A 28-year old man has been convicted and sentenced to serve 10 months in Prison or buy his freedom for a price of K80,000 for using a wrong driving licence.
According to Dowa Police Public Relations Officer Richard Kaponda the man, Yakho Chauluka, was on 26 May, 2016 driving a motor vehicle registration number NN 1311 Isuzu using a licence that was not his. He was later involved in a minor road accident along Dowa-Chezi earth road.
The issue was reported at Chezi police unit and when he was asked by Traffic police officers to produce his driving licence, the convict produced the licence that was bearing the name of Hennock Frackson insted of his name.
The convict cheated the police that he was Hennock Frackson; later it was observed that the photo on the document was different from his face and when interviewed he said that he borrowed it from the owner.
The owner was called who identified the licence as his document, he further said that he lost the licence in March this year and reported the matter at Kanengo police station for help.
The first grade magistrate of Dowa court Amulani Phiri sentenced the man to a fine of K80,000 or in default serve a jail term of 10months with Hard labour as a lesson to other would be offenders.
Iwe walembawe ukuti chani wrong kapena fake sindikukumvetsa.
Wat abt pipo who a killing albinos?
Kkkkkkkkk Malawi mmmm ndatchona basi
koma zinazi abale …cashgate nde bola eti!!!or kuba mankhwala muzipatala kupiso bwino
Bwanji milandu ya anthu opanda chuma ndye yokhayo imene izikhala ndi chilango chachikulu chonsecho mlanduwo ndiwaung’ono. why all these social injustice we can not develop our nation if we continue with this habite ngati awo owona za chulungamo akulephera kuonesa chulungamo chonchi. ten months is just too much. Uthenga uwu wokha ndye ukafike kwaoyenerao. Please the media help us to eliminate this injustices
Court la kumalawi siridzatheka
Acashgate two hours licence ten months koma abwampini inu
sakanachitila mwina dzimakina mwakatenga kujoweni anthu akuziwopa
ameneyo ayenela kuladila chilango osamusiya ntchocho
100Rand yachuluka man amalandira ma 20 or 40.ku Malawi ndi kokanika basi
Amuchita bwino ndipo chilangochi chachepa, anthu achibwana ngati awa amatha kuchititsa ngozi zoopsa pamsewu mpakana anthu ena osalakwa omwe amathandiza abale ndi ana awo kutaya miyoyo kuwatsiya ana pa umasiye. Pa msewu siposewera iyayi coz anthu osiyanasiyana amakhala akuwugwiritsa ntchito. Zibwana zimenezo.
Kaseve ase unayesesa kuzitolela koma eee akhomelela man
no justice in malawi.bola kukhala ndi mlandu wa cashgatd
mmmm.koma chilangocho…ngati munthu waba galimoto.
Koma m’mene kwacha yasowela ungamamuze munthu za 80pin u bwino sanaphe munthu musiyen tilimbane ndi akuba tisaonetse u shasha pazithu za zieeee!!!
Basino mmalomothana ndi a cashgate mulimbana ndimunthu kukonza tsogolo laana ache.
Vuto ndi ma department azama Licence .tayesaniko kukhwefula ti nfundo tina tomwe tinakhazikitsidwa ndi atsamunda to .Tili mu meleniun watatsopano .
court lomwe lagamula mulandu uwu ndilopanda nzeru muthuyo musiyeni sanabe sanaphe sanachite ngozi ndipo oyamba siameneyi ambiri akuendera ma Laisence osakhala awo. Bwanji apolice ambiri amaendera galimoto yopanda nsonkho, kapena mufuna nditchule dzina?
Ku south Africa kuno ndi 100rand basi ku Malawi mpaka 10 months Mmmmmh uphawi wakukwanani ndithu
Nanga ambandawa awachita chani?ingoti phe tione.
Koma boma ili..limakhala mmaluzi mthawi zonse bwanji..osangopepha bwanji?
aaa zopusa milandu yaying’ono bwanji mumakamira pamene yopha albino chilango chake house arrested mutayeni basi.
Kkkkk aphawife sitizapeza mtendere mpaka 1oyrs wa ma billion 4yrs, only God can judge u.
Miyezi khumi not zaka
Zangofanana ndi zaka 10.
Tawelenganiso bho baba
Malawi ndi Anthu ake tsapano
80,000/10months = 8000 /month. just thinking
Poor country with poor mind too. Damn.
aaaaaaaaaaah ndye zachambatu a cashgate ndye kumawapatsa miyezi iwili agalu inu munadya nawo ndalamazo
Boma La Malawi.