Upile Mtawali, an 18 year-old boy was found dead on Tuesday at Chibavi after hanging himself in his room.
The deceased was a form three student at Chibavi Community day Secondary School.
According to Mzuzu Police station deputy public relations officer Cecilia Mfune, the deceased came home at 7pm while drunk and demanded transport money from his aunt to go to his village who refused.
He then became angry and took a knife to stab himself but the aunt grabbed the knife and took him to his bedroom to sleep.
She went to inform the husband of the incident and upon returning they found their nephew hanging in the room.
Post-mortem results confirmed he died due to strangulation. In a related development, in the early hours of 28th April 2016, Evance Mvula, 58 years old from was found dead under a bridge at Zolozolo.
The deceased who was working for St John’s Workshop was a drunkard. According to Mzuzu police, the diseased left home on 27th April during evening hours to a drinking joint and while returning home he fell in the water after accidentally slipping on the bridge.
He was found dead under the bridge in the morning of 28 April 2016 by family members who reported to Chiputula police. After visiting the scene, police officers took the remains to Mzuzu Central Hospital and post-mortem results confirmed he died due to suffocation.
Meanwhile, Mzuzu Police have advised the general public not to cross bridges at night especially when they are drunk.
The police have further advised the general public that suicide is not a solution to stress.
“People are encouraged to visit relevant centres for counseling. For example, at Police we have a branch called Victim Support Unit where cases of depression are reported and ably handled. Police are ready to counsel anybody in such a situation”, she advised.
Mtawali hails Mvukulani village, T/A Mwangolera in Karonga district while Mvula hails from Simion Mvula village, T/A Mbelwa in Mzimba district.
Hw dare u 2 hang yourself mmene nsima ikukomeramu rest in peace
wachita bwino population ya mw yyasika zachibwana bs
Akafikila m’manja udase
As god say if you kill your self mean your son of Satan….please guys lets stop this i know life sometimes we face with difficult situations,but sometym we can survive
Atumbuka are good at commiting sucuide, nde kwaineyo sizodabwitsa ayi.
Y rushing to jahena, u don’t scared??
Eish miracle dayz
Ndichikozelo chake aliyense anamulembela ifa yake uyo yake inali yodzimagirira
Ok, wathawa kutani mwati gys? Kutota!?
Akuwopa mayexo a 2017
Refablicated life: they say that the only problem with suicide is that you don’t know whether it’s the way out or the way into trouble. If you need helpplease call my number 0995452696, I will be glad to help
I agree with u Laban.
Assistant Superintendent Dave Kusamale, asked the court to adjourn the case after he paraded two witnesses saying the remaining four could not make due to other commitments.
U boy !wat hinder was it that makes u fail to overcome it?astudent en akid to ur parents for that matter…rest in peace.
Ayende bwino tizawonana ine ndikudya mawuungu anga ndili pheee, hahaha ndiye yake.
Chingwe asah!
To b in malawi is as same as being dead ,,financial problems and politics of our leaders when in power is killing us
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.
ndibwino kumuuxa peter muthalika
Kettie Melissa Mtawali
Very good son ,upume kutota
Very good son ,upume kutota
A very courageous person; enafe ndi amantha ndi imfa.
A very courageous person; enafe ndi amantha ndi imfa.
but to kill your self, I had that its a sin to God.. so boy boy you shall see my JEHOVA’S judgment and yu wil be punished forever and ever I tell you) eish LORD help us this world is now going to the end
but to kill your self, I had that its a sin to God.. so boy boy you shall see my JEHOVA’S judgment and yu wil be punished forever and ever I tell you) eish LORD help us this world is now going to the end
This happens according to the situation ur are passing through u may take it simple but to him it was on climax no way ndi angati aife tathandiza osowa look palibe
This happens according to the situation ur are passing through u may take it simple but to him it was on climax no way
zofuna mavuto ake ati oti mpaka kuzipha akadakhala amagulitsana moyo ndikadamugura kuonjezera wangau
zofuna mavuto ake ati oti mpaka kuzipha akadakhala amagulitsana moyo ndikadamugura kuonjezera wangau
Rest In Peace
Cinavuta ndi cani. Please guyz don’t do that.
why a young boy do shurpde like that
Too bad eishh….!!!!!!!! RIP
Malamulo akuti USAPHE
A mantha sadzalowa ufumu wa Mulungu
kuweluza ndkwake namalenga koma mmm guys njila yozipha siyabwino achinyamata tichepecepese chamba ndimowa ziwanda Zamowa zatilowa ndizme z kuyambixa suicide mission
We are future leaders dont do like that.
Mpakanakudziphazachitakuvutabwanji kulephelakukambilana
My spiritual father major1 will pray for mzuzu everything is gonna b fine, I bielive in God of major1
R. I. P
We can just say much koma zonse akathana ndi mlungu wake. Rest in peace young boy
Silly People Usually Back Up Nonsense Issues.If It’s about gaining fame,i don’t think it’s a proper way of becoming widely known
The tym he was brought to the hospital was pronounced dead upon arrival. And he was 19. Anatipeza Ku emergency around 8pm
eish rest in peace
there is nothing sweeter than life,idont think somebody can explain well on how sweet is the food he never tested, nobody on earth tested death,why others choose death (RIP)
So sad indeed. Results yosamulandila Yesu kukhala mbuye ndi mpulumutsi wa moyo wathu ndi imeneyi.
Olakwa ndi man wo. Anamudyesa kondaine nkumusiyanso!
So sad indeed
analakwachani mwanayu ,anaba
Nice hell
zimangofunika kukambilana zinthuzikalakwika osat kudzipha.
RIP,I don’t have tym to blame u,but I have tym to learn something from your mistake
Aaaaaaaaa CHIWAVI, chamba ichi anawa, nanga akazimangilire wa form 3 anapita ameneyo
Eish kwenikweni ndichani gyz
kuzipha sisoluxion ma pple mukuganiza kuti akunva bwanji namalengayo plz ambuye atichitile chifundo
Anzanu akumachitadi kupita ku China kuli kufuna umoyo man! Mmmm RIP.
Kod Kuximangilira Kwangolowa Fashion
Sorry my boy for taking drastic decision you’ve left your parents and friends in great tears.RIP
Shaaa! Ndimavuto anji Unakumana nawo iwe Mtawali, Rip!
Wachita bwino population izichepa
Anachita bwino Anthu akufuna Moyo Mupaka ku Uk Chipala.
No no no,that’s not a gud solution plz,dn’t tk ua life 4 granted,l dn’t think if God,the owner of life wl feel gud wth such kind of death,l don’t think so,any way,#may-his-soul-rest-in-+nternal-peace
bro how can the soul dat has not pleased God rest in eternal peace ameneyu chilango chake ndi mavuto basi kkkkkkkk
at once i also wanted to commit sucide, thank God He gave me courage to withstand, sucide isnt a solution at all, God pliz forgive this poor soul
Tidziwanda ta suicide tavutatu 2016 yu.
But why are pipo hanging themselves almost everyday?
But this advice:
Meanwhile, Mzuzu Police have advised the general public not to cross bridges at night especially when they are drunk
What shouldthey do?
So sad, R. I. P
Mtumbuka ameneyo akaponyedwe kumoto komwe akalire ndikukuta mano.
Achimwene zikugwirizana bwanji,,,mpaka mtumbuka !!!!!!
Mai lucy nanuso uko kapena nanu ndi mtumbuka eti
#harrySatanHey you #bastard hope ur penis stinc grow ma man hw fuckn is ur head #iWonderWhy wachewa(nkhanga) boast themselves #deathIsdeath fuck u n ur motherfucker hu brought u 2 this world ov hatrade
mmmm so sad Rip
Anachita kumupha i live at chibavi now he was my neba Rip
Are you serious?? Should police contact you for further investigations.
Chifukwa chani anamumpha?
Akuziwapo kanthu ameneyo (police)
Z there any police officer nearby 2read this?
We don’t say “live at”: You could have used “IN”, tichite kutenga choko zomwezi
We don’t say “live at”: You could have used “IN”, tichite kutenga choko zomwezi
Iwe the person you are talking about is my relative ithink you can tell us more coz Ua the neighbour may be we can get full information from you at the police station
Mmmm R.I.P
Eishh RIP
thats very bad
up next is me. I dont see the meaning of life. I just bliv death is the only solution to this incomprehensible life
oky ndiye litino? ndipangiletu RIP
Panga ukuona ngat am joking… I tried it once in 2012. Ppo snatched tje tarmec i wanted to use. I tried rope but t was too weak.
Kkkkkkkkkk koma guys
umwe parrafin 2litres. RIP boy
nephta is it funny
you not serious adha, may almighty God see you through
add Christ Jesus in ur lyf and it wil become comprehensible
try it life is meaningless
Do t Nigga
ofuna kuzipha sanena man
Sammy i dont bliv in jesus existence at all. Ts like folktale to me
R.I.P boy, I know u, you don’t joke
Evelyn i dont joke indeed
Rest in peace in advance buddy, pliz do it now now
So what are u waiting for ? Harry up
Rest in peace in advance ayse. tapanga zimwezo
RIP my friend, koma uzatiziwise za sikulo
R.I.P bale tzakusowa ngt grece chnga
Ok guys. Thats gud
Mutiitaniletu kumwambo wamalilo anuo man
Mudyeretu za chipepeso man
Koma mbale wanga chifukwa chiani mukutero? ndikuyesa kuti ndiwe mnyamata womwe ali ndi kutsogolo. une zabwino bwino zomwe uli nazo ndipo uyambekugwiritsa nchito mpatso …….. tiene mukwetse nkope ndipo mwetulira..
Don’t do it man ,try to talk to a social worker n see how they can help you, your frnds n family still need you
R.I.P brother
As a man thinketh so is He
As a man thinketh so is He
uchita bho undpase mpata kwa ma hope anga amene chili chibwezi chako.
About love.. Gals are useless. I dont care. Why u ppo afraid of dying? Do u kno wat typ of life do tje dead lead?
chitsilu chimati kunja kulibe mulungu
chitsilu chimati kunja kulibe mulungu
muyende bhoo man
muyende bhoo man
muyende bhoo man
umakwana aise.. Njira ndiyomweyo basi!
Yesss dead do lead better lifei tell u
Ok pythone
y u stil alyv mpakana 2dy? Tafani amwene..mwatinyasa kokwanira apa
RIP young boy