Not-naked naked protestor Bon Winiko Kalindo is upset that there still is no enforcement of the death penalty on murderers, especially those who are butchering people with albinism.
Kalindo’s anger which has failed to see him take off his clothes in the nude protest however has targeted his anger at the Amnesty International which is tying the hands of Malawi President from signing the death penalty.
“Amnesty International should not tell us what to do, we are Malawians and have our own way of doing things. On the issue of the death penalty, they should keep quiet,” said Kalindo.
As much as I wish death penalty,let’s look at the level of investigation and prosecution in Malawi.how many innocent people are rotting in jail cos they couldn’t prove their innocence. I say yes to mob justice if caught red handed!!
Tauzeni Mr Kalindo kuti anachitsa death penaly coz imapanga contradict ndi right to life and dealth penalty was substituted with life imprisonment after a careful analysis. Nde just becoz wina ali ndi mimba pa mtunda lero ibwereranso.
Winiko Umandiseweresa !!! Kkkkkkkk
He is more stupid for an MP than I thought. I wonder what hes doing in Parly. Or does he understand how laws are enacted? Hmmm?
Ambuye tivelen kupemphero lathu anzathu akuphedwa ngat nkhuku chosanimo chiwanda coipa mwaiwo akupanga zimenez
Tamapangani mademo ife tikupinda maondo kuti Ambuye atichotsere chiwandachi chifukwa nkhondoyi siyakuthupi
Opha nzake nae aphedwe bas
Wolira samugwira pakamwa-tikamatchaso ena ma DEMO chifukwa cha inu mukut ndinu a IMF.Mwina ndinu muli ndi msika wa zuchitsiruzi!
This wasnt a naked demo….t was let dem see led demo……winiko shld recheck de meaning of being naked…
Why umandi seweresa! Winiko umandi seweresa! Winiko umandi seweresa! Winiko umandi seweresa! i’m not yet married kkkkkkkk m’bale wa #Manganya-tu ameneyo
Zonsez zikichta chifukwa champhamvu ya satana Mademo kumphedwa kwama albino zingofunika kupephera kwambr ndkumpepha mbuye Bas
yes!yes!yes!yes!yes!yes!yes!yes! Winikooooooooo!
Kkkkkkkkkk winiko sasewela ndi yana
zowona kaphedwe kake boma limange malo ophela komwe kuzifika athu ambilimbili kuzawonera mwambou
inetu ndasungilatu chimpeni changa ndizaphe amene opha nzake
pha mzake naye aphedwe tikufuna makako
EISH kkk