Girl’s Empowerment Network has urged parents to encourage their daughters to use contraceptives.
In Malawi a lot of young girls indulge in premarital sex due to poverty which also drives them into prostitution and problematic relationships with older men.
According to project coordinator for Girls Empowerment Network Tassil Chipofya parents need to be involved in the fight to end premarital sex and early pregnancies.
“We are making strides to end early pregnancies by incorporating parents and girls on family planning issues,” said Chipofya.
She added that involving parents will help a lot as they will be the ones to encourage the girls to use family planning methods hence avoiding early pregnancies.
According to Chipofya, when they were involving girls only, they did not produce positive results since teenagers fear their parents will find out that they are using birth control methods.
Most of these Networks are a product of stray humans. Why have today’s leaders become so idious as if they grew with these distructive rights. You see that what you call rights are breeding dump & no rights made you a better person.
Most of these Networks are a product of stray humans. Why have today’s leaders become so idious as if they grew with these distructive rights. You see that what you call rights are breeding dump & no rights made you a better person.
dziko likuthadi eti ife at 18 we didn’t even know kuti women on earth use contraceptive…. God forbid
dziko likuthadi eti ife at 18 we didn’t even know kuti women on earth use contraceptive…. God forbid
That is the stupidest thing i have eva herd
Evil plans
Thus encouraging them to be free in sexual activities cos they wont take unwanted pregnancies but mind u HIV is there for them.
Thus encouraging them to be free in sexual activities cos they wont take unwanted pregnancies but mind u HIV is there for them.
Thats stupid and I hope anthu onse akabungweka alibe akazi, mitu yosagwirayo #shupiti zanu#
Mpingo wanga umakana zautsiluzo berekanani ndipo chulukanani ngati Mchenga
Iiii! Uzikamuuza mwana wobereka wekha zautsiruzo iyaaa! Kumulimbikitsa chigololo kuti azipanga mimba satenga koma kachilombo NDE atenge muzikwera ndege waku miting ndalama zimbirimbiri utsiru eti
Dis z nosense, where z our country heading to ?
falisani kachiromboko mimba apewa ,zogonana akhalà ndi expart!!
kubwezelesa ntaka mumati tizale mitengo koma kumbali ya ana athu mwati tibvomeleze kuti azilera, mwalepera pamodzi ndi yemwe wakutumani
What?Give me a second!!Let the one who started it to start with his or her daughters for 5 yrs, then we’ll take it from there.
Lets ask god 2 open dair eyes so dat shld see where malawi iz going to.Wat them says iz 2 promote sexual harrasment among youth.Mufuna akatenga edzi mudzikapanga seminal ku mangoc,mwapatsa ana nsomba zaminga zikawabaya mudziti samadya bwinoo? Zitsiru
Mukufuna ena asadzabereke? ma contraceptive amenewa amawononga mchocho ife makolo takana.
Abomination God says we must multiply .remember what happened to son of Judah after he spill the semen in the ground.
kubwindana kosayamba
Ntchiwemi wasambizgike chifukwa wana sono wakumanya uzaghali apowachali wachoko .Mupapi ndiye Chiuta wapabanja ntheula nkhupemphako kuti titolepo luwande pa sachizgo ili.
I support the proposed issue for its safe to do so .For instance girls hide from us all their bad deeds but pregnancy can’t be hidden
Thats Stupid Idea, NGO’s You Are The One And Most Encourages Of Prostution In This Country,why?,@ 52 Still Doing Stupid Things,mumasangalala Achinyamata Akamafa Chifukwa Zimenezo,ndiye Kuti Zanu Zikuyenda,AGALU INU
What a stupid advice!!!
kkkkkkkkkkk koma abale,Nora mtawali waganiza bwanji pamenepa? iwe usandisekese.
Kukhala Kumangogawana ma Edzi!
anawa nde azpanga madala mafo kkkkkkk
Maayooo mw where r u going?hw can some1 use contraceptive methods while she iz not married?ur encouraging premarital sex now,fake you,sitilora,
Living in dangerous time, only those who seek GOD’s guidance in there daily activities are going to survive.
It just shows ur stupidity coz kuli ngat kukozera kut ngat aku user akhoza kuchita chilichomse momasuka osawauza makolo kut awaphunzitse ana awo kupemphera bwanj? Muganizenso mwamva !
STUPID!! Ukabeleke mwana wako uzikamuuza za zimenezo.Pano azimayi akuvutika ndi cervical cancer bcoz of those contraceptives.I can prophecy that all pipo in this NGO are prostitutes.Vindere vyakumalilapo
Koma nde simukwaganiziratu anawa mpaka kulera tsono nanga matenda mwapatsaso zotetezera
What are you encouraging now? I don’t think it’s a good idea plse try to come with another solution don’t jst copy from other countries, u have to think on ur own, eish i can’t allow this stupid idea.
Condim yatha fashion akupewa mimba kufuna matenda STUPID PARENTS
malawi @ 51, kkkkk
Oooo!mwaona kuti aids yayamba kucepa ndiye mukufuna ana athu atenge matendawa kwa anthu akuluakulu kuti kenako muzipempha mathandizo kumabungwe anthu woipa inu kwambiri afisi,agalu,acule ndipo mwadyazo mudzalangidwanazo musanafe pasi pompano conde lapani nthawi isasnathe.
Teen aged as de fortfied foods have got de potential 2 tamper with our genotype(Genes) its oky 4 de parents 2 have let dat contraceptives 2 their daughters. De world iz going digital as this ladies r going too. Kkkkkkkkkk!
Zoona!… pretending as if dey rhelping deep inside dey knw kut dey r carrying a huge # of doz teenages to d graveyard….zimacontraceptive zawozo ndimapoison achabechabe…,GOD must 4gv dem!!!!!
Tizit chan amalawi dziko lavay bxi
kodi amalawi ndi uchitsiru kapena chani, muzifutsa azunguwo amapanga zimenezi n they use africa as there waste land
nde zichani!!!…nosense!!!!
anthu amenewa apenga sakudziwa zionjezera mavuto pa malawi.kuchulukitsa bajeti ya boma pa zaumoyo chifukwa cha zomwe zibweretsedwe ndi zimenezi.kuchulukilabe kwa edzi kodi akufuna malawi akhale ngati joni kapena botswana pa popleshoni ya edzi.kusokonekera kwa chikhalidwe ndi mabanja.kufa kwa anthu osadyerera dziko lao ndi zina zambiri.amenewa tingoti azungulira mutu.amalawi tichenjere nao amabungwe poti sionse ofunira malawi zabwino ndi zimenezotu.ufulu ufulu bwino nao.
Tamzy Sawerengera, Chiletso Kanyatula-Lungu
Hahahhaa kodi
Mwalakhula bwana mumatha
ndiye mphunzitsi ndi mwana akasankha njira yolera ya condom mukutinso 14years malawi sudzatheka iwe
God must help us all, nde atsikana akhalaso atsikana? Ndekuti tikuwalimbikitsa maphuziro or chiwerewere anawo? Koma dziko lafikadi kumalecheleche ndithu, Eeee koma, God must intervene patokha sitikwanitsa, koma akutipezelera mmmmmmm
koma timabungwe tomato inu!
so i gues u wud rather our young girls get early pregnancies and become mothers and then wat?no education thn poverty….amalawi open ur eyes anzanga its js kulera damnit!
Stupid organizations. They should be banned in Malawi
Mbuzi za makolo amene akuchita bzness ndi ana awo ndi amene angasangalare ndi nyasi zanuzo.
Let the dead bury their dead….In the devil’s kingdom, the devil, the devil has all the powers to decide. You can make the loudest noise but the final decision in the world of darkness lies in the Devil’s hands.
The fear of God is the biggining of knwledge.My people are perishing due to luck of knwledge.
As the reaserch has shown in Balaka that 5,000 Girls get pregnant per Month, i think it is tym for other girls in all regions to start using these contraceptives, this will help to control unwanted preg. Girls of nowdays are uncontrolable!!!
Koma Norah kkkkkk wandifika
Kwinaku ndikusaganizila miyoyo ya anafe,nchifukwa chake mibadwe yathu tikumafa msanga tisakwanitse zaka 50 kamba kosowa uphungu wabwino.Tiphunzitseni njila zabwino zolongosoka ndipo zothandiza osati zitombolilozo,kodi amalawi tikufelanji tidakali akhanda?.Osayiwala kuti edzi ilipobe mpaka kale-kale,ndipo onse akufa ndi edzi lelowa adaitenga kamba ka okondedwa awo.Chiwele-wele ndi m’dula moyo abale!!!
It’s satan on the loose, Pano nyansi zonse zakale they have turned into edible. The signs of the end of time.
Wake up Malawi….where are you going??…are you encouraging sexual intercourse among the Youths??…..God,please open your eyes….forgive us,and ofcourse do not let this happen
Youth will have sexual relations when they want and with whom they want.That is nature’s way.Telling them not to have sex won’t stop anyone.It is better they are informed of all the dangers so they can appreciate all the benefits.
Abstinence and religion have no place or purpose in sex-education.
nzonse mchabe,malo mowalimbikitsa kuwopa mulungu kupewa tchimo ndiye mukuwapatsa njira zopewera mimba,kd simudziwa kt akapewa tchimo ndiye kt apewa zonse,mimba,matenda,ndizonse zowononga moyo.
Fascinating how most comments above display the hypocrisy and the denial in which Malawians are living. Face life head-on, bitches. Take up the pills and save the country from overpopulation that comes through your overcopulation.
Oh that rhymed 🙂
kkkkkkkk malawi wa lero. nde mwati contraceptive =injection. mmmmmmm NO. Nde mwati zibelekero zipsyelera ndi use of condom as a contraceptive method. .. uuuuuh educate me moooo
Ka H I V kasangala nayokwambiri mfundoyo coz anthu ambiri amavalamakondomu kuopa mimba zosakonzekera than kuopa HIV
Ana asikana angopanga uhule basi std 8 7 6 kumapezeka kucipinda ca mwamuna aaaaaaaaaa
No matter wat it takes but #girls / #women empowerment its a satanism mission.
Mwasowa nazo kopita zanuzo chani
Koma mabungwe ena mtsogoleri wake ndi Satana kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
Malabishi mesa sazitenga mimba what about matenda? Chamba basi
Dziko lija lathapo basi
akamazafika msinkhu wa m’banja atauma kukanika kubeleka zotupa mzibelekero thoooo
Ok? Using contraceptives? Meaning that u encourage them to have sex anyhow? Instead of telling them to stop sex? Mmaso mwa ambuyanu ndithu, mituyo mumangonyamula koma mopanda kanthu eti? Mxiew
Ali ndi ma master’s enawo PhD. Koma kuganiza ngati makoswe or abuluzi
Fuck u GEN! U ARE APUSS contraceptives? 4 wat? Now u promoting prostetution, fulls! Munthu azilera chan ali single? Uhule bas u all dead minded & wat will be our benefit. Nosense!
Let us wait and see
Masiku ano nde kaya sopano
Everything is getting out of control. The young ones will be at highest level of the STI’s and HIV in few years to come.
Hehehe!!!!!! Malawi wanga kufa kulipo,kusabeleka kuliposo ndithu
Ndinu agalu enieni chifukwa panopa mukulimbikisa ana kumapanga uhulewo. You are mi than stupid
So now young girls are being promoted to have unprotected sex! i see…… mmmmmm mavuto alipo.
Shame… Mudzafa infa yowawa
Barcelona 1_2 Ronaldooo
That’s equally encouraging them to indulge in promiscuous behaviour
I call it stupit but rather madness coz yu r promoting anawa kut azikhala nd confidence yomamenya mpira opanda ma boot, ndinu zitsiru za anthu osaganixira komwe dzko likupta, yu thnk kut matenda tithana nawo bwanj? Arrrrrrrrrh
No wonder atsikana ambiri sakubereka, their bodies have been poisoned
Stupid mwapezaso njila ina yosakila makobidi tell you daughters
Is not gonna work unless we pray God alot
I guess it should be said that, teens should be told the negative effects of sex. All this is encouraging bad behaviours. these teens won’t work hard at school n they will end up being in great poverty. If you don’t know what these whites are after then Malawi will be in great poverty. They know that these teens will forget about contaceptives n will end up getting pregnant, their by dropping out of school. the guy will be forced to do so. The gap between the poor n the rich will increase. Just put in a way that these youth should attend school. But you will hear in a radio saying that wachinyamata ozindikila amagwritsa ntchito condom,, that’s a sgame,, why can’t you hit the main point,, tell these youth not to engage in early sex,,,,, I guess I have made myself clear
I want to give a testimony on how I get cured from HIV/AIDS. As I was browsing through the internet on how to get cured, I saw a lady testimony praising DR Williams I never believe it before until I tried it and it really work for me am very happy right now may God bless him. this is an opportunity for you to get cured contact him via [email protected]….. and also you can contact on whatsapp number +2348143143878 THESE ARE THE DISEASE Dr.DR WILLIAMS CAN CURED. HERPES. HIV/AIDS. CANCER. LOVE SPELL VIRUS.
A Malawi lets put God first. U call names things which can enlight you and you accept things which can destroy and take you to hell. You mean we should tell kids to fornicate provided they use contraceptives. Koma umphawi siwabwino olo munthu atakuuza kuti ujambule chiphwisi ndikupatsa ndalama mpaka utalimbana nacho kujambula.kkkkkk
Kkkk kkkkkkk poverty z a disease
apa wayowoya mwana wakwithu
Nadi Snart ukavu nkhanthu.kkkkkkk
Winawu ndiuchitsilu wachuluka,kupanda nzelu kwachuluka
Kikkkkkkkj ase wandisekesa mpaka ku jambula chipwisi
Kkkkkkk inde Clement umphawi utavuta.
Hehehe!,Kma Norah!!
Kkkkk de last des ccta
Hehehehehe ndaseka nawo ine…yaaa last days neeh kkkkkkkkk mamamaama Malawi ine
kkkkkkkkkk kma uphawi mmmmmm
Ndi mavuto umphawiwu Chicco.kkkk
Kkkkkk, si malaulo amenewo? Nkataye nthawi yanga kumauza ana anga zopusa? Shame.
we boys w @ risk alot i gues by this thing these nowadays girls av been given a go ahead in multiple sex relationships coz they wl only be aware of pregnancies not these infections,why not introducing strong population policies if its their aim is to reduce population?
kulimbikitsa mchitidwe ogonana haha
How can a teenager who knows nothing about all these manage to use such measures? That’s total no sense.
Use of contraceptive have side effect…much to those who havent yet have achild…you wl disturb ur systm,Dnt complain when u fail to get preg
Achinyamata boma lakukanikani pangan zomwe mungathe
World is changing, what we used to teach our kids those days back can no longer work anymore, lets accept the challange world is facing, we cant keep on tell them to abstain or use condom anymore, if so they will need to try to do and try without condom as a result they will get unwanted pregnancy
what abt HIV-AIDS n other transmitted diseases…do u knw that this contraceptives they hav a very bad effect to a lady so as young as teen,continuous bleeding n they will not b able to have a child then they r mature coz akhala kuti system yonse yaphyelera so think of tmrw…..abstain is the solution so that they can focus on education..
Having a faithful partner thats what it need, boys and girls have been taught to abstain frm sexual intercose tell me how many nowdays are able to abstain? Its time now to tell malawians the only that help, children of todays are able to have sex while they are in standard 4,5,6 so even telln them to abstain its like u are telling them to do sexual intercose
Sammy come to think of what Jessica is saying,w@ if its your own daughter.Don’t just support ndizopusa zomwe ndi nyasi zimenezo,God says no to sex outside marriage however let it be known kuti aliyense amakolora zomwe amadzala if our kids don’t listen they will be held responsible akatenga mimba.Refrain from evil & fear God,thanks.
Don’t despise the truth,they willingly follow their hearts desires koma they can’t deny the results cos lyf is all abt choices.
bt this people they r failing to come up with something solid that can help the youth….if they will b encouraged to use this things that means 1gal will have 10boyfriends n the boys will do the same so 2 of them will hav HIV what will happen to rest that means the future generation will b disaster n no babies coz their system will b already damaged…..most of the ladies these days r failing to concive bcoz of that
then if this way has a side effect, Government has to put another way apart frm abstain, if u tell me about abstain only iwill not accept that coz so many youngstars are failing to do so, its different with our time when H.I.V was only a fearful deadly disease which everyone was afraid of, nowadays H.I.V its like a life style telln them to have a faithful ones to those they cnt abstain,
Go to current research papers and check the effects of contraceptive. Worst technology
abale anga, ndi ana angat akumafika 18 yrs ali ma virgins? and y? think of u wamkaziwe, unafika 20 yrs uli virgin? and ask yoself y,
I hope and bliv condomz r also part of maleledwe, mwana wa zaka 16-20 kumuuza kut kugonana mwakut mwakut kawiri kawiri samamva coz amakhala kut ma hormones ake ali pa hyper , nde kwaine akabwera kut akufuna akufuna kulela ndimupasa kma ndimuuza kuyipa kwake asakhe yekha
All these uppermost measures ends up encouraging sex which may result to the outbreak of HIV and AIDS.
hahaha now they know they’ve failed..
Wat 4???
Give then to your own teen.
first it was abstain, then use a condom, now use contraceptives, kenako it will be. . Malawian teens urged to bear less than three children
Kenako ibwera ya DO or DIE