Malawi government through the ministry of health has urged nurses to be entrepreneurs arguing that government cannot manage to employ all the graduating students in the country.

Speaking at a graduation ceremony for St Joseph and St Luke Nursing Colleges, principal secretary for the ministry of health McPhail Magwira urged the nurses to have creative minds that can help them to be entrepreneurs.
“If you got me correctly in my speech, I was urging them to be entrepreneurs, because we can’t manage to employ them all, today we have over 300 graduates, last time we had over 1000 nurses who graduated as well,” said Magwira.
He added that the nurses can still help in serving Malawians by working in other hospitals within the country.

“But this doesn’t mean that they are to go outside the country, we have private hospitals that might need their skills, and they can come up with something in the world of entrepreneurship, we can benefit a lot as a country,” added Magwira.
Following financial woes in the country, government announced that it has temporarily stopped employing people to work as civil servants. During the 2016/17, budget presentation Malawi minister of finance Goodall Gondwe said government is to employ teachers only to work as civil servants in the country.
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk bona
This z hell, even institutions needs to close
The government has lost its direction, why train nurses, doctors, clinical officers, medical assistants, only to be told no job .what a waste government.
We need to look both sides of the coin… Do we have enough hospitals where these nurses can work? It has been my observation more people are trained as nurses but few hospitals. Again if we look into other departments ie Police, Army, etc these departments train or recruit according to the need. So i see no reason why the Gvt should be blamed
This is not the time using our Education to get jobs.. Use your education for business. Wakeup guys!!!
Tell me the type of business someone trained as a nurse can do.
Inno Dongolosi I can’t tell the type of business… When you go for a course DONT expect only to be employed, but a course you can do your own things……
I was thinking about a busnes a nurse from schoil can do.
It depends if a nurse can.. If not then go somewhere u can be employed…. Otherwise then jobless after spending more money for the course!
Nurses deal with human lives so i dont se any business apart from working in health sectors
Unless he or she has capital to do another business
Thats the disadvantage of being specialized in one thing.. No job no capital for the business hence nothing…
Nde kusowa nzeru tikunenako akungotsunga nkhalamba mzipatala mmalo moti alembe ntchito achinyamata ndalama amangothyolera mmathumba mwawo mkumati boma lilibe ndalama akufukuna ndalama zake zanthuwanji zinthu zikhakhanika ndibwino kubvomeredza pabwere wina nayenso adzabe kulamula kwabvuta dziko sibanja loti ndizimalamula mkazi wanga ndiana anga ayi amaona ngati phada
Kukhala m`malawi..mkulimba mtima
yooooo kaya
Mmmmm koma malawi mmmm sazathekad,,,,,
AMalawi tiyeni tiphunzire kuendetsa bizinezi mwina tingakhale ozidalira patokha. osadalira boma kuti mwina lizatipatsa Ntcchito.
Mmm thats so bad, Tsono pongolingalira ena omwe pano ali ku xool kupanga za Nursing mukuganiza kuti angakhalenso ndi chidwi kuti apitilize?
Aaaaa thats not fair at all, i understand y u said you will employ Teachers only chifukwa malipiro awo amakhoza kupasidwa pakutha pa chaka Malawi mayooo??
Ndiye asiye kuphunzira ayambe kuntchito yotumikila mulungu
Wen awas lito i alwys wanted to be educated n became adoctor or nurse….lyf ddnt wasent fair enaf i failed to study further….i ended up selling stuff …iblamed God..wy he let me down …to end up selling staff….but now seeeing this am greatful to God for serving from this pain yooooo….u spend two to four years to become anurse n some should just tell u dere x no job ….n da alternative ix for u tobecome an intreprenuer yoooooooooooo….yalakwa
Very sad indeed confused government no job creations
Last days
Esther Madengu Na
If u say that u will not employ all. Where others can get jobs
Dziko lili mmanja mwa agalu(anapwa)
Pathetic,profession in retrogression
Pathetic,professional in retrogression
Kkkkkkkk mabanja bax uchembere wabhoo kkkkkkkk SIRrrrrrrrr
kkkkk mwati malawi walephela kutani? malawi siolephela koma atsogoleli akumalawikuno ndi ambwambwanist ndiadyela odzikonda ankhanza ambanda okondela mtunduwawo osamvazaamzawo oumamitu osaopamulungu okondandlama akufunika deliverance!!!!¡!! anamwino muwalembe basi akabe?
It doesn’t make sense
why that to us?God will punish you
Kkkkkkk maybe our president is trying his best 2 show malawians kuti moyo siophweka.
Choncho fanz ikamalowa jonz nde muziyi-hater?? Useless Gvt!!
it can be gud if government build hospital in villages so that tchito zingapezeke kusiyana ndikuonongetsana ndalama coz palibe chaphindu serious!!!
azising’anga naonso akumafuna ma nurse wo kut azikawalamba ntchito ngat boma lalephela
Bad why malawi? What did u say to people now?
Nde kuskul ndzpta bwa u shit ever thugs
good news!
Kma kulembe agalu a police kutiadzitimanga stupit government
Koma zafika poipa
Chamba chija chayambapo kugwira ntchito tsopano, thawi zina timava kuti ma nurse akuchepa, kenako timva kuti atseka ma nursing collagre.
they should let them go work abroad if they won’t employ them all.
Give the president a break! Dr Magwira was speaking in his personal capacity. This is not the position of of the DPP Governmrnt led by Prof. APM. Its a policy matter and its only the President who who can go on a public and what he says becomes policy thereafter. The rest of the civil servants what they think must be approved to become a policy. What PS Magwira said has not been approved by Government
I think mankhwala for the mean time nde deal yake….nurse ganyu basi tionjolela konko kapitolo
Ophumzira osamphumzira tidzioneka chimodzimodzi mmmmm,zaonjeza
mudzingopitiliza uhule mumachita uja
It looks like this problem of jobs is worldwide
Lesotho needs you nurses….. start preparing your papers….. and you will get paid better salaries than those peanuts at home.
Eeeeh Tizingolima Chambachi Basi, Stupid Government
Kkkkk kkkkk no automatic jobs these days it makes pipo go for carrier they Neva liked ended up abusing patients in public institutions.
Export them where they are needed. Entrepreneurship i s not easy for everybody. Because we have different talents.
Medical council of Malawi requires one to a minimum of 6_8 yrs b4 she/he opens a pvt clinic so how will one start entrepreneurship straight from xul… mr p/s r u normal??????
Come here abroad we miss ur care our nurses….that the best malawi can do
Ikudza nthawi muzatifuna mzipatalamu
what kinda da government z dc?malawi apa wataika than ever,iwish kale likanamabwelera,kodi ana awanthu aluza ndalama ku secondary,ku college,zoona muwakhazike pansi?chifukwa choti mzanu zikuenda?angokhala osowa mtendere?yet ur playng with their own country economy?do u expect that,the behaviors of involving themselves in mmoral behaviors,like,beer,smoking,premarital sex will be stoped mukatelo?y wasting ua money training them and giving them hope for their future? useles government
Ua all stupid kuyambira boma la peter kmaso a malawi nonse anzeru ngat za peter anyani
Now you say from standard 1 to form 4, must pay school, phindu lilipati ngati tchito zikusowa,
Bola ife aphunzitsi tmakhala ndi ma parttimes,nanga manurse?
Bad for gvnmnt but pls nurses wait
will they give them capital to open their private hospitals?
fully of folish government of malawi
Tikadzadzana maiko akunja atsala ekha
zandinyasa kwambiri coz mmaulamuliro onse ndiulamuliro wokhawo womwe zoterezi zikuchitika
So bad….after spending ma fees,mmmh,Kamuzu was a great leader ndithu!
consider ur decision apapa nde cmunatganizle,bola iwe ndi akazako ndi ana ako mukunjoya bax
Tingoyamba yogulitsa mankhwala basi
mmm nt good kulakwa azanu alowera kuti!!?
Is it surprising then that other nurses are selling drugs? This country never ceases to amaze me!
it is common knowledge that the nurse:_patient ratio in government hospitals is high. This situation is dire in rural areas. However, it is a well known fact that we, the plebeians, poor pple, are the ones who seek nursing services from such hospitals. The policy makers can afford medical attention at a private clinic or abroad….of course the bill in some cases being shouldered by the citizens. No wonder policy makers can indeed make such a decision as it will not affect them as much as it will affect the common person. Muxh as the economic climate is riddled with challenges, tthis decision is NOT the right way to go if one considers how far Malawi is in as far as the provision of quality health care delivery is concerned
Hahahaha shame on thi what we call mtalika ka amati mthalika peter yoooo chimene mnkabela ma vote ndi chani inu panopo dziko mkulilowesa pasi mwakanika kuyendesa bwino ndangosiyilani anzanu bambo
Toooooo sad…
Koma boma la dpp abale .Landikwana
Are you going to give the them capital while somehow the don’t have business studies/ skills ?
On top of that hungry , !!!!!!!!!
God see everything about Malawi .
Zikamalaka kumavomeleza kuti ndalephela talephela mkuwapatsa ena amene angakwanitse cz Saval Donations we still receive from different countries .
Tomorrow dont say the world s going bad while the government s the one who make world bad .
-Malawi was the home heart of Africa !!!!!!!!!!
Malawi 24 doing wat they know best,confusing goat headed malawians who comment without reasoning
Crying for my unborn child adzakumana ndizotani
In nursing xoolz dere r no busines teacher and hw dey can start busines on dere own ?respect nurses plz
Ma nurse ambiri ndi a mwano amati fees ya adad kkkkkkk
zovu zed malawi wayaka motodi eeeeehhhhhh
Absolute nonsense!!! Thats the challenge of allowing greedy dogs to control the already rotten country
Za fodya bx….
Abwana alusa kkkkk
Ine ndinalosera kale zimenezi me prophet mcdonald makoko kut kudzakhala complete no job for nurses because ma nurse sitimakondana nkhanza kwa ma nurse zimayambila kusukulu mma clinical placement nde anthu owona mukuona ngati angaduse mutimo andipase authority ndizikagwila kumozambiki ndakwiya nanu kwambiri
Panyapake ma pwevu pwevu ma thanyula iyeyo sakuona mavuto ali muzipalamu basi munthu azidikira padzere kut paka dotolo abwere koma gay ameneyu
Wake up you slumber this is a time now to say NO! to this corrupt gorvement.
And then we vote again for this BS party….
Mmmmm……@ 51.6months
nde paja ma witchdoctors analetsedwasotu……..
Don’t worry mwayi sudziwika.bola muli ndi qualification Ya ntchito enafe we don’t hav anything
imeneyo nde Malawi..wat else?
Kkkkkkkk! . what a waste?
Money for this fucking course
Agraduate Should Start Busines… Is That True My Nephew? Lingson Mpinganjira
akut ma nurses, ine sizikundikhuza…….. kkkkkkkkk oppotunity ilipo
Kkkkk Ok
Agraduate Should Start Busines? Is That True My Nephew? Lingson Mpinganjira
Nde nkumati education is the key to success zipereka chilimbikitso chanji kwa ana alipa sukulu ngati boma laima poyera nkumakamba zmenezi???? So sad
So government would rather persist with 66% nursing vacancies than hold those responsible for looting its finances accountable. On whose behalf are they governing?
Why doesn’t the government close all the nursing schools than wasting other people’s time and money over something meaningless.
kikiki akanadziwa sakanapitaso ku sukulu bwenzi atayambiratu kugulitsa mandasi
Koma kumeneko!!!! Amadziwa kubeleketsa osat business
The gvt should build more prisons
The driver is to blame coz has no vision! Do not know where to go!
If hospitals hav enough workers y train others?
The fact is the government has no money, dziko lawakanika kuyendesa ili, matama basi!
The waste government ever! U claim to reduce poverty which infact is the opposite! Shame anthu obera mavoti!
A Peter woyeeee!!!!!!! Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk…. Nde nkumati dziko la malawi lili ndi mtsogoleri?
Basi Tiyamba Ntchito ya uchigawenga bola musamatimange..kkkkkkkkkkkk
4giv them zina amalankhula za kumaloto.Bola ine mechanic magalimoto pa garage ndi osayamba
Dont worry i will employ them
kungozolowera kut ukamaliza school uzalembedwa ntchito aaaaa boza gyz they must use their heads business is the answer, nowadays Malawi changamuka wake up
ma course kusiyana man, what buznss can a nurse do, clinical officer, medical assistant.
Point taken Mr,Am adding you now to be my fb frnd I need guys like you
hahahaa thats fact mr big up.
Shame great shame
How the hell gona this help in improving poor Malawi economy? ?
Izi nde mbwelera ngati boma likukanikani siyani rubbish
uyu ndi Malawi wa a petulo .Malawi opanda tsogolo .kwasala kuti azalamule kuti tonse ma nurse ife tikatayidwe kunyanja mayi!!!! Malawi
Bambo akati *ana anga,sindikwanitsa kukugulirani nsapato,ndalama ndilibe,kapangeni maganyu* amatanthauza kut basi asiye kubereka ana akwana?(inu mukufunsa kut y they are training them?) palibe amapanga career potumidwa ndi boma. Aliyense amasankha ekha. Kuti awalembe asazamawapatse malipiro ndinu nomwenso muzati boma la nkhanza. Kod amalawi simunavomerezebe kut malawi is the poorest country? Inu mukuganiza amati is poorest country chifukwa chani?
Hahahahahahahaaa !!!!!! this z funny. past few days munati ife tili kuja tibwele muzatipasa #JOB next day kutiwuza kuti ntchito kulibe ndiye tiziti chani ? mwina zija zoti ngati bwana wankulu ndi #BANDA nyiye pakhala a banda ambili pamenep ziko silingayende. …….. er … think twice.
Poor malawi…….!!!
Gave them capital…………..!
Where must they go now?
We don’t have to rely on the Government anymore,just keep your heads up and wear a thick skin
Nde akamapita ku maiko a kunja muzidandaulaso, shaaa so sorry sisters and brothers . Malawi wa lero
vuto palibeee! we will work in private clinics, bola inu a nurses council and medical council musadzatiukire mawa linoooooe
Mpesa susowa!
Entepreneurship capital ayitenga kuti
Kuyendetsa Boma siphadayi nanga nurse kumkhapira kosathwa chonchi?Kenaka agulitsa dzikoli ndikuthawa
U cn say tht again eish
So that’s your response. Ok Give them capital to open clinics and pharmacies.
Hmmmmmmm Not Fair
#Panji_Harawa… Me too wanted to ask same question. ..
Are they taught enterprenual lessons? will the government provide capital to them like a revolving loan? if not nde Mbola.
awelenga andipangile 4ward to 0881303995
shaa!!!!!very unfair, u know that they paid to study nursing? sometimes Malawi govt hate education, I feel like that
Poor governance bambo
Very sad indeed!!!!.
Kkkkkkk why wasting time,money to train nurses ??????????useful govt u train police and u employ them all,why nurses???are u going to give them capital to start business ?now just stop raining nurses .
Koma galu ameneyu atimvuta kwambili kkkkkk
I think tisegule zipatala mu midzi
Tizilima chammba
No job kusonyeza kuti mbava zakuba mankhwala zakwana m’boma ku health ife sitingaloweko ?
why ar they risking…dont they kno that nurses are small gods of the country…….
za chambano ife tpangeno course yanji
yambani kulima chamba
tayamba kale watsalawatsala
zanu izo
kayambani carpentry amwene
ndiyeso mungotseka ma nursing school wo all over around the nation,tiziwetelamo nkhuku basi