Floods hit Karonga

Karonga Floods
Karonga Floods
Houses in water.

As most parts of the country continue to experience erratic rains, a heavy downpour this morning has reportedly left three villages under water in Karonga.

The villages which have been heavily affected are in the area of Paramount Chief Kyungu and include Kambitoto village, Kafikisila village, and Peter Mwangalaba village.

It was not immediately clear as to how many people have been affected by the floods.

Situated in the rift valley basin, Karonga is prone to disaster resulting from floods, storms and earthquakes. The district lies on the northern shore of Lake Malawi and usually experiences floods in February and March.

However, last year the floods in Karonga also occurred in January. On that day, relentless rains swelled up the North Rukuru River and the resultant floods hit six villages in the district and displaced 47 families.

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