It will be known today whether the corruption case involving former President Bakili Muluzi will still go on or not in a case he together with ex assistant Lyness Whiskey are accused of corruptly obtaining K1.7 billion when he was in office.

The High Court set today after Anti-Corruption Bureau deputy director Reyneck Matemba who was lead state prosecutor and another prosecutor Chrispin Khunga asked Judge McLean Kamwambe to stand aside from the case.
Kamwambe granted the two the application, a move which prompted the defence team to ask the same court to discharge the case. The judge said he would make a ruling today.
Kamwambe will meet the defence and State in his chambers before making a decision on the way forward.
For over six years, Muluzi has been answering charges of corruption in which he is accused of squandering public funds amounting to 1.7 billion Kwacha.
musiyeni munthu azimwa cremore mwatendele adamulephela kale.
musiyeni munthu azimwa cremore mwatendele adamulephela kale.
musiyeni munthu azimwa cremore mwatendele adamulephela kale.
nkhan zakale osangozisya bwanj?? kod nkhani ya bingu izayamba lit? nafe tikudikra malemu anaba zambiri!
Bakili 1.7billion, Bingu 5billion, kodi pamenepa yambili ndi iti..
ya muluzii kapena ya Bingu??
Bakili 1.7billion, Bingu 5billion, kodi pamenepa yambili ndi iti..
ya muluzii kapena ya Bingu??
Mlandu wake ukutha ndalama,progress siikuoneka..angouthetsa basi..
Countrys politician will one day dearly pay ahuge ramson for their acts. In life ihv never seen wakuba proscuting wakuba. How can alegally constituted govt fail to pursue justice in K1.7billion scandal. Vindicated cabinet has another Muluzi mzosantheka we are just trying to empty asea using a10 ltr pail.
Kodi padusa zaka zingati pangani zoti boma likhale rochitabwino osati zomalimbana ndi zinthu zopandapake mapetoake ndizakhalapo ndine pa mpandopo .
Amalawi tsitizantheka,przdnt amene tikumuyangana ndi maso ndi ameneyu koma tikumufuniranso zoipa, tinkhar ndi chikondi amalawi.
U are blaming each $ every president that all are trushes.This has given me an envidence that indeed a man does not have power to lead his feet, speaks the Bible.1 John 5:19 says”we kno that we came from God but the world is ruled by devil satan.So do u expect leaders to lead the nation perfectly?I think u can feel relieved wen u trust God and not a man born from wick woman.I have peace in my mind coz i understand that we are in the last days.As u can see this is the time we can surender the authority to God Jehova Himself $ opposing the devil satan that he is acruel $ a dictator leader and that he brings pain to peole.Look am waiting for that world where there wil b no such corruption according to Revelation 21:3,4.
U are blaming each $ every president that all are trushes.This has given me an envidence that indeed a man does not have power to lead his feet, speaks the Bible.1 John 5:19 says”we kno that we came from God but the world is ruled by devil satan.So do u expect leaders to lead the nation perfectly?I think u can feel relieved wen u trust God and not a man born from wick woman.I have peace in my mind coz i understand that we are in the last days.As u can see this is the time we can surender the authority to God Jehova Himself $ opposing the devil satan that he is acruel $ a dictator leader and that he brings pain to peole.Look am waiting for that world where there wil b no such corruption according to Revelation 21:3,4.
What ever
Kamuzu Banda was arrested by Bakiri muluzi, n now u are failing to judge till 15yrs, My mother country…. Is this wat u say ” no man is abv the law? Kkkkk
mawa ndinu mkusatha kulankhulako muzikangokodzedwa
Kodi amalawi nanunso mlandu unathapo osakambidwa mkhoti ku khoti ndiko umathela milando Bakili Muluzi anali wakuba msiyeni alipe ndalama zimenezi si anali ndi chidwe ndi dziko lathu la malawi akukhala ngati anangobwelamo dziko lathu si likutukuka ayi kamba koti atsogoleri onse amakhala pa mpando kamba kofunaa kuyiba sa akuwoneka olongosoka ayi
Amene mwamuwona kuti womuchisa uchitsiru ndiye Muluzi basi?
When i was a young boy,i heard and told that munthu ukaba ndalama zambiri sumamangidwa,apa ndatengelapo phunziro kwa Muluzi yu, so am a grown up man,what i will do is, ndiyenela kukakoka chithumba pena pake and i know for sure kuti sinzamangidwa,tsoka kwa okuba nkhuku,bakha,dowe etc, pakuti unyolo unapangilidwa iwo
Muyambe Kaye Mwakadzutsa Bingu Kumanda Azayankhe Mulandu Wake Then Kachibere Abweleko Ndie Muzimugamula Muluziyo, Mukumupezelela Coz Ali Mdziko Momwemuno? Simungamanyadile Ai Ndithu Kut munthu Amene Anakutsegulani Maso Ali Moyo? Palibe Munthu Amene Ali 100% Amene Angaendetse Dzikoli Opanda Zolakwika Kadziko Kakang’ono Zochitika Zake Zoposa Ku America? Dyela! Mutakhala Inu Kukuikan Pampando Mungangokhala Osabako? Muganize Muli Inu!
Happy!iwe usalowere amenewo akuziwana zawo ndi ndale chabe angofuna kukopa azungu kuti aziti BOMA la malawi liri pakaliki liki othana ndi mchitidwe wakatangale,amenewo ndi amodzi UDF ndi DPP nchifukwa chache akugwilira ntchito limodzi che Atu ndi Proffesor iwe sungadabwe
Happy!iwe usalowere amenewo akuziwana zawo ndi ndale chabe angofuna kukopa azungu kuti aziti BOMA la malawi liri pakaliki liki othana ndi mchitidwe wakatangale,amenewo ndi amodzi UDF ndi DPP nchifukwa chache akugwilira ntchito limodzi che Atu ndi Proffesor iwe sungadabwe
Pangani zomwe mukufuna koma ife amalawi tikuti chilungamo chiwoneke.
Chiweluzo chen chen tikachipeza kumwamba komwe kulibe kuona kut uyu ndi mphawi kapena olemera aliense akaweluzidwa malingana ndi ntchito zake zomwe amachita. amphawife tingomusiya mulungu akhale mulungu bas
Sabola wakale samawawa koma mlandu suola
M’malawi wamba apindulapo chani???
Mmene anayambira muja 1.7bilion sinathe osangozisiya ndikuyangana zasopano zopusa
Okuba okhaokha angamangene bwanji?Atanbwali sametana
muluzi :
amayi ndabambo ndisave nzipatalamu
kut patient wanyoza odwala
zimenezo sizabwino..
Boko Clavel Ortiz ilipo sinathe komanso sizatha.
It was his time
What’s long with bakili
Leave him
Ndakusowani mluzi
I hope I’ll c again
U r my favorite president
I miss u muluzi
Musiyeni muluzi akhale mutendele
Izi athana okha amene amene ali panoyo nanji ndimbava yotheratu azibela mamepapa aaaaaaaaa nanji ndalama kwinako mundithandiza kusova
Atcheya samatekeseka ameneyo ndi olemela simungamuthe mwachepa
Muthesa bwanji mulandu pomwe umboni ulipo,he must pay back the money.koma ndinakakhala ine ayi mulandu sumawola koma poti Ndi Mr Muluzi.ndiye mulandu awakhalira.very shit
Mwasowa zonena sopano ngati mukufuna kuba ibani nanuso mwayi wanu ndiwomwewo, sikuti dziko lizakumanga ai
Minister of information tayesesani kuchepetsa bodza
Be care mangochi watching you soon you will get bullet as a gift
the government z jst wast money 4 silly issues mulizi will never be guilty
mulandu uwu unachuluka matenda as a result nothing happened just Close it and forget it !
Watha umenewo
You politicians your the one you are killing the government of Malawi..stating with #bakili/malemu bingu, joice Banda.all are the destroyer .. light now as we are going to the election. some one is Bessy to still our money be very careful God Is washing…..
He must pay back
Ilikodi koma KkKkkk
Achinyamata ntchito Boma lilibe koma osandandawula
All the leaders in malawi are thieves. Starting from Gvmnt,ACB and many more. Even lawyers
These Lawyers Are On Position 1 To Defend The False Cases Akudziwa Kut Munthuyu Ngwakuba Koma Kubakila Ma Lawyer Akapsa
akanakhara woba nkhuku akanakhara amaliza kuweluza osangomusiyaya bwanji?Nanga wina anaba ndikumwalirau mumutani?Mumafuna kumapusitsa osaukafe bwanji poti njira zanu ndizimodzi tisiyeni kutinamiza
Koma ndarama zimazunzitsadi eee…. kusowetsa an thou mtendere mitunda ili ‘yakali-yakali’ midyomba amwene
kkkkk kumtunda wawa…
Kawilira kkkkj
Kodi a malawi24 munati m’landu wa Bakili Muluzi watha chifukwa wakhalitsa pano mukutinso mulandu wa B Muluzi coz ife timakhala odalila inu kuti mudzitidziwisa zoona zokhazokha koma mukufunanso kumanamidza anthu why?
Corrupt courts, corrupt Govt cannot sentence a corrupt friend.If Muluzi is set free all Cashgate cases should be quashed.And no more arrests on any type of Theft.Stealing should be legalised in malawi.If Muluzi cant be arrested..Who will ?
ingomusiyani munayamba kumuzuza ndikale
asamatinamize abomawa kenako timva kuti mulandu wa Muluzi authesa… these politicians are the ones destroying our Malawi, they thnk that the hav the powers to steal our money, thnk of the Muluzi corruption case ( alot of money). The same thng wth these guys reigning today, they are busy kupakila mmatumba mwawo, thnk of the K500 + billion looted during Bingu… So bad for a Country like Malawi, dziko silikutukuka coz of these greedy politicians. i thnk anthu amenewa akagwidwa azilandidwa chilichonse chomwe alinacho… may be aziopa.
I agree with u ,all Malawi politicians r theives & Malawi will never develop bcoz of these theives ,just work hard own your own if u want to be successful
ukupanga bwanji kompeya 1.7 blon ndi 5 hadz mutu ndi wa bhobho koma pamenepo mbava ndani? mukukulimbana ndioba kamodzi kusiya oba ka 5handred
Thanks man….ndiponso bakili muluzi ndiamene anarowetsa umbava wam’boma kumalawi shame kwamuthu osapotera mbava
Thanks man….ndiponso bakili muluzi ndiamene anarowetsa umbava wam’boma kumalawi shame kwamuthu osapotera mbava
hahaha!! muluzi 1.5billion, bingu 5billion eeee u gat a point broh….
hahaha!! muluzi 1.5billion, bingu 5billion eeee u gat a point broh….
Why are forgeting ur late brother’s money? Just leave Bakili Muluzi alone
palibepo mlandu apa! a ACB mukulimbana ndi mtunda wopanda H2O.
Zaziii!! Khulupiliran kut boma lamalawi ndilaumbava noone is good leaders
kulimbana nd Bakili ndi #chimidzimidzi
osalimbana ndi amene anaba 557 billion aja bwanji?…