…and the Internet is not amused
With reports of bad health about Malawi President Peter Mutharika circulating in the country, his recent submission to the force of gravity has just made the situation worse.

According to media reports, President Peter Mutharika on Saturday had a rude awakening when he planted himself into a hole he had dug for a tree.
It is said that after Mutharika had planted a first tree, he had trouble planting the second tree and did a ‘Mugabe’ in full view of the camera.
It was not a mere stumble according to the media reports that suggest that Mutharika slipped while he was just standing, apparently meaning that the Malawi leader collapsed. A thing which is a bad report on his health that has become a gossip among some Facebook groups and news sites.
However while the local media found a juicy story in the collapse of the aged Mutharika, Malawians appear to not be amused that their leader’s fall like the Kwacha has been captured in the media.
“What is news about a President falling?” a Malawian asked apparently unamused that the newspaper focused on Mutharika’s collapse.
“The rain will keep being dodgy if we will remain focused on the trivia,” wrote another person.
“Is it even worthy a front page material?” another queried to the sensational title carried in one of the papers which exclaimed ‘oops! Peter falls’
A few people however saw nothing wrong with the news as they said that the fall communicated a lot about the President’s health.
“People are trying hard to downplay Mutharika’s fall as nothing but in a larger picture it says a lot about the President’s health,” commented another person.
Last year Zimbabwe President who died but resurrected according to Prophet Liabunya, Robert Mugabe was an Internet sensation after he fell down. Mugabe was helped to his feet by his bodyguards just as Mutharika’s self-planting exercise was brought to an end by his bodyguards.
If the president is your enemy, then thats not a grantee to rebuke and wish him evil.
lets learn to love our enemies and believe that we are here to be a blessing towards each other!
i dont follow politics and i believe what’r this presidency can bring I can be where God wants me to be, anyhow!
koma wat daz dis mn? kumunda timagwa tikatopa koma mwiniwake anati bwanj?
Not gud idea at all,malawians wher are we going?…….watch oooooooout!
kkkkkkkkkkkkk….shaaaaah iine angondilemba yothilila kt amele msanga munthalika tree yu..
kkkkkkkkkkkkk….shaaaaah iine angondilemba yothilila kt amele msanga munthalika tree yu..
Mmmm sorry my beloved president
Kukachenjera piter
aliyense adzafa tisamasangalatsidwe ndikufa kwa nzathu nonse amene mukuti ameneyu amwalira simuwerenga mau dziwani ichi or ameneyu atafa amene adzabwereyo sadzakhalanso wabwino
Azidwa satana kuchokela kumwamba
I myself am not a DPP member koma zikundimvetsa chisoni anthu mukamaseka kuti pita wagwa,sindikuona chifukwa chosekera coz he iz a human being as every one else sikuti amayendela machine kuti tiziti anatha ofunika agule ena ayi sichomcho,ngozi sumakomzekera munthu had it been knwn kuti akagwa akanapewa mwanjira ina ili yonse koma samadziwa! Imeneyo ndiye ngoziyo.I wish u all the best MR PRESIDENT,get well soon.
I myself am not a DPP member koma zikundimvetsa chisoni anthu mukamaseka kuti pita wagwa,sindikuona chifukwa chosekera coz he iz a human being as every one else sikuti amayendela machine kuti tiziti anatha ofunika agule ena ayi sichomcho,ngozi sumakomzekera munthu had it been knwn kuti akagwa akanapewa mwanjira ina ili yonse koma samadziwa! Imeneyo ndiye ngoziyo.I wish u all the best MR PRESIDENT,get well soon.
He is the first gentleman of the country,him failing its news on its own and I find it fun at the same time. But it doesn’t give us the right to talk anyhow we want,let us learn to be responsible sometimes,at least laugh about it but not bad words. Am not pointing figures but this is my take on this at the end of the day we all see things differently.
Wakulu ameneo. Kugwa Kkkkkkkkk
Dornald trump ws Saïd the truth Dat africans we r gud at eating,and love making,dats wy sme ov You mukunyoza a président many of mwasangalala nazo but shame on You,coz président sangakwanise kudyesa winaliense, dont focus on Food
What are you telling the world? Is PRESIDENT’S SICKNESS funny that you can put it as “PLANTED HIMSELF”? What a shame! May you please think twice!
Pepani MOYA!
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk mpata kugwa eeee cinawavutanso nciani iwowa?
yaa ndinkhani it happens en it can happen to anyone reguardless of his status koma kumunyoza mzako chifukwa wagwa ndiumbuli wamnanu tiyeni tikambe zina osati zakug wa kwa prezdent tifananitse ndi economy yathu. Am mcp member and I love it koma sindingamacomente kapena kunyadirira kuti president anagwa. What if zikanachitika ndi chakwera or any other cabinet minster what would be your comment? A malawi tiphunzire kulemekezana lets write something better rather to count our friend’s mistakes chomcho sitingatukuke
wankulu kumbwinda tsopano thupi ratopa ili
he’s our father so just let him go for medication
Tiyeni chidani chandale chisamatifikitse potimpakana kudana nayemunthu ndipamabvuto.Nthawi yandale yikhale yandale .
Mabvuto onse amene tikumana nawo anthufe mdziko muno is coz of him izi ndizo zizindikilo zaziwanda
Mabvuto onse amene tikumana nawo anthufe mdziko muno is coz of him izi ndizo zizindikilo zaziwanda
Azigwa choncho nde bwno ,,,,nanga mu2 wanzeru angavomereze homosexuality?
Azigwa choncho nde bwno ,,,,nanga mu2 wanzeru angavomereze homosexuality?
talotsera kale kuti afa chaka chisanathe aprofeti fe nde izi ndi njira za umboni tiyeni tisiye yehova akhale yehova basi ifenso ndi dothi awa apitadi kayà inu ambewu malawi muno
talotsera kale kuti afa chaka chisanathe aprofeti fe nde izi ndi njira za umboni tiyeni tisiye yehova akhale yehova basi ifenso ndi dothi awa apitadi kayà inu ambewu malawi muno
mulosela bwanji ngati munamulenga ndinu azafa muthawi yake imene mulungu anakonzela osati munthawi imene inu mukufunayi inu simulungu gyz
He he he
He he he
This man is evil he must repent for his introduction of homosexuality or else God is not happy and u know what it means if God is not happy with someone
This man is evil he must repent for his introduction of homosexuality or else God is not happy and u know what it means if God is not happy with someone
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kaya
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kaya
Ngati amagwa gabiliyele Mgabe palichani apa
Ngati amagwa gabiliyele Mgabe palichani apa
koma apa tikhalitsepo ma president samaponda masamba nthawi yodzala mitengo ikafika kkkk….health wise
koma apa tikhalitsepo ma president samaponda masamba nthawi yodzala mitengo ikafika kkkk….health wise
anybody can fall,fail,falter .let us not divert attention from real issues of getting the stollen money by his predecessors back.kaya ena anapuma,kumwalira,kuthawa whtasoever.the issue should be ndalama zathu tikuzifuna from these fellows.period
Kkkkkkkkkkkk ngati akalamba awasiyire a chilima udindo,osamakakamira ma udindo.
zingayambe kuyiwalika BRAZIL 1 GERMANY 7
God have mercy. Moti mumve chisoni inu kunyadira. get well soon peter.
Mmmmm koma a peter, Tapanganinso tione.
Enafe kunalibe muzatipangirenso pa stadium.
Ngat anagwa Yesu mwana Wa Mulungu wamoyo, Peter ndindan kut asagwe ?
Kaya inu ndiye simunagwepo muli boo
Stupidity at its best…your father falls, you photograph him and show the world
Stupidity at its best…your father falls, you photograph him and show the world
Nchiyani kodi a Malawi? Peter yo simunthu kodi kuti sangagwe?
Nchiyani kodi a Malawi? Peter yo simunthu kodi kuti sangagwe?
I have been falling all my life…here iam full of life….ine ndi iyeyo tusiyana pati? A Malawi sitidzathekaso
I have been falling all my life…here iam full of life….ine ndi iyeyo tusiyana pati? A Malawi sitidzathekaso
I have been falling all my life…here iam full of life….ine ndi iyeyo tusiyana pati? A Malawi sitidzathekaso
I have been falling all my life…here iam full of life….ine ndi iyeyo tusiyana pati? A Malawi sitidzathekaso
Lord have mercy on malawi kugwa pansi kwa president means nothing kma we should be careful coz ngati mulungu adalanga sodom n gomora its bcause of homal sexual so osavomelezana nazo coz god wil live us on shame
Ndani sanagweko mpaka kukalamba
Kodi Munthu Akaphudwa Ndikugwa Is It Sign Of Bad Health?
Prophecy about to b fulfilled.
Imagine yo papa kugwa and upeze anzako akuseka pa njira hw cn u 3l?? warm hrt of africa uyu?? aaaah Malawi wanga ndazzdwa mwandiwoopsa tizitero?
I Wonder Pple Get Angry Here As If Da News Ts Nt True As If Zoti Amalawi Ena Akudandaula Ndi Zithu Mdziko Muno Ts Nt True,,anthu Onse Sangamukonde Pitala Ndi Mmene Ziyenera Kukhalira Dats Y Kuli Chipani Cholamura Ndi Chotsutsa Ts Ademocratic Country Pple Express Thea Views No Matter What May T Be In Agud Manner Or Nt,,,recover Soon Mr Pitala
nothin important here
kungovomeleza homo kuyamba kuziona kkk
Poor story title!review your grammar
vuto lakutchuka ndikanakhala kt ndagwa ndne bwezi mutaind ika pamenpa eeiish big diel in malawi,,,
Wishing my dear president all the best, get well soon
Don’t accuse the reporters! in journalism bad events are good for news! so wat with him! it happened it happened thats all after all the media house made money coz of that event coz pipo were eager to know what happened!
Mulungu wachikondi tinkhululukileni machimo anthu talakwachiyani? Njala,nthenda ,zomwe zili pakati pa Amalawife chotsani dzina lanu.
The Last time i Laughed When Someone fell on the Ground is When I Was Uncivilised
Mulungu talakwanji amalawi mtsogoleri akhale ndimoyo wabwino.yawehyang’anani amalawi mvulaso tipatseni Dzina la yesu mwamuna wantanda likwezedwe dzina lanu Amen
Kugwa siwalesa koma magwedwe, the song of zambian musicioun
ana ofewa kugwa eish
Lemekezani iwo amene akukusogolerani
Anali atatopa mdalayu…Inu simukudziwa kt munthuyu ndi nganga..Nde ikhale nkhani?…Mazoba
He didn’t believe that Malawi is falling down like he did.ufumu wa achina Nthalika ukugwa.they will die like flies. Mark my words.
Kkkkkkk wagwa wagwa basi
Zonse ndinthawi everyone can fall
wats so special wth the president falling? pple fall all the time. y not write somethng that makes sence to the public. yes he fell so wat? . . . demeti
Shame on you Malawi 24…….inuyo simunagwepo olo mutakula kale???? Lembani nkhani zothandiza ndi kutukula dziko…
koma anagwatu kkkkkkkkk musovaaaa
to hell mw24
Kusowa nkhani zolemba eti mpaka kukomesera chonchi what is so fuss about it I see nothing sinnister here majenalisiti amuMalawi amenewo kulephera kulemba nkhani that is very important to us kumakokomeza nkhani zazii ngati iyi a Malawi mwandilaka ndithu and we will never prevail in whatever we wish to achieve ndi atolankhani ngati uyu
Atolakhani Angogwira Ntchito Yawo Apa Kapena Da News Ts Nt True?Khani Zopindulira Amalawi Mexa Wopititsa Patsogolo Ndi Pitala Nde Kenako Atolakhani Azilemba Ndikufalitsa Kodi
Malawi gin
tso da mpakedi kunyamuzanana anthu 100 caz anthu 5 sadakakwanitsa
Galamukani Amalawi.Kulibe wina wace amene anganene pa Zabwino zone zimene zili Dzikolo ngati si inuyo bambo,mai,mtsikana ndinyamatawe.Tiyeni tizisungile ulemu pogwila nchito ya umutoola nkhani.Mafuno abwino.
munthu amagwa koma mpakana ndipresident yemwe ine ndinkaona ngatit analengedwa mosiyana ndienafe zoti amasamba kubafa sindinkadziwa ndadziwa mmene wagwamu ndinkaona ngati amasamba kumwamba kapena mundege
Reporting that the president fell isn’t mwano nor is there anything wrong with reporting it….he lives on our taxes and is taxes with running our country and his health is our business. when he is sick it means he is unable to do his work and we are affected. With the economy in the toilet like it is now, we need to know that someone is busy working on this.
Those of you who are comparing this with my father or parent falling are missing the point. When my father falls , it’s no one’s business because he is not the president of Malawi and his health is the business only of his family. When the president ran for office and became the leader of our country, his life and his affairs became our business, public property. So yes, when he falls, when he looks sickly, whenever anything happens to him we want to know because his life is our business as long as he is the state president . The day he leaves that office and becomes plain Peter mutharika, what happens to him becomes his personal business and the business of his family alone.
Problem of Malawians are enemies of their own and lazy jealousy and envy evil animals.
They always wish other people bad healthy these are the people were in celebration when Dr. Bingu wa mutharika died.upha ng’ombe athakati.
Am asowa zochita kumwa munthu nkuthawa nkhani? inu simunagwepo? Choncho mukuganiza kuti a malawi ndiopusa Angakupatseni u president? Ulesi basi mwapeza zochita mbuzi zawanthu.
Kukalamba ndi tchimo?agalu inu.kwanu kulibe nkhalamba? Ndidatsala pang’ono kutukwana Mudzi wanu onse ndasiya.
Izi ndizimene muzilemba ntchito yabwino anyamata pitirizani!
Quick recovery
Aziwona ameneyo agoyambako.phuma a president anu kkkkkkkkkk
Hahahaha nayenso apita ngati mkulu wake anthu akukudandaula coz palibe chomwe ukuchita uzafa imfa yowawa kwabasi just wait
he only human..i see no big deal in that.en what’s the connection here?kugwa kwa munthu ndi economy?bring out solutions to those problems.osati kumapanga post zopandapake ngati izi.
wagwa mtengo indeed
Kkkkkkk barbellon agwe basi !!!
Akanapanda kulemba kuti APM anagwa iweyo ukanadziwa? Ntchito ya utolankhanj mesa ndikudziwitsa anthu zomwe zikuchitika?
Muti wagwa or wafa?
kkkkkkkkk hahahahaha heheheheheheheh osh osh osh osh mmmmmmh himself instead of tree hahahahahahaha its all about [[weedicon]]
kodi umbuliu udzatha lit mmalawi. kusakonda dziko lanu kudzatha lit? kusalemekeza azitsogoleriku kudzatha lit? no wonder dzikoli Mulungu walifulatira tikufunika kusintha ndithu. mayiko a nzathu izi sapanga for security reasons koma umbutuma uli muno eshiiiii lets change guys sitidzapita patali ndi mtima umeneu tikonde azitsogoleri athu
Koma Akanalemba a B B C
azigwa zake zimenez
Inu simunagwepo? Mungamafalitse za bambo kapena mayi anu atapunthwa ndikugwa? Lemekezani mtsogoleri wanu ndi kholo lanu ndithu despite His weaknesses. May God forgive u all who are writing nonsense.
Aliyese atha kugwa ataluza balance inenso ndinagwa ndiye ndiziti sindili bwino za ziiiiii
Tiyen timulemekezen ndi president wanthu bas zonyozazo sizikuthandizan, inu simumagwa?
Sanagwe amavina sika nsugwana
Hey, just because it’s the President who has fallen. Is there anyone who can claim they have never fallen before? I don’t remember him swearing that he is going to make sure he never allows anything that happens to all human beings not happen to him. Please let’s utilize the little time we have into something more productive. Next we will hear you be like ‘oh my gosh, he goes to the toilet ‘. So sad
PRESIDENT NDI MUNTHUNSO. Amalawi chakula ndi Ulesi ndichifukwa timalimbana ndi Nkhani za ziii!!. Inu simunagwepo kapena kuona munthu akugwa chibadwileni? Nonse mukukakamula nkhaniyi ndi anthu obadwila banja la CHIPONGWE ndipo mwakula ndi mwano. Kugwa munthu sindiye kuti ndikudwala mesa ndi ngozi zachibadidwe. Mlesi ntchito yake ndiye kukamula nkhani miseche monga nkhaniyi wapeza ntchito hot hot Mlesi
…anything starts like a joke and ends up to be real…..nothing to deny as indeed things have fallen apart…..kwacha has now completely lost its value so like father like son…..cry my beloved country …..next time we ought to try to choose below 50 not above 70
Tiganize modekha mwina ndi mkhwiyo wa namalenga ndi dziko lathuli
it happens to anyone its an accident,kugwa ndi kugwa kulibe mankhwala
Sanati katsala kena!
poti ndi president. ndiye asalembe zotianagwa aaa malawi mwazolowela kubisamaliloeti
A malawi ndinu amwano kwabasi. …. how can a person planted himself
nyama za munkhalango.com kkkkkk nanga lelo nanga lelo? tionele a njovu
Apeter ngati zavuta angosiya ngati mandela anampatsa nzake poona wakula
I have known of STUPID people but for certain, the writer of this is the worst & has all the qualities of being born & raised in a getto of a single mother. Wonder what would be of Malawi with the Access to Information with such type of people who went to school by chance of GOD’s mercy?.
what’s wrong by being raised by a single mother. Shame on your comment. mind your step. It doesnt matter that you were raised by whom the bottom line is what he wrote period.
Afaso ndi bp ameneyu kkkkkkk
Munthuyi ndiwankulu ndengatizilichonchi akufunika azitumizako ma minisitara ake ndamene azikagwira ntchitozi pasogolo pano kuopa zomwe zachitikazi. bad news mr to the Nation
Kkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkk, a
Kkkkk, planted himself kkkkkk
Ukaziphuta limbanazo mesendinu aprofeser kkk
Olo munyoze, kaya kutukwana, akukulamulabe, yesu anagwa ndi m,tanda, mwana wa Mulungu, kulibwanji mwana wamuthu kugwa ndi m,tengo, atolakhani opepela akawamanganso adzidandaula.
kkkkkkkkk! pitala! Getu analikut?
zaziii iyeyo asagwe watani? ndimulungu ndichifukwa timanena kuti john chilembwe anathamagitsa azungu mwachangu bwezi umbuli olemba zopepera ngati izi kulibe kenako tidzava kuti apresident amamina kkkk
Because he is useless
Bravo Mr president mufune musafune 2019 bomaaaaaaaaaa
koma akanakhala Mgabe ndiye mweee koma wanuwanu uyu pa Flames pano God have mercy.
zaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiii akuti iwo ndiatola khani kkkkkk pitaniso mukaphunzileso
mboliake chinakafa
Get well soon Mr bingu kweni mwachekula namwe
kukalamba kumeneko mumakakamila dziko moti musiyile achinyamata osadanda koma mupuma man 2019 mukuoneka mwatopa eeee nanga mpaka pamenepo kkkkkkkkkk
Inu Mukukwiya Mwakwiya Chani? Musatikwane And Munthu Wakugwa Khunyu..Ukalambanso..Chinagwabe
Kkkkkk owoh
Who owns dis stupid news site and journalist? I dont know why facebook pops dis stupid this on my account. #fakiyumalawi24news. learn to write news not mbwelerazi .
That’s what Malawi deserves!!!! kkkkkkkkkk. Kodi agwa kangati ameneyu??
Chimugabe chaku Malawi …kikkkkkkkk
A poisoned society, no empathy.
Pali athu ambili ngozi zotelezi zimawacitikila, koma timangoti ngozi basi, Chifkwa wagwa ndimtsogoleli ndiye muyankhulepo, naye ndimunthu ngati inu Amene
He must die
Tinakudzan mudzi pita ku gym kma makan masovedwe.com
That is not good.Please leave Mutharika alone.Dont write bad news to my profesor.APETER woyeeeeee!! untill 2019
Enanu mukt ma journalists akuno ndi mbuzi amangolembapo dzili dzonxe! Iwowa2 atolankhaniwa sanalakwixe kutidziwitsa kt a moya anagwa! Or even mugabe atagwa analengeza pa bbc! Ndiye ena mukunyoza ngat kt moyayi ndi ambwiye anu bwanj? Mxiew!
Zake zimenezo, aziona hahahahahah
Tsoka kwa iye wakukondwera ndi imfa ya mzake chifukwa yake idzakhala yowawa kuposa ya mzakeyo….kugwa kulibe udolo ali yense atha kugwa nthawi iliyonse….long live Peter Wamuthalika presedent wanga okondedwa
inu simunagweko?
Ndiye mutharikayo wazidzala ekha mtengo wake ukakula uzakhala mkalatitu
Mvula kulibe president wagwa dziko la Malawi lavuta basi
Zilango za Mulungu zayamba kuonekerra poyera! Simunati
this is our nation and our persident let us stand with him and pary for him Because it’s God’s giving.
Tinkakuuzani ife muzidya mokwanira inu makanitho mwati akumuzi kuzowera kudya kwambiri si izi sano mwagwa.
kkkk auze kondowole nd deal anamvapo kt kuti #Kamulepo wagwa uku.,,amadya yomweyi goma
O God bless our land of Malawi,
Keep it a land of peace.
Put down each and every enemy,Hunger, disease, envy.
Join together all our hearts as one,That we be free from fear.
Bless our leader, each and every one,And Mother Malawi.
Hw tll us more
Ee koma zinazi tiyeni tizingowonani mizimu yakwiya hei…..
Ine ndimamva chisoni nkamaona anthu mukuwafunira anzanu imfa… Honestly am not a DPP member n since sinnavotelepo DPP koma pa point yokhayi ndipo zimandikhudza kwambiri… Enanu simukudziwa momwe imfa imawawira makamaka ukalooser bambo kapena mai…. Sindiyankhula zambiri koma ndingoti khalani phee, mudikire turn yanu ikadzafika mudzaone momwe zimawawila. Get well soon Mr President
Kod at akudwala?
Za zii ndiye?aliyense amadwala think of your granny,,palibe amafuna kudwala
Kodi anagwa chifukwa chanjara ilikumalawiyo?
Zopusa basi iwe sunagwepo lemba nkhani zoti zitithandize mziko muno osati bwelela zakozi
I hate this kind of politics ngati mumafuna kusangalasa anthu mukulephela
Mumatha za kukhosi ngati atakupasani mwayi oyendesa dziko kwa wani week mungapange zowoneka
Dzikungowonesela kuti pamene ukuchita bwino adini ako sakondwa nthawi zanse iwo amayembekezala kuti zinthu zikuvute ndicholinga choti apeze zolankhula zaiwe maka zoyipa ndipo inu siwoyamba kupanga zimenezi amalipo ena
vuto la ife a malawi ndi umbuli presdent ndi office osati munthuyo kweni kweni nw munthuyo amene ali muosiyo ali ngati wina aliyense tinene kuti chibadwireni simunagwepo ? ngati si ayi chachilendo ndichan osatero ndimatsoka mukuwaputao
sananame bingu kuti dziko limo silosauka koma anthu omwe ali mdziko muno nde amphawi. n anthu amudxiko muno ndi amphawi muzonse ngakhale mmaganizidwe opita ku xool ndi osapita omwe amangofanana sungawasiyanitse ndithu. kodi peter ngati anagwa inuyo zikupindulirani chani ? do u think peter x God? Nayesotu ndimunthu olengedwa like u n me. munthu wakuda ndiwakuda ndithu olo atabadwila ku America koma mwaiye munadzadza darkness even the heart z darker
Angofa tilibe naye ntchito ,buku lamaremba likuti iye sakodwera ndimunthu ozuza chilengedwe chake.
kkkkkkk vuto kukakamira zinthu agogowa
bambo ako azagwa atanyamula coffin ku maliro uzaone khani yake komwe izafike ndanenandanena basi sht…
whats funny about this?????,???,
He is not strong take him to GYM fast kkkkklkkl
kkkkkk chipongwe
So whats going on?
Kkkkkk maondo anazizila madala hahahaha odi ukooooo za showtu izi bambo kkkk
tell us mo…dis z wht u entered in class fo…to tell us whts real…en da fallen of da president z nt an easy fing..infact on a grp of ppo.indeed it’s ny only da president bt everyfin in malawi z falling down wy nt him??? even. ..if I fell down on a meeting ppo wil ask alot….so question re there ..wy z da president plant himself instead of a tree???
Stupid journalists and sons and daughters of a wicked one. How can you celebrate someone’s fall? Are you not ashamed of yoursef?
Whatever happens to prominent people let alone the President is news in the eyes of journalism. Granted, but should this be reported this way? Malawi will remain backward and no wonder some people cerebrate poor state of things to get votes. We need to be informed these stories but not in a dramatised way. Why playing with language instead of just telling us what happened? If he was your father, would u write this rubbish? People have been involved in all sorts of accidents but can one cerebrate this? This page and it’s managers are silly including those commenting against the President.
including u, if u don’t lyk this paje just leave. Akagwaso zilembani
Athuwa Akugwira Ntchito Yawo,,ngat Iweyo Ukulemera Chifukwa Cha Pitala Jst Thnk Ua Lord To Say Da Fact Pitala Palibe Chomwe Akuthandiza
Owen, u r lost and probably mentally challenged. I earn a living thru my education and I don’t work for Peter. Peter does not even know me. Do your homework properly. If u say palibe chomwe akuthandiza, how is this connected to his fall on that day? U must be dull my friend.
Owen, u r lost and probably mentally challenged. I earn a living thru my education and I don’t work for Peter. Peter does not even know me. Do your homework properly. If u say palibe chomwe akuthandiza, how is this connected to his fall on that day? U must be dull my friend.
He is so very inactive. How many presidents have fallen down in public on a very important occasion like this one..?? Count them and tell me. We need only strong and ernegetic people to take us forward..osati odwaladwala ayi…
Mwana wa Nowa anapeza thembelelo ataseka bambo ake
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ndiye mwati atagwa chinachitika ndichani? osamakakamila zinthu man!!!!
evrytn haz fallen:magets,kwacha,health service etc so wat z APM afta oooooo!!!! kkkkkkkkk ha ha ha ha ha.ndaseka kwabasi.
Malaida amugogodola mma joint kkk
Awa a pulezidenti ndiye Ali na pulobulemu ikulu Shuwa azidzala bwanji mudothi….
This is smthin shit in life n joke
ulemu ukusowa ..wat if it ws ur father?
Is it new for some one to fall?lembani nkhani zanzeru apa
He is a human being also
Is Our Presdent God Or Person Like Everybody? Munthu Kugwa Mukupezerapo Mistake.Oooooooooh! Shame On You. You Dont Know What You Are Doing.Look In Your Pockets;what Previlages Have You Got? Peter Mutharika Ndi Munthu Monga Wina Aliyense.Dont Take Him As If He Is God No! Ndi Mulungu Yekha Yemwe Sangapezeke Ndi Vuto Lililonse Not A Created Person
kkkkkkk very un4tunate
Munthu akuzidzala yekha uyu mmalo modzala mitengo….tisiyileni achinyamata dzikoli tilamulire musamatiphe tikakutsutsani….tikusamalirani bwino lomwe…
Xo embrance,
No matter how far he falls down but only God is the controller of history
ulemu ukufunikira koma akuluakulu.
Malo molelesa akungojambula
nkasa anati kulira sikuwona nsinthu ,mkulu wachisankho analira. Leronso kugwa sikukuwonanso nsinkhu ettt kkkkkkkkk wina kulira wina kugwa mutagulitsana udindo Mulungu simunthu eettt
iweyo amako ndi atate wako sanagweko chibadwileni chawo wopusa iweeeeee
Wakalamba angosiya, kakaka ndi ndale, asiyileni mafana
Wakalamba angosiya, kakaka ndi ndale, asiyileni mafana
Why is it an issue…. Because its the president… Any body can fall….only God can not fall….Muzilemba nkhani zopindulila anthu..osati ngati izi za ziiiii…
nde mwaaatiiii!!!
bola moyo
Kkkkkkkkk. The problem with african leaders ndikukakamira mipando chonsecho nthawi yokhala pa mpando ndi yochepa. Malo moti musiyire achinyamata.
Vuto zaugay zimene wavomelezazo sanati zimuvutadi akwira namalenga aziona
Anamwa jemasoni
Very sympathetic thing in our mother Malawi. Take care my fellow……
Zaonekeratu Kuti Madalawa Amkula Kkkkkkkkk
Kkkkkkkk koma abale
Adzigwa mugabe pita asagwe kkkk
Yesu anagwa, mugabe anagwa.peternso wagwa.inu mulibe zibalima zopunthwa?
Musamuonjeze walakwa chiyani koma ikanagwa fon ndiye kudandaula usiyeni mwina analedzela kkkkk
This is sign of great thing ahead of us. (gud/bad)
too bad for our beloved leader
In literature it symbolizes something, lets wait & see. Shortly our neighbours will condole with biscuits. On my way to TO.
mukuti president Mutharika wazizala yekha pansi M’malo mozala Mtengo, kodi attain kuti ndi Bambo anu wina mkumayankhula honcho mumble bwanji? kodi mwagona choLeMba eti kumeneko ndie kuyankhula moPusa never say that again
Ndizotheka kugwa ka..palibeso cha chilendo apa coz iyeyu si mulungu ndi munthuso ngat ife ..part of Lyf..basi koma ndisekeko pang’ono kkkkkkkk hahahaha haha zimachitika Mr pulezideti
In february state house gates wil be wide open for another etumwe
Amene sanagwepo aimilire.
By bringing this to de public, i think de media z jux doin its job, remember thr roles include, informing, entertaining n educating,, let de state house use ds az an advantage to check on security ov our presdnt,,african leaders anazolowela to b treated lyk babies, kutsekulidwa galimoto, kufundixidwa umbrella e.t.c,, dats y wenvr ey go ey move wit a lot ov pipo, those pipo thr duties iz not only to protect de leader bt to carry his feet n watch de steps in othr hand to b de eyes ov de leader,,,, fine munthu wagwa, and 4 pipo akumudzutsa, wat wr de rest doin? Jux standing n watching??? Ey cd v at least cover him so de journalist cd v no access ov taking de pics… Apa ndie bola azingoenda yekha cz zaonexelatu kuti omuzungulira aja nawonso amakhala akunveselela ulemelero kut ey stay close to e presdnt kuiwala wats thr duty z…
Tidziva zopusazo malo muzinena zachuma chadziko kuti chikuyenda bwanji mwina ndikumabwelera ku Malawiko kuyalusa mfumu yanu (nya maye walembayo)
Thats iz good issues from writer and reporter plz we will contie…. To good news ngati iyi, tiziva nawo basi paka kugwa kkkk manyazi bwaa!
So everything in Malawi is falling; talk of economy;security;the kwacha-nose diving;buying power,list is endless.Worse still the president nailing the falling of things .
Vuto losankha anthu othaitha ngati simumaona nkhalambazi mupita nazo kuti siizi nanga
Moral decay in Malawi @ its best. Is this kind of story worth celebrating ? U shud b ashamed of urselves…..
Wagwa ndi mtengo atavala chisoti chopanda minga.amafuna ku fan ana ndi Yesu
Yesu Anagwa Katatu Ndi Mtanda Tonse Amene Tili A Khristu Timavomeleza Kaya Zinali Zabodza Kaya Zoona Koma Timanena Ndikuvomelezabe Till Now Ndye Ngat Timadziwa Zamwini Dziko Lonse Lapansi Kut Anagwa Katatu Ndimtanda Ndikumayeselera Mma Film Who Is He Kut Tisadziwe Or Kut Atolankhani Asanene Zakugwa Kwake?? Zaziiiiii!! Uyu Tikakhala Level Imodzi Kumwamba Wether Hell Or Paradise!
Thanx our reporter for updating us who r far from that country. We hav to b aware whats going on the ground. Therez nothing wrong to report true story about someone whether president or village headman. If other pple feel the reporter is out of order, they r free to go to court.
Inu simunagwepo kikikiki
President fell as the soil is wet. Is this reporting a result of press freedom or abuse of freedom? What if access to information bill becomes a law? Sitimva za kubedi? Leave Peter alone! ATI bill must rot under carpet! We do not have mature journalists in malawi.
I can not put a smile on this he is ma president l respect him”
Sorry! Zimachitika izi kukakhala matope mwina kunali koterera.
Mowa osadyera.mowa umafuna kuudyera kaye.matsire.
Taking pride in discrediting our own leaders is wayward and backward thinking (if it qualifies to be thinking at all). APM is our leader, whether he falls or not.
Tanvako nkhaniyi kuno ku zambia kupitira pa page limeneli la malawi 24
Pa chitumbuka tikuti wajipanda mumalo mwakupamda khuni…
njala sinasiye malo.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkknanga munthu wamba agwa kangati?kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiest
kkkkkk hahahahaha nice on
Kodi ndi enawoso anagwerana or chain malodza kkkkk
Ndani wa inu sanagwepo chibadwire? Chifukwa ndi President wa dziko ndiye ikhale nkhani yolemba/kukokomeza!!! He is a person of 2legs. Inavuta ndi balancing chabe basi. And mind you he was on the ground and not on carpert!! Chaka chake ndi chino!!!!!
Amachitila dala (its part of jokes)
Amachitila dala (its part of jokes)
Amachitila dala (its part of jokes)
Amachitila dala (its part of jokes)
idzikagwa ng’ombe ya miyendo four what more with a man who walks on two legs?
idzikagwa ng’ombe ya miyendo four what more with a man who walks on two legs?
Wankulu azidziwika. Kikkkkk, Eee! Koma Yaa! Zooona,Ine apa ndilibe Mau.
Wankulu azidziwika. Kikkkkk, Eee! Koma Yaa! Zooona,Ine apa ndilibe Mau.
get well soon mr pita muthalika
get well soon mr pita muthalika
inu simunagwepo?
inu simunagwepo?
Not our president may be yours
Not our president may be yours
kusowa chochita kungwa ndivuto mxiiew
kusowa chochita kungwa ndivuto mxiiew
Atola nkhani mulu booh potiziwitsa zomwe zikuchika ku malawi ko, keep it up a DPP kaya zinyasa inu muzilembo mopanda kupsatila once again congerants to u reaporters
Atola nkhani mulu booh potiziwitsa zomwe zikuchika ku malawi ko, keep it up a DPP kaya zinyasa inu muzilembo mopanda kupsatila once again congerants to u reaporters
I told you APM, just resign or else you will die of BP.You have failed yet you are falsing your self to finish your term . Can’t you see it is causing you Bp. You will surely die if you can’t resign. We have suffered enough durinf your reign.
I told you APM, just resign or else you will die of BP.You have failed yet you are falsing your self to finish your term . Can’t you see it is causing you Bp. You will surely die if you can’t resign. We have suffered enough durinf your reign.
Let he plant himself for good
Let he plant himself for good
mr przdnt i wish u gud lyf jah guide n protect
mr przdnt i wish u gud lyf jah guide n protect
amature journalist ndi nkhani imene kape zoba mbuzi iwe ukufuna kutiuza apa? u need to be profesional not person
amature journalist ndi nkhani imene kape zoba mbuzi iwe ukufuna kutiuza apa? u need to be profesional not person
kumalemba bwino…..
kumalemba bwino…..
Malawi 24.whatever it is, ,,but the fact is, you always show an element of politics .why always having an interest of defiling President’s reputation? if you are there to educate and teach us. why do you like to insult ,,you would have chosen other way of starting your story, ,, I mean you udnt start with the word, He has planted himself, ,thats an Insult.
Malawi 24.whatever it is, ,,but the fact is, you always show an element of politics .why always having an interest of defiling President’s reputation? if you are there to educate and teach us. why do you like to insult ,,you would have chosen other way of starting your story, ,, I mean you udnt start with the word, He has planted himself, ,thats an Insult.
I didn’t see any problem, INSTEAD OF PLANT TREE HE PLANTED HIMSELF, may advice to peter Mthalika is that; go on to plant yourself coz we need the FRUITS of the TREE you try to PLANT.
Ndimomwe umakhalira moyo mmenemo, palibenso chachilendo chilichonse kapena chosekesa apa ayi.
Amalawi Kuzolowera Kuyanika Mphale Eti.Kodi Zimenezi Ndizo Munthu Ozindikira Mkulemba? Nafeso Ma Commentors Tisamatsatira Zitsiru.Kupanda Ulemu Kwanji Kotere.Zoterezi Mkumati Freedom Of Expression ?Kusadziwa Udindo Komanso Malire Aufulu Wanu .Nonsense!
Kkkkkkk but wat was make big man as dat to fall down?
Kkkkkkk but wat was make big man as dat to fall down?
Kungoti kumwa osadyera ndi choncho abale anga
Kungoti kumwa osadyera ndi choncho abale anga
News 24 am finished!kkk
News 24 am finished!kkk
more over amadzala kanjedza mmalo mwa mitengo monga mbawa, mlombwa, malayina, mango ………………………
more over amadzala kanjedza mmalo mwa mitengo monga mbawa, mlombwa, malayina, mango ………………………
kkkkkk my observation towards ma comments alembedwa pamwamba, Ndawona mayina ambiri ochokera cha ku tzku akukomenta monyoza while akuno cha ku mozque akuti zimachita its part of life,, what does this mean??? kkkkk cultural descrimination will never end in MW. lets learn to be passionate with our own country…olo munyoze ndinube a Malawi ndipo kaya wagwa kaya sanagwe ndi presdent,, constutionally its not an offence to fall,, ndipo u president suutha chifukwa chakugwa
kkkkkk my observation towards ma comments alembedwa pamwamba, Ndawona mayina ambiri ochokera cha ku tzku akukomenta monyoza while akuno cha ku mozque akuti zimachita its part of life,, what does this mean??? kkkkk cultural descrimination will never end in MW. lets learn to be passionate with our own country…olo munyoze ndinube a Malawi ndipo kaya wagwa kaya sanagwe ndi presdent,, constutionally its not an offence to fall,, ndipo u president suutha chifukwa chakugwa
thats the sign of njala, sikuti ndi kudwala kapena ngozi ayi, sanadye mkuluyu..
thats the sign of njala, sikuti ndi kudwala kapena ngozi ayi, sanadye mkuluyu..
Nonsense men he also youman being lke u’reseif men common.
Nonsense men he also youman being lke u’reseif men common.
Amunthalika mulipo gulu tisinthanso akagwa zenizeni kkkkkkkk kuba zisankho ndipake muzingogwa
Amunthalika mulipo gulu tisinthanso akagwa zenizeni kkkkkkkk kuba zisankho ndipake muzingogwa
I mean Sorry Mr President
I mean Sorry Mr President
Chauta wakwiya adakagwa ameneyi ichi ndichiyambi,agwe bax osamamudzutsa ameneyo
Chauta wakwiya adakagwa ameneyi ichi ndichiyambi,agwe bax osamamudzutsa ameneyo
What?? Kkkkkkkkk! koma atola nkhani zinazi pelekani ulemu plz!! So Mr President
Every profession has it technical language. I feel this is their language in reporters field.
Hahaha planted himsrlf
What?? Kkkkkkkkk! koma atola nkhani zinazi pelekani ulemu plz!! So Mr President
Every profession has it technical language. I feel this is their language in reporters field.
Hahaha planted himsrlf
Bcz he is hungry
Bcz he is hungry
soory mr president
soory mr president
Palibe chowanenera atolankhani apa iwe amene ukuti uli kujoniwe ngati ukufuna kuziwa zabwino pita kumuzi.kuno kumene timava nkhani zolemba atolankhani.umafuna kuti alembe zaboza zoona zilipo?pitilizani atolankhani iyi ndi ntchito yanu.palibe okuopsezani.
Palibe chowanenera atolankhani apa iwe amene ukuti uli kujoniwe ngati ukufuna kuziwa zabwino pita kumuzi.kuno kumene timava nkhani zolemba atolankhani.umafuna kuti alembe zaboza zoona zilipo?pitilizani atolankhani iyi ndi ntchito yanu.palibe okuopsezani.
Hehehe deeee looooool pangali yambone
Hehehe deeee looooool pangali yambone
Kodi akuti amene wagwayo ndi mphwake wa a Bungu.hahaha koma banja iyi kukonda kugwa igwa.
Kodi akuti amene wagwayo ndi mphwake wa a Bungu.hahaha koma banja iyi kukonda kugwa igwa.
Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa adakamusiya adzuke yekha m’Dala ameneyu kkkkkkk.
Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa adakamusiya adzuke yekha m’Dala ameneyu kkkkkkk.
Plant himself on the ground, so what Wat matter with you,if you fail to tell us that he was planting trees as example to the Nation,remember someone to falldown is natural,be professional this page is for everyone to see,we have time to see what is going on around us,but not nonsense,you know we spending money to see this post please respect is needed and stop nonsense comedies if you like?
Plant himself on the ground, so what Wat matter with you,if you fail to tell us that he was planting trees as example to the Nation,remember someone to falldown is natural,be professional this page is for everyone to see,we have time to see what is going on around us,but not nonsense,you know we spending money to see this post please respect is needed and stop nonsense comedies if you like?
Not goog at all
Not goog at all
Ali boo heavy
Ali boo heavy
Maria Loza ndi ka dance kokoma kwabasi koma ukaka vina pa 5 april sumadzukanso
samala petulo
Mwina Jha Jha akufuna kutisovera
Kakakakakakakakakakakaka koma kuli zinthudi ku malawi sindidazione ndachezera kuziona ilooo.. plant himself instead of atree ilooool
Kakakakakakakakakakakaka koma kuli zinthudi ku malawi sindidazione ndachezera kuziona ilooo.. plant himself instead of atree ilooool
Nae ndi munthu atha kugwa
Nae ndi munthu atha kugwa
No honey no bees,no pain without gain
Zachitika basi, or ukwiye, anagwabeeeee! Kkkkkkk
Ha ha ha ha don’t make me laugh mwati he planted himself on the ground instead of planting a tree
nthawi zina zake ulemu umazafunika mwanva abakha a Malawi24 nu.akanakhala Kamuzu ameneyu ndakayika ngati 24 hours ikanatha tisanamve kut wasowa walemba nkhani imeneyi.kupusa basi atakhala agogo or n’dala wako wagwa or ampezelera kuchibwenzi ungaike apa??
So Sad!
Iweyo Abambo ako aja anagwa kutchito koma sitinawalembe, chifukwa timapereka ulemu kwa akulu akulu. Iwenso ukanaphunzira kukhala wa ulemu. Ndiye ufufuze kuti Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth wagwa kangati? kodi munazionapo pa media?
koma abale,munthu kugwa ikhale nkhani
Kodi alipo emwe sanagwepo apapa???? ayambe kumudzutsa mzakeyo
Paja a Malawi muzadabwaso mukamuona akuchokela ku chimbudzi
Ku Malawi jera basi nyamata uja munaberabera basi lero ndiyidzi kugwa shame
aprisident atu azachita kusiya mpando wu oka?
ndimakape amenewo asiyeni.mbuxi za anthu
May Be The Reporter Should Have Used Simple Words,”MUTHARIKA PLANTS HIMSELF INSTEAD OF A TREE” is too strong,provotive and offensive to the Dpp Supporters
Chipongwe mpaka plants himself eti
Kdi munthu ukuona uchitsiru wa aMalawi24 kma mkumapitilizabe kuwelenga nkhani zawo evryday,pamenepo chitsiru ndindan?kkk.
Babylon agwe bsi.
It just happened basi…people fall…and rise again…we just need to be carefull…
Bushiri Should Come To Pray For Our President Otherwise He May Not Reach 2019 To Compete With DR LAZARUS CHAKWERA who is energetic enough,
The “#Mutharika must fall campaign” is gathering momentum. Never had we had in our history such a dull president,
Vuto lovetera gogo ndilimeneli akufunika mapephero apadera president wathuyu tel Bushili abot diz problem itz sple 4 hm or Chilima alamulile bx
hahahahaha!come on! What? Haha! I can’t stop laughing! Kkk! What a laughter! Sorry mr P
Hahahaa kkkkkk…notn better n Mw.
A Malawi tonse tiyeni timuyimbire kanyimbo kaja amati dada waima mawa ayenda dada wayima mawa ayenda.
Malawians Have The Right To Know About The Healthy Status Of Their President, It Is Not Wrong To Report About President’s Health, Zomabisa Matenda NChifukwa Chake Tsiku Limene Bingu Anamwalira Silimadziwika Mpaka Pano,
mmmmm! guys apa munthu wanzeru osatukwana ntola nkhani ngati anagwa anagwa basi Eeeeee! bwanji kodi?
Ndiye mwati bwanji chizungocho? Plant himself instead of a tree?? kkkkkkk
Mwakula anganga nzelu zatha!
Muchira baba. GOD is great
kugwa ndi kugwa basi tinamva bwanji kugwa kwa Mugabe ku Zimbabwe ndiye mumafuna zakwathu konkuno zitipite shame
no worry about dat me2 am waiting for my expiry date to come
kkkkkkk the heading tho….. kkkkkkk
Tamuvulani ntchingirayo timuone bwino bwino.kkkk
Anthu atali atali ngati awa sakugwa koma munthu wa mfupi kukagwa bwanji.ananyamula mtanda?
Zitisunga izi,where were the
Nɠąŧı ąŋąɠɯą Rơცɛřŧ Mųɠąცɛ Ҡųٳı ცɯąŋʝı iyeyo
Even your DICK falls every day after erection in your pants ADMIN
a news24 apa nkhaniyi palibe chomwe mwalakwisa koma HEADLINE mmmmmm sikulemba koma kunyoza
Basa se basa,ntchito igwirike m’mene iyenera kukhalila,he iz a repoter and he iz reporting thats exactly what he is payed for.zoti anagwa ndindani it doesnt mater.
Chilima must have tight security to avoid evils of midnight six
Olo agwe koma akikulamulani basi ambuyanu anagwa ndi ndege yaufiti aja simukasela ee, iye ndi munthu naye amadwala, bola musakhale mukumulodza paja ndinu thalati.
its not funny
Atolankhani alakwa chiyani kodi anyoza? Okwiya akakolope nyanja. Anthu ena alikutali ayenela kudziwa zakwawo
Ouchhi..wat a say.. H planted hmself on da ground instead of a tree.. Lol
Wagwa chabwino zikomo potiziwisa ndeamene mukunyadira kuti wadyaponu ngati munagona ndinjara dzulo mukuona ngati lero mukhuta kamba iye anagwa, ndemuona ngati ayamba kuyendesa bwino dziko kamba inu mukumunyoza kuti anachita bwino kugwa, Eya anagwa ndipo anazuka ndechasitha ndichani olo munyoze, agogo anu akagwa mulembe nao tiwaseke, zaziiii zimene mumanyadilira anthu
What A Headline!!!
Zilango zamathanyura zimenezi zayamba kumuonekera garu amenei
Nice action mr Pres
Ndie zikafika apa timayembekezera kumva kut he plant a stem of casava himself kkkkk koma banja ili sory
Ndie zikafika apa timayembekezera kumva kut he plant a stem of casava himself kkkkk koma banja ili sory
zalowa ndale…kupusa zedi…lol
this is useless news item worthy nothing but hate and envy, what is news in this rubbish article anyway?
Anasewela ma round ambiri mwina
Kwathu kuno kuli vuto,kodi munthu asagwe? Munthu asadwale chimfine mind u president ndi munthu, tabweretsani nkhani yophunzitsa osati zopusazi
Iwe Malawi 24 tafufudza utiwudze tidziwe chifukwa chomwe ndondomeko yogulitsa fertilizer wotsika mtengo sikuyenda bwino komanso nkhani ya malemu Njaunju zili pati, komanso chiwopsezo cha njal mdziko muno anthu akonzekere motani… osakhala izi ukulemba apadzi. Ndani pano sanagwepo?
Bright wakamba zoona, kodi ndichani chomwe tingapindule pakugwa kwa muthalika anthu ena kunyadira zinthu zaziiii zopanda phindu
musaiwale agwa apa ndaprofessor, si munthu wamba, dziko liziwe basi
Mukutchuka muli mabala aliyense amagwa but President kugwa that’s a front page news hahaha.
Stupid,unpatriotic & unprofessional reporting.
Anthu enanu ndikudabwa nanu, inu mukuzuzula atolankhani, kodi chimene alakwa nchiyani? Chifukwa atolankhani kwawo nkulemba chimene chachitika ndi chimene awona pa nthawiyo, apa it was official exercise, national tree planting, ndiye aslembe zimene zachitika, zodabwitsa nanga, inu mkutukwana nanunso simunavinidwe, iyi sinkhani yotsekesa kapena yomvetsa chisoni koma atolankhani akuchita ntchito yawo ya utola nkhani ndi kusindikiza kuti osawona, osamva amvere limodzi ndiye osakwiyilana, Mulungu akufuna asonyeze ukulu wake apa.
Human dignity is not exclusive in journalistic realm. This story could have been said with other nicer words other than this misuse of vocabulary which is delegatory to our sovereingty. Go back in class and learn how best you can use your disorder
amene akut mukupanga update zopusa opusa ndi iwowo! muzinena kumene kut tizidziwa kuopera mawa tingazat sanadwale
amene akut mukupanga update zopusa opusa ndi iwowo! muzinena kumene kut tizidziwa kuopera mawa tingazat sanadwale
Noting wil change for urside even if he can die tody ,dpp wil reaman here,in Bingu,s tym u were sheering but look dpp has swept everyting and came back.dat is de spirit of true ppl.
Noting wil change for urside even if he can die tody ,dpp wil reaman here,in Bingu,s tym u were sheering but look dpp has swept everyting and came back.dat is de spirit of true ppl.
Mcdonald Mizati Junior
Mcdonald Mizati Junior
if you don”t have a story you better tell us what makes your spouse so amused not this you savage journalist.
if you don”t have a story you better tell us what makes your spouse so amused not this you savage journalist.
Death is around the corner.
Death is around the corner.
Mmm munthu amagwa abale even Obama anagwapo akusika ndege. Mugabe 2. Sizachilendo ataphwisa ndiye kungavute
Mmm munthu amagwa abale even Obama anagwapo akusika ndege. Mugabe 2. Sizachilendo ataphwisa ndiye kungavute
a mw 24 sanalakwe amene zikukunyasani mutukwane adairy times ndamene anaturutsa khaniyi
a mw 24 sanalakwe amene zikukunyasani mutukwane adairy times ndamene anaturutsa khaniyi
But he still a president
But he still a president
Amene zamunyasa zake! Nd ntchito yatola nkhan imeneyi mwaona ngat media yanu yobisa ija? Zachamba et!!! Kkkkk tadzwabe kut anagwaaaa! Wadzdzala- hahahahahahahaha
Amene zamunyasa zake! Nd ntchito yatola nkhan imeneyi mwaona ngat media yanu yobisa ija? Zachamba et!!! Kkkkk tadzwabe kut anagwaaaa! Wadzdzala- hahahahahahahaha
kodi joyce banda akut anagwaso any 1 having a picture?
kodi joyce banda akut anagwaso any 1 having a picture?
Hahahahahaha ukalamba uwo ngati driver wa shire bus lines kkkkkkk
Sindingalankhule chipongwe when my church askd me to pray 4 a president i did, the rest is with God
Hahahahahaha ukalamba uwo ngati driver wa shire bus lines kkkkkkk
Sindingalankhule chipongwe when my church askd me to pray 4 a president i did, the rest is with God
Access to information bill what a mess!! Ndiye munyatu mukhalira yomwei teleni mulembaso kt peter wadya nsima
Access to information bill what a mess!! Ndiye munyatu mukhalira yomwei teleni mulembaso kt peter wadya nsima
PP at work, doing it on remote control. Paja ndi digital kale. Amfunse brother wake.
PP at work, doing it on remote control. Paja ndi digital kale. Amfunse brother wake.
hahahaha ine phwete
hahahaha ine phwete
Vhuma Wasakara iwe mudara
Vhuma Wasakara iwe mudara
Ndiyeeno wina wanena kut amayi ake anapwisa mu church zinakhala bwanji nanga? Tiuzeni
Ndiyeeno wina wanena kut amayi ake anapwisa mu church zinakhala bwanji nanga? Tiuzeni
Eeeee mukuchulukila anthu amene mumadana ndi choonadi, padzana mkulu wake atamwalila kumudzi komweko inu ai. ai ai tiyenaeni ku SA kuno atangofika adanena zoona wamwalila kale amenei as a result mudangoononga ndalama kukaonetsa malilo ku south Africa.
Eeeee mukuchulukila anthu amene mumadana ndi choonadi, padzana mkulu wake atamwalila kumudzi komweko inu ai. ai ai tiyenaeni ku SA kuno atangofika adanena zoona wamwalila kale amenei as a result mudangoononga ndalama kukaonetsa malilo ku south Africa.
yakwiya ndi minzimu
yakwiya ndi minzimu
Ndiye ati adzagwanso liti?
Ndiye ati adzagwanso liti?
what is strange and unique? He is a human being – its just like finding him relieving himself doing number 1 or 2.
Bwana kumapita ku GYM zimathandiza!
let me laugh first kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
let me laugh first kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Malawi 24 pantumbo pako
shalon sibwino kutukwana…kodi ngati akulakwisa ukulakwisa ndiiweyo?komanso katukwana sikungasinthe zinthu ngati uli ndi mau kuli bwino ulembe mfundo zako!!!
Malawi 24 pantumbo pako
Munthu ndi munthu naye amatopa,amapunthwa. Inu simugwa?kungoti palibe amakuonani
Munthu ndi munthu naye amatopa,amapunthwa. Inu simugwa?kungoti palibe amakuonani
Izi not naezi gayz u L.Ay
Izi not naezi gayz u L.Ay
Peter siwoyamba kugwa even mugabe anagwapotso palibe chachilendo apa.
Peter siwoyamba kugwa even mugabe anagwapotso palibe chachilendo apa.
kma inu smunaonepo munthu atateleleka?? kod cox nd presdent asagwe??inu bambo anu sadagwepo
kma inu smunaonepo munthu atateleleka?? kod cox nd presdent asagwe??inu bambo anu sadagwepo
hahahaha ku state house kuli njala mpaka prof kugwa haha anafooka nayo njala,,,,,,,,,,,,chaka chino hehehehe kulinjala ndipo tifa sitinati ,,,,muzilemba zanzeru njira zopezela chakudya ur busy ndizopuxa
hahahaha ku state house kuli njala mpaka prof kugwa haha anafooka nayo njala,,,,,,,,,,,,chaka chino hehehehe kulinjala ndipo tifa sitinati ,,,,muzilemba zanzeru njira zopezela chakudya ur busy ndizopuxa
Mbuye anagwanso ndi mtanda.Wot about Peter?Zimachitika abale…
wanya nayo usovenge mlala mbwe ukuwa? u
Hhhh ngat prophet anasanduka njoka ,alekelanj presdent kusanduka ntengo ozala yekha kkkkkkkk andbwezele kaye ndalama zanga ndye azasya kugwa,apoo biiiiiii it ll b daily servc…….;!!!!
May the Lord God show him, his glory to know that there is true God out here, whom need to worship him and follow his commandments.
AHA! HA! HA! welldone this is a super story of the month
Has planted himself instead of a tree??? tamakhalani serious nayenso ndi munthu uyu Admin.
Very stupid writer chachilendo ndi chani apa actually amalawi mwataya chikhalidwe. where is your good manners for elderly people??
Don’t accuse anybody, is it true or false that the citizen # 1 fell down? Kugwa ndi kugwa bola osabinya. kkkkkk
Atolakhani ayenera kutidziwitsa zomwe zachitika, vuto ndi wakugwayo osati wolemba
Malawi sazatheka koma choti mudziwe nchakatu Peter has been,,,, is and will still be rulling till 2019 wooo and God willing up to the next 5 yrs hu knows,,, God is not a man!!!! DPP woyeeeeee,,,,, we humbly wish u a very quick recovery our current president,,,Our God in heaven will see u through,,,,,
Is the president sick?
Is the president sick?
kkkkkkkk nanga bwanji umaphweketsa kkkkkkkk yoyoyoyoyo kkkkkk
enamu muyakhula ngati anzeru chfukwa simuku ziwa przdent kugwa ndye nkhaniyo imeneyo mesa ndiothuka chlichose chochitika ndi muthu otchuka chimakhlaso chotchuka kumene… Ndichaniso china tingakambilane apa?
Everything has fallen down what about the president himself?
kkkkkkkkk plant himself instead of atree….kkkkkkkkkkkkkm
so wamuyika compost nthena kuti wamele luwilo? Nafumba iwe Admin!
I think this page is too much political infact its gvrnment oppositional page,,,,I ddnt expect this sad story to be narrated in such a manner,,,,atolakhani a page iyiyi muzimvele nokha ndinu ZITSILU mwamva,,,report something impressive not owez gvnment this gvernmnt that Mr President this Mr President that and zithu zake owezi zimakhala zopusaso!!!ngati mumasowa cholemba atleast update za ma job oppoortunities,education stuff and something that can help us,,,
This kind of reporting, mixing banter and facts, is everywhere. Check BBC, CNN and NYT. We have to know the state of health of our head of state lest we wake up being run by a military junta or some other folk. If you want jobs and scholarships go to myjobo.com and Scholarship opportunities. Dont be gullible with media information.
This kind of reporting, mixing banter and facts, is everywhere. Check BBC, CNN and NYT. We have to know the state of health of our head of state lest we wake up being run by a military junta or some other folk. If you want jobs and scholarships go to myjobo.com and Scholarship opportunities. Dont be gullible with media information.
U better provide those reports too that bzy providing these kind of info otherwise you better improve don’t be too oppositional khani osamasiyanisa malembedwee muzizilemba moyenela reduce your fovouritism infact u better stop it
News is not when the minister of education inaugurates a school; but when he fondles the breast of a learner…Those that are not happy with the post, let them pretend that they have not even read or seen this post. It will serve you right. Even the tough-talking Ngwazi Dr H Kamuzu Banda fell in Zimbabwe and it was widely publicised internationally ndiye munene izi.
kkkkkkkk…….ndie mwat he z nt a tree et…..koma guyz mpaka kugwa ngat kwacha
Okumba zenje amagwela yekha
Ana amwano awa
Kwatsala udzagweratu like brother
Nkhani yaikulu ndi njala abwanawa plus kukula.
This post sounds stupid!
Planted himself kkkkk . Kwaaaa give him enough water after planted.
chinthu chikachitika tisiyeni tilankhule..palibe chachilendo apa and osangoti amalawi tinazolowera…kulikonse ndi choncho…a president ali m’bwalo pano tiyeni naoni kkk
Moses Chipote..Akakugwira Sindidzalipira Ine Bail Yako..Kkkkk
Lets prayers 4 hz death nt recovery kkk
Pepani Mr pulezidenti dzukani that’s chiyamba …..and part of life . ife tangwa ingwapo.
Mphoto ya uchimo ndi imfa so kuba ndi tchimo paja pamalamulo khumi lilipo mwaiwala ?
kkkkkkkkkk Malawi wavutadi ngati wamkulu akugwa ndi njala chonchi ndi kulibwanji ife ana
Mutha kyankhula zonsezo,koma chinsisi cha zonsezi akudziwa ndi Mulungu. Ndizoonadi alyense amagwa,koma iwowa ndye kuti amadzala mitengo akuthamanga? Enanu mukuti anateleleka-mvula yake inagwera panali phazi lake pokhapo? M’malo moti mungomuuza kuti asamale coz this might be his last warning-akonzeretu ubale wake ndi Mulungu chifukwa chakudza sichiimba ng’oma…..asaiwale kuti mkulu wakenso anapita ndi kugwa komweko.
Pamtumbo pako wamva,wakufa sadziwika,utha kuyamba iwe kapena amako kufako Mutharikayo asanafe,nawenso ndamako mukonze ubalewo.Zazii zapachiphwisi,wandibowa kwambili wamva ndipo nditakuona ndikakunyese koopsa munthu opusa kwambili iwe.
Pamtumbo pako wamva,wakufa sadziwika,utha kuyamba iwe kapena amako kufako Mutharikayo asanafe,nawenso ndamako mukonze ubalewo.Zazii zapachiphwisi,wandibowa kwambili wamva ndipo nditakuona ndikakunyese koopsa munthu opusa kwambili iwe.
Iyenso atha kukuuzani kuti nanunso konzani ubale ndi Mulungu.No need to classify yourself clean than Him
Uwu nde mwano I am not amused.
Ulendo wina mukadzafuna kugwa mudzagwere ku private poti apa mwagwa kale pa public. Chabwino koma Ulendo winao.
A peter nawonso
Whats new? falling of a human being… azikagwa abambo ako aise.!!wake up n b mature.
@prince,,,, president ndiye othesa njalayo,, ngati wayamba kugwa this year wat about next year,,akazagwa sazazuka,,
Plants himself? Koma u pple!
Kkkkkk wankulu amene u kkkkkkkk@
kusowa zo poster, kusowa khalidwe kholo kugwa chikhale chifukwa chowaulusa dziko lonse lidziwe??? a malawi n’khalidwe wathu wapita kuti kodi???
Part of life!
Part of life!
koma nyasaland kkkk
Inde atola atola khani amatiziwisa,koma anati chilichose ndizakuchimbuzi zomwe,iwowo bwanji sazilemba okha kuti lero ndalowa toilet Karen,mesa ndichithu chochitisa manyazi,zikuwonekela atola khani a 24 mulibe zelu mutha kuwalemba abambo anu akutsekula mimba kutoilet kuti akhala 10hours asanatuluke,kugwa chithu chodabwisa?president wagwa analindiathu omuzusa nanga inu mutagwa mulindiyani oti angakuzuseni?naweso iwe amene umakhala busy ndima comment awuchisilu kumawona zithu zake ,tinayenela tazuzule a 24 kuti ife sizisilu zomangotiuza zilizose ,osati kuwayikila kumbuyo ayi,amene uziyika kuti 24yachita bwino,ndiwe wamwano unazolowela kutukwana Manolo ako,DPP woyeee
Wakutuma ndani iwe kuti uyankhemo nkhani iyi while sinakukhudze? Inner in my sense i can say that you’re part of them ochindana okha okha, ukanakhala wanzelu sukanapanga ka comment kakoko koma you reviewed yourself kuti ulibe nzelu. Zinthu zotsutsa uziziona, am disappointed on you, and i think you’re not Malawian as well. How do you choose a good leader? Munasankha olakwika.
kkkkkk takambozvireva kt uyu munhu speed yake iyika kkk
koma Malawi24 umaganiza mwachangu bwanji mpaka ineso kugwa ndikuseka
Make money without side effect !!! .are you a business man or woman, politician, are you a musician or an artist, or a footballer,do you want to be famous or you want to become rich or powerful, is better you become a member of the Illuminati and make your dream come through, this is the chance for you now to become a member of the temple and get what you seek from us, if you are ready to become a member and realize your dreams call us through this number: 07065758576
So bad
long live Mr (Peter Mutharika) coz proud of you sir and Dpp as party,
My Malawi falling of the President has become talks of the whole nation…why? Usaviii chani?.. Ufitiii chani? Chachilendo apa ndichani? Shame on you!!!
ndipo naye presdent ndimunthu ngati ife tomwe choti asagwere ndichani, amalawi wake up osamatengera zinthu pamgong’o
ndipo naye presdent ndimunthu ngati ife tomwe choti asagwere ndichani, amalawi wake up osamatengera zinthu pamgong’o
A malawi24 ndinu agalu mumalimbana ndi Boma koma palibe chimachita inu
Guys Guys Not bhooo!
Anagwa Fidel Castro,Robert Mugabe ndiye Mutharika ndindani?tamalembani zanzeru
Baba, zanzeru sizingapose zimenezi… Inu munadziwa bwanji kuti castro anagwa?? Sichifukwa cha olemba nkhani omwea?? Nde mufuna mutiuze chani?
Thats why we are black people kukokomexa zinthu,kodi inu zofooka zanu zija atolankhaniwo saalemba bwa?ineyo ndilinso ndizofoooka zabasi bwanji siziulusidwa?chomwe ndikudananacho ine nchoti munthu kugwa anthu mkumati wadwala ena mpaka wafa
I like the title “President burries himself” Sanati adziona uku nkuyamba. Amabvomelezanji za ma gay?
Amene sanagwepo ndani
Koma guys kkkkkkk
Wena reported wasamika ubuwa mathatha ukwala masipa .
Kkkk Zayamba Kuchitikano Ichi Ndi Chiyambi Chabe
Ulemu a Malawi mulibe,mumaseka akulu,ndinu wotembeleredwa.
chagwa chithumba hahaha
Nkhaniyi ilibe vuto koma heading basi xx
Ana Osavinidwa.. ambalale…. Anamulukuveve. U shamelessly report the falling of the president and one tend to wonder wht type of citizenry are u?….Foolish reporters, Foolish citizens. Instead of sympathising with him for falling while trying to restore Environment destroyed by idiots of this republic…So thus why u are crying for Access to Information Bill? kkkkk muzilemba akagwa… Amene sanagwepo ndani? Even amanu, ababanu, achanganganu onse anagwapo…. If U think by turnishing the image of my President we will abandon him ng’oooo! let me tell u that: Omukonda tiripo ambiri and we are ready to vote him back in office in 2019 and God will keep him safe Until he witness the Fruits of his Work of Reforming Malawi and more importantly reforming the brains of Stupid idiots like the one who captured this photo and posted here… Nosense
Amen, mwadyapo zingati apa mpakana kuonela chingelezi?
punctuation marks please. from “let me tell u that” to the end of that sentence.
It only shows ur interest in reading & understanding the content. Lets hope. u are. not one. of those citizens in question.
Get ready 4 the next month trip. Ur bro wetting 4 only u
Musandiuze munthu wamkulu atagwa kuti thasaaaaaa!! Hehehe
Hahahaha koma Pitara how health r u why why plant ur self 2 the ground; sizinandiwaze zimenezi kkk
atolankhani amanyi ife sitiwafuna lembani nkhani zoti tikamawenga kuno ku joburg tizitolapo kinakake foseki uyahafa
Hahaha eti eti, kwakula ndikukura mopusa
Hahaha eti eti, kwakula ndikukura mopusa
even when he was child (kid)….he falled down so many times so why not nw mpaka mukamuyike pa net xikuvutani it happens respect your president….. mmmmmm malawi mmmmmm
Moti adzale mtengo iye akudzala maluwa kk
ndimadabwa nanu enanu mukamamuikira kumbuyo presdent, komatu iye sadziwa kuti mumamuikira kumbuyo chomwe amadziwa ndichoti amanyozedwa nde musamataye nthawiyanu
Kodi makolo ako atakhala maliseche mwangozi ungawajambule chithunzi.tiyeni tipatse ulemu atsogoleri.Palibepo nkhani apa
simungalembe zoti major one akugawa chimanga? koma akazalakwisa ndiye mwalemba mwalembaso bt you!
I don’t see any amusing story in this. We have serious issues the media can focus on. Lets try to be serious! I beg that you re-write your story. The figurative language used is demeaning for the story of the Head of State.
Inu kuziwisidwa nkhan muthu wakakwa
Ineyo ndi ufulu wanga kumva zomwe zamuchitikira president wanga ndiye ndimadalira atolankhani omwewa kuti azitiuza ndiye iwe ukunyozawe vuto lako ndi chiyani? kapena mumafuna amalawi tizikhalabe mumdima ngati kale? simungachite manyazi muja malemu bingu atamwalira mesa mumakana a zodiak atalengeza ndiye kodi daniel phiri uja ali moyo kapena tinakaika ku ndata.
Zinthu Zachitika, Kma Zikuonetsa Kt Amalawi Ena Umunthu Tilibe Coz Mulungu Wakutikwiira Chifukwa Chozolankhula Zanthu, Palibe Nkhani Yonyozera Mtsogoleri Wathu, Tiyeni Timusiye Mulungu Akhale Mulungu
Hahaha what a heading
moyo ukuchepatu apa ,Tulani pansi
I wonder when some medias will grow up and stop pocketing dirty money just to sink any name that does anything good. Get civilised guys and start contributing to the growth of the nation rather than dirty-mouthing every successful citizen that appears on the stage. Stop the crippling jealousy and do something good. Mtharika has never said he is super-human. Falling or collapsing whichever embarrassing way you choose to put) is all natural. You have all stumbled and collapsed before.
this is the what we cal chronic diebetis madzi sanamwedwe mokwanira
Nde muziti mukufuna access to imformation bill?cholinga muzijambula president akugwa?hahahahahah STUPID Malawi Media!!!hw many times have you fallen yourself?count,come back and tell us and let’s see if u died.
Being President of the country everyone wants to know what is happening to the president kaya wadya mango, wamina people want to know everything. Iye anasakha kukhala President. Ma report akanakhala kuti sanalembe nkhani yi bwenzi mukuti ali ndi mbali when reporting. Thank u reporter I’m here in R. S. A koma ndadziwa kuti president wagwa through your article keep up the good, next time he falls again uzanene kuti a President anayima people will love you. Can’t wait for falling down part two.
kkkk! Zilibwino mwambao
mwana akapunthwa ndikugwa timamutcha chitsiru ndikufunsa kodi sumauona mwalawo? wankulu akangwa imakhala ngozi. president akagwa timati ali ndi high high. pressure yochokela kwa wanthu.
Aiziwa Malawi, amayesa u. s. a shame on u dull professor
muchite kufwila munthengere kkk sorry kuwa yayi
chikupa chagwera builder.
Kod malawi24 yalakwitsa chan?, ngat amalawi timaenela kumutsata president wathu pazonse akunena kapena kuchita kuth tonse tiziendela limodzi.
Ena mwalemba kuti atolankhan azilemba zanjala ilipoi koma chonsecho akalemba sizisintha kanthu ndie muli inu mungatani?, alembe zmenezi basi palibe cholakwika….Sinthawi yobisankhani ino anthu adziwe zonse za ku state kkkkkkk
feeling very sorry for peter
copy ‘n’ paste everything has fallen in malawi, economy,kwacha, electricity, health sercivices and the prezident..lols
kkkkkkkkk mwat watan???,,,,anagwa??,,,,ziwanda akuluwa sangalephere kugwa iye akususana nd bible zmene limakana akufuna kuononga mtundu wa amlawi musadabwe amalawi yakwia nd mizimu komaso namalenga kumwamba nd nyasi zmene akubwelesa akuluwa mdziko muno
Nzoona bro, mizimu yakwiya akuluwa akufunika mapemphero basi
come see this Ashley Ashman Lungu
Uchitsiru wa olemba onyozetsa nawo alembi ena anzeru. Upeze munthu azikuthandiza kuti nkhani iyi muli nzeru lemba kapena iyi isiye ndi manyaka! Nkhani yako sitingapindule nayo
Nanunso lembani zomveka
Ndi chichewatu ndalembacho, zonse ziribwino kobasi, no mistake nde iwe mpaka ukuvutika nacho kuwerenga?
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkiest wakula ameneyu wa3ka pa mgabe tsopano
Malawi will be malawi no matter how woe is God still in progress
Let Us Respect Our Prezident The Way You Do To Your Father! Nanga Akanakhala Bambo Ako Ukanalembanso???? Sibwezi Pano Ukupempha Chithandizo???
Umakwana mdala. kugwa nkuzuka ai iwe ndi dolo, Braz yathu ina yake tsiku lina lake inagwanso omweo osabwelanso. inu mwaonesa kuti anzanu ndi a Ichocho.
It happen some time sorry
Bola Kumadandaula Za Mvula Osati Za President.Zopusa Zimenezo Mkwabwino Kupemphera Koposa Kwa Chauta Chifukwa Ngakhale President Amapempha Nzeru Kwa Chauta Kuti Athe Kutsogolera Bwino
Ndi ntchito ya atolakhani kutidziwitsa za zomwe zikuchitika nde Malawi 24 sadalakwe (don’t Blame them @ all) aliyese pa ntchito yake…..Mugabe atagwa khani idali pose pose inuso mudava kudzera kwatola khani omweo. ..ntola khani samangolemba zotukula dziko zokha amalemba khani zokhuza mbali zonse zonse….zabwino, zoyipa, zokugwa zoimba, zamaliro……………..
Nde ife zikutikhudza chiyani ? Vuto ku malawi president mmamutenga ngati chiyani kaya ndi munthuso ngati iweyo ukuwelengawe ka inu amalawi 24 gati pa tsiku simunapeze nkhani ndibwino kulora tsiku lipite osakhala kulemba zilizonse ayi .
Lord forgive them for they do not know what they are typing,you bless them with phones but the same phones are used to insult elders,forgive them oh my lord!!!!!
freedom now turning into free-doom
Sorry dad
when ur leaders fall, fall on ur knee and pray hard for them to stand again……kod wats special with the presidents fall?????inu simugwa ??? bambo anu akagwa mumaika pa facebook kut tione????nooooooo!!!!!
Mwagwila ntchito mwatidziwitsa kkkkkkkkkkk chafufumimba asiyeni enawa ndi aganyu opemphetsa ndichoncho
babayana #Malawi24
kkkkkkkkkkk zawavuta abwana tsopano akulakalaka kulowa kudzenje ngati nyerere.hahahahaha akufuna atangokwiriridwa wamoyo.poti sitima imaphweka akamayendetsa wina.
Thats life mu2 kugwa that is not the end of his life a2 inu musamaseke kamba kazifukwa zandale ayi ndi like you ndie mmmmmmmm mr president iwish u quick recovery ur healthy will well soon God is in our part
Bolanso Mugabe kkkk
Petulo ukaona kuti sizili bwino uzingogona ndi Getu ku nyumba. Iwe ndi munthu wankulu uli ndi zinthu zoziyeneleza zambili Madotolo, mgaiwa, kwa inu sinkhani. Nanga y?
Mqxuiiiii imeneyo nkhani. ….mmesa ndi ngozi
Am hear to raed english spelling erors..musova
Blood fucken Malawi 24
Mutu ukakula sulewa NKHONYA
kkk coment loadng
its better kut wagwera pansi pa mtengo koma maybe ull end up fallin under the overspeeded truck
Koma munavinidwa agalu inu?a bambo anu kugwa inu ndikumaseka apa zaoneseratu kuti olo a chamayi anu asanakhale bwino muziwasuzumila kuti muone mwado/pant -alukhu inu!!
Koma abale kumalawi anthu timasowa zolemba kapena chani? Kugwa kwa munthu ikakhale nkhani? Chabwino munachiona inu ndikugwa kwa a president basi that’s foolish talembani nkhani zoti zitukule dziko lino osati zonyozetsana!
Mbuyanga nkhani ipose imeneyi?? Ngati munthu wa mkulu zamuonekera, tikuyenela kudziwa ka..
cheap propaganda.foolish journalists.agogo ako amagwa khunyu aja akazagwa uzatiwiseso!!!!
enanu mukudandaula ngati munagwa ndinuyo bwanji? reporter uyu walemba zomwe zinachika inu basi busy kumamunyoza ngat kuti Nkhaniyo inali yabodza. Mugabe nayeso anagwaso ku Nsonkhano winawake nanga ife kuno Malawi tinadziwa bwanji ndi mareporters omwe ndi amene amatidziwitsa Nkhani.
Tell them. what is wrong here. He is our President, we have to know his health status.
Tell them. what is wrong here. He is our President, we have to know his health status.
Agalu inu
watha ameneyo basi ukatelo waku ndatha
The more you hate Peter, the more people love him!! Dont get suprised in 2019!!
No wonder interment is part of satanism
zaziiii iweyo olo bambo ako sanagwepo?
He is a person like u for God’s sake
hahaahahha ka title aka kandiwaza kobasi plat himself hahahahaha mumatha
Kumazimvera chisoni iwe ndi mtolankhani ukulimbana ndi boma loti zawo zinayela kale sorry uzafa osauka aise! Pant mmodzi malaya amodzi! Iweyo sunagweko ugalu basi
grow up man! olo bambo ako akhonza kugwanso chimodzidzi… chiyambi chamzeru mkuwopadi mulungu mbamba mtheladi!! common sense z not owez comon indeed amwene..g
Yes aliyese can fall down bt wen the president falls its worth making news, thanks u r a gud reporter keep on reporting such news, enawa makape akunama they hate to know the truth
Kodi iwe admn sunagwepo mwasowa zolemba
hahaha koma adha waziwunjika ngat thumba lachimanga eti iish
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkest…… koma zinazi!
hahahaha ndangosekanao
U R Nt Crious,u R Jst Luzng Yo Time. M’malo Mokamba Zamzeru. Shame On U! Ngat Akudwala Zizkukukhudza?
Tel dem madam chitsulo tel dem! Kikikiki
Everyone here seems to be surprised and disgusted… but anyone who has ever been in Journalism class whether in Malawi or America will tell u this is news enough… just that this looks personal according to the observation of what this page usually posts about the president, its a news value called prominence….Am sure if it was not news enough most of us could not hv known that Mugabe also fell, even the BBC announced it! its nothing but pure journalism!
Do you know why the British media was curious enough to spread the news of Mugabe!?……search me!!
U may argue its coz they are against him….r u telling me they r also against Lungu?… but you will not argue that Its a news value… ask any journalist… practicing or retired, foreign or local… and see if he/she will say anything different from me
Bt the heading lacks seriousness
Pa Headlinepo I somehow agree with u Amin! Bt still its fyn! jst coming from a wrong page! hop u saw yesterday’s paper!
Tell them khama
Pure journalism??this is oppositional-journalism man there is nothing alike to Pure. Here
Thank you for this comment! I’ve been saying the same thing
Thank you for this comment! I’ve been saying the same thing
Welcome Temwa!
Welcome Temwa!
kugwa ine its not news koma kugwa a presidents is news. thts wht journalism says. an2 akudana ndi chan apa?
kugwa ine its not news koma kugwa a presidents is news. thts wht journalism says. an2 akudana ndi chan apa?
When people are educated in one field they think they know everything about other fields…. Nanga bwanji maliro a Bingu anaonetsedwa pa TV that day how many people died?
#fact# Khama u lyt
this is the HARD NEWS and has to be reported. Let it lead! Thumbs to a reporter including you KHAMA for your gøod examples
Thank u guys!
Khama I salute u!
Khama I salute u!
Thank you Jessie!
Thank you Jessie!
Greate i deaz . I lyk your lecturing 🙂
I strongly agree wth u am into that field too prominent ppo make news kkkk
thats why mumafa amphawi
kulibwino kufa mphawi koma utanena chilungamo,ngati akumunamizila anene yekha kuti sindinagwe kkkkkkkkkk olemelanu muzigwa chomcho hahahahahaha nanga munanvapo kuti wosauka wagwa kwinakwake?? Zigwani olemelanu kkkkkkkkk
Nanga BBC ndiya kuzimbabwe??? Kupepera kokhakokha tikunenaku ndiye kumeneko……kuteroko iweyo ukamakhala umaona kuti BBC is the best mmoyo wako?
thats the problem when u think u are educated. Nkhama didnt say that BBC is from Zimbabwe,,learn to read through the lines. Stupid DPP sympathiser.
@ Mpho leave them be with their blind loyalty! @ Victor for sure it is Best kapena u want to tell me kut MBC that broadcasts abt your president 24/7 can account even 10% of what the BBC does? Just for the fact that you can’t make an argument without insulting some1 it only shows how much u have to learn and understand about this World!
Wasiyeni ma kape awa umbuli sadziwa kuti nkhani ndichiyani kaya amafuna azilemba kuti mvula yambuta utsamunda basi anthu ena pazatenga 20 yrs kutsogoloku kuti apenye kupusa basi ,,,news24 sidalakwitse polemba nkhani
Wasiyeni ma kape awa umbuli sadziwa kuti nkhani ndichiyani kaya amafuna azilemba kuti mvula yambuta utsamunda basi anthu ena pazatenga 20 yrs kutsogoloku kuti apenye kupusa basi ,,,news24 sidalakwitse polemba nkhani
Awaso nde ati akufusa za BBC? jahahaha koma malawi kkkkkkkk yoh zovetsa manyazi
Awaso nde ati akufusa za BBC? jahahaha koma malawi kkkkkkkk yoh zovetsa manyazi
wagwa president wa alomwe,amene wacommenta zobakila man agwawa ndi kape panya papake.
President naye ndimunthu,, amadya, amasamba, amadwala, amanyela….!!! Zoona iwe ulibe zolemba? President akapunthwa ndinkhani,, akaphwisa ulembe…. Siinu nomwe mumati Mugabe wamwalira?
hahahaha mpaka kugwa
That’s what Malawi will always be like…being ruled by elderly and aged people….azikhalira kugwa choncho….sinanga Atupele Muluzi,wanthete,munati mwana osapola pamchombo…?
You have to be a minimal of 37 years(maybe less) to be president
Tandikumbuseko pang’ono, paja Atupele ndindani?
M ‘ bale wanga,be objective,even young men can fall…Nobody is immune to accidents.
M ‘ bale wanga,be objective,even young men can fall…Nobody is immune to accidents.
Kufuna zopusa mapeto ake azigwa choncho
haha ,#bwampini wagwa .zachitika bwno kwabas coz akuluwa mwano kwambiri,Its jst a symbolism kut adzagwaso pa mpando 2019 .Chiwamba adanena kale kut adzafa imfa yowawa
Kkkkk! Usandsekese, Iwe Sunayambe Wagwapo?… It Was Just An Accident Koma Wayenela Kugwansot Kuchipindat Amendyu Nhm..
guys kugwa kwa peter isakhale issue yokambirana,lets tisinthe kaganizidwe.
Ur family must be very disappointed for raising a monster like u, who has no umunthu! God have mercy on u
This Is A State Falling Down,next Is State Funeral,wakwiya Ndi Mzimu Wachilembwe Baba,kuti Zoona Ufulu Ndinakupasani Uja Mwausandusa Wamathanyula?
Zimachitika abale aliyense akhoza kugwa, koma sibwino kuseka tikaona wina kuti wagwa pls.
Eish! Malawi wafikapodi
Admin you are laughing ney? Be happy now but someone will also laugh at you when you are sick. The day shall come, you will regret your words.
Bwampini kumwa zowawa too much. President wa anthu a DPP ndi thyolo featuring mulakho wa alomwe ameneyo. constitution tiyiunikeso kawiri, nkhalambazi zisamakhale pa mpando, koma uyu nde wanyanya, dziko lamunyela, ndalama yamunyela, matayifa akumubela nyanja likuswantengo, chiziwa iye nkugwa basi, nkumanzigwela aliphe. mavoti okuba abweresa minyama.
Even you the reporter you get sick get healed waiting for the day to die why are you so excited with the sick and death of others?you are so stupuid here am not commenting depinding politics but as ahuman being am showing my views,what happened to mutharika had it been that it happened to your biological father, your grandparents what could have been your reaction?even you,you can die,collapse even make accident today then who can laugh at you instead of conforting you or your relatives?you have to reverse your comments before god laugh at you,how can you compare the falling of kwacha and ahuman?you are silly by nature my friend.
Mr matumba, its a fact, dat ur sayin, peole jst talk without thinking. Palibedi chofanana kugwa kwa kwacha ndi moyo wamunthu. I like your comment.
Mr matumba, its a fact, dat ur sayin, peole jst talk without thinking. Palibedi chofanana kugwa kwa kwacha ndi moyo wamunthu. I like your comment.
agree with u.these reporters need some manners He is the leader of this country.He z our president how can a silly report narrat this story n such a poor manner.
agree with u.these reporters need some manners He is the leader of this country.He z our president how can a silly report narrat this story n such a poor manner.
Ndipo Munthi Kugwa Ndi Nkhani.
Wakalamba watofuna
kod kugwa wayamba ndi Peter??? Shame u reporters a~a
kkkkkkk wat a heading!!! “President Mutharika plants himself on the ground, instead of a tree” kkkkkk hahahaha ndaseka!! 😉 😛 :-[
Me too! Zandigirigisha heavy
And i cant stop laughing!!!
Malawi 24 is getting good with them banters kkkkkkkk
Malawi 24 is getting good with them banters kkkkkkkk
kkkkkkk eeeeish!!!!
kkkkkkk eeeeish!!!!
Nanenso ndikuthandize kuseka O:-)kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkioiikkkkkkk kk, hahaha hahaha, khikhukhi
pofunika kumuthilila kwambili kuti amele mwachangu..kkkkkkkkkkkk
Kuseka mpaka mpwiiiiiiiiii.Zipwisi
Kkkkkkkkk headline waitha!
Kapeni ya bwino kkkklk
Kkkkkkkk it happens everyone can fall down, he’s a human being.
Bram Rozestraten
president nayeso ndimunthu amapanga kalikose kamene iweyo ungachite…..amasamba amapita kutoilet amagona amagwa sikuti pakhale khan apa…..iyaaa mesa ndikhoz
A xaxiiiiiii enankumakwiya naxo xomwexi
Kumawona nkhani zolemba anyani inu. Iweyo amako kapena ambuyako sanayambe agwapo akuyenda kapena kugwira ntchito? A Malawi, utsiru tidzausiya liti? Ngati anagwatu, anagwa chifukwa ndi munthu ndipo sananenepo pa kampeni kuti sangagwe?
Kodi muja anaphwisa a mai ako mu Church, bwanji nkhaniyo siwunayilembe. Zopusa basi. Munthu kugwa ndiye mwati chikhale chitozo?
Thanx Mr poor mw .
Wangwa basi palibenso kumbisa man ndipo akadangwabe uku ndikuyamba chambe. Kodi nyimbo ya Melika ija simunayiveleko amati (TIKUNDIKIRA YELIKO ANGWE BASI NDI IMENEYI MPHANG’ ONO PAMENEPA NDIKILANI MUWONE AKUNGWANSO AKABWERA.)
You are very stupid.
malo moti idzigwa mvula akugwa ndi a president
U Are A Fool
ndiwe munthu wopanda umunthu.ndiwe nyama usaiwale kut iwenso
so wat u cud ryt cha sense is zoti anagwa pansi not he motivated people to be planting trees… mukhalila kukamba ma negative anuwo muzazindikila mochedwa zabwino ma haters inu
hahaha anthu enawa kupusa otsutsa tingokuyang’anani ife zathu zikuenda
Everything falling in mother land lord have mercy on your children CHIKHO ichi chitipitilire
alipo amene sadwala kodi muzionako zabwino osati bursy findin ways to make the government seem failure
Thats Malawi media….always looking fo negative stories to write about their country!!
That’s the goodness media ya pa malawi mukuidziwa
ATI bill ija ndiyofunika abale
Amalawi sazatheka
if u r a public figure and fall lyk that, tikujambulani basi. No questions, apo biii, dzitayeni
aint proper to just focus on de negative side
We access to information
aaaa then ur access source ndiofoila its high time they start writin reasonin staf
Anthu akukwiya chani kodi? He felt on the ground thus true…… Also accept that his days are…………..
He is more than old thus true
Other fools thinks if our president suddenly dies, they can have a chance to win the presidency!
They should keep on praying hard so that one day, we can vote for them. But not writing the fate of others.
Mr ibu m’mene mwagwera dzana ndimoso mudzagwere 2019 ngati muchite mwayi ofikako
Mtolankhani opusa iwe zedii, sunayambe waonapo munthu atagwa chifukwa chakudwala? ???
Shamme to u long live madala
osamangot stupit anagwad ngat ndzonama. kikkkk man anthu akumenyan ukanakhala nawo pafp ukanachokapo chothawatu.
ngati inu simunagwepo muneneni presidentiyo
Kikikiki good one madala! Good one
aaah akumaonjeza amenewa
His Fucking Body Guards….Must nat forget to be giving water to this fucking President..Now he is a fucking plant..I don’t know the name of this fucking plant.
Inuso nkhani yake iti mpaka the F world? Kikikiki kapseleni zina amwene osati nkhani zopusa ngati izi
Kkkkkkkkkk Malawi24 simulibwino
Prophecy ya TB Joshua yayamba kuonekela. Nanga mpaka kukhala pansi a president. President amayenela kukhala wamphamvu komanso fit.
Iye simunthu??? iwenso ndi mbuzi eti.!
Nonse Olemba Nkhani Za Malawi24 Ndinu Mbuzi
Kkkkk apakile ameneyo
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk remember me
This is one of those things, it happens. Even a well trained MDF Soldier slips and falls down sometimes. It has nothing to do with one’s health, wise up reporters.
not easy
Mmmmm zabodza izi mwasowa nkhani zolemba et?
Lol kkkkk
Chi prezident choipa mtima ndi nkhope yomwe,
Koma mbuzi za DPP m’mene zikukwiyira ndi nkhaniyi ngati ndiyabodza pamene chili chilungamo,,,uzisamala poyenda admin zikakupeza zikupha
Iwenso ndi Bakha eti uwatenge ambwiyako akhale president galu iwe
Panyo panyoku #madala
Kulimbana ndi chitsiru kuli ngati kuthamangitsa chithunzi thunzi chako amene sadziwa sadziwa kuti iye mwini sadziwa
Kulimbana ndi chitsiru kuli ngati kuthamangitsa chithunzi thunzi chako amene sadziwa sadziwa kuti iye mwini sadziwa
Too bad 2 Mr President, may God help him in Jesus name.
Kkkkkkk zayambapo….
If this is being taken as a platform to insult our elders and one another……mmmmmm….. God help us…….,… Cry my beloved country….. Abale alemekezeni a President, regardless his shortfalls.
Amalemekeza munthu okanika ngati ameneyi?
Peter wake ndi waku hell
mpaka “plants himself”nde ndikuvuta kwa mvulaku aphukira,Lol!!!
nothing funny here, aliyese amagwa olo iweyo walembawe bambo ako kapena agogo ako amagwa. mwinanso khunyu kumene, palibe nkhani apa.
Kkkkkkkk #Chuma wandiwaza mpaka mwinanso amagwa khunyu,
Kkkkkkkk #Chuma wandiwaza mpaka mwinanso amagwa khunyu,
Too bad 2 Mr President, may God help him in Jesus name.
plant himself & his wife water him wet kkkkkkkkkk he will grow big watch out!!
So is that a problem? let me remind you who post this,Pres is also a human being like u and i.He can fails anytime even involve in accident,so it should not b a topic for the whole year this such behaviour is disgrace!!
Mulira mpak 2034
Dats normal kungoti mwangodana naye DPP beyond 2019 mixeee!!
Illitetrate is the big problem all over here
Ur the who ddnt go school check ur spelling
But u know what she z talkng about…
But u know what she z talkng about…
Hahahaha ur after my spelling?? Sometimes i can make a mistake but not an error?? Rodwell Baloyi if u wrote the news to spread wide i’ll teach u to hv sense ,,,look now i’m never alone people will tell u the truth nxa???
Stupit writer and news reporter, munthu aliyense akhoza kugwa ngakhale ifeyo kuno nthawi yomweyi ya vula tagwa kuterelekaso, i understand that after planting h was interviewed by ur fellow repoters??? sorry sorry malawi jounalism
Respect the President, pls
you are worthy than nothing…..and your absence on our land can be appreciated….what typ of reporter are you tryin to build yourself..?? stupid staff bas……
Makape mukungokambilana za manyi apa zoti kuli njala monga inuyo simukuziwa?mmalo momakambilana za ma plan othandiza Malawi muli buzy kulimbana ndi president.foolish!!! pezani china chochita bastard