A minibus caller has killed a fellow tout over K140 at Chikapa Trading Centre in Machinjiri Township in Blantyre City.
Assistant Public Relations Officer for Limbe police Widson Nhlane, identified the deceased as Maxwel Matekenya, 21.
Nhlane said that on Friday the two minibus touts were paid an amount of 140 Kwacha by a minibus driver.
The touts however started fighting over the money.
“The two started quarrelling over the money they were paid from one of the minibus drivers and they started fighting which made the deceased bleed heavily,” said Nhlane.
He added that the deceased was taken to Queen Elizabeth Central hospital where he died whilst receiving treatment.
Members of the community later caught the assailant and handed him over to the police. Meanwhile the suspect is in police custody and will appear in court after police finish investigations. The deceased hailed from T/A Ganya in Ntcheu district whilst the suspect hails from Chitsulo village T/A Mlilima in Chikhwawa district.
apolisi pliz remove these call boys they are making towns firthy coz we make our own journeys and plan what type of transport to use so why disturbing our peace they are nuesance to the society, later own they will be killing us if we don’t catch the bus they want, since they have started killing each other hokoyo take cover. muvi woyang’anila umagwera mmaso
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Ofunika azifukula ngalande Ndalama akuzidya mophweka
magaye nose mukungoti oitanila a!! aliyese ali ndizochita zake ena inu mumakhala ndimakolo anu ena inu muli pa tchito za bwino mukungo dyelela aaa! gulu lokuba ndalama za boma CASH G chomwe muma chita inu azanu sangakwanise muzingodya manyumc mwanumo chimozimoziso athu opita john athu amanena zambili iwowatu anazolowela zomwe amapanga kumeneko tchito imene amagwila ndiyomweyo basi kumeneko! mukuti abwele kuno azatani muziwadyesa boma lake liti? osamango limbikila kugwila tchito bwa… ndineyo ndimatokota sindinati boma limangonena zithu koma samaganizila athu iwo amangodya m’manyumba mwawo zopusa bas ife atipasa tchito ndimayendesa bongoyo ana anga muwapasa chakudya athu ozikonda inu musamalimbane nditchito zazanu
Muzimvetsetsa akulu! Route I mean ma minbus a mtown amatha kuyima malo amodzi koma opita kosiyana ok????? Then amakukwezetsa mwachitsanzo madzulo pa Portugalia pamakhala ambirimbiri Chilimba, Machinjiri? Ndirande, Mbayani Gayisi, mbayani Ndalama nde amatha kukusocheletsa iwowo amangofuna idzadze yomwe akuyitanirayooooo! Komanso umatha kufunsa mtengo iyeyo amangochotsela okha osamuuza Conductor mukakumana pa mpando yanyamuka nde umakhala opanda nzeru ukupeleka yochepa ijaaaaa! Ngati simunakumane nazo tiyeni nazoni mudzatiuza pompano
Village idiot, let him die in jail, how can he do such a thing because of k140
thats stress,and may be a little bhang
Anthu awulesi awaaaa!!!
Minibus touts are so wicked & I hate them
Ngakhale boma litalamula kuti achoke, wina abwerapo ndi ndale zake. Ndale mwazitengera phumazi.
Nkhani koma imeneyo osati kuletsa Vannets/ Bongos no! Koma touting thats one way of developing the Country while kuletsa Vannets its UN developing
Inu inu! Komanso ukawafunsa route amakunamiza cholinga idzadze ikanyamuka ukhale opusa ngati kuti wasochela kukwela yolakwika and mtengo amanena wina ngati iwo ndi Conductor ukakwela ukukumana ndi wina akukuuza zina iweyo kupusa ngati ulibe enough money kapena owumila! Achoke! Achoke!
kkkk jim
So sad.. oitanira enawa ndi asatana
so bad mwati minbus caller waphedwa?
minibus caller mutanthauza oitanira uja? Kkkkk koma zina
Very pathetic
K140 kukakhala nayo moyo wonse kundende man this life
very sad indeed
eeeeeh kwacha yake yopanda mphamvu yomweyi?
Anapezana ndichowawa ameneyo. Nanga wina kumutsogoza kumanda mzake chifukwa cha R6.50?
Gvt must chase this pple m’misewumu by force, and akayamba kuba, mobjustice is there 4 them, bcoz chomwe sakupitila kukalima maganyu kumudzi kwao sindikuchidziwa.
Marujuwana mumanyanyira kusuta kwambiri.
MOAM & it’s members are to take the blame as these touts were not supposed to be anymore cos they terrorise passangers every single day with PAWA’s nonexistance.
Zilibwino aona polekera kape ameneyu amake amkamuza kuti azipita kusukulu izi waziona. Chamba timadya ife sitingafike pamenepa.
Last Days…the next thing will be a human has eaten another human! !!! Nthawi basi
Cannibalism is as old as humanity itself. Whats your point
Inu siwoyamba kuphana fusanukuno .
Kkkkkk kkkkkkkk minbus caller eti
so sad
Waku Maula basi
Pamenepapa nde ndipachikapa?
Eish!! Maliro angozi.
Kachasu amaeneyo,it can’t be chibuku or green.
These bastards out!
bad news. these bus callers be abolished.
kukhala metre nde mutanchotsa chirichonsetu ndi ngemba..kunyenya ndi fupa lomwe
Chamba basi
This must be the village beer, after drinking if you don’t die you rape or kill someone.In another news a man falling from a baobab tree.Another topic is a man 53yrs raping a 6 yr girl.Somewhere there in Chikanga village a man dies after drinking alchol.EASH ZIMENEZU
nxa nde aldo those people stand for everyone? ? thatz their story everyone has their own osati uziti because the drank the die, kill, rape…. ana aku primary ife?
Nanunso oyitanira ma minibus chonde mukuwonjeza leave this job in the hands of Driver and conducto.Mwatani kodi ntchito izikhala imeneyo ndiye bodzatu
Effects of unemployment…. Bravo the DPP led Government for coming up with the Community Colleges.
Guys this should not be a ploughing matter. Fellow Touters where were you?
Ndiye yachepa? pa mw ndiyambiri imeneyo!
Njalayiso ya lawira kwambiri
Mesa wakupha nzake mmati iyenso atani???? Mmmm kaya tionela pa iwe
he must rot in jail killing a person for k140
Za ziiii zopherana!!!!,,zikalimani ku mudzi,,,,, enanu phunziranipo kanthu,,,,kwa wophedwayo muzimu wake iwuse mtendere,,,, shame!!
Minibus caller nde uti? Oh oitana basi!!
Chingambwe kkkk
Nayenso akagwila ukayidi chifukwa cha k140 yomweyo azikawelenga njerwa za ku prison kwa zaka zingapo
mphamvu ya kanundu imeneyo kwa iye anali ma bilion amenewo kkkkkkk
Maxwel Matekenya???
Zamanyazi,,wani handede foty kwacha cost someone’s life’,,