Malawi’s President Peter Mutharika’s plan to construct a new stadium in Blantyre has been received with mixed reactions by the Malawi football fraternity.
The president on Friday during the official opening of the upgraded Masauko Chipembere highway unveiled a plan to construct a magnificent stadium in the commercial city of Blantyre as one way of changing the city’s face.
However, the news has been received with mixed reactions by Malawians considering the hard times Malawi is currently facing.
Commenting on Malawi24 Facebook page, some readers urged the Mutharika administration to first focus on the hardships which are currently being faced by Malawians.
“Mr President much as we appreciate the need for the new stadium in BT I feel your announcements this time should concentrate on food and medicine; your people are hungry, losing hope and it’s time to first curb the challenges the country is facing rather than the stadium thing,” said Maxwell Kamiza.

Sivo Chamhanya Gondwe concurred with Kamiza and said the president should focus on issues which are hitting Malawians hard such as making sure that hospitals have adequate medicines rather that building a stadium.
Others however welcomed the development saying government can not only concentrate on hunger considering that the country has different needs that have to be addressed.
“I do not understand some people’s way of thinking, yes there is hunger in Malawi, but do you think the president must despise other portfolios in his cabinet and only focus on hunger issues?,” said Patrick Mbirizi.
He added that the president was only speaking about government plans and this does not mean that the stadium will be constructed tomorrow.
Gud idea …but how l wish ataganiza zomanga Stadium Ku North Malawi… a better one than Only Lilongwe en Blantyre… Plz North is also in Malawi!!!!
Gud idea …but how l wish ataganiza zomanga Stadium Ku North Malawi… a better one than Only Lilongwe en Blantyre… Plz North is also in Malawi!!!!
There will always be problems in the country moreover the funds will be outsourced. A new stadium in Blantyre is a good development. Blantyre remains main commercial and industrial site
There will always be problems in the country moreover the funds will be outsourced. A new stadium in Blantyre is a good development. Blantyre remains main commercial and industrial site
Kwaomwe amazitsata iyi sinjala yoyamba dzikomuno, taonapo njala siyi yoti ukamayenda musewu osaono diso la chimanga, musiyeni munthu nayenso apange chinthu choti tinzakumbukile. Kodi munthu ukakhala ndinjala ndiye kuti ntchito zonse usiye pakhomo ndikumakangoyang’a chakudya
Driver maso kutsogolo oyenda pansi phokoso too much. Rule this country. Ife tikufuna development minded people osati mamina enawa.
Wat bout hunger mr president?
You broot of vampires, everything gets mixed reaction, to hell with them.
Misplaced priorities
Sometimes Iwonder,politicians are very confident people,they can say what ever comes to their mind as if there is no tomorrow,as he will use money from his pocket yet its our taxes,in actual sense it’s us building and constracting all these influstractures,yet they take all the credit,these people are so clever
Koma amalawi lets learn to b hard working, relying on government will not help us,for how many days can food supplied by the government help us????? Lets utilize the lake and other rivers to end our poverty.Remember not all farm produce requires fertilizer.
Koma amalawi lets learn to b hard working, relying on government will not help us,for how many days can food supplied by the government help us????? Lets utilize the lake and other rivers to end our poverty.Remember not all farm produce requires fertilizer.
Kozani bwana sikukwanila pastadium yamalawi
Hello my name is Lizzy Joe, I want to give a testimony about my HIV virus that was cured by a great spell caster. Since last 16 years I have being a HIV positive patient. I never think I we live long again and am so grateful to Dr Greg Carlos who help me cured my HIV virus last 3 weeks. I was in a great pain so I told one of my best friends about my situation; she told me that there is a great spell caster that can cure my VIRUS. I asked her if she had his contact, she gave me his email and phone number, I emailed him and he talked to me and he perform the necessary things and he told me that after 14 days, I should go for a test. Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now a HIV negative I couldn’t believe myself I went to see another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet earth, so i contacted him and thanked him for is good work. Please if you are having a similar problem please visit him or contact him at: [email protected] or whatsApp: +2348146867873… ALL THANKS TO Dr Greg Carlos.
Mwatelo munthu wankulu kawimga
Mwatelo munthu wankulu kawimga
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: [email protected] or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: [email protected] AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS..
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: [email protected] or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: [email protected] AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS..
ma mp akwanu ali busy kupanga za ndale kufuna kulanda boma mwa upandu akuthetselani bwanji njala mubwere ku zomba chimanga lololo anthu akulephela kugula chifukwa cha khobidi not kuxowa kwa mmera osamangotukwana or inuyo atati akupatsani udindo wa utsogoleri mungathetse njala inu mmene mukuonekela inu anthu otukwana inu ?
mmmmm this is too much kwathu kuno sikuti mpira udafika poti zichita kukhala ndi zima stadium mbweee ayi tili ndi mavuto ochuluka zedi .kod tikukalemekeza ministry of sports > ministry of agriculture kulibwhino ? nanga ministry of healthy mankhwala akupeza zipatalamu .osayiwalaso minister of education zose mudamalia bcz munthu zangapite ku mpira akudwala ,asanadye komaso munthu sangakhare player odalilika ngati sanapite kusukulu. please may you consider these main 3 ministries .
Kod boma la APM likuzipop chitukuko chomwe akuima nacho pa platform kumanena kut tamanga ndichiti coz JB program yomanga chipemphere High away adalinayo kale, APM musamatiyese plz
Kikikikikiki a President anga amenewo! ndidavotera ndekha! Koma ku Blantyreko ayi,nabola mumange ku Thyolo kwa Ngolongoliwa. DPP woyeeeeeeeeeee!!!
I dont take any point 4m u head leader NOTHING WORK think abt gradutes who wish to be employed coz tho any’re looks 4 “experience” bwanji think of removing this act @ ve same tym think hw can MLAWIAZ access food & drugs. Kaya utani coz okuthandiza (BUSHIRI) ndiuja u claimed kuti akufuna upurezdent while he doesnt dream that………..!!! U r really a failure & brutal president thus y ukulimbana ndi a MCP opanda chifukwa….Mmmm! sorry 4 ur leadership system??????????
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life, this is what i caused myself, for allowing my fiance make sex to me unsecured without protection, although i never knew he is HIV positive. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the traditional healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: [email protected] or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: [email protected] AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS…
Akufafa ndi Mr Ibu bwanji….
Azipani zotsusa ziba lirani choncho, munabesa nokha ma voti anu! Ine ndiye ndilibe naye problem bcoz ndinavota nditakhuta pomwe enanu mumakavota muli ndi m’dima m’maso nalo njala.
stadium will not help to change our lives as needy people.Mr preside some times you must think as an educated man. how can we play foot ball while our stomaches are flat? you advanced in age that’s why you’r thinking like a glasshopper
anthu otsutsa munazolowera kutsutsa zili zonse ndi chitukuko chomwe cha dziko lanu? Mukufuna presedent azimudyetsa ali yense pa khomo pake? Aliyense akuyenera kukhetsa thukuta kuti apeze chomwe akufuna osati kumakhala ndi moyo odalira
mavuto sadzatha inu mulekeni amange stadium anthu tizikasangalala kuiwala mavuto.
MUSANAGONE TAMVANIKO IZI;- *True Story* Panali mkulu wina yemwe anali mkukhala m’dziko lina lachilendo,Komano ngakhale zinali chonchi Mkuluyu analibe zitupa zina zomuyenereza kukhala M’dzikomo,Tsiku lina mkuluyu anapita kuntchito,ndipo nthawi itakwana yowerukira nkhuluyu anangoona bwana akubwera ndikumuuza kuti;akuyenera kugwira “Overtime” kwa “30min” potengera ndi M’mene ntchito inaliri,Apa mkuluyu zinamunyasa zedi potengera ndim’mene anatopera tsikuli,,Monyinyirikabe anagwira ntchito ndikumaliza,Ndipo ataweruka ndikufika kunyumba kwake anadabwa azinzake ambiri kulibe,ndipo atafufuza anauzidwa kuti posachedwapa kunabwera a”Home affairs” ndipo agwira anthu onse omwe analibe zitupa zowayeneraza kukhala m’dzikomo,,Apa mkuluyu anayamika Ambuye,,;..; MUKUDZIWA INU;-Umu ndi Mmene AMBUYE MULUNGU Amachitira,Amalola nyengo zina kuti zitifikire ndicholinga chofuna kutitetezera ku nyengo zina zowawitsa,Ndipo khulupirirani kuti MULUNGU ndiwadongosolo ndipo Sadzalola kuti ana ake tigwe M’mavuto Opitirira Msinkhu wathu,,Kotero tiyeni tikhulupirire MULUNGU nthawi zonse ngakhale titakumana ndi nyengo zowawitsa pakuti Iye adzativuulamo,,,,AMBUYE;Akudalatseni,akusamalireni munyengo zosiyanasina USIKU WABWINO. Amen.
Whatever this guy smokes is very dangerous.
Remember am not a politician, I’m just a son of Malawi
I don’t think when we keep talking about hunger things will change in this country, build this stadium so that our children will point that we have nic stadiums in this country,. Hunger is our song in this country of Malawi not from u only that people must say today, u are faling! No we are falling our self to take care of our family not president coz we are lazy, all those country that are rich there is some resources like gold n diamond, that are making them richer look at us we don’t have any single of resources that can bring more money and help our country,( a president need help from donors and us we need help from our president? ) Let’s work hard, build for us that stadium may little by little our country can be improved
Sorry I’m not here for competition, I don’t think if u are hard working u can go for this problem of hunger, let’s work hard guys then a government can inspire u n me on other things that we can’t manage to do it on our self like free hospital medicine, free primary education and also to build rural hospitals in rural areas where there is luck of transportation to go to central hospitals
Mr president, I hope u have a gud idea of reconstructe a good stadium in bt, this stories about hunger it was before u, even the tym of Mr kamuzu, Bakili and Bingu, and also even before Kamuzu the life president him self in 1949 it was there, and I don’t think that us we will submit ur job well done when we are out of government, Mr president can u build for us this urgly towns we have and also can u maintain this poor roads that we have all over around the our country plz
happy to hear that. pangani zolozekazo, komano mbali inainso muione tikuvutika2,
hope we cn nw c the reason to agree with leaders of opposition for the president to resign.
Kkkk nkhope ngati kuthako pliz hahaha!!
Kulimba mtima? Kuba kumeneku ??
Osayamba inuyo kuyithetsa njalayo nukha bwanji m’makomo mwanumo??? Mankhwala mwati akusowa muzipatala yet mukadwala mumakagula mavenda mu nsewu osapita kuchipatala, pamenepo akulimbikitsa kusowa mankhwala mu zipatala za boma ndi ndani??? stop buying medicines from the streets.
why n hw r the drugs found in streets nt in publc hospto?
I think u stay in the bush somewhere where I can’t mention. Come out from that dark side and see urself.
Mankhwala ngati akupezeka ku South Africa!! Ndiye. Amakagulitsa kumeneko ndi Peter Muthalika?? Ndi anthu tomwefe amene timati Boma ndi anthu, ndiye ngati kuli ku blema. Tiyenera kuziblema tokha bcoz tikulephala patokha .
“chitetezo kulibe” had it been that we hav enough security in our country,we couldn’t see corruptions in different hospitals. That means there is no security in public hospitals and the president and doctors are to be blamed
If u think there is no security then just join Police. Amene ayenera to be blamed is de one who buys bcoz if u can’t buy it he is nt going to steal again. Boma ndi anthu ndiye anthu tokha tikulephera, chomwe mukudziwa ndikupanga ana kukada basi usiku mudzinya nawonso kuwalera then muziloza munthu chala kuti akulephela yet u have ten children while u don’t have anything to feed them.
Mukuyankhula ngati sinzika ya malawi. Kodi vendor akapezeka ndi mankwala ndiye kuti kuchipatala mankhwala alikonso? Mesa odwala amachita kuwuzidwa kuti akagule mankhwala chifukwa choti kulibeko ku chipatalako. Kodi ndi anthu onse amene angalowe ntchito ya polisi? Mukukutanthawuza kuti mumalawi wina aliyense akalowe nthito ya polisi ndi cholinga choti chitetezo chikhalepo? I dont understand ur logic Mr. Saukira.
MR Nyondo, kuchipatala amati mukagule ku pharmacy osati mu nsewu, inuyo koma mumapita mu nsewu. Apolisi amagwira ntchito koma pawokha sangakwanitse, that’s why kuli community police m’madelamu. Mtsogoleri ntchito yake ndikutilondelera njira yoyenera, koma ngati ife anthu eni sitikufuna njira yoyenera inu mukuganiza kuti zithu ziyenda? Tikamakumana ndi mavuto mmoyo mwathu nthawi zambiri mavutowo gwero ndife eni.
Its agood plain;but you must also think about roads and other neccessary things.
Dpp motomoto
Munthu alibe pabwino, Mukuganiza kuti ma plan ose akhazikike pa njala Basi??? Njala ikatha mupeza china choti sakukwanitsaso….kodi atati aku manga lero ndiwanthu angati angapeze ntchito…Tiyeni tizikhala wokhazikika Mmaganizo wosamangotukwana Poti mukudana naye Mtsogoleri wanu.
This is astupit present Mugabe can be better than him,shit.
This is astupit present Mugabe can be better than him,shit.
Pokhalila pake peter ndi kabinet yake ndi mafolowers ake.
Pokhalila pake peter ndi kabinet yake ndi mafolowers ake.
Chiziwitso chapadera abale ndi alongo.kwabwera lunso lina latsopano kwa anthu akuba ndi mfuti komanso akuba magalimoto munjira yolanda.akubawa akumatolera ma units card ogwirisidwa kale ntchito.Zomwe akuchita akabamuja pamalo pamene amaberapo akumatayapo ma units ogwirisidwa kale ntchito aja pomwepo.Ngakhale akapha muthu akubawa pomwe aponya thupi lamuthuyo akutayiraponso maunitsiwa ogwirisidwa ntchito kalewa.Ndicholinga choti asawagwire.Apolice akafika pamalopa akapeza ma card ama unitsiwa akumanganiza kuti ndi athu akubawo amayika mumafoni mwawo.Zosatira zake apolisi akumatenga siriyo number ya pa card paja kuti aziwe ndi phone number yandani amalowetsa maunitsiwa.Tikunena pano athu awiri amangidwa ndikhanizi koma osalakwa.chofunika mukatha ku lowesa ma units muzing’amba ka card ko kupewa zoterezi.Auzeni abale anu za uthengawu zikomo.
Tamva abro,
koma president wanzelu ngati uyu sazapezekanso,,,akuposa ma president onse anali m’mbuyomu
koma president wanzelu ngati uyu sazapezekanso,,,akuposa ma president onse anali m’mbuyomu
amalawi nkhani ndi umbuli ndiye wakula, kodi mukanena zamankhwala mmayesa mumachita kuabamo ndikumagulitsa? tapitani mmisika mukaone mankhwala mmene akugulitsidwira. pamenepo bvuto ndi ndani? mankhwala amakhalamo mzipatala koma vuto ndiogwira ntchito mzipatalamo. chimene ndaona ine boma lizipereka ndalama mzipatala za mission kapena ma private kuti azithandiza anthu ovutikawo, kusiyana kuti azigula mankhwala azibedwamonso. mukanena za njala ndi nyengo zake,inu kodi inu achakwera mukatenga dzikoli tonse tidzatenga mapoto tidzikadya kunyumba kwanu? munasiya zamulungu kuti muzisokonoze dzikoli? anzanu amasiya za mdziko kuyamba kutumikira mulungu, inu musiya kutumikira mulungu kuyamba za mdziko . shame on u! ngakhale mulungu sangakondwere nanu.
amalawi nkhani ndi umbuli ndiye wakula, kodi mukanena zamankhwala mmayesa mumachita kuabamo ndikumagulitsa? tapitani mmisika mukaone mankhwala mmene akugulitsidwira. pamenepo bvuto ndi ndani? mankhwala amakhalamo mzipatala koma vuto ndiogwira ntchito mzipatalamo. chimene ndaona ine boma lizipereka ndalama mzipatala za mission kapena ma private kuti azithandiza anthu ovutikawo, kusiyana kuti azigula mankhwala azibedwamonso. mukanena za njala ndi nyengo zake,inu kodi inu achakwera mukatenga dzikoli tonse tidzatenga mapoto tidzikadya kunyumba kwanu? munasiya zamulungu kuti muzisokonoze dzikoli? anzanu amasiya za mdziko kuyamba kutumikira mulungu, inu musiya kutumikira mulungu kuyamba za mdziko . shame on u! ngakhale mulungu sangakondwere nanu.
Wait until hunger iz finished in malawi and jst take those money and buy maize simple, secure ,instant kkk
Wait until hunger iz finished in malawi and jst take those money and buy maize simple, secure ,instant kkk
Wait until hunger iz finished in malawi and jst take those money and buy maize simple, secure ,instant kkk
Wait until hunger iz finished in malawi and jst take those money and buy maize simple, secure ,instant kkk
Uthane ndi njala kaye osati zimenezo mapuleya sangathamange popanda chakudya
Uthane ndi njala kaye osati zimenezo mapuleya sangathamange popanda chakudya
wy can’t gvt first thnk of constructing Mzuzu stadium. kod developmnt basi BT pang’ono LL. Mzuzu ayi? I’m from LL,but ithnk these leaders sakuganiza. Kod stadium can save face wat abt potholes in Lilongwe. Ucant see that most visitors come to LL 1st before BT. And ena sapitaso kuBT. Wy can’t priotise saving face of Mw by making LL look nice wt nice roads,carpark,building. Abt Stadium ganizirani za Mzuzu. Anthu okondela inu. Mmmmmh,and it that gvt can tel the pipo,umphawi onse uli paMalawi?
wy can’t gvt first thnk of constructing Mzuzu stadium. kod developmnt basi BT pang’ono LL. Mzuzu ayi? I’m from LL,but ithnk these leaders sakuganiza. Kod stadium can save face wat abt potholes in Lilongwe. Ucant see that most visitors come to LL 1st before BT. And ena sapitaso kuBT. Wy can’t priotise saving face of Mw by making LL look nice wt nice roads,carpark,building. Abt Stadium ganizirani za Mzuzu. Anthu okondela inu. Mmmmmh,and it that gvt can tel the pipo,umphawi onse uli paMalawi?
Umaganiza I respect u
Development comes first from the capital city
Wina aliyense akamati am going to Malawi koyambilira kumakhala ku capital city
Amange yake
Amange yake
Amalawi mudzatseguka m’maso time will come, believe me this is another plan of syphoning ou taxes… Anyway, my concern is that even if he’s just saying but why cnt he say anything about food, medicines or taxi reduce?
Amalawi mudzatseguka m’maso time will come, believe me this is another plan of syphoning ou taxes… Anyway, my concern is that even if he’s just saying but why cnt he say anything about food, medicines or taxi reduce?
The answer to these political issues is Feudalism government!!!
No reader can just wake up and say anything without the concert if development committees!he is trying to buy symphathy!!because 2019 is hozah
The answer to these political issues is Feudalism government!!!
No reader can just wake up and say anything without the concert if development committees!he is trying to buy symphathy!!because 2019 is hozah
Ndikangofa ndi njala chacha chino uwona,ndikufuna chimanga
Ndikangofa ndi njala chacha chino uwona,ndikufuna chimanga
Pakhomo panu pali njala mnyamata wamphamvu ngati iwe?kupusa. Mutengane ndi abale ako mukayambe kulima mmadimba.Busy kudambwe basi? zitsiru .
Inu sangakwanitse awa. Tisayembekezele kuti stadium ya kulilongwe ayitsekulila pompano tikunama, cholinga chao ndikufuna kuti adzatsakulile 2018 adzachitilepo campaign munditsimikiza.
Inu sangakwanitse awa. Tisayembekezele kuti stadium ya kulilongwe ayitsekulila pompano tikunama, cholinga chao ndikufuna kuti adzatsakulile 2018 adzachitilepo campaign munditsimikiza.
DPP palibenso
DPP palibenso
Koma njala ikanakhala ndimakutu ikanamva eee amalawi mumatha kulalikira zanjala pali ponse,kuli konse, chili chonse njala njala ee kuyitchula kwambiri isnt solution Limani kwambiri Kamuzu adati chuma,chakudya chili mnthaka choncho limani molimbika andalewo asamakuputsisen amayitchula njala pakamwa chabe to gain their political will msonkhano ukatha magalimoto viiii waku hotel ndimaanja awo inu paliponse kwachaa! kwachaa! Dpp woyee! PP!odi uko amayi adutsee Uuu! UDF ndingayiwale chaine Aaaford! zamkutu bas
I wonder if the northerners will ever have a better stadium
aMalawife kumva kumativuta.Boma limayang’ana zambiri si kuti njala ndi kusowa kwa makhwala zingalepheretse zitukuko zina kuchitika chitukuko chilichonse chili ndi ubwino wake.Boma liyenera kuchita zinthu zobweretsa ndalama m’bomamu,stadium ikamangidwa inu muzizalipira then the same wil be collecting something(tax)imene izathandizenso pa zitukuko zina.
Za ziii.BAT ground ija siikukwanirà??tizikadya ku stadium-ko.Gadaff Hospital ija mukufuna tikayambemo kulimamo mwalephera??mxeuww.mundiyankhulitsa pambali….
Iwe wachiona chanzelu kuti uyankhe okay iwe poti ndiwe Pieter ndinkuluwakoyo ndiwe chitsilu
Why prioritising stadium? R malawians going to eat the stadium? This is stupidity at its best
anthu ena anangobadwa ngati zisilu even kuntundu kwao ndizisiluso mukuganiza mopusa ana anjoka inu, do u thnk mavuto amene akukumana ndi malawi anayamba lero or atha mawa?boma lathu silingasiye kupanga chitukuko bcz of zisilu ngati inu or mankhwala atabwera muzipatala anthu samafa? Agalu inu, do it mr president evev bible said anthu osauka will b poor 4gud olemera thy keep on touch.mangani stadium anthu sazasiya kusauka kumalawi this opposition thy pretend lyk thy care while dere de satans.
Wanditokotela mapwiya
Wanditokotela mapwiya
umakwana iweyo
umakwana iweyo
Idiot… Stupid
u wil die poor bcz of jelous u fuck i hpe u hv nothng bt jelous fuck.
you just fucken useless cunts..you don’t care about poor ppl.
Mapwiya Sadzathekaso Ndithu! U Mean Govnt Shud Preotise Stadium Than Healthy Care Services? Brains Of A Millipede! Malawi Sadzatukuka Bcos Of Anthu Ake Ngati Inu.Dziko Limatukuka Ngati Anthu Ake Ali Healthy Komaso Akudya Bwino.Food First The Rest Next! Yes We Realy Nid Stadiums In All Regions But Not This Tym!Fix The Economy First! Osamangoti Nilibe Problem Ndalama Kuthera Ku Babershop Kumeta Phanke…Zachamba! Fix The Ailling Economy First Komaso Tikufuna Mwana Kumeneko Aaaa Nkale Lija Kaya! Ngati Zikuvuta Fisi Gwaladi Alipo Nanga Sikuti Nkhope Zisakasiyane! #ndatukwanaine?
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ndiye musovatu tsoka lanu ndiloti usogoleli siwanu ndiwaife amoya ndiye simungatiuze chochita,nthanzi lachani panayambilidwa inu kuthandizidwa paja muzasova liti mavuto anu ana anjoka inu,mutanye.
Cocroach brain, thats not a priority . We hav other areas that need immediate attention not building stadium
do it if ur wise u fuck u jst talk lyk u can do bt u knws nothng nd get way 4m me u thnk anthu angalephele kupanga chitukuko chifukwa cha akapolo ngati inu,chimene mwaona ndi stadium yomweyo basi ndiye munyatu.
Tinya Bwanji Tisanadye Man.Sititulutsa Matumbo.Even Kunya Mukuti Tinyako Kumafuna Munthu Adye Kae Then Zimaenda.U C Food First Then Stadium Later!
Kkkkkk Koma kumeko!
Bwampini akudwala uyu stadiam akamangira kumandaaaa?
udya bwanji usanadye??kkkkk ufuna kurandira munthu wauresi iweee munakhara bwanji kumangodalira kupepha?limbikira ncito osakha wauresi usovaaa ukadalira kuti ulandira ukhaura sunatii
Ukufusa iweyo ndiwe wakuti obwela kumalawi kuno eti@ kondwani tilika
bravo mr president well come development
ndiponsotu inu aMalawi 24 ingosiyani kukamba zapitala wanuyu chifukwa akungotukwanidwa ndizadziiiiiiiiiiii
Ndizomwe timafuna bwana
# Tonde Wadula it doesn’t matter for how long will the plan take. And do think for how long will food crisis will take for the the country to have good, not family we are talking of the entire nation here. And do you think for how long will he be the president of Malawi? How many terms remaining for him to lead the Nation? Think about it, we need development of course but let’s stink to the problems that we are having right now, not individually but as a nation.
Uyu ndiye bwantasa weniweni.
Kkkkkkkk mwanisangalatsa,uyudi ni bwantasa.
Ukamanga bwanj stadium pamene mchipatala mankhwala mulibe, mchipatala chakudya mulibe, mages ndiawa angozima daily,Mpila umatikanika Kkkkkkkkkkkkk player akapita kunja ndekut ndiku #SA kapena Mozambique Njala ndie sitinganene aaaaaa anthu opusa mwapanga bwanj Kod
Magetsi angozima daily???..news to me..
za njala ndikuvera kwa inu dzaguleni chimanga kuno ku zomba kwanuko ma mp anu sakuthandizani ndi zitsilu zili busy kufuna kulanda boma mwa upandu
Ok nanga mzipata apa akumati azilina chimanga chot azidyetsa odwala, Dziko lanji lidapangapo zimenezo
asing’anga kuribe?amenen akusowa makhwara apite kwa sing’anga akasova konko.
Stadium imangidwe basi njala ikatha osati pano pano pangani zoti mzipatala zathu zonse mukhale muli mankhwala kaye kumzuzunso mumangenso Stadium bwana ndithu
Its awlcm development, we fans ov Blantyre we r proud ov dis DPP government, 2019 tidzavotaso ponkhapokha ikhale itatha
ukukanika kudyetsa anthu omwe akuvutika ndi njalawo nde umange stediyamu openga iwe eti nangati anakanika m`bale wako Bingu iwe ungachitepo chani osamangoba ndalama zabomazo bwa fodya basi ukuyesa ngati sitediyamu imamangidwa ndi K5000 eti myiiiiiiiii
& bambo ako akukanika kukudyetsa yet u call him dad. Bambo ako alibe ndinyumba yomwe koma ukutukwana anthu ena. Anyway ndlibe problem.
NDE chili chonse chiime coz kuli njala? Koma anthu ena….!!! Ubwele Ku chimwankhunda zikutheka za miseu ya phula…. This guy will win again in 2019 mark my word….
NDE chili chonse chiime coz kuli njala? Koma anthu ena….!!! Ubwele Ku chimwankhunda zikutheka za miseu ya phula…. This guy will win again in 2019 mark my word….
#Chisomo chimwankhunda wake wakuti ?
#Chisomo chimwankhunda wake wakuti ?
he will not win, mark my word too
he will not win, mark my word too
Mxxiiimmm you chisomo you’re a big idiot.. I blame the one who give birth to u..people like u wer suppose to be aborted.. U dont even have sense..
??? john timo
panyopako openga ndi abambo ako akulephera kukudyetsawo chitsilu ma mp akwanu ndiye agalu mmalo moti azikubweretselani chimanga ali buzy kupanga za ndale kuti alande boma mwa upandu agalu inu mubwere ku zomba mudzaone chimanga mmene chikuvumbila anthu amene akulephela kugula chimanga chifukwa cha ndalama not kuxowa kwa chimanga
mwauze amalawi 24 asiye kuposter za pitalayu kkkkkkkkkkkkkk adanitsa fuko
mwauze amalawi 24 asiye kuposter za pitalayu kkkkkkkkkkkkkk adanitsa fuko
Kodi abale president ameneyu nthawi zonse amaoneka ngati akudabwa bwanji??? Mayang’anidwe ake
Ukunenetsa mkulu,komanso amakhala ngati woledzera nthawi zose,mwina anapbuzila mudutsa muyeso ndiye analedzeranawo maphulo opandanawo chochitila za wino Ku wanthu.
Ukunenetsa mkulu,komanso amakhala ngati woledzera nthawi zose,mwina anapbuzila mudutsa muyeso ndiye analedzeranawo maphulo opandanawo chochitila za wino Ku wanthu.
Kkkkkkk inesotu ndimadabwa naye
That is good idea pliz continue
stadium? yes but wait!
u r failing just to finish all payments for Bingu stadium, talk of electricity peging at close to 47million, water seuwer system, security? just hold that stadium! after all there is nothing u hav done that comes out of ur manifesto! how about the chicken change salaries? when r u gonna employ graduates ? Kamuzu, Bakili, Bingu, hav never betrayed those graduates meant to increase government workforce!
u r the waste!
poti maganizo saletsa ndiufulu wanu freedom of speech yafikapo kumalawi
Amanga ma china!!!!
Ma graduates establish ur own businesses ndi nzeru zanuzo and employ others.u want to be stealing in government. Dziola zimapeparazo
Ma graduates establish ur own businesses ndi nzeru zanuzo and employ others.u want to be stealing in government. Dziola zimapeparazo
u bastard Prince Malawi is not for one person xo stop telling me to establish my businesses, u fool!
u bastard Prince Malawi is not for one person xo stop telling me to establish my businesses, u fool!
if u a crever why can’t u keep quiet
pitala ayayayayayaya……
yams james y can I kip quite while the driver is drunk n will crush us all?
u shud reason b4 responding to other pplez comments u iddiot!
prince msaya you jx made my nait awesome… ati establish ur own businesses ndi nzeru zanuzo and employ others.u want to be stealing in government. Dziola zimapeparazo.pwahahaha good 1 boss lol
When talk about develpoming the national we talk all various sides baba.Mr President plz do that is gud plan.tikamalowa Ku FNB,Loftus stadium(SA) timasilira mayiko aamnzathu kuti koma amakwana.nanga Ife bwanji? iiiiii abale ukayipa dziwa nyimbo.zizitikanika mbali zonsee
Ntchonayu angapange chani?
Khulupirirani amalawi palibe amene adzakoze dziko ndikubwerera mwachikale zikungodalira mwini wake kulimba Mtima ndikuthana ndi umphawi wako koma kuti uzidalira boma ukhumudwa daily
zinazi zanyanya!
zinazi zanyanya!
Koma wamarawi wozekeza. President kuyangura kuti wakumangirani stadium muyangura sambiri. Z jst a promise, he wont do it tomorrow. Mitu sanu zigwira njito
Umakanika kumaipatsa team yadziko ndalama zoti ilowele camp ndikuyendela ndiye ukati umanga stadium zamkutu basi watitenga ngati ana ife eti usovatu ulendowuno.tinakukonda pokuvotela koma aaaa ndinabetsa ndithu
Amalawi ngotopetsa. Sadziwatso technology.
Inno team yake ite
ubwere uzatenge kavoti kako aka kali mgulu la null and void ukufunika civic education kut uzavote 2019
kkkkkkk Team yake iti nanunso?imangoluzayo zaziiiiiiii
Iweyo moti team sukuidziwa@ Kondwani Tilika
Iweyo moti team sukuidziwa@ Kondwani Tilika
Kaya Chakwera ukumva amzakowa,sanati mpaka 2019 wooo..
Ngati lweyo ukukhuta usaganize kuti aliyese akukhuta?mavuto alipo m,midzimu anthu akugonela madzi amoto.
Tikudziwa kuti sionse amene angakondwere ndi ganizo lomanga stadium ku bt chifukwa musaiwale kuti amalawi ndi anthu ankhwidzi,kaduka,koma nkhaniyi ni yabwino komanso ni yokoma
guys,kumazilimbikila osamangoti njala.muthalika akagwile ganyo akugulileni chimanga.
fundo zili mu manifesto zija wazikwanilitsa?
Another stadium, yes its part of development that we all need BUT first mr president, despite other challenges our country is facing, i wuld love to suggest if firstly yu would look into crucial matters like drugs availabity in our countries hospitals, food on our tables (not free , availability of maize in all our admarc deports), good education to our kids and affordable fees, good roads ie chipembere high way in most parts of our country. Lastly, encourage agriculture plus wothirira, reduce tax for pipo travelling up and down RSA etc. then yu can come up with those wonderful plans of building another stadium in bt.
Thats fantastic ideas my bro.
Another economic Moron Joseph chinyonga. Bad minded people.
Sharp gud idea u tink lk solomon God bless u ma mn
Munya muona njalao amakulimirani mmunda mwanu ndiyeyo? ibwere stadium apa apeter 2019 bomaaaa
Poolokela 2019?
imangidwe basi….zakunyansa?chikolopa chilipo….ukangondikolopera nyanja yomwe yakuyandikirayo neba.kkkkkkkkkkk
Welcome idea,and iwish Bingu Stadium to disopen until dat Stadium finished inorder to Open together As way of Saving money.
ukut save money? it wil not com 4rm ur pocket, why not construct at Mzuzu, accepting everything eyaaa. stupid pipo,
In mzuni plpe Sakonda mpira koma School ndi mashow Awoyimba.ngati umayiziwa bwinobwino Bt is the home of mw football.
It was a good idea if it wasn’t a food crisis problem in the country but as for now that’s no sense. How can he planned to build a stadium while the country is experiencing shortage of food. People need to be helped and they need your support, don’t forget that it’s the same people who led you to power and now it’s your turn.
anthu inu kodi akuuzani kuti stadium amanga lero … kapena mavuto tilinao saatha…
ANTHU MUNGOTI NJALA NJALA .,..wakuuzani kuti STADIUM amanga lero kapena mawa?…
we lose hope in him everyday what a president is he? always bt “cancer hosp in bt, modern stadium in bt, 95% of cabinet in southern rigion” eee kwali
but why are yu in such bad terms wth english ? kkk
kumene iwe umafuna chan
i left xul long tym ago
Munthu sagula chovala mmimba mulibe kanthu mumawona bwanji mwana angakasewere wosadya timayambira kudya wosati masewera ziganizirani akumudzi
pa kamuzu tatopadi napo go on mr president wakwiya ndi nthakati kkkkkk
Alibho pitala koma anthunu mukudana ndi chilunga kumbaliyanga palibe chomwe akulakwisa zinthu zinalakwika kale poyamba ,ndat kumbali yanga osati yako ai nawe ukuziwa wekha yankho lako , ndikuziwa kkufika 2017 zonse azilongosola zikhala muchimango
kkk is that our greatest need,our country is facing alote of challenges,Mr president am not apolitician but mm stadium siyomwe tikuyisowa panopa,anthu akupanga ufu kuchokera ku udzu,plz try to help those pple,.
Mmmm serious ufa kuchokera Ku udzu
kodi akuuzani kuti amanga stadium lero.
Akulu comment munaiamba bwino mwaiononga kumapeto
ife tawononga kumapeto,nanga atambala inuyo maganizo anu ndi wotani,basi ku ngoganiza zopeza ma mistake eti nena timve maganizo apa kk kkk
mmmmm amanga osadanda peter sanama zomwe wanena amapanga..kupanda kumanga nde kuti anthu mukhala kuti mwamunyerera mmaso
Shld just use the money to build his own house at Ndata,,!! Akufuna anamize ndani??