Farmers excited with Peacock Seeds performance in the country

Felix Jumbe

Dedza and Rumphi farmers are all smiles following the performance of peacock seeds maize varieties in their farms.

One of the farmers from Kambuzi village in the area of tradition authority Kaphuka in Dedza district Dezidelio Sesani said he is optimistic that he will realize bump harvest this year.

Speaking during the field day organized by Agriculture Research and Extension Trust (ARET) on Friday, Sesani said he planted the company’s varieties such as CAP9001, Peacock MH 30 and Peacock 10.

Felix Jumbe
Felix Jumbe briefing farmers attributes of their seeds in Dedza

“I’m certain of a bumper harvest. It was the first time for me to try the variety but I am telling you, this is my last option and I will not plant any seed”, He said.

Bisani Chipeta from the area of traditional authority Katumbi in Rumphi District concurred with Sesani saying peacock seeds maize varieties have also performed well in the district boosting that there is no room for starvation this time around.

He made the remarks recently during the field day organized by ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and water development held at Zolokere section, Katowo Extension Planning Area (EPA) in the district.

Peacock Seeds managing director, Felix Jumbe, said they were encouraged with the feedback.

He said there were many attributes attached to their crops, and added that was why farmers in the country preferred their products to others.

“Our seeds have high yielding potentials, are drought and disease resistant and mature early and they with stand harsh climatic conditions,” said Jumbe.

Jumbe also said, “the world would require 851 Million (851,000,000)metric tones by 2020 to feed the growing population around eight billion people, Malawi currently on average, produces 3 million metric tones which is just enough to feed itself but if we were to increase productivity we can easily produce 9 million metric tones from the same hectrage of  about 1.5 Million. If our consumption is 4 million metric tones we would have 5 million for exports contributing to the world demand for the maize, bringing into this country 800 million USDs, even beating what tobacco is bringing”.

According to Jumbe, If only Malawians can change their habits and traditions which are non-commercial, Malawi has an opportunity to have a market in the Comesa region and the world at large.

Peacock Seeds is an award winning local seed producing company in the country founded over a decade ago.