Man impregnates his sister; says they are in love

Man impregnates his sister; says they are in love

They met and fell in love, this is despite their being related. And, nothing will stand in their way for them to stop loving each other.

Man impregnates his sister; says they are in love
(source: internet)

A man in the UK had rude awakening when the woman he “had the most amazing sex with turned” out to be his sister, a UK Publication has reported.

Despite discovering that they were in fact siblings, the pair continues to meet for sex and now they are expecting a baby.

“We met in a nightclub and I was drawn to her straight away. It all felt so special I didn’t want to let her out of my sight. When we eventually had sex it was out of this world. We both knew we had found a life partner” said the man who identified himself as Diedre Sanders.

After dating for six months, she became pregnant which opened the Pandora box.

“I took her to meet my parents and I thought they’d be thrilled, but they looked horrified when I introduced her but my mum came right out and told us that she is my sister who they had given up for adoption as a baby.”

However, the man revealed that they have not broken up despite the discovery, meeting once in a while for sex.

“We’re still madly in love and we both want the baby so much. We have tried hard to keep apart but we just have to meet up and have sex.”



  1. Nothing wrong with that,they are all human en still love each other, only God can judge them nt leave them alone and lead ur own life ,no wonder we black pipo have only history en no vision

  2. Malawi kumvetsa chitsoni kuthamangira kukomenta kapena umbuli if u don’t understand the article pliz try to cal someone to translate for u rather than commenting no sense

  3. kaya yachitika kumalawi kapena ayi koma chilugamo chake analakwitsa koma paja kasoni kapena kamanyadzi kanafa onse awiri, hule ndi munthu onsiyana kudzidya kwambiri phaka chemwali ndi inu amene madzi phaka mwana wako to bad dats evil mazadya zigat osavesesabe.

  4. Kusamvetsetsa tawerengani nkhani bwino bwino akuti inachitika ku UK wolembayu wangomsulira mchichewa pang’ono kuti mMalawi amveko png’ono.

  5. AYANKHE ACHALUME KUCHITEKETE chabwno tiwana tosakhwima michombo tabwekela zambirimbiri tinanso tayankha mwanzeru ngati tiwanthu toganiza choncho nanga nkutani #ndiyambe motele munthu wina aliyense amene anakwatira lero aziwekuti anankwatirayo ndimulongo kapena nchimwene wache TIBWELELE KUCHIYAMBI Mulungu analenga ADAM ndi Eva tonse tikuzwa zimenezi choncho mwana wamamuna obadwa mbanja limeneli amakwatira nkazi otuluka mmagazi abanjalo omwe #ndipachilongo kuteloko kti ngati titasata zimenezi sibwenzi kulikudulana manja kapena kuthilana phala mmabanjamu ayi kapena kumenya bwenzi ukumakumbukira kti mlongo wanga uyu ndimukonde basi ndimalize motele anthuwo sanalakwe kanthu kma nyengo zino achimwene mukanakasaka banjalina kmapoti yalakwa kale pitilizani mufke pachimake penipeni OKAMBA AZIKAMBA #ALINACHILONDA

  6. Koma boma lachita bwino kuletsa asing’anga. Munthu ameneyu adanamizidwa ndi asing’anga akuti akapanga zosowa khalidwzi alemera pompo pompo. Kukhaima . Naye nkaziyo kulimba ntima anvekere nzotheka . Masatanic okhaokha opanda nzimu stupt.

  7. Kkkkkkkk chibale ndi kumaso kokha akanatani yalakwa kale basi nkhondoi ndiyovuta kulandsa kwake inu mukuona bwanji #amalawi24?

  8. Sindikuona chodabwitsa pachiyambi mulungu analenga Adam kenako Eva mkukhala anthu awiri mpaka anachulukana kusonyeza kuti ndife pachibale.

  9. levitiko 20 verse ya 17
    munthu akatenga mlongo wace,mwana wa mkazi wa atate wace kapena mwana wamkazi wa amai wache nakaona thupi lace ndimlongoyo akaona thupi lache,chochititsa manyazi ichi ndipo awasezetse pamaso pa ana a anthu ao anabvula mlongo wache aseze mphulupulu yace.

    1. Sabina ngati mwaphunzira kwambiri sititero,mulungu siwoseweresa.zimene ukutamandirazo MLENGI analesa.favrt qut yanu ku fb munaika yabwino nanga lero??

    2. As somebody conversant with health issues, aren’t you aware of the effects of incest? gene mutation and cretinism on the offspring just to mention a few, are some of the effects…mwaganiza bwanji Csta Sabina Munthali?

  10. so how are you going to raise your children with this kind of behaviour you two fools.and zikuonetsa kuti anthu amenewa anayambira ku za wana nde akula nazo zakumidimazi.mbuzi!!!

  11. so how are you going to raise your children you two fools.and zikuonetsa kuti anthu amenewa anayambira ku za wana nde akula nazo zakumidimazi.mbuzi!!!

  12. These aren’t human beings but animals, chickens, goats, dogs they do this, animals can do it even to their mother. Be careful signs of the time are here!!!!!!

  13. Kumalitseche kulibe chilongo ?????????????????????????????????????

    1. damson nanu mukufuna kuchuluka nzeru kuposa mwini zoona? Munayamba mwamvapo za mau a Mlungu zokhuza kugonana pachibare. Ngati funsani makolo akuuzani.

  14. chikondi cha kumowa chimakhala chotero. Nose mumaganiza mocheperapo.

  15. Tchemwali-wakeyo-mutu-suwugwira-bwanji-nzeru-kukwima-uyambeni-wakwasing’anga-chizimba-ndichomwechi-mukwera-BMW—–mulimbikire-akwanu;onse-alawe-thupi-lanu-Eishiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuu

  16. Koma yaaa akazi atha kodi?Akulu amenewa kukanika kufunsira chiyani iyeyu makamaka.Naye Msungwanayo ndiye ayi zauchisiru basi Mai Bambo mozi sizowona zimenezo.Ndikanakondwa kuti aboma akanatengapo mbali ndithu simchitidwe wabwino

  17. Mmmmmm nothing to comment on this issue angakhale mulungu kumwamba anakanakale zimenezo kd simulikuwelenga malemba?

  18. love is big it can be shared with no boundaries,ine ndiye ndi namu maranso amanditenga mtima zedi ndi mamu pangila msanje kuti na bobo ena azizamu vula

    1. Love mukambayo a mayeso ndiyolesedwa kawerengeni bwino bwino za loveyo ma bibulo adakalipo ndi ambiri ndithu fufuzani muwerenge

  19. Kkkkk chikakukola chabe chamba uko ccta wako nakuyamba kumuona beauty n nakuchosapo va u ccta manje amakupasa mulandu wa incest …..osatengera lamulo mumanja manje boma uzavutana nalo!!!!!

    1. Achewa kuzinva bwanji anthu olima fodya kwathu inu mbuzi nonse anthu osasamba inu mukutionongera Malawi ndima ufiti anu ntchito kupereka mimba kwa ana plz siyani izi achewa inu

    2. Beatrice Thobera. Iwe Ndi Nsena Nde Kwanu Mmasangalala Nthaw Ya Dzuwa Yokha. Kmanso Uve Nde Khalidwe Lanu. Bwanj Pamenepo Ndakfkapo?

  20. wonderful let them be, in my life is not a first tymto here’s that, what you can do is to understand them, in Zimbabwe son pregnanted his mother. just to show how mush he lov his mother

  21. Ndiye bwino chumacho chisazapite kutali,bola ngati ali ndi mbale,mapoto etc koma nagti ali ndi zovala za mthupi zokha ngati ine pano shauli yawo otherwise all the best ndibwino kukonda m’bale wako kusiyana ndi anthu adera. Inenso ndikanakhala ndi sister wanga maganizo amenewo ndinaganizapo before awawa.

  22. Come on!! come on!! come on mw where r u going mi only country? Kapena chambachake ndichomwechi chovinila mulichelo anzanu akugona??nanga Braz vs ccta what is the meaning?? Big shame guyz!!

    1. Scientifically saying it’s wrong they may end up having children that are not normal. Biblically saying it’s wrong again because incest is a sin. Socially saying it’s wrong again because that’s an abomination. Certainly pali vuto apa!!!!

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