tsiku chonde
Cadet uyu
Go n demostrate afterwards tidzaone kuti mudzakhala ndi magetsi in less than 5 days time.
Nonse opita ku zionetselo you need civic education,maubingo atsukidwe.
Tiuzeni tsikulo ife tatopa nazo izi whether you are politicing it or not koma ti marcha
Tiuzeni tsikulo ife tatopa nazo izi whether enanu you are politicing it or not koma ti marcha
Chitsiru Iwe Ngat Ngat Kwanuko Magets Sakumvuta Osangokhala Bwanj
Tamandani, you need civic education. Peaveful demonstration is one constitutional way for citizens to express their views and to demand accountability. No one will force you to join the demo. Ukangokhalanso phwiii I don’t know if that will bring power into your house.
komano the point is how many distinguished demonstrations have people paraded in Malawi. En how many responses have been made from the authorities. Who doesn’t know anthu akwiya ndima blackouts?? Does that need to be raised an alarm? Kamatcheni mukamaliza mugule makala pobwera tizakoleze mbaula apa…
Am not going there,”am waitin 4 rain” i’v 34hrs blackout remainin’ 40days not bad.
Angopita Ku state house akagwetse ma Pole kukhaleso mdima
Kkkk mwaona sopano akuti kuupeza
Ineso ndimo zikundinyasaa nane iyaaaaa
Your should call MCP demonstration not using Words Malawians please be honest
Who is organising these demonstrations? MCP Or what?
Its a national tragedy not for Mcp alone.
It makes sense to me when you said not MCP alone means this demonstration read by MCP’s I would happy to see Chakwela infrant…
Because azitsogoleri amangotuma anthu kukakhala zipolowe akafe achete. I don’t trust because where there is demonstration there no peace ✌ it’s an laughable to say peaceful demonstration
A MCp si a Malawi mwatero bwana????
Kodi magetsi avuta aMcp wokha?
Seems only MCP people doesn’t understand source of our problem.
#Mphande thus my point without shame!!!
Why do you hate MCP
Only 15 years old person( I mean only kids) can ask such silly question
Pls ask them to go to Capital Hill or State House and demonstrate there izi zomangoyenda munsewuzi sizingaphure kanthu Simmy G Francis Nkhonjera
Bring a brick aswel
Inuso tu tangopitani pa office yapa thyolo po mukakwele galimoto yopita Ku nkhula mukaone nchito ikuchitika komweko , osamango yankhula ngati magetsi amapanga mu ofesi ya president iyayi.
Oho Victors Sangaloti ndiwe mulomwe eti that’s why u are backing him up hmmm!!!weather mulomwe or none mulomwe tonse tikugona mumudima koma achoke abwanawo atikwana
Its not about mlomwe read my comment again and understand it.
Koditu pamotu ndi Mcp’tu nde zilota ife pano osatiso DPP. Koma kunkhula kuli nchito I saying this coz ndinajafika osati zouzidwa
For you own info. That day I went there it was only one turbine working,
I’m suspicious and why now and why not inform the people
People where informed early this year but no one remembers
U are his bootlicker now I noticed
Bulaza tell themdi ndthu Gomiwa Mlomwe Mbwiyee
Lomwewammapiri Gomiwa iyaa asatitopese ife braz
Ma cadet to hell with Pitala?????
penapake atiwonjezad magets kuzima 26 hours kuyaka 3 hours nde nkumat business dziyenda bwanji
but it wont change price of bread my respected brothers and sisters.
Zopanda ntchito ma demo palibe chomwe chingathandize
A Good Go Gvernment z taking us for a fool
good luck …
xiboh pamenepo mwina xingasithe akuwonjexa athuwa.
Osaika moyo pachiswetu apa!!!
Kkkkkkkkkk nyasalande ati atsogoleri ake adayenda mayiko ambiri mkumawonaso m’mene amzawo zitukuko zomwe apanga koma chokha chongopita kunyasa mkukatenga utsogoleri pomwepo kuyamba kugona tulo ndithu mkonono fwefwefwefwefwefwefwefwefwefwefwefwefwefwe zamkutu zeni zeni ati professor Zaziiiiii zopanda ndi mchele omwe fotsekiiiii
Professor of ignorant….
Kodi ngati munthu udamukanika unduna wamaphuziro mu nthawi ya achimwene ake abingu kumpatsa utsogoleri ndiye angawukwanitse ?????
But it will change nothing my fellow Malawians, the suffering of Malawi is the happiness of Mthalika
I agree
thats the way to go…..but my question remain the same….joyce banda magetsi ankawatenga kuti……nanga chikuvuta ndi chani nei nkuluyu
Pita ukamufunse Joyce wakoyo wekha
Sakuidziwa ntchito yau president,tinasanka mozondoka,molakwitsa
paja akuti mavote anchita mosemphanitsa polengeza mbendera uja, owina adali munthu wina.
Kkkkkkkkkk… Kamba anga mwala. Amayi kulongosola abambo kukanika
Abambowa anali asanajoine usatanic kukanika pano anajoina akukanikaso sono tinani ife abambo
guys if you remember very well we hardly had these blackouts during joyce banda regime….am not saying ima a fan of her but to the interest of this issue I just need to frashback abit……what went wrong with peter mutharika…what has gone wrong with our prsident…he seem to have lost direction…..
Utsogoleri obela ndi umenewo lero wamulaka pitala
iwe ndikunena iwe usadandaule zamagetsi.unali kuti kale kkk
Kodi Peter Munthalika amagwira ntchito Ku ESCOM?
Hope you are rite. Anthu pena they don’t think well. Kodi president amagwira Ku nkhula , is he the one producing electricity
Osamaba mpaka zokonzera machine ndalama zizichita kusowa
That’s why he is the president
Kofitu maintance ikuchitika yi olo if it was MCP PP olo UDF sikuti zikanasintha .
Amalawi sitidzatheka peter si ceo wa escom,ndichifukwa ma company mmakhala otsogolera president sangamagwira ekha ma department onse kumatsekula maso9
Inde pres siwa escom koma ndi mwini chilichose mudziko muno iye akanakhuzika zomwe zikuchitika bwezi atachitapo kanthu ine sindinaone bambo wazeru mnyumba mwalowa njala nkumayankha ine siwa kukitchen
Chifukwa chani upulezdenti amalowa nkhalamba zokhazokha anyamata plz tiyeni nyamkani mwina nkuwona zina wachinyamata sangachite zautsilu zi anyamata ndi atecknal kkkkkk
pta samagwira ku escom koma fuso likut, jbmagetsi a mkawatenga kt? pakut naye sanali wa escom.
enanu mutu suyenda ndithu ??? kwakwanu magesi nao akuvuta bt ur busy supporting mbava zomwe zikukhuzidwa pa nkhani za magesi to speak the truth tym ya amayi magesi sakavuta nanga madalawa zikuwavuta pakatI? Angovomereza kut zawavuta
Iye anangosunga nkhaza ndi anthu basi
Iwe Victor, Peter is the chief executive officer charged with responsibility to run this country. The bulk stops on him. Kaya kusokonekele ku immigration, kaya ku ministry of agri, the bulk stops on him as CEO. Kaya mwamvetsa kaya?
Aaa! Zanu izo ife tingodziwa kut mmalawi magets adapita amachita mobwela
go konko zatikwana zama black out
Tiyeninazo kkkkkkk
Ya that’s nice.
freshness yokhayokha
way to go