Malawi24 special report: DPP knows something on the murder of albinos

Peter Mutharika

A section of Malawians has expressed thoughts that Politicians from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party might be the force behind the violence targeted at people with albinism.

Bon Kalindo
Kalindo: Powerful politicians behind albino attacks

The comments have come following the comments made by the party’s regional director for the South Charles Mchacha and the Secretary General Ecklen Kudomtoni at a rally that was addressed by President Peter Mutharika at Limbuli in Mulanje.

Speaking at the rally, the two DPP big wigs took time to deride Member of Parliament for Mulanje South Bon Kalindo alias Winiko for taking to the street to protest against the murder of people with albinism and also to pressure Parliament to take decisive action on the violence.

Mchacha and Kudomtoni dismissed Kalindo’s protest and distanced themselves from what can pass as the welcome development saying the DPP was not involved in the protest despite the leader of the protest being an MP of the party.

Powerful politicians are involved

In an earlier interview with a local radio station, Kalindo had hinted that there were some high profile people involved in the murdering of people with albinism.

“It appears there are some important people involved in these killings and that is why the people are angry that I will protest and are afraid of the death penalty,” said Kalindo.

His remarks appeared to be in line with the remarks that UN special expert on the rights of people with albinism, Ekponesa Ero, made after she visited Malawi.

In an interview with Al Jazeera, Ero had hinted that the rise in the violence against people with albinism could be related to the fact that it had been an election year in most African countries.

Ero had hinted that it could be possible that some witchdoctors were advising politicians that bones of people with albinism would give them luck in elections and thus the increase in the attacks.

Malawians commenting on a story published by Malawi24 that the DPP was distancing itself from the protest that was led by its MP against the killing of people with albinism indicated that the comment by the party was itself an admission of guilt.

“By these remarks, it clearly shows that the DPP government knows very well the whole plot of albino (sic) killings but watch out your days are numbered,” posted a reader of Malawi24.

“Totally the DPP government knows about the killing of people with albinism, Winiko was never wrong anyhow,” another reader weighed in on the issue.

“We knew that big wigs of DPP know something on this (the killing of people with albinism), now they are coming out,” another reader added.

“This just shows that on the killings of people with albinism, the DPP government knows of something,” a comment read on the post.

DPP cadets now bay for the blood of Winiko

The plot has further been complicated with reports that the MP for Mulanje South Bon Kalindo was chased yesterday at the same rally where the important people in the party were ridiculing him for the good cause he did to support the protection of people with albinism.

DPP panga wielding cadets
DPP’s violence past returns

According to reports, DPP cadets yesterday threatened to deal with the MP at the rally which was in his home district saying he was acting against the interest of the party.

“I was approached by two youth leaders of the party who said they would deal with me,” Kalindo has been quoted as saying.

According to the reports, Kalindo had to be escorted from the venue of the rally by the Police who had also tipped him that his life was in danger. As we published, it was reported that Kalindo was I hiding from his own political party.

This has further fuelled the speculation that the ruling party knows of something on the issue.

A history of violence

The ruling DPP is not new to the world of violence and killings. The well-known cases are the murder of protestors in cold blood on 20 July, 2011 and also the death of Robert Chasowa who was a student at the Polytechnic whose death has been linked to the ruling party.

Youth members of the party known as the cadets have also been known to be panga wielding in an effort to intimidate opponents and people they do not like.

The party has ever been accused of setting offices on fire .

A social commentator, Felix Unyolo said the history of the DPP and the comments of the party leadership can really make them a target of the accusations.

“It was really wrong of the party to comment in public about that and even threaten violence against Kalindo, this makes them an easy target,” he said.

However Unyolo urged Malawians to exercise caution in making the accusation.

“This is a very serious issue that deserves support from all quarters, accusing the DPP might just breed suspicions and hatred and leave the culprits off the hook,” he said.



  1. Kodi amalawi tadzukani mukugona? Boma lathu latiika mkwapa akuti tisatakatake chirichose choipa tisayakhule akufuna tizingomvomera ngati ana kwaine ndinabetsa mvotiyanga alekeni athu achitezomwe akufuna simunayambe ndinu kupha enaso analipo koma sanagwidw

  2. Timvesese nkhaniyi amalawi 24 akukamba za dpp nt boma km nkhani imeneyi ndi ya ntopola coz ngat munthu ukamakamba nkhani yomwe ili ndi umboni sitiopa kutchula maina nde Admn plz tiuzeni poyela ndi ndan wa dpp yemwe zikumukhuza nanga umboni ndiwotani??

  3. Nali funso langa”‘ Kodi mapangano timaudzidwa aja kuti boma lasainira, okhuza ma Billion ndi ma milion pansi pakepo amakhala apangana zichanii??
    Is it zobweza ngongoleyo on agreed period kapena pamaonjezereka kukhetsa mwazi wa anthu? ?
    BECAUSE ndikaonesetsa ma ulamuliro 1:Bakili- amayi kudulidwa mawere!
    2:Bingu- anthu amagululidwa mano komanso kudulidwa ziwalo zobisika especially amuna.
    3:Joyce-Peter… Albino ndi yawa akuphedwa ngati mbuzi ….
    WHY ????

  4. Winiko He Z Doin Patriotism Wy U R Blaming Him? U The Same Politicians U Always Advising Us To Lv Our Country So Y Hating Winiko As He Z Loving His Country? Remember That Pharaoh In Egypt Oz Agreat Leader Than U Malawians Foolish Leaders Bt Allah Destroyed Him On The Face Of Islaelites,allah Z Great And He Wil Never Let Us Cryng U Wil Face The Failling Down Ov Ur DDP Kingdom Vry Soon.


  6. DPP ikudziwapo kanthu mukuona ngati mwabisala koma one day mukamakhala mudzidziwa kuti muzaonekara ng’amba kumwamba kuli mulungu akuona, anthu opanda nzimu inu

  7. Funso langa nali ……..fivestar,bingu conference…palament….stadium kodi angamange zonsezi opanda profit? Amalawi kodi kamuzu pokana chikoministi adawona chani ? Sory ponena kuti tonse kumalawi tikali mbuli zopita kuschool.

  8. jah will jagged or people how killing moto kwa onse maka opondereza mkango wayuda kwiyo wa mlengi ukukudikirani kodi zikusiyana pati ndimunthu uja mumati ndi wasataniki DPP chipani cha magazi ndichifukwa udzingomwalira ngati makatani utsogoleri siumfumu umfumu ndi wa mlengi

  9. president hi knows something about albinos but what i want to say its that god he will pAnshing u foraver nd u mus leave davil things plz plz stop killng innocent people ngati mukufuna money why u dont want to kill ur family ??????????? stop stop killng albinos plz pZl pzl im againsting nd this things plz president do something to change thy life for albinos

  10. Ine siwandale koma na pa izi ineso zikundikaikisa. Boma likuoneka kuti siIkulikhuza. Ma Demo omwe winiko anasogolera amaoneka amisala koma kumbukilani kuti wamisala anaona nkhondo. Okuphawo muziagwila nkuapasa 14 years in jail koma alubino azikhala waphedwa waiwalika mmalo moti mungopereka death sentence. Mulungu akuonatu….. owoooooo

  11. Malawi can never change that’s why we are poor because we do not understand and knowing what we are doing.we have gone to school but without any proper reason.some of the thing that we are crying today others they except long time ago because they were not know what will happen today but now its hard,all of them they are quiter like never before.

  12. kmanso inu a malawi 24 kod n’chifukwa chani mumaika chithunzi chamunthu wina kusiya amene akuyankhula munkhaniyi?? Tinene kut chthunzi chimene mwaikachi, ndimunthu amene akumapha ma albino??? Tiuzeni zona ndipo tikudkra mayankho anu!

    1. nobody replied to yo comment I studied journalism and what I see most of the time on this page is unproffesion…that I sometimes I think someone sponsors them to do propaganda

  13. Dc issue of albino killing ena mungofuna mutchuke kuti mutengedwe anzeru ngat ifeyo tili mma community tikulephera kuwaulura anthu omwe akupha ma albino zikuonekeratu kuti tonse tikulephera kuwateteza abale athuwa coz boma palokha silingakwanitse ngat ifeyo nzika tikubisa amene akuchita zimenezi


  14. There is no action without reaction,koma boma likudziwapo chinanchake.Ngati bomalo silikuziwa,bwanji akulipondeleza lamulo lot wapha nzake nayenso aphedwe?

  15. #Willymatwanje must knw the killing of ou albinism bros and sisys. why talking such nonse ridiculous and implausible decisions!? STOP KILLING ALBINOS, KILLERS MUST BE KILLED

  16. winiko.anabadwa mu banja laufumu.dziwani kuti mukapanga masewela mu.nonse inu a DPP.coz.chinan’tindu cha,amalawi chikusapota winiko.ndipo tikuti ngati mumapha muphe winiko.muone.nkhondo.yakhomo.ndikhom.mwazolowera.inu.akuluakulu.a DPP.takudziwanino.

  17. this brutal murder began some years ago,we shud thank dat JAH reveal to us this,so let us pray hard & those calprits wil be known.

  18. Anthu amadana ndichilungamo , security tilinao koma anthu akuphedwa ndi kumatenga dziwalozo ndikutuluka nao mudziko mwathu where is secuuurity? Ndiye munthu kumanena kuti boma ikuziwapo kathu akunama? Is true, anthu akuti agwirawo kuwaona iwenso kumamva chisoni,munthu oti akulephera kudyesa banja lake,kumuona sangakwaniseso kupanga pasipoti koma ati ndi ameneyi akupha aaaaaaaa Amalawi wake up,tanamizidwa nthawi yaitali abale athu akutha,tiyeni tigwirane manja tipulumuse abale athu,ngati tikhale chete mpaka akwanisadi tageti imene anapasidwa ife kumangolimbana ndi anthu oti akufera zaweni,kupha joka ndi mutu gwirani athu eni eni akukhuzidwa ndi kontakiti yopha abale athu ngati tiwanyengere akakwanisa tageti achita ziii,kenako abweranso ndi ina,tisadane nacho chilungamo koma tigwilizane nacho chilungamo,tikagwiliza ndikupanga chimodzi Mulungu wakumwamba akhala nafe,taonani Mose ndi Arone atagwiliza ndi kupanga zimene Mulungu anawauza anapambana why us?

  19. No one is above the law, everyone involved in the killing of people living with albinism must really face the full might of the law and not them be exonerated from the crime they’re commiting

  20. Winiko is comndeming tha killings of pple wit albinism en ur thea disowning him, the thunder that wil strike u is press upping nw

  21. Mummavotela dala pitalayo mkhulu wakeuja analisokoneza dziko lamalawi. Mkuivotela mbuzi imeneyinso? Wake up guys don’t vote this dpp again

  22. politicians are a heartless lot.. they must be the ones going about killing people with albanisn.why are the against death penalty..when people are being killed in cold blood?take the law into your hands and defend the defenceless

  23. No coment chifukwa anthuwa akudziwana mmene alili a mp wamafunde angadziwe kabinet ya dpp?mzosatheka koma bambo kalindo akudziwa chinachake pankhaniyi chifukwa iyeyo ndi mmodzi mwa akuluakulu a Dpp ndiye palibe chodabwitsa

  24. i dnt follow political bt thi z worse, zafika pa misala. mwaiwala kuti tili mmasiku otsiriza y r u guys wstng ur tym blmng dpp,, killing hunger chiliconse sizili bwino, kodi akanakhala #major 1wapanga zimenezi bwenzi mukuti wa #satanic,,kodi muli mbali iti #amalawi anzanga? kodi ana anu mukamawalangiza mumavula nkukhala maliseche? nzachidziwikire umunthu ndi chi #khristu chikusiwa pakati pathu a malawi

  25. Utsi sufuka popanda moto Inu aboma mumudzudzulilanji winiko?Mukadakhala anthu obadwa ndi nzimu waumunthu simukadamutokotera winiko pankhani ya Albino. koma chifukwa chakuti mulibe nzeru komaso mulibe abale anu achi Albino koma zindikilani kuti opha ndi lupanga adzaphedwaso ndi lupanga. ndizomvetsachisoni kuti anthu ena opanda nzeru akhakhakha akudana ndizimene akupanga winiko. ayi chidzadziwa ndi chipande powomala.

  26. Ndale yomwe akupanga awiniko eni ake angokha, walimba mtimachotani winiko alindigulu uyu lomwe likumtuma mwana wako akakuukila uziwepalikanthu nkutheka iyendimmodzi wakupha samalani omwe mukusatila muliaumphawi mungathele dzenje lamikango iye akuziwa chomwe akuchita ndi malema uyu

  27. Amalawi pliz tiyeni tiziganiza mozama kuti a kalindo ndi MP wa DPP pomwe iwoso ali limozi mu chipani cholamula ndi president waziko kholo lawo limene lalonjeza zochitapo pavutolo ngati boma but iwowo akalindo akupangaso zawo ndikuyenda kunyamula chikaratacho ndikukapeleka kwa MP wa PP Akamulepo kalua, kodi apapa sinikuti akalindo asonyeza kuti akuvula kholo lawo? nangaso akugwilizana chani kumbali ndi ma MP wosusa? potiso posachedw a panali zipolowe zazikwanji kukhapana kuti ati achose boma ndiye akalindo akupitaso komwe kuli mawupandowo?? finally tawunikani KALINDO HANDOVER TO KAMULEPO?? tiyeni tisamale posannkha ndi ku votera asogoleriwa as vumbwe ndi vumbwe ndipo mphaka ndi mphaka

    1. Kusonyeza kuti kholo likamapanga zopusa iwe izisekelela? Winiko sanalakwise he did what seems to be right in every living soul.. leave politics out en see this case from a different dimension.. za ndalezo kuti amakhapana zisiyeni ndi zawo zimenezo koma nkhani ili apa ndiyoti winiko sanalakwe ayi he stood up komaso ali ndi ufulu posatengela kuti ndi wa DPP..

    2. Akaombe being an honouble person as kalindo ayenela kuzipasa ulemu yekha ngati an MP komwe kuli nchito yawo yosintha ndikaka malamulo moti zoyenda malisechezo anakapanda ndi ife anthu wamba iwo kukhala wolandira petionyo, osati mbewa to mbewa or galu to galu

  28. Kod inu amalawi amzanga azathu achialbino alibe ufulu okhala ndmoyo ngt enafe? Nanga mukamati human rights imaimila ife amene simaalbino? Koma zoona zake mzakuti lamulori libwere basi opha azake nayeso aphedwe chfukwa maalbino nawoso ndianthu ngt ife,ngt lamulori likukanidwa tiziganizadi zambr pamenepo achkulire

  29. Ndiomwewo kod angamatipusitse ife amalawi tinayela mmaso masiku ano.ziyu sikukhala kupusa koma kusowa poyambila timakhala tikudziwa kale

  30. A winiko kumenyera ma alubino sakulakwa kma zikuoneka ngati kti aluza (focus) pa nkhondo yao polalatiranso a amnesty international . Tsopano a Malawi mudziwe izi a MP a Winiko ndi a DPP ndiye ngati anyoza bungwe lalikulu ngati limeneli ndiye kuti a bungwewo aziganiza kuti yanyoza ndi DPP chimodzimodzi mwana azikutukwana makolo ake akumva koma makolowo osamudzudzula iwe ukumva ndiye kuti watumidwa ndi makolowo mwina amachita manyazi kuti akutukwane pamaso . Mbali ina ya nkhaniyi akuluakulu awiriwa alakwitsa polankhula nkhaniyi pa msonkhano pamene a malawi tikulira chifukwa amene akuphedwa si ma alubino okha ayi zalowa chisawawa ndiye anthu zikuoneka ngati athu amene akuyenera kupereka chitetezo akukhaliranso kumbuyo anthu achiwembu komanso nkhani yodyetsa anthu ku ng’ona ikugwirizana bwanji ndi kuphedwa kwa abale athuwa? Plse trade careful on this you may think it is small because ur up on the RULING MOUNTAIN but think of tomorrow when you will be down in the OPPOSING VALLEY

    1. Funso loyamba; Kodi winiko ndi mneneri wa DPP? (2) kodi zakezo amakanenera pa nsonkhano wa DPP? If not, ngati iye wanyoza bungwe then amabungwewo adzaganiza bwanji kt ikunyoza ndi DPP pomwe iye simneneri komanso sananene pa nsonkhano wa DPP?

  31. The fact that u r a comedian doesn’t qualify that what ever u sy is a fiction…Winiko na you represent Villagers..Long live Winiko & plz beware of Bans…Malawi will smoke out these soulless Gorrillas…DPP tikukuwonani ndithu ichi dziwan!

  32. Moti apa aMalawi tikhalanso chete? This is pure genocide ine sindiopa opha thupi lokha bola andiohenso ndi mzimu omwe ndiye ndiopa…akakhala ma albinowo omwe anaphedwawa ankafunanso kukhala ndi moyo monga wina aliyense pa Malawi pano ndiye wina wofunira chitetezoa.albino lero ndi amene akusakidwa..mabungwe muli kutiko? Abwqnawa atitha bola akanachoka pa udindowu zikuoneka kuti wawakulira…why hating people omwe akukuthandizani campagn yoletsa mchitidwe ophana? ndakhumdwa nanu atsogoleri athunu… Let God take the Wheel!

  33. Government is aware who is behind the killing of pple with albinism bcoz mzikomuno muli National inteligence bureau,Malawi police,MDF nawonso alindi inteligence yawo,kodi mwaonsewa angalephere kuziwa yemwe akupanga zaupanduzi,Ngati Boma limatha kuziwa chilichonse chomwe chikuchitika mu zipani zina zandale angalephere kuziwa yemwe akupha ma albino? Vuto ndilakuti omwe akupanga izi ndiakuluakulu a chipani cha DPP ena ndiomwe anapanga sponser chipani cha DPP panthawi ya kampeni nde akuopa kuwamanga. Amalawi tisapusisidwe palibe chinthu chingachitike Mziko Boma osaziwa yemwe wachita. Ndipo palibe malonda opanda nsika misika ya ma albino ilimo mzikomomuno zonsezo Boma likuziwa.

  34. He who stands in the path of justice has to face obstruction of justice in court this is clearly stipulated in the penal code,if amnesty is strong let them come help find out whos buying albino bones since they are international!!

  35. Koma mumadziwa kuti Winiko ndi munthu wosokoneza?mbuyo monsemu takhala tikumva zakuphedwa kwa anzathuwa kuchokera ku Tanzania ndiye mufuna mundiuze kuti DPP ili ndi ku Tanzania komwe?

  36. paja amati wamisala ana onankhondo komaso ubwino wamisala ya winiko ndiyakuti akudzi chinsisi sinanga ali boma momwamo ndiye kwa iwe ukukanilawe ziwa kuti uzakhulupilila utaphedwa iweyo muzina rokonda chipan vuto amalawi ndi ife andi omvesa chison kugona too much kod tizachangamuka lit

  37. Inu muvutikilanji ndi boma ili lopanda uzimu wa umulungu chosangalasa chiyani kupha munthu yemwe ali osauka opanda chilichose inu Nkhani ikuzinena yokha kuti MULI ndiye tsongoleli, Mafia,Kapena kuti Namadwa Kodi anthu kunyumba kwa Muli saziwako kodi Winikoyo kunyumba kwa Muli saziwako Ndizambili zomwe munthu ameneyi wakhala akuchita ku ntundu wa Malawi Kupha Alimi osalakwa kuwalanda Minda koma Boma la DPP osachitapo kanthu patalike pa fupike (CHOIPA CHISATATA MWINI)

  38. Ziwanthu zomangokhalira kumwa magazi a anzawo,kupha munthu sivuto kwa izozo,muzayankha mulandu.Ngakhale muti Kalindo ali ndizolakwa,Eeee mdie munthuyo koma akati olakwa sikuti zonse anganene ndizolakwitsa ayi,umaloza yomwe yakuluma,

  39. ndidzosangalasa munthu kumaoneka ngati wamisala akunena zoona. sidzingatheka kut iye ndiachipani cholamula akanene dzonama aMalawi anzanga tinzadzuka liti kungoti kuopa m’boma ndikomwe kwakula koma iye akunena zoona ndipo Mulungu adalise Winiko kuti dzitheke zomwe akufuna ngat mene zinathekera dzoteteza phiri ya Mulanje,pitilizAni mulungu adzaikapo nzanja

  40. Guyz mukufuna kt mundiuze munali paumbuli zokhudzana ndi nkhani imeneyi? kulimbikitsa citetezo kose kuja kufuna kukumvekani nsalu kumaso colinga tidziti Boma likupangapo kanthu kumbali zokhudza ndi albino, osangoganiiza kt murder ya albino ikumacitika kawirikawir coseco mkumat akuteteza dont blame Winiko

  41. Nkhani ya malobino ya vuta.WINIKO dzulo wapulumukira mkamwa mwa mbuzi,anafuna aphedwe ndi anthu otsatila DPP.kucha kwa lero winiko sadagone mnyumba pakudziteteza kuopa kuphedwa.chodabwitsa ndichakt winiko amamenyela nkhondo alobino.koma kuchipani cha DPP zikukhala ngat zilibe kuwasangalatsa.ANTHU AKUPHEDWA POMWE ENA AKUDANA NDIODZUDZULA.KODI AMALAWI TIPHUZILAPO CHANI?

    1. inu mungadandaule kodi mesa mukupha nawo mesa munapeza chochita pano mesa mwalemera koma dziwani izi nonse mukudya zamwazinu mwazi uuu ukafuuula mulipachiperere mukhuluzika ndi APM wanuyo God is Watching nafe tikukunvani malankhulidwe anu

  42. Amuna cheWiniko kodi kuyendedwa liti mbulanda?nanga ndikadzafuna ku march~er nawo ndidzabwele ndili mbulanda nane?tandifunxile admin

  43. Vuto lakula amalawi ambilinu ndi umbuli. You dont know the issues of human rights and u dont know the consequences of implementing death penalty in Mw. Winiko anatukwana Amnesty in his placards and voma likanati lisamupange disown it would meam malawi govt has vomited on AI

    1. aaaa iwe ufulu wanji wamunthu ekhayo ochita zoipa usatanatu umenwo akupha ndi okhawo alindi ufulu mahule ndi okhawo alindi ufulu akuba ndiokhawo alindi ufulu kupjunzira kwake kuti mukutiwalira inuko

    2. Ku Ohio Ndi Texas Kungochulapapo Awiri Mwa Ma 31 States A Ku America Omwe Amapha Wakupha, Kuli Anthu Pa Mndandanda Woti Aphedwe Mwezi Uno Kupita Mtsogolomo M’ma 2020. Ena Aphedwa Kale Mwezi Watha Ndi Mbuyomo. Akusatira Malamulo Awo. Kodi Lathuli Ngati Sitikuligwiritsa Ntchito Bwanji Osalifuta Nkulembapo Lina? Kulifuta Ayi, Kuligwiritsa Ntchito Ayi, Pamenepa Ndiye Kuti Chiyani?

    3. mkuluyi akuoneka kuti ndiwodziwa malamulo kwambiri mpaka kutinena ife kuti ndi mbuli, kkkkkkkkkkkk! Tipatseni ndondomeko yoti titsate yotetezera ma Albino.

    4. Komaso mkuluyi akunena za Human rights kwa okupha albinoz sinde ku4ilako kumeneko nanga albino ophedwao nde ukuwaganidzira bwanj? Akutuma kodi? Ooh! Ndiweso m’modzi mwaiwo eti ok mwaziwika man

    5. So Mr, do u mean albino’s have no rights to life to be killed like goats? is that why human right activites are quiet about this isue? imagin u have an albino child urself .

    6. ndwe chitsilu wanva? muthu wanzeru xakhalila kumbuyo kwa chitsiluuu kukufufuza bwino bambo ako amayimba ng’oma pamisonkhano ya peter.ife mbuli iwe nyani.

    7. ndwe chitsilu wanva? muthu wanzeru xakhalila kumbuyo kwa chitsiluuu kukufufuza bwino bambo ako amayimba ng’oma pamisonkhano ya peter.ife mbuli iwe nyani.

    8. Black educated fool.Programed to glorify white Eurpean oppressors at the expence of the destruction of black race.Look at the budget sponsored by diabolic IMF

    9. Matwanje ndinu achitsilu ndipo mulibe mzeru. Muzitha kuganiza panokha nkuona nkhani mmene iyenera kuyendera than kumangomvera chirichonse. dziko ndilosiyanasiyana ili. Zomwe zimachitika ku dziko lina sizomse zimachitika kuno, ma albino sakuphedwa ku england kapena ku china akuphedwa kuno ku Malawi, vuto lomwe talipeza ife anzathu akuyankhulawo sanakumane nalo. Nde sitingagwiritse ntchito solution yawo yet its us who have the problem at hand. The constitution is there to serve us ngat titamangomvera za anthu ena kusiya what’s in our constitution nde osangosiya using constitution yathuyo bwanji? The law that Mr kalindo is fighting for is right there in our Malawian constitution.

    10. After All The Fabricators Of The So Called Human Right Does Not Observe Them, Remember What Happened To Muamar Gaddafi, Sadam Hossen, Osama Bin Laden And Nelson Mandela. As In My Reply Above, The Execute Condenmed Too. When It Is In US Then Its Yes! In Africa And Malawi Then NO! (What Kind?) Kkkkkk? Its Like Go And Have “Freedom Of Believe In Worship” NOT “Freedom Of Worship” Because If You Try To Exercise Freedom Of Worship According To Rastafarai, You Will Be Arrested, Convicted And Sentenced To Ten Year IHL For Being Found Burning Holy Hemp! Do You See Any Human Rights In Freedom Of Worship Here? America, Europe And Allies Still Takes Africans For Monkeys That Mentaly Enslaving Us Is No Sin Same Same With Meat Eaters Takes It In Killing Animals For Meat And Money!

    11. ndikudabwa apa ena mukutukwana kunyoza kodi mukufuna ma comment okomela inuyo mukutukwananu? Nchifukwa iyeyu wanena kuti pachuluka mbuli apa lemekezani maganizo amzanu

    12. Ukafuna ulemu yamba ndiwe kulemekeza u cant just come straight kuti a Malawi umbuli Who is he by the way? Is he from Mozambique? Tiganizire before kulemba Mr Matwanje edit ur brain

    13. Don’t worry my brothers nd sisters,soon we wil read news on MALAWI 24 saying Mr Matwanje ws arested 4 killing people with albinism becoz he’s one of them nd dats why he deffending his friends in crime,Malawi is 4 malawians,Africa is 4 Africans,not 4 europeans,why wait 4 europeans 2 come nd deal with those killers while we here,becareful mr Matwanje becoz our eyes are on u,u beter stop killing our albino brothers nd sisters.

    14. Kukupitaku zitha people will shall anger coz is two much koma my massage to u dpp is that neva trust thé devil thé devil told judas to betray jusus but at thé end judas was alone so as bingu as muluzi as kamuzu thé always run away at thé end . Illuminat cant compete with nature u will c

    15. He is right ngakhale mukumutukwana these Organisations are very disturbing and if government goes against them they punish us all ndi kusawuka kwathuku. If we go for mob justice is better. Comment ya Willy sikuthandawuza kuti he supporting the killing of albinos kapena kuyamikira boma ayi nchitidwe opha albino ukutiyipira tonse. Anthu akuphawa ngati angamangidwe aziphedwa Ku police komweko just to avoid chaos between the government and human rights organisation. Remember these organisations carry more power ndipo ali ndi kuthekera ndithu kopanga disown boma nkuzuza tonse kuposa m’mene tikusawukiramu.

  44. Koma Pa Mpando Wachifumupo Tikakhalapo Tisamati Kuja Kulibe Mame Koma Utsike Uwone Mukanakhala Kuti Muli Ndi Mwana Wa Cha Albino Ndie Aphedwe Wakuphayo Nanuso Mukanamupha Kalekale Koma Poti Ndiosauka Amene Akuphedwa Mulibe Nazo Ntchito Mukugwa Posachedwapa Nanuso Musativutepo Kunali Anthu Amati Ndi Amuyaya Pano Alikuti?Mukudyela Ufuluwao.

    1. Apo ndie ndizoona,imfa ndiyopweka kwambiri,nde wina achoke uko,akakuphere mwana kapena wachibale,ndizowawa.Chili pa mzako amati chigwireni nyanga,Chilungamo akuchidziwa agalu amenewa.

  45. Of couse yes becouse .kuti boma sikuchitapo kanthu chilipo chomwe akuziwa.cos panayenela kuchitapo kanthu mwatsanga zisana fike povuta motere .bon keep it up .more fire .atenthedwe oyenda malichoncho akanankhala iyeyo .president

  46. Winiko anapalamula milandu ingapo. Oyamba ndiuja anadzudzula utsogoleli ndi nduna zake kuti ndizadyera zikuziunjikira chuma ndi ma allowance. Anatinso pulezidenti ali ndimalimoto ambiri.
    Nkhani ya ma alibino angothawilako ngakhale nayonso inaluma pachilonda.
    Kalindo anane zinthu zomwe anthu amanena koma sizimveka kwagu. Apa waululitsa kuti solution ya dpp ndikupha munthu wonena źodzudzula.
    Tikawonesetsetsa ndiye kuyi nkhani za imfa za anthu enawo kukhudza dpp ndizowona. Anthu ngati chasowa njaujo tenthani ndiena.

    1. Chipani cha dpp nkhani yakupha ndiye kudya kwawo. Njauju mpaka lero kukanika kuwapeza omwe anapha? Tikanena nkhani zaalubino kodi muulamuliro wa mr joyce banda okupha alubinowa anali kuti? Aaaaaa chilungamo chizaululika viva winiko.

    2. Komaso mwina kudula mawele komwe anthu amadulidwa mawele ku Chiladzulu DPP ikuziwapo kanthu,, ndipo ku Tanzania ma Abino amaphedwa aja DPP ikuziwapo kanthu,,

  47. Muluzi amthanga ndi ziwalo za anthu(maliseche ndi mabele)mwaiwala kuchilazulu? Bingu anathesa madona anathawa amai atabwela amathamanga ndi ya mdulidwe zikopazo mkumakagulisa wabwela peter ndi albino eyetu ndimmene zikukhalilatu

  48. M24news simunakulebe? Zantopola basi. Mukhoza kuona ngati Winiko ndi othandiza koma mutaganiza mokuya mupeza kuti sichoncho. Chitsanzo: iye monga m’mozi mwa anthu opanga malamulo ku Parliament, bwanji iye sanagwirise mwayiwu ntchito pomemeza anzake kuti apange lamulo loteteza ma Albino? 2, kodi Winiko chikhulupiliro chake poyenda pamsewu chili pati? Popeza malamulo amapanga ndi ma Mp mu Parliament osati anthu omacha munsewu? 3, Winiko munthu wankulu, tinene kuti iye diso kulipa diso baibulo komanso ndi lamulo la ziko lonse lapansi likulesa lamuloli saziwa? Musaiwale baibulo likulesa sharia law likuti kuweruza kuli kwamwini Mulungu. Ndikuganiza bwana Winiko akanakhala shasha anakagwirisa mwayi wake pokhala m’mozi mwa anthu opanga malamulo pomemeza anzake m’mparliamenti kuti atetezd ma Albino osati kukayenda pamsewu.

    1. Kkkkkkkki. Ngakhale kwa America death sentence ilipo. Winiko sikuti akukakamiza anthu kupanga lamulo. Death sentence ilipo m’malamulo a Malawi and Hon. Kalindo went to the street to force government to implement it. Mind u, Malawian constitution is secular not biblical. People like u with ur level of thinking have plunged the nation into poverty. Ndinaiwala ndi iwe finye, bwantasa, chule!

    2. Iwe ndiwe galu mbuli dzete mbutuma ali wako mwana kuphedwa ungayankhule manyi akowa apa? sudziwa kuti mu Parliament popanga lamulo amayendela majority rule, ngati Winiko alive support yambili ndizosatheka kuti apange push payekha kuti lamulo should be signed, iweyo mwina sunabalepo nkuwona kuti kulera munthu kumavuta bwanji. ukukambazi makolo ako atava angalire mbuzi yamunthu, nkutheka ndiwe mmodzi wa amene mukupha ma Albino, ulibe nzimu

    3. Let me agree with you boss. The govt must protect the albinos by giving stiff punishment to those found guilty (life imprisonment) but death sentence mmm… let God be the Judge.

    4. Iwe ndikape kwambili inuyo kuphuzila kwambili panyapako ndithu anthu oipa inu mukungoyenela nonse mufe ngat abale anu akukhudzidwa muzingogulilatu nkhata kuphedwa kulipo munyela chaka chake ndi chino

    5. Koma uyuso ndi galu bwanji,mxuiiiiii.Amene ali mgulu lopha albuno,sivikusowa vimacomment vawo,mwakhuta magazi eti,mundipeze,Lilongwe area 25C House No 16

    6. Iwe ndi ofoila bwanji kodi mesa zinachoka ko parliament konko ndipo winiko anati ngati savomereza iye azayenda maliseche. Nde kuti anakana that’s why zinafika ku nseu iwe sukudziwa mutu wakoso

    7. Eeeeeee akuunjikatu anthu make sure next time word selection should be there coz if you involved in something you always delays in making the rule. Post of Stop Killing Albino its not solution to this act but immediate action should be taken to those who are killing albinos like death sentence. Am sure we hv death sentence here in Malawi but it is for those who are against with ruling party like what happened to Njaunje this Chisowa these guys faced death sentence am sure

      I hv zipped my mouth

    8. Mukanakhala kuti wanu anaphedwa,Kodi mudakamati winiko akulakwa?.Ndinu anthu oipa,okupha ndi olola kuti anzanu avutike,tinenekuti inu ndiabale anu simukudziwapo kanthupamenepa?, ndikunena ndiinu ofuna kuoneka ozindikila muli mbuli za #the!.Winiko sakulakwa osamagundika kumakamba zapachiphwisi coz kwanu kulibe anaphedwapo okukhudzani,#uchitsilu_et?!!

    9. Kd ndxomue umafuna kulankhula kapena walakuitsa? Kungokhala ngt mbalame ikamauluka imangonyera paliponse osagamiza kt pamsipa pari anthu akudya mbuzi yamunthu iwe

    10. This man has a point but you lads dnt knw what are you blabbing here to this man. Biblically I concur with you #Steve. Leave these lunatics alone they dnt knw wat they r blabbing!!!!!!!

    11. Iwe chindiwo ukungoonetseratu kuti ndiwe mmodzi mwa iwo opha albino iweyo baibulo limalola kupha munthu osalakwe demeti zako mfiti iwe obisala mumau amulungu

    12. Killing albinos is devilish, satanic, bad, nasty, u name it! In welcome development, but protesting nude? Is just another devilish act 2!
      To protest against these killings is all we want, but not protesting in naked attire!

      The problem with our MPs is that most of them lack CRITICAL THINKING, they went to parliament just bcoz they were able to blindly lure voters, others bcoz anabera zisankho,

      I conquer with the idea that some politicians r behind the killing of albinos n other well to do tycoons!

    13. Thanks a lot for Ur comments on my controbution comment. I do respect the rights of others while realising my own rights, thanks for exercising Your freedom of speech

  49. mfumu ikamakana sing’anga kudzachotsa unfuti pamudzi ngati pali nfitidi dzadziweni kuti nayo mfumuyo ndinfiti.if chipani cha Dpp chikumublemer Winniko jst coz of his action to fight fo albinos,palibe kukaikila kut Dpp is behind of this.I c nothing wrong to Winniko.

    1. mayazi khani ndiyoti boma nde mwini diru nde chofunika ndi unit kupanga umozi ophayo aphedwe asanapite kupolisi kapena kukwilila wamoyo, kutchile basi

  50. Really the government knows something why sidelining winiko who was not demostrating against the government? ?? .Uku nde kuyaluka ndithu bwana président ndiine mlomwe but iyaaaa président mlomwe uyu ndi bakha wotheratu

    1. Ndingoyenera kulilira myoyo ya azibale anga not zopusa I don’t eat political ndipo I can’t Westie my time to vote for stupid Dpp lets wait en see if Dpp will win again in 2019.Kungomupanga sideline winiko zangosonyeza kuti président wanuyo wa kukamwa ngati bakha a longside buluti mchacha osadziwa chizinguyu akudziwapo kanthu.winiko was fighting for death penalty not against Dpp so why chasing him pamsonkhano?????

    2. Sindizachita mantha kulankhula olo patatani Malawi belong to its people so am one of the Malawian.I don’t mind whether ur stupid president is reading but I salute winiko he is the only Mp who knows what he is doing not other stupid Mps ongozikundikidza chuma kuiwala omwe adawasankha mtima wadyera fuck

  51. Kkkkkkk Winiko wafukula zinthu.Mulungu dalisa Winiko andi tipaseni anthu angapo ofanana maganizo ndi Winiko kuti dziko lathu likhale lokoma!!!!!

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