Teenager commits suicide in Mzuzu


Upile Mtawali, an 18 year-old boy was found dead on Tuesday at Chibavi after hanging himself in his room.

The deceased was a form three student at Chibavi Community day Secondary School.

According to Mzuzu Police station deputy public relations officer Cecilia Mfune, the deceased came home at 7pm while drunk and demanded transport money from his aunt to go to his village who refused.

Death hangingHe then became angry and took a knife to stab himself but the aunt grabbed the knife and took him to his bedroom to sleep.

She went to inform the husband of the incident and upon returning they found their nephew hanging in the room.

Post-mortem results confirmed he died due to strangulation. In a related development, in the early hours of 28th April 2016, Evance Mvula, 58 years old from was found dead under a bridge at Zolozolo.

The deceased who was working for St John’s Workshop was a drunkard. According to Mzuzu police, the diseased left home on 27th April during evening hours to a drinking joint and while returning home he fell in the water after accidentally slipping on the bridge.

He was found dead under the bridge in the morning of 28 April 2016 by family members who reported to Chiputula police. After visiting the scene, police officers took the remains to Mzuzu Central Hospital and post-mortem results confirmed he died due to suffocation.

Meanwhile, Mzuzu Police have advised the general public not to cross bridges at night especially when they are drunk.

The police have further advised the general public that suicide is not a solution to stress.

“People are encouraged to visit relevant centres for counseling.  For example, at Police we have a branch called Victim Support Unit where cases of depression are reported and ably handled. Police are ready to counsel anybody in such a situation”, she advised.

Mtawali hails Mvukulani village, T/A Mwangolera in Karonga district while Mvula hails from Simion Mvula village, T/A Mbelwa in Mzimba district.