Government failed to collect K7.6 billion in taxes in the month of August due to persistent blackouts, it has been revealed.
Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) said it collected K63.42 billion out of a projected K71.04 billion, missing the target by K7.6 billion.

The tax collector said the below par performance is due to weak collections in provisional tax, domestic excise and trade taxes and the expected reduction in profits from business due to blackouts.
According to a statement from MRA, the collector posted a total of MK26.17 billion in income and profits taxes which is against a projection of MK31.72 billion, representing 84 percent of the target.
In PAYE, MRA posted a total of MK16.42 billion against MK19.99 billion projection, which has been attributed to delays in remittances by some government departments.
The only good news is on Fringe Benefits (FBT) and Non-Resident Taxes (NRT) where a combined total of MK1.13 billion surpassed its monthly projection of MK777.29 million.
“This good performance was driven by an over-performance in both FBT (18%) and NRT (50%) against their targets of MK116.46 million and MK660million, respectively,” said MRA.
In July MRA collected K72.92 billion against a monthly projection of K74.36 billion.
Soon it’s gonna be Regional rationing
Sakali leronso? Malawi
Single digit inflation kkk magetss ake amenewa oooo cooked figures :
kod mwat kuli atsogoleri kuno?
failure government i can see
so,what is the solution?
Four years mpaka yatha without coming out with a plan yothetsela ma blackouts. Shame ndithu. koma next I believe sadzazima nanga si campaign year. Koma ndithu magetsi eni eniwa mpaka wina adzapangile campaign ndithu? Malawi omvetsa chisoni
A DPP mesa mumati ndinu anzeru?..,tasovani tionetu
Boma lambuzi…kuziwa kuba ndalama basi. Tiyesa ena 2019
Tiwapenzera anzawo 2019
Nakhumudwa chifukwa anatolerako.Akadangokhala tizidya ndale zomwezi,no problem.Tizigayitsa ma T shirt azipani ana athu akadwala tiziwamwetsa ma court injunction
My Malawi My Country My Challenge.
Address the blackouts.. Don’t rely only on water generation of power because if that’s the case then we need to relocate our country to the amazon forest
Kkkkkkkkkkk That will be awesome i admire the place
This is good news to me
Iphani anyani onse tu avoid blakouts
A stupit country ever in the world ,,,foolish leadership,, corrupt leadership,ma project akamuzu zasamunda ,,,,we still using it .i knw my country they is no plan B only A
Leadership of this country has failed us,, Do we have a foresight as the country ??, do we plan longterm ??….. This problem could had been avoided if government had imvested in another power generation source long in 1980s or 1990s,,, Ndiye pano tikuoneka ngati zadza modzidzimutsa chosecho timaona kut population of this country is increasing at this rate, kodi kwenikweni ntchito ya census ndi chani ? mesa imathandiza boma kupanga ma longterm plan ?,,,, Malawi leaders should be ashamed of themselves starting with Kamuzu
Zofuna, they should invest more ku magetsi then azipeza those taxes.
Magetsi azidzima-dzima kut MRA #izipsa_mtima
magesi akuwojeza koma
magesi akuwojeza koma