The United States Embassy has responded to accusations going around that the United States government is conniving with Malawi Congress Party and its leader Lazarus Chakwera to oust President Peter Mutharika.

In an interview with Malawi24, Edward J. Monster, Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Embassy said the accusations are a total fabrication.
“The accusations are completely false. The U.S. and Malawi enjoy a strong and productive relationship and we intend to continue working closely together for the benefit of the Malawian people,” said Monster.
The accusations, first published by a pro-government online publication, started when Chakwera went to the US where among other things he toured various states and attended a prayer breakfast in Washington DC where US president Barack Obama was the main Speaker.
Almost all Malawians that Malawi24 has monitored have however taken the coup plot allegations with a pinch of salt, arguing that the accusations are a propaganda by government and agents of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) intended to divert attention from the numerous problems Malawians are facing.
Obama means trouble everywhere he goes and is a liar and a hypocrite and a traitor to the United States of america.
Too bad
It’s better to remain pocketless, eating gaga wt denje while I live in peace other than having lots of large full pockets while am a slave. These rich devilish american cockroaches are used to do that. Ask Egypt, Lybia, Iraq, Afghanistan. I tell u. They wl destroy us. They will use us then leave us in rugs. Asowe, I hate them.
they are evil minded people watch out Malawian…. if they want chakwera let them take him so that he can represent them in America..
they are evil minded people watch out Malawian…. if they want chakwera let them take him so that he can represent them in America..
fireburning wecked people all i know is that this are last dayz
OK mayi wa america yo ndamutulukira cholina chake akuzembelera akazi awo a chakwera asanamizile kulanda Boma coz sizingatheke ku Malawi
OK mayi wa america yo ndamutulukira cholina chake akuzembelera akazi awo a chakwera asanamizile kulanda Boma coz sizingatheke ku Malawi
OK mayi wa america yo ndamutulukira cholina chake akuzembelera akazi awo a chakwera asanamizile kulanda Boma coz sizingatheke ku Malawi
Americans are evil people where they always encouraging oppositions to be against the rulling
Americans are evil people where they always encouraging oppositions to be against the rulling
Americans are evil people where they always encouraging oppositions to be against the rulling
R things working in our country? Cos there stubborn achoke , if we really need to develop we r wasting too much time ndi kuomba basi
Then who do u think wil develop malawi?
That’s the best a gay & lesbian would do for themselves coz they have no generation after them.
Is the US Embassy official really called Mr. Monster or has there been a typo? If not, the heaven help us.
Stap down
We don’t want failier he must
I have lost trust in whites people,those who have learnt history remember “APPEASIMENT POLICY” malawians watch out.
I have lost trust in whites people,those who have learnt history remember “APPEASIMENT POLICY” malawians watch out.
Pitala apite basi
Are u sure we have a US ambassador here in Nyasaland?
america is adevil on eAth
Fuck them
Fuck them
Fuck them
Lets shine our eyes ! those fucken polititiouns they start againsting wth the opposers if they see donation cholinga thazolo lisafikire anthu ovutika njala iri phwii akulimbananji foseki ske!!!!
Why can’t u write the whole story? Stupid reporter
Why can’t u write the whole story? Stupid reporter
Stupid Chakwera has no solutions to current problems.End times ‘POPE’.
Stupid Chakwera has no solutions to current problems.End times ‘POPE’.
Inu mwatipha kale ndiye tiope khondo ibwere
Inu mwatipha kale ndiye tiope khondo ibwere
Kwasala maiwa apake ayende ku usa
Kwasala maiwa apake ayende ku usa
He has invited it himself if its true,he is not helping us…why can the leader stay dormant as if everything is okay in this country…If its necessary for a coup I support the motion….
He has invited it himself if its true,he is not helping us…why can the leader stay dormant as if everything is okay in this country…If its necessary for a coup I support the motion….
u tokn as f u dnt kn wat can hapen f dat cn hapen!! dere z no succes in a coup bt jst war
u tokn as f u dnt kn wat can hapen f dat cn hapen!! dere z no succes in a coup bt jst war
u tokn as f u dnt kn wat can hapen f dat cn hapen!! dere z no succes in a coup bt jst war
ngati zakukanikani tsazikani. chakwela alibe problem.Ife muzitiwuza kt chimanga tichipeza osati nyasi zanuzo.muganiza kt anthu akava zimenezo akhuta?
ngati zakukanikani tsazikani. chakwela alibe problem.Ife muzitiwuza kt chimanga tichipeza osati nyasi zanuzo.muganiza kt anthu akava zimenezo akhuta?
Zangovuta ku nyasalande
Zangovuta ku nyasalande
Whatever msovenge
Because of our poorness country always we use to accept any mindless from outside NGOs yet they need us to fighting each other until now we don’t know that there is no any important solution can comes from a white guy
This just propaganda, akufuna tisiye kukamba za chimanga mu Admarc
Coup? Akagwele.
Coup? Akagwele.
bad weather and laziness killing pipo here, you want govt to stop depend on aid while you can’t depend on your own….hypocrites…
whether the coup thing is true or not but….this hunger ain’t President’s fault…
If you don’t know how to govern leave mcp alone.
If you don’t know how to govern leave mcp alone.
Peter must go,we r starving…he z responsible for this sickneness
Achitsiru awa sakunena zanjala ilimunoyi akulimbana ndi chakwera
America r evil,where ever they go on earth mavuto okha okha.so if yona is having dinner with dem,contnue may b it wil easy for him to get de throne.
America r evil,where ever they go on earth mavuto okha okha.so if yona is having dinner with dem,contnue may b it wil easy for him to get de throne.
Idont eat politic
Idont eat politic
Looks like some people are just afraid of the unknown so they want people to give divided attention to the real problems the country is facing.
Looks like some people are just afraid of the unknown so they want people to give divided attention to the real problems the country is facing.
Aaaa? Paja Achakwela Avomela Kudzapanga Zau Gay! Kkkkkkkk Zoona Munthu Wamulungu Kufna Ndalama Zau Asatana? Kkkkkkk
Aaaa? Paja Achakwela Avomela Kudzapanga Zau Gay! Kkkkkkkk Zoona Munthu Wamulungu Kufna Ndalama Zau Asatana? Kkkkkkk
Chakwera is the Man
Chakwera is the Man
Always someone else to blame
Abwana be a little bit of a dictator then u wl be able to rule this most nation with the most illitrate peolple in the world…..no wonder we make the most noise, as they say ‘Empty tin’
Now you know the truth about killer Amreica
Now you know the truth about killer Amreica
Malawi be careful.
chakwera is hungry for power azativutisa mkulu ameneyu tizizayenda chothawa kuzemba nsonkho.chakwerayu koma anali religious leader?
Tulani pansi dziko lakukanikani, mabodza basi amalawi akuvutika ndi umphawi wa dzaoneni.
this is just to make us busy discussing these stupid thing and forget bad governance,hunger,poor economy,kukwera kwa zinthu,etc….! stupid politicians
US ndimene imachitila
To overthrow this idiot can’t be wrong. But this is a pure propaganda by dpp morons.
This is malawi and we dont need whites to rule us. America why you dont take chakwera to represent you in America?
You dont need whites and America?are you serious?do you know how many Malawians are in these countries?even your president is a resident of the US!nanga anzako ali mu ma embassies?mukulephera kudzala chimanga ndi Shire,ndi nyanja yonseyi!I’m sorry achimwene the bitter truth is that we need them more than they need us.do they beg from Malawians?have they stolen money?and if you dont want them,tell your DPP to chase them!and then god help us!
He z saing he dnt need whites to rule us…sabir do u??
He z saing he dnt need whites to rule us…sabir do u??
Yes I do!simply,sadly and painfully because we Malawians have failed terribly so far.1.7bil.,then 577bil,then 21bil.nanga boma ili?I dread to think!you tell me if you’re happy?
Americans are so dangerous,our politicians need to be careful,they have done the same in most countries across africa only to bring in more troubles,they come in like samaritans yet evil minded pple!
It seems all the NGOS are always part of opposition side because all of them are crooks. Nowdays NGOS are controbuting negativelly to the Nation and representing their own ideas, cheating the world that they are voice of voiceless.
he doesn’t need a coup..let him stay for cardiac arrest is looming
You do not know what you are talking about. Rethink and repent!!!
abwanawa akamwalira many lives will saved.how many people are dying of hunger& many other man made causes?his poor policies a total disgrace to the malawian peoples
chenjera m bale dzenje lomwe umakumba kt wina agweremo umazagweramo wekha samalira ndithu munthu wamzeru sungamamfunire nzako kt afe
chenjera m bale dzenje lomwe umakumba kt wina agweremo umazagweramo wekha samalira ndithu munthu wamzeru sungamamfunire nzako kt afe
dzenje lomwe amafuna adzalemo mtengo iye anagwiramo.thats what u are talking about i guess.in simple terms,enough of his nosense.azithandize yekha zisanamuvute.ndizafa& mawu akowo sangandipatse mantha.naweso uzafa koma sichanzeru kuti anthu ochuluka aluze miyoyo chifukwa cha ntchito zako.think of a taxpayer yemwe akumanidwa mankhwala in public hospitals.no fuel for ambulances.u think anthu onse akumwalira coz of Peters arrogance ngosafunika koma iyeyo nde ofunika.u are just stupid u better shut up
dzenje lomwe amafuna adzalemo mtengo iye anagwiramo.thats what u are talking about i guess.in simple terms,enough of his nosense.azithandize yekha zisanamuvute.ndizafa& mawu akowo sangandipatse mantha.naweso uzafa koma sichanzeru kuti anthu ochuluka aluze miyoyo chifukwa cha ntchito zako.think of a taxpayer yemwe akumanidwa mankhwala in public hospitals.no fuel for ambulances.u think anthu onse akumwalira coz of Peters arrogance ngosafunika koma iyeyo nde ofunika.u are just stupid u better shut up
Just 2years he showed us that he is a failure and people who are defending him they are idiots too
Just 2years he showed us that he is a failure and people who are defending him they are idiots too
with all these hardships koma iyeyo kumapanga spend lavishly..kumagula toilet.magetsi akungokweza..akuzimaso daily…nde akuti agula machine oti awonjezele mphamvu zokwana 6 megawatts pa mtengo wa k5b.machine a diseal.JB commissioned kapichira 2(64 megawatts) ndi ka k6b.osamangopanga copy & paste bwanji.president opusa ngati uyu sindinaone
with all these hardships koma iyeyo kumapanga spend lavishly..kumagula toilet.magetsi akungokweza..akuzimaso daily…nde akuti agula machine oti awonjezele mphamvu zokwana 6 megawatts pa mtengo wa k5b.machine a diseal.JB commissioned kapichira 2(64 megawatts) ndi ka k6b.osamangopanga copy & paste bwanji.president opusa ngati uyu sindinaone
Can u pls tell me who can solve the problems we are passing thru?
Can u pls tell me who can solve the problems we are passing thru?
good question cornie kasongo..here is a government machinery& there are people we call leaders whose main responsibility is to champion policy making.after we’ve chosen them,then they tend to forget that they are stewards,they are making policies which are not pro-poor.they are arrogant,dont hear our concerns.its simple to undrstand that we need someone who is patriotic,one who knows exactly what to do to move this country forward,not try &error.in a nutshell,a good policy maker will turn things around.peter doesn’t seem like one
i c no evil chop these idle statues out
All because of politics of food. DPP chose as it’s insignia maize cobs on a blue background. That there is no maize in Malawi means that the DPP ceases to exist as well. Wake up Malawians. I am really shocked that one quasi reliable online publication in the name of NYASATIMES decided to throw reason to the dogs and went on to publish the fake story. NYASATIMES has disappointed me.
DPP is inciting for itself the wrath of Malawians. DPP thinks that it’s very witty than any other person. This is very unfortunate and I’m very very very very bitter myself.
That’s is a cheap propaganda coming in by DPP government through Nickolas Dausi. DPP has failed to run the government and this time the whole system is confused they just want to divert people’s attention from real issues to useless issues .
The whole nation knew already that the story has been faked by DPP government machinery through Dausi .