Kaliati drills Malawian women

Malawi Patricia Kaliati

Minister of gender, children, disability and social welfare Patricia Kaliati has encouraged women to know the country’s laws so that they avoid the suffering that comes with divorce.

Kaliati said her ministry has observed that most women are not well conversant with the law and that is causing more suffering among the women and children as they are given small amounts of money.

Kaliati said government is doing whatever it can to protect women and children and she disclosed that her ministry has a free lawyer who helps those who seek justice.

Patricia Kaliati
Kaliati; Says women need to ‘jack up’.

The minister said there is need to mobilise women to let them understand legislations like the Marriage, Divorce and Family Relations Law which talks about how couples should relate and take care of their children.

“We have to mobilize women in order to let them know the laws that protect them and there are laws such as Will, Inheritance and Protection Act. At the moment most women are deceived and given small amounts of money after divorce which is not good,” said Kaliati.

She further said that there is need to encourage children to go to school because when they are educated they will decide the age they want to get married and the number of children they will be able to take care of.



  1. Iweyo kaliati osapanga divorce bwanji kuti uzilongosola bwino anthu akumvese????? Uziba ndalama uko ife tizivutika kenako utithesereso mabanja???? Kupusa.pita ukawuze ana ako,azikakonzekera akazatha mabanja awowo.ife tilibe nthawi yopangira ma divorce.

  2. Watch your mouth Yassin, mwamuna wamzeru satukwana kapena kutchula komwe anachokera kapena kuti ingakule nkhuku inachokabe mudzira ndiye iweyo panyeropo ndipomwe unachokera ndiye kuti walowa mu nsalu mwa mai ako

  3. I have seen this bitch when i was in primary school during the time of Bakili Muluzi as a leader untill she is a minister no change in Malawi politics and its time for us young ppl to take over now and if we dont i will say fuck and fuck one more time.

  4. Malamulo anuwo mukupangitsa kuti azimai ambiri azisowa ma banja mmalawi muno ambiri akupannga uhule kusowa amuna apabanja.amunasonawo asiya kukwatila akungonyenga ma hule aku bar.zaziiii!!

  5. zamanyi kaliat opusa osamakambako nzazelu bwanji hule iwe panyopako wava umandinyasa ndikamakuwona galu iwe ndi balewako peter zitsilu nzaathu

  6. Mai. Mesa Kd Mumati Ndinu Ministry Of Disability? Nanga Ndi Angati Omwe Mwawathandiza? Enafe Msce Tilinayo Km Ngakhale Sms Kapena Kukuimbirani Simumayankha?

  7. Komanso kumawawuza kuti azimvela amuna awo azimayi alero maso ali pandalama pali timabungwe iti akuti bank mnkhonde iti tikupangitsa azimayi kumalephela kugula ndiwo zabwino cholinga akhale ndi change chokasonkha ku ma share mowone chomwe chimapangitsa kuti banja lithe osati kuwawuza zochita banja likatha

    1. Man ndawonako anthu akuwasiya akazi awo chifukwa cha nkhani za ngongole ya bank nkhonde ena akuti ma share akuyenela kuwawuza zithu zomwe zingapangitse kuti mwamuna awasiye osati kuwawuza zoti adzachite banja litati latha pali nzeru pamenepa

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